I see great potential in this game, the development is very active and content and bug-fixes are added frequently.

I love the building system, you can build whatever ship you like, from small torpedo boats to battleships or even fictional monstrosities from your own imagination.

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat Physics Games.

good game but i can figure out on how to make a proper hull and the game cant tell you again the tutorial. there is also a budget i dont get on how to change to to edracate

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game


Mini ship wars

Mini ship wars

Lucky me gets to write the first review for Mini ship wars (the developer didn’t bother capitalising each letter in the title).

This isn’t really a game, it’s a ripoff of a GameMaker Studio 2 template/tutorial for making a top down shooter game. It’s complete garbage. GMS is a complete garbage engine, and copying + pasting a template for the engine isn’t suddenly going to generate a video game of any quality. They didn’t even bother making a fullscreen mode.

Why would anyone do such a thing, publish such a terrible non-game on Steam, you ask? Well take a look at the ridiculous $10 USD price tag, and it suddenly becomes clear. This is a nasty cash grab. Then you look at the name of the developer, “Phoenixxx Games”. They’ve pulled this crap before. That’s all they do.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat War Games.

Am I crazy? Yes, because I bought this game

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Mini ship wars on Steam

Pixel Piracy

Pixel Piracy

Let’s get the obvious shït outta the way first: I like Pixel Pirates! And yes, I know it’s actually called Pixel PiraCY, but Pixel PiraTES just sounds way better.

Anyway, moving on… I like this game. I really really do. HOWEVER, I cannot POSSIBLY recommend it to ANYONE, simply because of the atrociously poor “productivity” of the so-called “developers” of the game. They CLAIM that their complete radio silence and lack of updates for over eight months was due to ONE guy’s failing health, and while I do wish him a speedy recovery, THIS DOES NOT MEAN THE REST OF YOU LOT GET TO SIT AROUND AND TWIDDLE YOUR FÛCKING THUMBS!

Real player with 104.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Naval Combat Action Roguelike Games.

So normally I would write a more concise review analyzing a game, and looking at all the good parts of it but also all of it’s faults. Pixel Piracy is this special case where I absolutely adore the concept it delivers and the gameplay, but the execution is so god damn awful I can’t bring myself to play it anymore, I wanted to play it to the end and explore everything, have a massive powerful crew that would dominate the seven seas. Instead we’re left with a game that, to put it simply, is badly made. It doesn’t work, and yet it ‘released’ mere days ago. Anyway, here’s a list of about everything wrong with this game that will ruin your experience. Some issues may not seem important but do realize that all of them create unfair situations where the player is not at fault and yet the game will end up punishing them anyway or worse, just straight up giving them a situation they cannot get out of because of the god awful AI. So, here’s the list.

Real player with 32.3 hrs in game

Pixel Piracy on Steam

战术狂想1(Chimera of Tactics 1)

战术狂想1(Chimera of Tactics 1)

Ugly and buggy, 0 effort garbage.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

战术狂想1(Chimera of Tactics 1) on Steam

Block of Rum

Block of Rum


So originally, I had said I would not recommend this game, however I also stated that I would change it if my problems with the game were fixed. So, I am happy to say that with the update 0.7.1 (which was the next update after my review) the following problems have been fixed to my satisfaction.

1: Inability to escape from battle (FIXED)

2: Lack of Warning about losing inventory (FIXED)

3: Quest tracking (FIXED)

Sooo, since all my complaints are fixed to my acceptance, I am happy to change my review to RECOMMEND! I left my complaints so you can see what I was upset about. Hope this helps!

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

I really got hooked on the construction mechanics, i would definetly play for hours building ships if there were more materials and color options for said materials. A few comments on the construction though, i would really like more available visibility while making designs (360° vision). Most of the UI needs fixing (better construction inventory, texts that fit), but i indeed liked where the game is going and the potential it has. I would love to help in the translation if you are planing to doing it also in spanish. counter or markers for needed sails or weight balance would be great. For now, I’ll keep designing ships till i get the perfect one. Good luck and keep on the good work…

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Block of Rum on Steam



Battlecruisers is a very finely polished and fun RTS (of sorts). The game revolves around two battlecruisers (surprise surprise), who are, for various reasons, hellbent on killing each other. The goal of the game: don’t get sunk. Both cruisers will start completely unarmed, and you will start out by constructing builder bays, which give you access to better structures and faster build speeds. Over time, you will build various different structures and weapons to defend your cruiser, while keeping the enemy cruiser under pressure. There’s a lot of weapons at your disposal: bombers, destroyers, kamikazes, rockets, lasers, satellites, and even nukes are at your disposal.

