World of Warships

World of Warships

Try it, don’t buy.

This is a game that starts simple, with a gentle learning curve and protected matchmaking for new players. It’ll be fun. You’ll research new ships, unlock missions, join a clan…and then you’ll inevitably hit a fun wall. Try being in a match against enemy Aircraft Carriers and having virtually no counter. Try being in a match with a Tier 5 glass cannon Cruiser against veterans in Tier 7 ships that sink you with one salvo. The power difference between tiers is slight to start with, and very wide at the top tiers. And this is a game that wants you to be at the bottom of the food chain, so you’ll pay to get to the top faster, or pay for a Premium ship because you think it will help you. It won’t.

Real player with 6133.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat World War II Games.

after playing 1200+ hours..I think I’m qualified to give this review (you may disagree)

At the current state of this game I can’t recommend this game to everyone……

If you like games to be balanced,competitive,historically accurate…..then this game isn’t for you

If you like to spend money just bc you can then yes this game is for you….

Now if you wanna continue to read you are more than welcome :

first let’s touch the good things about the game:

1. The models for the Ships are truly beautiful

Real player with 2411.2 hrs in game

World of Warships on Steam

The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt

The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt

Q: Why is being a pirate so addictive?

A: Because when ye lose yer hand, ye get hooked!

‘The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt’ is the best-value entertainment I’ve had for years. Perhaps that’s partly because I’m a fan of square rigger ships and 1700s maritime history.

Sailing sumulators tend to be expensive, so finding one that is an excellent game, was a happy day for me. I think the devs may have made a strategic mistake in not charging for this game. (People assume a game can’t be any good if it’s free.) I think it’s a gem among seafaring games.

Real player with 438.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat Multiplayer Games.

The Pirate is a pretty enjoyable game for any PC player who enjoys this genre. The game was installed long before I started playing it. There is a brief in-game tutorial. Half of the fun is just tinkering with the user interface and reading the tips that are presented on-screen and in the Help menu to learn how to get the most out of this game.

It features a 3rd person world exploration gameplay where you start off with one ship. The tutorial-like missions help you with navigation and basic tasks like buying / selling, repairs and ship upgrades. I rather enjoyed how the designers didn’t lock the player into one style of play or another.

Real player with 324.1 hrs in game

The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt on Steam

Steel Ocean

Steel Ocean

After over 1200 hours this game needs a proper review. I started this by accident one day when I was bored around a year ago. Now because of this I can’t play other games cause I have no time left for them. I will give you some facts, good and bad, all mixed up as I go so hang on with me. This will be a long review, very very long. (I even hit the max character amount so had to shorten it)

When you start the game, it will be hard. You will be playing against bots at first and even they will slaughter you. If by luck you get matched against a long time player you will be shouting CHEATER!! No, he is not cheating he just understands the game mechanics. When I first saw another player play like that I wanted to be him. Now after all this time people who seemed like gods at the time are cannon fodder, at least some :-)

Real player with 2465.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat World War II Games.

What are the differences between WoWS and SO?

That is a huge question… So a Huge Comparison wall of text is Incoming. But hey, at least it is better than “Oh mah gawd __ is obviously better!” without anything else? And there is a TL;DR.

To open: I was a part of the first wave of WoWS CBT (Prior to the buy-your-way-in) and had been a part of the Closed Alphas for WoT and WoWP. I played until SO came out in November of last year and have been playing SO more than WoWS since then other the odd WoWS match now and again or the the occasional “Lets do Warships to get an event ship” sort of thing (ARP Haruna, Kirishima, etc.). Since then, I now have 1,355.2 Hours in SO. So I’ve a bit of experience playing both games for some time, and am familiar with the business practices/trends that WG has shown since Tanks came out.

Real player with 1882.0 hrs in game

Steel Ocean on Steam

Unearned Bounty

Unearned Bounty

This is a fun multiplayer game, with fast paced battles/matches. The game has so far perfomed well on my resource-humble pc, with no lag/latency/BS emcountered except in one game only! props!

So far this ombination of simple, fun, fast paced action with the ease of picking up matches is what keeps me playing,


  • matchmaking: I tried the matchmaking option once, which was also the last time. That was the firt time I played. The timer kept going but I was not connected to any match.

