

The game is more about luck eg. my opponent had 3 cards and me just one , after he kill my card my next drop was a ship card with many soldier cards so i dominated him since i had level and gems and i was able to fill up the table with cards and win:) another game i managed to buff a card from 3 to 10 and the enemy has a spell wich can capture my card and use it on his side , another game i use the spell: i captured the highest card the enemy had and after i got another spell to redraw cards from boneyard so i captured another high card again :) … it is just bs and luck in the first case didn’t win since i wasted to much on that card the enemy got a ultimate card and my next drops were shit in the second scenario i win even against the enemy who ca copy the skill of any card yet another bs card :)) , bs cards that can kill you on their first attack , additional moves that can stack :) Every faction has similar overpowered cards so it’s balanced. Artifacts are again about luck and are way to over powered , basicly you can win just by stacking artifacts and do automatic damage to the enemy , in my opinion only two artifacts at a time should be activeand if you want more you can but you got to burn mana and gems and for auto damage artifacts once you destroy the artifact the enemy should recive a procent of the damage dealt by the artifact so it’s fair and balanced .The durability gain when your constrcts die is way to overpowered , in my opinion the damage should be dealt to all the artifacts not just one , after mid game if you have more then 3 artifacts the game is just stacking contructs and wait for a better cards . The Matryoshka artifact is bs with low mana and gem cost and durability 10 lolz it removes the skill from the game , the same as many artifacts. Played against a dude with 75 cards deck and he beat me only because he was lucky and got artifacts who can attack my minions and reduce their hp/attack so with no artifact remove cards it’s a 100% lose since he spammed constructs and also my artifact didn’t drop all game so this is again about luck and unbalanced.

Real player with 504.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mythology Indie Games.

as far as imaginary cardgames go, Mythgard hits all the right notes:

  • cards are acquired in more different ways than I have ever seen in any CCG: 3 cards/day for playing; 1+ cards for completing each of the~20ish story episodes so far; ~30 packs are available through promo codes; you can uncraft and craft cards into Essence currency, including Wild cards which can be crafted into any card of a certain set, colour, and rarity; Silver currency is awarded for playing matches and completing rerollable missions, I find I can quite easily earn 2 packs a day this way; Maat currency is awarded for GGing opponents in matches; and this technically doesn’t GIVE YOU cards, but there are several play modes where you can “borrow” cards and deck lists to check out what you might enjoy playing. Unlike other CCGs, it seems like Mythgard really wants you to play it!

Real player with 476.8 hrs in game

Mythgard on Steam



### Lore ★★☆☆☆

| Tales of the Gods |


| Each god has their own lore, which explores into their background on how they became gods and their roles they played throughout history |

| ♡ | There is no story mode for the gods |

### Variety of Roles ★★★★☆

| Guardian |

| Acting as pillar of team, job is to initate engages and retreats, peel (take blows) for teammates and assist in securing kills |

Real player with 5130.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mythology MOBA Games.

I absolutely LOVE this game and have for a very long time obviously since I’ve played it a lot as is evident from my hours (there is also even more hours besides whats shown on just Steam alone). I put a lot of my time, money, effort and care into this game for many years and I don’t regret it even with the crazy amount of time and money I put into it.

If we are going to judge the game solely on game-play alone then it’s awesome and a really fun and great game but it does have some issues with bugs (not too many but still they exist especially old bugs that should’ve been fixed a long time ago), servers suck too, unbalances within the game-play like gods (usually the newly released gods tho) and matchmaking oh god the MATCHMAKING like don’t even start me.. However no game is perfect and so regardless of those I’d almost recommend it just for the fact alone that it is a good game and for how much I love it, however I cannot look past the MYRIAD of other problems it has beyond just game-play and namely things like the greedy+useless Devs and the toxic community.

Real player with 4756.1 hrs in game

SMITE® on Steam

Medusa’s Labyrinth

Medusa’s Labyrinth

An excellent game! I am amused that such a great game is FREE when so many terrible games cost so much! So, my advise is go get it! What could it hurt? With that feeling, I embarked upon my journey and was extremely surprised. The graphics are smooth and one feels as if they are in ancient Greece. All around are pillars, small very realistic fires in what I would call ‘comals’ but I dont know the Greek word for them (sort of metal dishes with fires for light) as well as interesting Greek touches in the design along with the music all combining to make the atmosphere just.. awesome, creepy, historical, and awesome. So far the game play involves puzzles as well as stealth in a sort of abandoned looking area with a very disturbing and odd sculpture of a man holding his hands before his face, as if to ward off an attack, but where is the attacker? And why is he stone??…hmm, reminds me of something…

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mythology Indie Games.