Real player with 23.6 hrs in game

Information / Review English

Battlecruisers is a Tactical / Strategy game which was developed by Mecha Weka.

Story / Gameplay

The battle cruiser was a kind of capital ship of the first half of the 20th century. They resembled battleships in displacement, armament, and cost, but differed slightly in shape and balance of attributes. Battlecruisers typically had thinner armor and a slightly lighter main cannon battery than modern battleships, which were installed on a longer hull with much higher engine power to achieve higher speeds. The first battlecruisers were developed in the UK as an evolution of the armored cruiser, while the dreadnought replaced the battleship before the dreadnought. The aim of the design was to overtake any ship with similar armament and hunt any ship with lesser armament; You should hunt down the slower, older armored cruisers and destroy them with heavy gunfire while avoiding combat with the more powerful but slower battleships. However, as more and more battlecruisers were built, they were increasingly used alongside the better-protected battleships.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Battlecruisers on Steam



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A game that borrows inspiration from the roguelike and survival genre alike and puts you in an instant fight for survival against mysterious creatures, starvation, insanity and more.

Be prepared to fail over and over again while you keep learning how to keep a good balance of yours crews needs and safety.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

I bought this to do a review of it for YT. Never before have I heard myself so depressed after a video. It isn’t from the melancholy of Lovecraftian literature either.


Aesthetically it reminds me of retro-indie games. Pretty good in that regard. However I’m not a fan of the GUI trying to move out of the way while I’m attempting to use it (infuriating to say the least). It took me about 15 minutes to learn the mechanics and I’m still not sure I have all of it with an hour of playing. I got the furnace once, but I’ve not seen it since and died soon after, considering the game doesn’t teach you how to use it. I tend to succumb to sanity being exhausted, but it’s impossible to keep my crew sufficiently saturated and not crazy. Frankly it’s not fun for me to die and die again with little to no progress being made so I don’t want to play it anymore.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Thalassophobia on Steam

Carrier Battles WW2: Admiral of the Fleet

Carrier Battles WW2: Admiral of the Fleet

OK big Leaguers, this game is fun! Reminds me of the old Carrier Strike game. Easy to learn.

Now that I have a few hours of play, I can quibble about minor annoyances, and will later, but the basic game-play is FUN. Send out your search planes, find the enemy task force before they find you, and sick your cap, dive bombers, and torpedo planes on them.

Developers should play the steam game ‘Fleet Command’, a lot of great ideas can be had that would improve this game even more.

Developers have already fixed most of my quibbles with game patch updates!

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

I had got this game on the first day, and i felt that the controls were rather confusing, and that there wasn’t a clear objective.

This game on the other hand seems very unfinished, so i hope i see graphic updates that make this game a little more user friendly. I did however play this game on launch, so what i have seen is untapped potential. I would not recommend purchasing this game for now, but within time I believe that this game will become not only playable, but fun and entertaining!

P.S.-I really like the art style

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Carrier Battles WW2: Admiral of the Fleet on Steam

StoneTide: Age of Pirates

StoneTide: Age of Pirates

Been playing this game for a couple days now and I gotta say it’s been a real joy. Despite the bugs, it seems very promising with lots to expand on. For a $10 early access title, I say its well worth it and I look forward to seeing what this game will have to offer in the future.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

imagine, if you will, you spent ten dollars on a map, which led to a oversized treasure chest filled with coins. and each singular coin represented an early access title infesting steam. now imagine each coin is crap, because early access is a curse, but every so often, while sifting though the fake coins, you come across a pristine, good one. one which is a keeper. one that, despite a few flaws or rough edges, is still worthy of your time. when you take that coin, and close the chest, you realize. this game is that coin. and the ten dollars you invested were worth it.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

StoneTide: Age of Pirates on Steam

Battleships and Carriers - WW2 Battleship Game

Battleships and Carriers - WW2 Battleship Game

Total FRUSTRATION! Ui is gamer unfriendly. You start out with default chosen units IN CAMPAIGNS. You CANNOT change them. In scenarios YES but not campaigns. Why NOT allow the player to choose their own units in campaigns? Also WHY no multiplayer?

@BurgerKing 1941 Dev,

This game could have been so much better if you had allowed more customization in the settings. I see you made a second game based on the American/Japanese War in the Pacific. Is it pretty much like this one? Basic ui & hardly any customization allowed in the settings?

Real player with 42.5 hrs in game

Unfortunately the game is buggy and I have not had a reply from the listed email for reporting the bugs. The error messages are all seem to be in Czech.

Real player with 36.7 hrs in game

Battleships and Carriers - WW2 Battleship Game on Steam