Defense of the Oasis

Defense of the Oasis

I picked this up after being mentioned on Crate and Crowbar as a puzzle game with very short rounds appealed. It fits that comforting spot very well. I can play a few rounds while other stuff is happening around me in the house. As an older game it’s also at the right price. I have never been a graphics obsessive, but to me these graphics have an old-school style, but work fine on my 1yr old Windows gaming laptop, and I never have trouble working out what a particular tile is. The game structure is an elegant idea with not too many pieces, where the pieces combine well to create lots of interesting variation.

Real player with 85.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mythology Exploration Games.

I bought this game a long time ago - forgot about it, tried to find it again a few times over the years since and it was impossible to find. I was so excited to see it finally on Steam! However after 2 minutes it’s clear that it is just a port of an amazingly old game. Going into full-screen mode immediately breaks the game and makes it unplayable with a ton of graphical glitches. I’m glad its available to play though, but be warned that it’s a bit ugly and potentially buggy.

It has been described as ‘Civ meets Minesweeper’ and if that sounds like something you’re into I recommend it.

Real player with 57.0 hrs in game

Defense of the Oasis on Steam

Hydra Slayer

Hydra Slayer

The description of this game does not do it justice. Roguelike based on mathematical puzzles sounds like an arithmetic quiz program or someone packaging puzzles in a mediocre framework. One of the reviews even said it would be ok without the math. I envisioned puzzles where there was a correct solution every time.

This is first a roguelike (oldschool roguelike), and the ‘puzzles’ are, like a game play in awell designed roguelike, emergent - naturally arising from the procedurally generated world. There are often many good solutions to the puzzles, and the game play revolves around finding good enough solutions, and using your resources wisely.

Real player with 99.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mythology Inventory Management Games.

Подробная русскоязычная рецензия здесь:

Very cool, but very specific game. If you are a mathematician, programmer, roguelike fan or just a nerd, most likely, this game is for you. Otherwise… Anyway, if you’re not outright scared with the concept of killing ancient beasts with the power of math, you should give it a try.

You can start with the free version . Keep in mind, though, that free version lacks some recent and/or steam-specific features.

Real player with 77.6 hrs in game

Hydra Slayer on Steam

Mind the Vikings

Mind the Vikings

I loved this game at first, and even gave it an excellent review but now its dead. One developer lout of the 2 working on it left. I wasted my money for a broken, buggy, incomplete game. First time I’ve been burned by early access. I hope the remaining dev is able to sell the title to a different studio that can complete it, but no one should waste their money on this. You can get other games with the same concept that are complete. If i could, I would return it. I was unfortunate enough to play it for an extended period of time.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mythology Early Access Games.


Great art style

Simple gameplay but still very fun

Actual people who interact with eachother




Kinda unfinished

Overflow of bugs (see in comments how many bugs)

People cannot interact with relics


Add a map, with different islands. Make people fight for the islands. Also add a “peacefull” gamemode with no other vikings.

Make people interact with relics, like climbing the relics.

See people actually coming by boat to the island.

Please dont make the suggestions a DLC.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Mind the Vikings on Steam

Cardnarok: Raid with Gods

Cardnarok: Raid with Gods

Been looking around for some indie games and found this little gem. I love the theme and ideas behind this game especially with the choices of heroes from mythologies of all backgrounds.

The combat definitely requires strategical thinking, planning and careful calculation in order to level up fast and build decks that work with your team. At current state it’s quite playable and no bug that bricks the game experience.

The developers have been patching updates aggressively and that is a good sign.

Real player with 189.3 hrs in game

Interesting take on the genre

The core loop is:

  • a string of StS-like maps

  • connected by a monopoly/Game of the Goose-inspired overworld

  • coupled with Rogue-lite Metaprogression

The combat is pretty standard with the caveat of 3 characters (with somewhat varying abilities) in “tag-team”

The Deckbuilding part follow the newer trend and allow the player a high degree of control over the resulting deck

Overall the game could use more polish and some extra content, but it’s a solid buy if you’re a bored deckbuilder.

Real player with 27.6 hrs in game

Cardnarok: Raid with Gods on Steam



Chrysalis is a hybrid tower-defense/survival RPG set in a world of natural mythology, with an emphasis on procedural generation, customizability, and replayability. Play the role of an incorporeal Wisp tasked with defending a magical chrysalis against forces of corruption and darkness. Search for resources and enlist the aid of friendly plants and animals as you explore each randomly generated level. Fend off waves of monsters, with each level offering new challenges, specialized wave types, procedurally generated bosses, and more.