When i saw this in the store immediatley i wanted to play it and I dont usually play these kinds of horror games.

When I downloaded it, it took about an hour to finish and i knew then that this game was going to be graphically heavy.

Starting up the game the graphics were on the highest setting and my mouse moved very slowly as i changed it. My computer worked very hard and bearly coped with the lowest setting but still i adjusted the mouse sensivity to be able to play it, just a note my computer is a new model and was on the highest performance setting ive not encountered this kind of problem with a game before now.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Medusa's Labyrinth on Steam

World of Myths

World of Myths

World of Myths CCG - Get it now!

[TL;DR: Deep and diverse strategy, critical decisions each turn, no reliance on RNG, perfect for thoughtful gamers. Heartily recommended.]

The main decision criteria most people have when picking a Collectible Card Game largely boils down to two: a) the amount of fun one has playing the game, and b) how strategically intensive it is. Certainly there are other aspects to any game, such as shiny visual effects, a smooth user experience, a high level of support from the developers, an active player community and so on, but ultimately the game mechanics are what keep one invested in a game long after initial excitement provided by flashing lights has faded. What it does becomes more important than how it does it, and a large part of the fun comes from exploring how deep the rabbit hole goes. So what does World of Myths do that deserves your attention?

Real player with 463.1 hrs in game

Review Updated

This game deserves attention, it tackles mythos you don’t really see often (planned later)

has interesting combat concepts and looks like it could be good.

but the combat is just clunky

the ai is terrible

the tutorial is terrible.

Ads have been changed to not feel as in your face after you unlock a God, you now have to play a few games with said god for the ad to appear.

The big update mentioned in this review has happened an it brought on a list of new changes to this games monitezation model

Real player with 224.6 hrs in game

World of Myths on Steam

Furry Shakespeare: Dashing Dinosaurs & Sexy Centaurs: Winter’s Tale

Furry Shakespeare: Dashing Dinosaurs & Sexy Centaurs: Winter’s Tale

⡴⠑⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⣀⣀⣤⣤⣤⣀⡀

⠸⡇⠀⠿⡀⠀⠀⠀⣀⡴⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡀Play it!

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠑⢄⣠⠾⠁⣀⣄⡈⠙⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣆ Juegalo!





⠀⣾⣷⣶⠇⠀⠀⣤⣄⣀⡀⠈⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇It’s good

⠀⠉⠈⠉⠀⠀⢦⡈⢻⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣶⣶⣤⣽⡹⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇es bueno


⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣷⣶⣮⣭⣽⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇



Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

This game, it takes the words from your very beating breast. It robs you of the very words you would only use to worship it’s form. It contains the pure essence of the great Bard himself, William Shakespeare. It bears his name but is no pretender, for it practically is one of his great works. Alongside Macbeth and Othello, this game should go down in history as a masterpiece of writing that shall be studied for years to come.

It contains life-changing dialogue that brings the characters to life with the ease and grace of a Toy Story movie. The line “my sauce transcends form” really speaks to the human experience, speaking of the uniqueness of each person’s true nature or “sauce”.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Furry Shakespeare: Dashing Dinosaurs & Sexy Centaurs: Winter's Tale on Steam

Caliban Below

Caliban Below

Great teaser of immersive and narrative VR that is something that I have found very lacking in the VR content out there. The world is engaging with a haunted beauty that draws the viewer in. Having a narrator guide you through the experience give it the feel of a gothic tale unfolding in front of your eyes.

This gives a much deeper view into the Abbot’s Book world. I have a much clearer idea now of where the director wants to take the viewer. I look forward to more direct player interaction and am eager to see what surprises await us in the catacombs.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Wow. Ok. I haven’t been much of a VR supporter, but having worked in the visual effects industry for some 30+ years one of my friends recently told me that I should really check this out. Evidently the developers come from a VFX background, and after a few minutes of playing you can really tell they’ve brought their skills to bear.

