Blazing Sails

Blazing Sails

Early acces? It’s already insanely playable, nothing seems to be really missing and no huge bugs.

It’s a 4man team battle royale, it seems to take a lot of inspiration if not downright most of it’s stuff from sea of thieves.

The rounds are 5 - 20 minutes, divided in mostly 2 parts:

Looting and fighting.

during the looting fase you might run into other people on land, so combat ensues.

When sailing to the next island you might run into another ship, ship to ship combat ensues.

The safe area, as with every BR gets smaller and smaller, forcing ships closer and closer, these fights can turn very hectic very quickly.

Real player with 256.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat Early Access Games.


☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☒ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it



☐ Very good

☒ Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Watch paint dry instead

☐ Just don’t


☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☒ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ I’m now deaf


☐ Kids

☒ Teens

☒ Adults

☐ All

—{PC Requirements}—

☐ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☒ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer


☐ Just press ‘W’

Real player with 119.5 hrs in game

Blazing Sails on Steam



As a sub sim enthusiast since 688 attack sub (1989) I can tell you that Wolfpack is the next sub sim you’re going to want to play and will probably continue to play for years to come. This game is truly a profound experience!

To those with some familiarity with this genre you can expect this title to fall on the opposite end of the spectrum that the recent release UBOAT is on. Uboat is a crew management simulation. For perspective, Silent Hunter III would fall somewhere in the middle, as there is time compression and crew management but the player orders their crew to perform the individual functions on the boat.

Real player with 266.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat Simulation Games.

First off, if you are looking for single player experience, go back and grab yourself SH5 and The wolves of steel modpack.

That is, in my opinion, the best submarine simulator there is.

That being said, Wolfpack has unique hands on approach with controlling the boat itself, and it really is the best aspect of the whole game, that and the ability to play with other people.

After all the good things (two things) to say about this “sim”, I would NOT recommend the game for anybody. Not on the regular price at the very least. The game is really buggy (graphic glitches, sound bugs of massive forest fire starting on your boat, being able to drive too deep with diesel engines running, AI only caring about the boat that has done the most damage. to mention a few)

Real player with 180.2 hrs in game

Wolfpack on Steam




  • frequent updates, always something new (weapons, ships, gamemodes, maps, CANNONS… and AMMO FOR CANNONS)

  • fun gameplay

  • naval combat is well done

  • pvp combat is good, melee is smart, guns will often kill you instantly

  • attack/deffend fortresses (if you capture the enemy fortress you win, when you are defending and you know where all the guns are you may survive)

  • loadout selection, a lot of muskets (4), pistols (5), melee (6), special (4)

  • chat, voice chat (team, faction, global, proximity variants)

Real player with 387.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat Multiplayer Games.

“I will be damned if I go with another early access game, I will rather eat paper from this notebook”

Ok, now I am chewing on a paper but I’m still satisfied by this game! Yay!

Blackwake is interesting multiplayer naval FPS that lend you feeling of member of Navy or life of a pirate (arrr matey, sorry, i had to). The game basically provide ship and sea and you and your crew (that are players or you are part of the crew under captain) try to get opposition team down the tickets or run out of suplies.

Real player with 211.2 hrs in game

Blackwake on Steam

Furious Seas

Furious Seas

Very impressive game so far. I recommend it over many VR games out there.


-Controls are easy to understand and use.

-No motion-sickness and is a game that can be played standing or sitting.

-Graphics are great, I really like the wave effects and sky

-Cannons load at a perfect speed. Any slower or faster and it might make it too difficult or easy.

-Collect items after defeating enemies, some of which are temporary weapons, gold, and health.

-The constant wind, whichever way you are sailing, is good to keep the game moving. If true wind directions were used, many players would be like sitting ducks in the headwind.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Highly recommended, even in its current state it’s in. There’s three chapters to the game where it welcomes you into the first, pits you against a fun ‘Demon Sisters’ run on the second, and an interesting third leaving room for more fun chapters and campaign fun. Even if it’s a demo, it’s great fun with many more things planned for the game. When you boot up the game you’re basically standing at a shipwreck with the wheel, bell, and a firing turret which makes this an interactive menu, something I praise highly. To your right you’ll find your objectives sinking three bosses with a funny skeleton posing next to the chest. The game is interesting in that semi-realistic yet arcade manner where you have to jump between steering, firing both side guns, while even (by choice) raising and lowering the sails with the two bells with 1 on either side of the wheel.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Furious Seas on Steam

End War RTS 2

End War RTS 2

Compared with the first generation, End War RTS 2 transforms from 2D to 3D, which is a classic real-time strategy

End War RTS 2 is a story inspired by modern science fiction. It is mainly based on the fact that human beings started the world war in order to fight for survival resources, and the launching of nuclear bombs has become the killing means of various countries.

In the world of End War RTS 2, it is constructed by seven camps of the United States, France, Britain, Germany, Russia, Cuba and Libya. Each country’s power weapon units are different, and the U.S. space carrier, Russian missile submarine and other characteristics

End War RTS 2 on Steam



The gameplay dynamic in Windward goes from calm, controlled and thoughtful (if you’re looking for trade routes and quests to build up your towns), to outright mayhem and sudden and repeated death (if you’ve ventured into a tough pirate region, or a combat instance).