SInce then, I’ve used the custom game option. Custom game presents me with 1 to 4 rooms, along with the player count in each. occasionally I will have to wait 1 to 3 mins ad refresh the list of custom games

Real player with 32.3 hrs in game

This game shows some real promise. At the moment there are a few bugs and not alot of content but the devs seem active and if they can flesh out the objectives in the battle then this could become a really great moba ship brawler. If they can add cross play PS4 / X360 to help with the population then thatd be even better!

Matchmaking has a few issues at the moment, becasue it’s currently based in NA you may not have the best ping, you can get a group of mates together and host a server though if you want to play on local ping, join the Discord too, it’s slowly starting to grow!

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Unearned Bounty on Steam



With 542 battles and 65 hours of gameplay (im on level 56 with four Tier 3 ships) i can only advise: avoid it, its a badly balanced game with bad matchmaking. The main problems are equal as you seen in WoT: you will be angry on your team mates whose run headlessly into battle and die in the 1st min, left you back with 3-4 enemies. Usually if you try to grind up your heavy ship you will be put into battle with 3 enemy submarines. Your double daily runs will fruit 0 XP, because subs kill you in your way with not even knowing what hit you or where are you hit from. No chance to win, prepare to lose even 3 or 4 kills matches…

Real player with 65.8 hrs in game

Really good game!

Its got Battleships (the heavy craft)

Cruisers (Medium craft)

Destroyers (Light craft)

and subs!

Its fast paced and you can use depth charges!

It’s WoWs without fire mechanics… WT’s boat thing, but with subs! Steel ocean’s depth charge/subs, but the ships and subs are much better in terms of movement (the turns are more realistic) and in the aiming…

This game gives you ROCKETS! Which is sick! Not only that, the torpedoes are really fast! And takes skill to hit them, it does have something to help aim the torps (which is really good!). You can hide behind an island, deep dive or use smoke to hide from enemy fire. Wows mechanics - use conceilment BS…. DDs never spotted, smoke is always up, random BS like that…. This game just needs more players and people to give it more of a chance - its really good! There are some mechanics that could use some work, but I haven’t been able to pinpoint which ones yet… Just feels like one or two mechanics (maybe how the sub feels when aiming, you can’t see much…)

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

GunFleet on Steam

Refight:The Last Warship

Refight:The Last Warship

Now I totally dislike WOW simply because the accuracy of the weapons is totally random and you have no control over your secondary weps.

I come from Steel Ocean where accuracy isn’t rng but since they aren’t doing anything to get more players I moved on over a year ago.

I recently found this game and while it takes alot from WOWs, ie the rng accuracy element it’s actually quite fun once you realize there is a method to the gameplay and adjust.

It’s free and getting a match is fairly expedient unless you try and team up, since there isn’t alot of players. I wish you could team up against bots when you can’t find a match otherwise.

Real player with 108.7 hrs in game

I like this game and enjoy playing it with pleasure for a couple of rounds. It’s going well for an Early Access game. There is only one thing that really frustrates me and that I think needs a thorough overhaul. It’s about the destroyers (DD). If they are equipped with the appropriate captain, they constantly spit their fog in the area, which makes fighting the DD almost impossible in a battleship. It is utterly ridiculous and far from reality that those pesky insects are buzzing around you and there is absolutely nothing you can do. In so many rounds I just ended up standing around in the smallest circle at the end and the DD fogged everything and I just waited for the storm to do the rest because I have more HP in the battleship. This is just plain ridiculous and boring and absolutely annoying. Otherwise I’m happy about every round and it’s fun to play the whole thing in Battle Royal mode.

