Jungle House

Jungle House


Become one-man architect for building amazing houses in jungle wilderness with primitive tools. Explore and make houses from secret underground ones with pools to houses on high trees. Can you build house in jungle wilderness almost with your hands? Yes, you can!

You simple primitive tools around you and craft your own ones. Create your own set of tools to use and conquer the wilds with them. Upgrade your techniques and use advanced materials to create more durable and larger buildings.

Create different type of houses like secret underground house with pool from complete scratch

Or go to highest trees with your advanced skills and build house there with awesome zipline

Don’t forget to check your construction quality of your house at the end. Check and see how good you made this house or what is needed to fix in it.

Can you build house with your hands? Yes, you can!

Read More: Best Nature Emotional Games.

Jungle House on Steam

Quiet as a Stone

Quiet as a Stone

The game is well done and though super simple and even limited in the actual gameplay (can’t save maps you’ve developed, no!real goal other than just clearing the landscape searching for magical stones). But despite the games limitations, it’s easy gameplay and simplicity are actually addicting. Tried it for the first time today and when I’d stopped it was 3 hours later! LOL Only three downfalls I see are that you can’t save maps, can’t create a map from scratch, and there needs to be a gamma control as the game is predominently dark and its difficult to see the landscape clearly. Hopefully the developer will add some updates. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a relaxing experience that only costs pennies.

Real player with 43.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Nature Indie Games.

Love the concept and the calm vibes, its very beautiful and relaxing! I do wish there were more variation in landscapes though, I imagine it gets same’y quite fast. Different climates and plants would have been fun! It is also much too dark, with no way to adjust the lighting up (as far as I can tell). Sometimes I cant see whats going on at all, its literally just pitch black, lol.

There are also some minor issues, like street lamps cant be picked up again once you place them.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Quiet as a Stone on Steam



Day by day, technological progress changes not only the lives of people, but also the smallest life forms on our planet. In our project, we would like to direct your attention to a very important issue of our times - the extinction of wild bees, which despite their tiny size, has a huge impact on the entire Earth’s ecosystem.

Greetings explorer! You are going to spend quite some time in the laboratory - don’t forget to go on a research expedition into the unknown. A world full of exploration, building and crafting awaits you!

You are the last hope of Earthlings.

Research both flora and fauna - standard scanning is not enough. Explore the world of genetics and experiment with various possibilities to even create a new plant genera. Mutating plants and species promotes new raw material discoveries and blueprints. Experiment to master new technologies and settle your base in new environments.

This new world can be beautiful but dangerous as well - an undiscovered fruit or a contact with previously unknown, even the most innocuous-looking animals can provoke a disease, for which you’ll have to invent a cure. Some of them are tamable, some can only be feared and fled from - there is only one way to find out.

For optimal productivity, an explorer’s life has to be comfortable! Take care of your “workplace”, create the needed conditions by yourself and even decorate your base. Build drones, mobile laboratories, habitat, and research stations. Don’t stop there - create multiple stations in optimal locations, safety, weather or raw material wise, and ensure safe travel between them - hoverboard is the best way to start.

The planet stores the secret key that may help you in saving the earth and its inhabitants. Remember! It is up to you how you use that knowledge.

Read More: Best Nature Science Games.

Honeycomb on Steam



I was eyeing this game for a while now and i finally decided to pick it up. I enjoyed it very much.

I kinda just zoned out and built a cool fort in the middle of a lake for two hours lol, the game is very zen~

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Build the fort your 8 year old self would build.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

huts on Steam

Planet Zoo

Planet Zoo

It shows the true meaning of taking care of animals making them feel more alive unlike other games that animals seem more dead than alive, this game is worth the money and i highly recommend this game to anyone that loves zoo’s or who wants to study zoology it has a tab that you can open leading to hours of beautiful notes of each animal from what they eat to if they are endangered to how many in a group and many more things i would write about this beautiful graphic game but i would take hours writing on this amazing game, me myself want to be study zoology and be a vet or zoo keeper so this game is great to learn more about animals, one again I highly recommend this game to others! and it is worth the money!

