The Way Of Love: Sub Zero

The Way Of Love: Sub Zero

This game had been sitting on my wishlist for quite a while and I’m so glad I decided to give it a go. I must admit, it’s technically flawed, sometimes a lot. Also, there were times when I didn’t really understand what was going on. But in the end everything somehow glued together (pretty much) and the game turned out to be quite alright. I think the things I liked the most were the detailed scenes, which looked very nice, and the voice acting - the actors really made an effort.

So yeah, if you’re into the genre and your expectations aren’t too high, this should be a nice game.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mystery Indie Games.

The Way Of Love: Sub Zero has nothing to do with love. Nor does it have anything to do with cold temperatures.

If you decide to pick up this game, please remember to save often; the game will not hesitate to soft lock.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

The Way Of Love: Sub Zero on Steam



man this is a great scary game

October 31 2020 UPDATE: It has been officially 2 full years since this game has come out on October 31 2018 and we have not have a single update but a date that telling us on Feb 26 2019 that the full release date of Apparition is in July of 2019 that never came true. No gravity games what is the hold up on this game beside dealing with Covid-19? I want to know because this game is not worth buying for 10 or 5 dollars for this if u only get one night in this game.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mystery Indie Games.

My previous review was glowing because it was in Early Access still and I expected a lot of the rough edges to be worked through. They brought the game to 80% and then walked away from it though. It has received no updates and will not be receiving any updates again. The idea is principally very sound but it plays like a demo more than a full game. The menus are very bad, you have to fail a lot to learn the rules, there are glitches that let monsters catch you through solid surfaces, the customizations are awful, and I was forgiving of those before when they were clearly still actively working on it on the assumption it was just a work in progress it but they’ve abandoned this project now. It’s not horrible as games go but you get what you get at this point and the end result feels like part of one level of what should have been a full game. Every time you escape the site with some paranormal evidence it adds to your running experience total which is used to buy more advanced gear so you’re effectively grinding one site with the exact same items in the same locations every time. Jump scares are the bulk of its offering.

Real player with 22.6 hrs in game

Apparition on Steam



Spoiler Free; A beginner-friendly review new to visual novels.

My rating: 9/10

Discovered this store page because of the anime.

I remember watching 3 episodes of the anime Chaos;Head around 2013 and I decided very quickly not to continue watching it.

Initially, I thought the reason why I discontinued watching C;H was due to my severe depression that peaked around that time.

Fast forward to early 2021 and I was reminiscing about STEINS;GATE (the anime) and how awesome it was.

The S;G VN is something I’ve known since the early 2000s, but never gave the chance to read; I only watched the anime.

Real player with 109.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mystery Gore Games.

I’ll start my review of by saying that I’m a very big fan of the Science Adventure series and that this game Is also my favorite game anyway, so this review is probably going to be biased. With that In mind here Is my review. Chaos;Child is the 4th entry in the Science adventure series and Is a thematic sequel to Chaos;Head. While I would heavily recommend playing Chaos;Head first it Is by no means necessary to fully enjoy Chaos;Child. Chaos;Child Is set six years after Chaos;Head In the restored city of Shibuya which had suffered from a devastating earthquake that destroyed the city. The cast of characters are mostly survivors of the earthquake who all are now living in the newly restored Shibuya.

Real player with 95.6 hrs in game


Ciconia When They Cry - Phase 1: For You, the Replaceable Ones

Ciconia When They Cry - Phase 1: For You, the Replaceable Ones

as an absolute fan of Ryukishi07’s previous work, namely Umineko, which I consider my personal most important piece of literature I hold dear to myself, I had no hesitation in purchasing this new title of his merely minutes after its release.

I was confident it would not disappoint, and I’m glad to say that it absolutely didn’t!

this installment of the When They Cry series has an amazingly interesting well thought out futuristic universe (sometimes i felt there was too much world building in comparison to balanced character building) and the cast for this installment is diverse, unique and fun (koshka is my personal favorite girl).

Real player with 83.8 hrs in game

I don’t care about the price, I don’t care about the length, I don’t care about the fact it’s just the first episode and the others are yet to be released (or maybe not? Seeing as it’s been like a year and a half with no news), I’m here to talk about Ciconia Phase 1 as a standalone VN and compare it to Higurashi and Umineko.

First of all, without even getting into the story, I want to note something I found extremely odd, possibly indicative of production problems. If you’ve read Umineko you might remember how it has an excellent soundtrack made by multiple people, and Episode 1 alone has something around 40 tracks (mind you, Umineko Episode 1 is shorter than Ciconia Phase 1). Ciconia not only has less tracks, with something around 33, but many of these are also royalty-free music, bringing the number of original tracks to something around half of what the Umineko Episode 1 OST was.

Real player with 56.5 hrs in game

Ciconia When They Cry - Phase 1: For You, the Replaceable Ones on Steam



The good:

Great game, the visuals are beautiful and the gameplay is great!

The blend of the tension from the horror with the mistery and investigation you must do ends up being pretty great!

The sound is also great, being able to hear the monster, even on a different room or floor, really brings up the tension.

The story is very interesting too, makes you want to know what’s going to happen next and what’s happening right now. Overall the game is very good.