These are some basic facts to know, if you’re considering a purchase:

The game begins with creation of a World, somewhat under the control of the creator, in terms of its shape, the challenges it will present, and some other global features. The world consists of a large number of rectangular regions, each of which contains a procedurally generated terrain and oceans, with a few coastal towns scattered in each. The next decision is to choose your starting faction. There are several Windward factions, all of which are allies by default, and each comes with a different set of advantages and drawbacks, which are described to you when you’re asked to choose: maybe you want to get rich as an Exchange captain, or rampage the seas wiping out pirates with Valiant, or … the choices are yours.

Real player with 885.2 hrs in game

Over all, I do enjoy this game in small doses. The Pirate genre is sadly under-served in video games. I’ve played a few from Sid Meier’s Pirates (which I loved, for the most part), Assassin’s Creed 4 (which is beautiful and interesting, but needs more sailing) to New Horizons 2 (which is for me the absolute gold standard for pirate games.) Windward isn’t as good as those guys. At all. You could forgive Black Flag for not having a robust trading system since it is an action game. You can forgive Sid Meier’s Pirates for not having a developed 3rd or 1st person character action since its focus is on piraty things. You can forgive Uncharted Waters 2 for not having beautiful graphics because of its age. But they all offer something special. Windward doesn’t have a robust trade system so at least it has what the other games have, right? Well, no, the graphics are pretty average. Graphics aren’t everything, at least you can develop your avatar through some sort of story or purpose. Except… you don’t really have an avatar. In fact, there’s no story at all. In fact, the premise is not even “here’s a boat, go and do as you see fit”, it’s more of a sentence fragment of “boat”. Ok, fine. Boat it is.

Real player with 225.9 hrs in game

Windward on Steam

IronWolf VR

IronWolf VR

Ironwolf really nails the idea of being a VR game. Everything (apart from the menus) is controlled by wheels and switches that you have to pull or turn or require other physical tasks. It makes the game much more immersive, yet it doesn’t make the game more annoying or tedious.

The game can be played as singleplayer, but it’s much more fun to play together. Up to 4 players can play together, and the more players are playing, the more fun the game gets. Sadly right now It can be hard to find a full lobby, however it isn’t too hard to find at least 1 player to play with. The community itself is extremely nice too, I didn’t encounter even one player who was toxic, yelled at others or insulted anyone, and mistakes were often forgiven, even if they caused the mission to fail.

Real player with 98.3 hrs in game

First off, love the game, and I am using a Samsung Odyssey Mixed Reality headset and controller - which isn’t listed in the supported headsets, but works great. Controls all work and are where they should be.

The graphics in this game are, in my opinion, not phenominal, but definitely good enough to be a highly immersive experience putting you in a WWII era submarine. I bought a space ship SIM based on a highly popular sci-fi franchise the same day as this one, and while the graphics in that one are very nice and polished, I don’t think it is anywhere near as fun as this game is.

Real player with 82.0 hrs in game

IronWolf VR on Steam

Steel Ocean

Steel Ocean

After over 1200 hours this game needs a proper review. I started this by accident one day when I was bored around a year ago. Now because of this I can’t play other games cause I have no time left for them. I will give you some facts, good and bad, all mixed up as I go so hang on with me. This will be a long review, very very long. (I even hit the max character amount so had to shorten it)

When you start the game, it will be hard. You will be playing against bots at first and even they will slaughter you. If by luck you get matched against a long time player you will be shouting CHEATER!! No, he is not cheating he just understands the game mechanics. When I first saw another player play like that I wanted to be him. Now after all this time people who seemed like gods at the time are cannon fodder, at least some :-)

Real player with 2465.4 hrs in game

What are the differences between WoWS and SO?

That is a huge question… So a Huge Comparison wall of text is Incoming. But hey, at least it is better than “Oh mah gawd __ is obviously better!” without anything else? And there is a TL;DR.

To open: I was a part of the first wave of WoWS CBT (Prior to the buy-your-way-in) and had been a part of the Closed Alphas for WoT and WoWP. I played until SO came out in November of last year and have been playing SO more than WoWS since then other the odd WoWS match now and again or the the occasional “Lets do Warships to get an event ship” sort of thing (ARP Haruna, Kirishima, etc.). Since then, I now have 1,355.2 Hours in SO. So I’ve a bit of experience playing both games for some time, and am familiar with the business practices/trends that WG has shown since Tanks came out.

Real player with 1882.0 hrs in game

Steel Ocean on Steam

StoneTide: Age of Pirates

StoneTide: Age of Pirates

Been playing this game for a couple days now and I gotta say it’s been a real joy. Despite the bugs, it seems very promising with lots to expand on. For a $10 early access title, I say its well worth it and I look forward to seeing what this game will have to offer in the future.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

imagine, if you will, you spent ten dollars on a map, which led to a oversized treasure chest filled with coins. and each singular coin represented an early access title infesting steam. now imagine each coin is crap, because early access is a curse, but every so often, while sifting though the fake coins, you come across a pristine, good one. one which is a keeper. one that, despite a few flaws or rough edges, is still worthy of your time. when you take that coin, and close the chest, you realize. this game is that coin. and the ten dollars you invested were worth it.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

StoneTide: Age of Pirates on Steam



In Legacies you are a team of eco-vigilantes who are trying to do good with what they got. Choose from an assortment of tech filled submarines, investigate distress beacons and gather evidence to discover what caused the cry for help. But beware, dangers lurk above and below the water.

Distress beacons can vary from ecological, exploitation or even natural disasters. It’s up to your team to work together to discover the cause, log the evidence required, and choose whether it’s time to fight or flight. Your team could turn in your evidence for money, or face the problem head on for an even larger reward.

Legacies on Steam