Real player with 104.4 hrs in game

UPDATE please read if you already have, or especially if you have the game - though i still don’t recommend the game if its not on sale –

I really wanted to like this game, there are so many things about it to love, but oh my god, it is so broken. There are so many game breaking glitches and technical errors, not to mention just straight up poor development choices that really made this depressing to play for me. I love sim development games.

Examples of errors - So you can do construction, as long as you hold down shift as well as other shortcut keys and are able to freely move the walls, still, floors are completely useless, it does make construction a little more fun knowing i can at least use the walls and roofs, I don’t understand why they added floors, snapping the pathways to a grid can help if you want to make a plaza though, as the path will become larger instead of just longer with some branches, but you still have to attach vendors/exhibits to the ends of the path and are not allowed to put it directly on top. which is annoying.

Real player with 66.4 hrs in game

Planet Zoo on Steam

Cloud Gardens

Cloud Gardens

When I first went to play Cloud Gardens, I didn’t know what to expect. Come to find out, that’s exactly how you should approach this game.

Cloud Gardens is a unique experience that’s hard to describe or compare. It’s partly a gardening simulator, partly a Dystopian landscape builder, and partly a puzzle game that is both satisfying and without frustration. Any and all preconceptions I had about the game were dashed as soon as I started playing it.

Not only is the game beautiful and unique, but it also hits all the right marks: The controls and level design are absolutely on point. It’s so much effortless fun working your way through level after level, and when you fail a level it’s no big deal to go back and try it again. As a matter of fact, you’ll look forward to it.

Real player with 35.1 hrs in game

This game is so satisfying! At first it’s so simple you might think you’re playing a repetitive and boring experience, but it quickly gets more and more creative and captivating. Some levels are shorter and offer less room for wild creativity, which creates a good pacing considering the large amount of levels in the game (I’m not even halfway through apparently).

I almost never write a review before completing a game, but this is something else. Good vibe with simple and solid mechanics, charming pixel art, and a surprising amount of player agency: you’re growing plants, sure, but also placing (or dropping) all kinds of objects near your plants to make them grow. Those objects let you create storytelling in every scene, then make great foundations for more procedurally-creative plant growth. This is also why the initial simplicity might be misleading: at first, there’s not much room to expand, but wait until you add vehicles and buildings on larger levels to see the true potential of the game. There’s a puzzle element to it, too, for reaching 100% and completing each level.

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

Cloud Gardens on Steam



You might be looking at this game and thinking “Wow, that’s one unique game!”, but the most unique aspect of this game is that the achievements ask you to do things in the real world.

This game wants you to go outside and explore your own backyard. It wants you to look closely at the insects and plants that you probably haven’t looked at since you were very young kids.

That is amazing.

I recommend taking a break to do an achievement anytime you get stuck on a level, and then go back to laughing out loud at the acrobatics of your creature.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

This is the exact definition of incrediphillia. One of the best indie games on steam without a doubt. There are no physic engine based games that can compare to Incredipede. I’m sure most of you have played some sort of flash game some place where the whole point is to create some sort of contraption, building, or any kind of construct. What I think makes this stand apart from the rest is the mere fact you create a simple character with odd physics, like some sort of construct, with movable parts. You are really only limited to your own imagination. You can create pretty gnarly stuff and get through the various levels. The game itself has some replayability as well. The game allows you to do the levels on Easy, which gives you a premade design to finish the levels, and then you have the Hard mode, which starts you off with the base of the character Quozzle, which is just her round eye. By the way, when you finish the game, don’t fret. There is a level editor included in the game. You can create some fun levels and you can share them with your friends as well. I really can’t think of any negative things the game has. It is a pretty solid title, and I believe the price is just right for such a game. With that I say, whatever you do this Summer, it won’t be as fun as Incredipede. All bugs wish they could have as many limbs as the gal in this game. Every purchase of this game helps fund research for limb growth of bugs, so open those wallets to make their life easier.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Incredipede on Steam



This could be a very lovely game, I cant recommend it at this point, but I have high hopes this could be getting somewhere.