The bad:

But, it’s not without flaws, I did find some wierd bugs, but none game breaking so far. But it’s biggest flaw, as per my opinion, is the lack of savestates. You have 1 save file per profile and that’s it, and that save file is both the manual and auto save. That’s a really big problem, because each “level” has several ways of finishing it, and they do seem to have a different impact on the story.. and that’s where the 1 save file for manual and auto save really sucks, because, for example, if you want to experience the different solutions on Part 2 of Immure, you HAVE to play the game from the very start, from a different profile, and that, on a game now-a-days, is pretty bad.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Immure is an awesome game so far, and I really do hope it gets finished. As for right now, be aware of it’s current state and make up your own mind.

You essentially traverse an old semi-abandoned mansion consisting of hallways lined with doors. Each door leads to a “soul” that you must either save or kill. After entering a door you must solve puzzles and avoid baddies to complete that doors story and escape.

As for right now Part 1 (which is free) gives you the first door, and the Part 2 DLC gives you the second. And that’s it for now.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

IMMURE on Steam



EDIT: I have made a 100% guide for both the main game and the ALIX DLC (link can be found in main guide) Now the review.

Amazing game with a great story, It kinda feels like an Escape the Room type game with all of the secrets in the room that aren’t apparent at all. The game has 10 endings 1 of those is the “best” ending, needing to find all the secrets and uncover the deeper story. Overall the vibe from the amazing music and the story make this a great game 10/10. EDIT: ALIX DLC Review; An amazing development in the story, great soundtrack and great writing to set tone of the add-on. More hands on choices with this one, and interesting dialogue Other DLC’s are readable and give more insight to the story as well as what happens after ALIX’s Best ending as well; worth a read if you enjoy the Game and DLC as much as i did

Real player with 52.4 hrs in game

TBH, even for being free, this.. isn’t great. The game’s hideous despite being in the unreal engine and making your graphics card run hot. Plot is. Strange? Voice work is the best part, but the game really could use some way to speed things along, and even the day select doesn’t make things less tedious. for some endings? I just. Let the game run while I read a book. Because I had nothing else to do after having listened to most of the convos already.

The Alix DLC is slightly more interesting than the game itself, but it’s also incredibly hideous. + Alix’s voice is grating even if Nathan’s voice is nice. If I’d recommend playing any of it, I’d recommend playing that? but. Yeah, skip this unless you just want free achievements, and play Unheard instead. Unheard has fast forward, pause, and rewind. + Unheard is just more interesting, AND far prettier.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

MONITOR: The Game on Steam

Yesterday Origins

Yesterday Origins

A strong recommendation

Didn’t play the first game in this series so I didn’t really know what to expect. However, my experience with European developed point/click games for the past 15 years has left me with mixed feelings at best, so I was pleasantly surprised by the high level of quality of everything from graphics to puzzles to the story.

Having played a lot of indie developed games in the genre lately, and although they cannot be fairly compared to bigger budget studio games, it’s nice to be able to play a game where it isn’t obvious that the creators has cut corners or used simpler tools to create the game.

Real player with 39.8 hrs in game

I don’t often review games on steam. I’m lazy, and usually leave that to other people. This time… I felt I had to voice my opinion.

Let me preface this and say I’ve played all of Pendulo’s adventure games, right back to Runaway: A Road Adventure (on CD no less). I’ve enjoyed them all, except this one. The deviation from standard adventure mechanics was too much for me. So, onto a list of positives and negatives.


  • The interface. It’s an abomination. All those pop up windows that you need to drag around to find hot spots.

Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

Yesterday Origins on Steam

Blendy 2 Dolls Factory

Blendy 2 Dolls Factory

I like the deer.

Couldn’t get past the first area, Blendy is on a constant trajectory towards you. Standing still anywhere on the map will have you clipping around on the ground. Not sure if I could ever justify 3.99 for this.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Blendy 2 Dolls Factory on Steam

Final Theosis

Final Theosis

I wad really disapointed with this game.

One positive point it’s in French too !

Second positive point, you’ve got to choose who is you personnage, girl, boy or “futa”.

Third positive point, you can “date” anyone you want.

BUT, that’s all. The game is short, really short, you cannot choose what you want to say or do. (You can choose 2/3 event plus the person you’ll date but), the reste is really linear. You can do the 3 different ending with only one save… well it’s pretty disapointing.

And that’s too bad, the concept is refreshing and your character is not the worst idiot on the planet But that cannot save rhis game. I’m not sure it’s still a game as you don’t have any impact on the story. Moreover all decision you do on the last part of the game, finish with the end of the game.

Real player with 29.8 hrs in game


Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

Final Theosis on Steam

Greenwood the Last Ritual

Greenwood the Last Ritual

Starting as an investigation plot with mystic elements and magic the game takes an unpleasant

! supposedly devotional turn. The player ends with

! unknowingly helping a destructive god in his cruel apocalypse. As is insinuated in found scrolls and conversations, mankind has committed a severe sin in trying to avoid being slaughered instead of just letting it happen. This is, what the player is meant put “right”. The meager story is quite linear, I did not find any way to change this pitiable course of action.

Real player with 23.4 hrs in game


  • dark and creepy atmosphere

  • intriguing horror story

  • easy, enjoyable puzzles and quests

  • big map with many different regions for exploration

  • game is not short

  • game is cheap

  • graphics looks nice


  • pixel hunting

  • bad and clunky Diablo type mouse controls

  • repetetive and frequent paranormal attacks and quicktime-events halts gameplay. it’s getting tedious after a while.

  • very long loading time when starting the game

  • can’t manually save - only auto save

  • frustrating final puzzle.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Greenwood the Last Ritual on Steam