Having not been overly interested in game play, per say, the idea of VR as a story telling medium intrigues me. Unlike reading a book or watching a film, VR presents a host of challenges for driving a story arc and guiding the viewer while also allowing them the freedom to explore a given space. It’s still an open landscape; without a formula or established structure to lean on. While I don’t think anyone has yet hit upon a distinct set of rules for establishing the way a story should unfold in VR, it’s clear Blackthorn are the people to watch when it comes to breaking open the ways and means for a narrative VR experience.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Caliban Below on Steam

Black Book: Prologue

Black Book: Prologue

A very promising point-and-click adventure with a deck-building component. The cartoony art style is somewhat reminiscent of Bilibin illustrations and suits the Russian fairy-tale theme perfectly. I also love that the characters speak in dialect and that the demons have odd accents. Using evidently well-researched cultural notes as hints for the game is a clever idea. The card combat in the Prologue is very easy, almost to the point that one would have to try to lose a battle. This early in the game, deck construction doesn’t really seem to be a factor. I assume that this aspect of the game will get more difficult and involved as one gets farther into the game.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Very nice cards rpg game prologue that introduces the story and mechanics of the main game.

You play as Vasilisa, a young witch who is trying to break the seven seals of Hell in order to bring the man she loves back to life.

The game has beautiful art and an interesting lore based on Slavic Folklore.

I recommend you to explore and read everything to get all encyclopedia entries that will help you answering correctly some of the in-game dialogues choices.

Depending on the good or evil choices you make, you can also earn sins. How this might affect the story will only be revealed in the main game.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Black Book: Prologue on Steam

Heroine’s Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok

Heroine’s Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok

Heroine’s Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok is a classic graphical adventure game themed on Norse mythology with extensive combat and RPG mechanics in the vein of Quest for Glory. It is effectively an affectionate parody of classics such as King’s Quest.

Please keep in mind that although the game designers are clearly FAMILIAR with Norse mythology, this game does not simply faithfully copy it - the mythical Norse characters are noticeably different in story and/or basic design from their namesakes, which to be honest is entirely consistent with classic adventure games. For instance, it is the Heroine who goes after Fafnir at Regin’s request, as opposed to Sigurd who just sits around cooking great food all day. That said, savvy players may still pick up on details ahead of time, such as with Hervor.

Real player with 73.0 hrs in game

Wonderful love letter to the Quest for Glory series, and 100% FREE to boot. I was an old member of the Hero6 scene back in the day and remember the first screenshots of this game. Wonderful to see it finally released years later.

Great things:

  • Old Norse setting really adds to the game, with appearances by Loki, the valkyries, Sigurd, frost giants and tons of lore that will make you want to read up on viking mythology.

  • RPG stats really do matter, much more so than they did in the Quest for Glory games.

Real player with 55.1 hrs in game

Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok on Steam

Arena Tactics

Arena Tactics

Kinda fun. Some strategy involved….

Real player with 385.2 hrs in game

A review from someone who’s started playing on day 2 of PC release:

Not as good as it could be, but it’s an early access game to keep an eye on. Key words: Early Access.

To start, it is very obviously pc port of a P2W mobile game. It’s monetization copies Clash Royale, being that you gain card for each of your characters through winning games and/or buying them directly with buyable in-game currency. You then use the cards to upgrade your characters through currency obtained the same ways. For some reason, I don’t seem to be getting matched in multiplayer with people who have realized this is a thing yet.

Real player with 43.0 hrs in game

Arena Tactics on Steam



it is very scuffed but I love scuffed games.

default movespeed is horrid until you get a mount, but you can get them free it just takes awhile.

there isn’t much content atm unfortunately, the devs bought rights from china where the game is 3 years in content ahead, but it will come eventually. he’s working on the mobile version first but after that content is coming to both.

it’s like a MC towny server, but everywhere. idk, i just love it - feels like gaming 15 years ago before markets and trading websites and all that.

Real player with 300.2 hrs in game

So, after about a hundred hours into the game, here’s my critique of Milkcraft:

First thing - personally I don’t like Minecraft, because you build things there only for the sake of building (no function, no inhabitants), graphics are poor and RPG aspects are extremely lacking. I bought Java version, played a while and got bored. That’s why I tried Milkcraft, to see if it’s better than Minecraft, but it’s actually worse.

It’s perhaps the single worst game I’ve ever played, next to Pokémon Go, Modern Combat 5, Asphalt 9 and Fire Emblem Heroes. It only cements my life-long conviction that mobile games (or games coming from mobile) are bad (except handhelds like PSP or DS). I left a positive review before, to maybe bring new players, but there are only 15 currently online and 30 24-hour peak, so the game is going nowhere in the West.

Real player with 112.4 hrs in game

Milkcraft on Steam