Real player with 64.0 hrs in game

Refight:The Last Warship on Steam

The Pirate: Plague of the Dead

The Pirate: Plague of the Dead

Ive played this game quite a bit at this point so I feel its time to give my opinion


Feels clean and smooth for the most part

Great time waster

Quick learning curve


Fun historical characters/captains that you get to team with

Reasonably self explanatory UI

The game is actually very small download size

Devs are active and working hard to improve the game and are open to the players suggestions


At times I feel the game is a little too easy

Real player with 133.3 hrs in game

I downloaded this game to see if its anything like i thought it was going to be, sadly answer is no. First of all you start with big and cool looking ship for somereason, sort of takes the point of becoming the ‘‘greatest pirate’’ feeling away, ( since from the get go you have a good ship ) so i sold the started ship and bought new small one and tried to kill enemies and loot em to get enough monies for new ship and future fleet. But after realising how much grind you need in order to keep upgrading your ship / fleet is insane… AND THIS IS SINGLE PLAYER GAME!!! with microtransactions… and one more thing, you want to make your ship to look badass with like … red sails? too bad, you need to pay. Prob should mention that on the store page. 4/10

Real player with 95.4 hrs in game

The Pirate: Plague of the Dead on Steam

Navy Field 2 : Conqueror of the Ocean

The particularity of this game is the 3rd person view so you are not stuck in your ship (like World of Warships) but you can see all the map (there is fog of war where you and your allies don’t see). I was searching for a game like that for quite a long time, NF2 is the only one I found.

Now, the game:

There is no tutorial or sandbox, so get ready to lose your first battles trying to understand how to use your ship. The community may help, using chat or websites giving advices and tips. Otherwise, learn by yourself!

Real player with 916.5 hrs in game

Navy Field 2 is a good game in the sense that you’re never bored. Sure, the grind to the highest tier of ships can be boring at times, but not every game is the same.

Let me break the game down really quick and justify why I can recommend this game. Each game takes 15 minutes to play and every class has a use. Destroyers can take down Battleships with good torpedo placement and kill subs, Light Cruisers can hunt down Destroyers and aircraft, Heavy Cruisers are very much pocket Battleships and Battleships, well, deals tons of damage from afar but have limited maneuverability and sigh. Carriers are just as important because you’re constantly fighting off enemy aircraft, providing your fleet with line of sight, and bombing other ships. Sometimes the matchmaking will get a little wonky and put you in games with higher level ships, but I’ve had games where my lower tier Destroyer will be able to drop a high-tier Battleship so I’m not complaining. Not too much anyway.

Real player with 308.3 hrs in game

Navy Field 2 : Conqueror of the Ocean on Steam



This game is very fun to play with a good overall community. It’s a fairly small community at the moment but with new players comes more ideas and things for the developers to work with. If you’re looking for a game to sail around in a ship and fight in an arena style battle game, this is a game you should probably check out. The developers are very active with it’s player base and are quick to respond to suggestions, bugs reports, and things of that nature. I honestly haven’t played a game where the developers are this interactive with it’s players that are always trying to find things to make the game better while still working on upcoming content. I see reviews popping up from time to time about “dead game” or “things are buggy or inconsistant but it’s just not true. Sure there are bugs or glitches that happen to some people from time to time but it’s a video game…..they all have issues from time to time but the difference is this development team reacts to comments well and offers updates to let us know what to expect or if fixes were found, etc.

Real player with 688.4 hrs in game

To be honest i had my eye on the Maelstrom even before it went F2P, but i either had no money or was kinda wary of buying the cat in the bag, that i may not even enjoy.

But since it’s now free to play i’v tried it and i absolutely love it.

What is this game? Think - world of tanks but in the fantasy universe and on the ships. Ah, and it’s a battle royal as well. You fight for the naval supremacy either solo or in a team of 3. Maximum number of players in the match - 12. There are also NPC ships with very useful boons, natural hazards like whirlpools and monsters, and a very sneaky circle of the constantly constraining dark water with even more monsters. All this may sound a bit hectic, but belive me - this game is tons of fun.

Real player with 363.8 hrs in game

Maelstrom on Steam



This not complicated game does demand a steady hand with the mouse.

Precision, timing, and anticipation are fundamental here.

Wish it would be Gamepad/Controller compatible (Logitech F310/ X Box style).

Please let us mute or simply turn off the “nursery bedtime music”, before the air horns alarm triggers on.

Time of day options should also be considered someday.

This would permit lower brightness levels, thus less glare and saturation in Flyman view.

All this sitting “comfortably” on the missile.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Actually Very Addicting & Fun.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

FlyManMissile on Steam