Key Features:

  • Symbiosis: take control of any friendly plant or animal in the game.

  • Metamorphosis: level up your creatures and plants, transform them into more powerful versions, and apply elemental Spirits for further customization.

  • Mutation: a complex mutation system combines different species to create new creatures with unique sets of abilities and metamorphoses.

  • Customization: at the beginning of each playthrough, you choose a Chrysalis that caters to a specific style of play, with unlockable abilities that increase your power as you progress. By defeating waves of monsters, you will earn Boons which grant additional passive or active abilities, offering further ways to enhance your controlled creatures.

  • Modability: add new creature and plant species, abilities, art, and more by simply editing text files and dropping your images into the appropriate folder. Specific instructions and documentation will be forthcoming.

Chrysalis on Steam

Fallen Gods

Fallen Gods

Once, the world was better, the gods greater, the wars over, the end farther. You were born in the Cloudlands during those bright days, one of the Ormfolk, forever young and strong, worshipped by those below for your forefathers’ deeds. But all has gone wrong. Wolves and worse haunt the night, the law holds no sway, and men’s hearts grow hard toward their gods. Fearful of their dwindling shares of souls, your kin turned against each other … and against you. And so you were cast down from the heavens, a fallen god broken upon the bitter earth. Now, you rise, free from death and ready to carve a bloody road back to your rightful home.


Fallen Gods is a narrative “rogue-lite” RPG. You control the titular fallen god, who starts each game with different might, wits, health, and divine powers, and one of several animal familiars and magical artifacts. He has 90 days to win his way back to the Cloudlands, or he will lose his godhood forever. During that time, he must gather and manage a warband of up to five followers, find additional artifacts, and gain soul-strength by performing godly deeds (some kindly, some cruel). The world is full of barrows, caverns, swamps, towns, shrines, villages, castles, and other locations of interest. What you find in these places—what foes you will face in battle, what friends you can make, what dilemmas you must resolve, and what rewards you might win—changes every game. As your understanding of the world and its inhabitants grows, you will discover new strategies and develop new paths to victory, but the way will never be easy.

  • Decisions fit for a (fallen) god. Fallen Gods is about hard choices with fateful consequences. Where should you explore, what should you seek, and who should you trust? The answers are never easy, but the outcomes are always interesting.

  • Never the same story twice. Every game of Fallen Gods casts a different god into a different world, filled with different events, battles, dungeons, towns, and denizens. Even familiar encounters will change depending on your skills, followers, items, resources, and choices.

  • A rich setting inspired by sagas, myths, history, and folklore. The world of Fallen Gods is drawn from the old sources of classic fantasy with modern glosses stripped away, restoring the wonder, terror, and otherworldliness that have been lost. The themes and even language of the game are those of the great sagas.

  • A game of game-changers. The divine skills, animal familiars, human followers, and magical artifacts that you get in Fallen Gods meaningfully expand your options, rather than merely modifying some statistic.

  • Ups and downs. The protagonist of Fallen Gods starts out powerful, and while he can grow mightier, he also faces the danger of losing the strength and assets he’s gained. Weathering setbacks and taking calculated risks is the key to victory. For a fallen god, even death can be endured.

Fallen Gods on Steam

Okhlos: Omega

Okhlos: Omega

This is indeed a pretty fun game when it comes down to its core gameplay. I’m not sure about the price tag associated with this but will gladly gives this an enthusiastic thumbs up if can pick this game up for 10 bucks or less.

The best thing about this game is that it’s very east to pick up and play. There really isn’t much to it other than running around and picking up citizens along the way to add to your mob and wreck every thing and every one that stands in your way.

It isn’t all about just running around though. There are times in which you have to defend against certain types of attacks an enemy makes and when to rally the mob together to avoid a trap or hazard.

Real player with 21.6 hrs in game

Time to dispense some mob justice on Zeus & his pals as we get to lace up our sandals and head out on an Odyssey worth writing Homer about in - Okhlos.

Probably best described as a mob-handed, roguelite brawler you lead a group of disgruntled Greeks across the ancient world to the gates of Mount Olympus. Your goal - to destroy all the gods. But rather than taking the old Kratos, God of War approach you don’t actually get you hands dirty. Instead you get your horde of fighters, slaves and citizens to do all the head bashing for you. Sending them chasing after your target reticle in something akin to a twin-stick rampage of destruction.