What I like:

The style is lovely! The fish and plants are stylized to a point to make it look artsy, but you still recognize every species, it is realy beautifully made.

The animations are very cute, the fish chase each other, nibble on plants and decorations, I love it. :)

I like that the fish are breeding and the babys are realy cute.

What I dont like:

I played with one tank for 63 ingame days. In that time I had 3 adult platys and a ton of babys.

Real player with 21.6 hrs in game

I’ve been keeping fish for a long time and it has been my dream to find an, detailed and good fish keeping game. Over the years all the fish keeping games I found were either very old or abandoned. But fishery might finally be the game. It has many things already added so it’s a perfect early access game. It does lack a lot of stuff. But it is still good enough to provide you fun until new updates roll out. Fishery already provides the things you would want in an aquarium game. It already has 18 fish species that are for now mostly freshwater and it has 17 plant species that come in different sizes and variants. There are lots of decoration items that help you create the aquarium you always wanted. There are around 10 substrates. I think they can add more into substrates. Such as different substrates being beneficial for different situations. Or they can just add more substrates or even substrate mixing. One of my favorite features of fishery is the plumbing system. Not only it is unique but the idea of being able to hide all the filtration and heaters an all that stuff is amazing. And lastly something no other game has (At least from what I’ve played.) breeding. So far there is a single gamemode. Sandbox. But a career mode is coming. I would say if you so far like this game consider a few things: First it’s early access so there is a possibility you might not find the content you need. Second the game is slightly more detailed for some people. Third if you love saltwater more there aren’t many fish or plant variants yet.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

FISHERY on Steam

Fleeting World

Fleeting World

not much to do and not much to look at.

But the soundtracks is very pleasant and the concept of a changing landscape is interesting.

All things together it feels like I just paid for a very simple ludum dare game.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Fleeting World is a somewhat simplistic “city builder” strategy game where you must build a village, then place various resource harvesting outposts around yourself on the grid (so you can afford to place more resource harvesting outposts, etc etc). The trick is that the small 16x16 grid that is the game world changes over time. You need to regularly pay a bundle of resources to the gods or they’ll increase the rate at which the world changes (and thus destroys your village/outposts etc, setting you back).

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Fleeting World on Steam



My favorite purchase all year.

If you’re wondering what I’ve been able to do with FlowScape that led to my review, you can take a look at all of my projects here .

I knew the moment I laid eyes on this, I would most likely love it. It exceeded my expectations as a casual design & illustration tool that just about anyone can use. I have spent many hours putting together village & macro background scenes. The Sculpting tool allow you to create mountains, hills, lakes, rivers, as I see fit. The Painting tool allows you to create walkways. I can construct anything from realistic waterfalls to lost ruins with the Transformation tool to manipulate just about any object.

Real player with 2803.3 hrs in game

Wow, it’s difficult to say in words how impressive and relatively deep this instant gratification “game” is! Marketed as a game, but used by many as a 3D design tool. Oh, it’s not Maya, or Lightwave, or even Bryce or Blender, which is cool because we already have those. This is something different, and special, and FAST, and easy! And for all its limitations, what IS here is a lot deeper and impressive than you might imagine!

I’ve made a nice living from building scenes in 3D software for many decades, and I’ve spent countless hours working with wire-frames and pallets of textures and bump maps and lighting devices, and scratching my head over each new entries' exploration into the 3D modeling' procedures. It doesn’t replace those high-end spreads for many projects, but this WILL be replacing the high-rollers on a few projects and making my life so much easier!

Real player with 2204.8 hrs in game

FlowScape on Steam