Pixel Piracy

Pixel Piracy

Let’s get the obvious shït outta the way first: I like Pixel Pirates! And yes, I know it’s actually called Pixel PiraCY, but Pixel PiraTES just sounds way better.

Anyway, moving on… I like this game. I really really do. HOWEVER, I cannot POSSIBLY recommend it to ANYONE, simply because of the atrociously poor “productivity” of the so-called “developers” of the game. They CLAIM that their complete radio silence and lack of updates for over eight months was due to ONE guy’s failing health, and while I do wish him a speedy recovery, THIS DOES NOT MEAN THE REST OF YOU LOT GET TO SIT AROUND AND TWIDDLE YOUR FÛCKING THUMBS!

Real player with 104.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat 2D Games.

So normally I would write a more concise review analyzing a game, and looking at all the good parts of it but also all of it’s faults. Pixel Piracy is this special case where I absolutely adore the concept it delivers and the gameplay, but the execution is so god damn awful I can’t bring myself to play it anymore, I wanted to play it to the end and explore everything, have a massive powerful crew that would dominate the seven seas. Instead we’re left with a game that, to put it simply, is badly made. It doesn’t work, and yet it ‘released’ mere days ago. Anyway, here’s a list of about everything wrong with this game that will ruin your experience. Some issues may not seem important but do realize that all of them create unfair situations where the player is not at fault and yet the game will end up punishing them anyway or worse, just straight up giving them a situation they cannot get out of because of the god awful AI. So, here’s the list.

Real player with 32.3 hrs in game

Pixel Piracy on Steam

King of Seas

King of Seas

King of Seas

King of Seas 💡Overview

In King of Seas

| Genre | Adventure game |

| Campaign | Yes |

| Game length | 25 Hours |

| Difficulty modes | N/A |

| Metacritic | 68% |

Real player with 26.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat Procedural Generation Games.

Good game, sailing and battle very similar to the old Sid Meier “pirates!”. Other than full controller support, there’s no reason to play this if you have pirates! I’m also not going to harp on things that are commonly addressed in other reviews (i.e. lack of camera rotate).

No ship boarding, only sinking. Also, aiming is bad - the old game(s) had a larger margin of error - in this game your aim needs to be perfect. Game would benefit from some lines to help aim cannons and abilities (example, voodoo boom).

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

King of Seas on Steam

Scrap Seas

Scrap Seas

Scrap Seas is a Vehicle 3rd-Person Shooter Action Rogue-Like. Build your ship and fill it to the brim with every kind of weaponry you can find. Then take it out into the ocean to take part in fast-paced generated sea battles against your Robot Overlords.


Use your fire power and maneuvering skills to sink ships, robots, and other stuff. Destroy your enemies, and save those you care about. Use your boosters to ram into enemy ships head on or to flee like a coward. Just make sure you don’t DIE, because if you DIE you’ll die forever, and it’s pretty easy to DIE.


Start with a boat and fight your way to an AWESOME BOAT! Take that boat and fill it with every kind of cannon, laser beam, and whatever the hell else you can find. You can also collect comic book panels which can provide a variety of buffs to your ship. Ah, and don’t forget about melee weapons. Every boat worth piloting needs some buzz saws, or at least some electrified spikes.


Navigate your way around a generated map. Ensure that you have enough supplies for your journey. Choose your battles wisely…or unwisely, I don’t care. I’m not your dad.


Are you a hero or a coward? An idealist or a pragmatist? A lover or a fighter? Express your character through Scrap Seas comic book panel encounters.

Read More: Best Naval Combat Third-Person Shooter Games.

Scrap Seas on Steam



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A game that borrows inspiration from the roguelike and survival genre alike and puts you in an instant fight for survival against mysterious creatures, starvation, insanity and more.

Be prepared to fail over and over again while you keep learning how to keep a good balance of yours crews needs and safety.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

I bought this to do a review of it for YT. Never before have I heard myself so depressed after a video. It isn’t from the melancholy of Lovecraftian literature either.


Aesthetically it reminds me of retro-indie games. Pretty good in that regard. However I’m not a fan of the GUI trying to move out of the way while I’m attempting to use it (infuriating to say the least). It took me about 15 minutes to learn the mechanics and I’m still not sure I have all of it with an hour of playing. I got the furnace once, but I’ve not seen it since and died soon after, considering the game doesn’t teach you how to use it. I tend to succumb to sanity being exhausted, but it’s impossible to keep my crew sufficiently saturated and not crazy. Frankly it’s not fun for me to die and die again with little to no progress being made so I don’t want to play it anymore.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Thalassophobia on Steam

Aye Aye, Captain

Aye Aye, Captain

This game needs a tutorial or something. I have no clue what to do. I moved my crew around by right clicking and then clicked the cannonball to shoot, and that’s pretty much it. I never actually won a combat because it felt like it was going to take a half hour of simply clicking one button. So I surrendered. Then on the world map I had no idea what to do but a few seconds later I was in another combat and lost my cannon. So I lose?

Then in another battle both my crew died, but I was able to surrender and sail around again until I got into combat and could do nothing.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Aye Aye, Captain on Steam