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

Okhlos: Omega on Steam

Skyward Collapse

Skyward Collapse

Skyward Collapse is a game that requires some dedication and time investment to really learn it. You have to forgive the fact that there is no animation at all - characters slide around the world like pieces on a board game. And I’m going to say right up front to buy this game with the Nihon no Mura expansion. It’s only a little extra for it, and you won’t want to be without the Super Smite ability that comes with it.

As a god-like being, you command two factions of human civilization, which can be either Greek, Norse, or (with the expansion) Japanese. Each has unique skills, monsters, and gods whose powers can be used against one another by building up their towns and earning supplies.

Real player with 70.0 hrs in game

This is a very unique game, combining automatic turn based combat with godlike with city manager, it is hard to place this in any particular catagory. The game itself is nice, although there are some features that are not so likeable. The game itself feels like a board game, and could easily be played as a board game, which is a great thing if you like board games! (Note, I am the founder of the Tabletop RPG Gamers League, so you could say I like board games!) Anyway, enough said for now, let us proceed to the pros and cons list.

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game

Skyward Collapse on Steam

BFF or Die

BFF or Die

A nice cooperative puzzle game.

CRASHES when trying to use Remote Play Together. This is too bad. I really wanted to try it out with some help from my far-flung friends.

The initial levels of the game are different based on the number of players. If you want to teach friends how to play, I recommend playing the first 7, or so, levels in TWO PLAYER mode. The early levels of other modes might fail to teach important aspects (like how to get out of the flashlight booth).

This could be a nice title for some “Games Night” cooperative frustration, err I mean fun.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

The game is like a physical puzzle game but with action elements to it. And if you play multiplayer, the extra dimension of needing to figure out what each player needs to do and when to complete the level. It can get crazy hectic and tense, especially when your teammates mess up or something unexpected happens. But it never feels unfair or too punishing. Plus you always get time to plan at the start of each level / puzzle.

My only criticism is some of the menu options don’t work with keyboard, but nothing that stops you playing the game.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

BFF or Die on Steam



Kingdomonium is an indie medieval procedurally generated side-scrolling real time strategy game. Build up and command your medieval kingdom to explore and conquer the land. The game at its roots is a real time strategy game with the unique mechanic of playing as a side-scrolling 2D platformer. You play within a procedurally generated sandboxed open world environment which allows activities such as foraging, chopping, digging, mining, building, fishing, sailing, exploring, strategic combat and many more!

So what’s so special about this game?

Most traditional real time strategy games play from a top-down perspective. Kingdomonium plays as a side-scrolling 2D platformer. This combined with the fact that the world you play in is procedurally generated with aspects of destructible terrain makes for some very intriguing and enjoyable gameplay!

What can I do in this game and what is the end goal?

The game allows you to take command of a medieval kingdom. You give orders to various constituent units (some of which are mentiond below) to perform tasks such as foraging, chopping, digging, mining, building, fishing, sailing, exploring and tactical combat. There are many goals in the game but the main overarching one is to expand your kingdom and take over as much land as possible. Other goals include exploration, finding rare items, overcoming various obstacles and enemies and many more.

What commandable characters or units are in the game?

Below are some of the basic units planned in the game. Of course this is only a small sample. There will be many others and advanced versions of these below in the final game!

#### Villager

Villagers are the heartbeat of the kingdom. They perform a multitude of tasks such as wood-cutting, mining, building and crafting. Without them the kingdom cannot function

#### Swordsman

The short swordsman is a staple infantry unit. Although basic they are a formidable force to be reckoned with when commanded in groups for close range melee battle

#### Archer

The archer is another staple infantry unit. They are very effective for planning strategic range attacks and defending the kingdom from higher vantage points and gaurd towers

#### Knight

The knight is a more capable, experienced and equipped infantry unit. They possess a great amount of armour and durability as well as quicker attack times and greater hit-point damage

#### Cavalry

The cavalry are highly durable and effecient combat units. They possess a great amount of stamina and hit-point damage against any opposition as well as having the ability to traverse vast distances quickly

#### Priest

Priests can heal wounded units as well as cast spells against the enemy during battle. In addition to these they also possess further mystical powers yet to be revealed

#### Catapult

The catapult is a basic artillery combat unit. Highly advantageous for launching ranged attacks with large splash damage. Especially useful for destroying buildings and other structures

#### Transport Ship

The transport ship is essential for moving troops, equipment and supplies across sea to neighboring lands

Kingdomonium on Steam