Grimtale Island

Grimtale Island

Grimtale had a shaky start with its first iteration and in all honesty I suspected some kind of scam, however I’m delighted that the developer has proved me 100% wrong, he has rebuilt Grimtale Island (the original game was lost by mistake) and has done so very quickly, it must have been hard to start all over again, but he’s done it.

The updates for Grimtale are coming in thick and fast, the developer is talented, friendly, helpful, honest, responsive and he listens to feedback.

The game itself, amongst a myriad of other zombie-survival/crafting/building games manages to set itself apart, with an attractive low-poly art style. The level of polish is impressive for a game in early access. Obviously there are bugs, some rough edges and features to be added but I have absolute faith that all these issues will be addressed in time.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mystery PvE Games.

This is the 16th review of the Steam Redlight series, a series where I purposely seek out negatively or controversially rated games on Steam to see if they’re as bad as the Internet says they are. It’s accompanied by a video review that can be found here .

In summary, I cannot recommend this game, while it does have some basic gameplay elements introduced for an open-world survival game, it doesn’t quite cross the threshold into justifying a price-point for a game that’s unfinished and no longer in development according to the developer’s post from August ‘19.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Grimtale Island on Steam

Imagined Leviathans

Imagined Leviathans

Immerse yourself in this starkly monochromatic survival adventure as you explore for fuel, take shelter from horrors, and negotiate with survivors.

A Scavenger Tale Set In Britain’s Arctic Future

You can feel the cold in your bones, and something lurks in the bright white void between trees. Scavenge for fuel. Build up that fire. Venture through the cold. Sacrifice everything. Alone, you must discover what lies beyond the forest, beyond the words, beyond the imagination.

_You’re frozen by fear!

You can’t hold out in that snow-buried campervan.

Come to the Steelhenge, just keep your head down and avoid the leviathans stalking the tundra.

Help me gather the other survivors and we’ll thaw out our truths by the fire. It’s time to forge something new.

  • Bill_

Read More: Best Mystery Atmospheric Games.

Imagined Leviathans on Steam

Disquiet Fields

Disquiet Fields


Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mystery Dark Games.

I need to say… for 2$? This is a great game!

The graphics and overall atmosphere of the game is nice and well made.

Audio design is good and simple but effective. Combined with jumpscares and many diffrent threats.. it made me scream A LOT.

But it gets a bit repetetive after few tries but no matter every single trail is all diffrent than the ones before!

In my opinion it’s totally worth the money - 9/10!

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Disquiet Fields on Steam

Fading Visage

Fading Visage

Fading Visage is a bare boned single map where the objective is to follow a willow the wisp spirit with a kumbaya voice saying “follow me so I can tell you what a naughty monkey you’ve been”. It drags you out to a small dead wilderness area and points out a item that was present when the crime happened. Then two or three shadow people (that look like the letter A) appear ready to chase you back to the house from where you spawned from in the beginning. Upon reaching the safety of this house, you black out and the friendly spirit again asks you to follow so she can point out another item and tell you off for being a naughty monkey. After 5 or 6 of these repeated happenings it culminates with you having a choice to either live with yourself knowing you’re a naughty monkey or drown yourself in naughty monkey justice, the later apparently being the ‘Good Ending’. If you don’t make a choice within about 2,000th of a millisecond the game will choose for you this drowning ending. Both endings are pitiful for what can only be described as a fairly rushed out asset plonk and give me your money. I’ve played better free games on Steam. Only 10 minutes of ‘why play this rubbish’ entertainment slapped with an outrageous $7.50 price tag. Like the title, i can only hope this developer is a ‘Fading Visage’.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

This game is alright. I think some of the other reviews may be a result of mistaken expectations; the tags on the store page are misleading. This is a very short walking simulator with horror elements. The story is okay, the graphics are mediocre, and the price is too high considering the length of the game. Get it in a bundle.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Fading Visage on Steam

7Days Origins

7Days Origins

Really amazing piece of art, do not undermine it’s simple nature. This game makes you think you know whats going on, then proceeds to shatter your expectations. It takes story telling to another level, truly taking you in a journey of wits. Every single choice you make impacts your outcome, everything you think you know, is wrong. Especially on your second play through. Don’t bother restarting because you messed up your choice.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

Amazing and literally all what I’ve been waiting for! For a while I never thought Buff Studio would really adapt 7Days for PC, but here we are, enjoying this amazing game on HD on Steam.

I still plan on finishing the entire game and reliving every path on the game. The new art is AMAZING and never fails to amaze me. Gosh, I really missed seeing Kirell on the original artstyle. I can’t wait to see what more new things I can find!

I really hope with 7Days on Steam, the game grow on popularity. 7Days really deserves recognition and I would be glad to welcome new fans with open arms. Thanks for creating this awesome game Buff Studio!

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

7Days Origins on Steam

KOBOLD: Chapter I

KOBOLD: Chapter I

### 👉 Curator Page

### 👉 Video Review

  • About

The blurred line between cinema and VR gaming in the horror genre. Despite being a short story, with a hopeful follow up, it is satisfying to play if you enjoy dark mystical stories with the occasional jump scare and/or appreciate the fact that this is a movie transitioned into a VR game.

  • Gameplay

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

OMG! This was so intense… incredibly creepy and beautiful at the same time!!

Let me start with the graphics… beacause damn, this game is slick!

I may be new to VR but from what I have seen so far this is the best looking horror game I have played on Steam. I played it in the Rift on my GTX 1080 and the game was stunning! Nice sound too. Im really starting to appreciate spatial audio. Good voice actors too.

What I liked the most was the way the story creeps up on you. Everything is nicely paced and you have an overwhelming feeling of dread as you progress. Couple of nice jump scares too if you look carefully. I liked that there was no teleoprt and that you could walk around freely with the thumbstick. I also like how picking up stuff worked. I prefer to click the trigger only once to pick up or drop an object, because other games force you to hold the trigger down if you want to keep something in your hand, which can get kind of strenuous after a while.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

KOBOLD: Chapter I on Steam




While 2D platformer and puzzle games are not something I play often, Henosis managed to catch my eye because of its visuals. And even though this game is not something I would remember for a long time, it still delivers a decent amount of entertainment.


You play as a cute, small, blue blob who collects water tokens so it could restore the vitality of its homeworld. And that is it, nothing more, nothing less. To be precise, the game does not have any form of storytelling, and this might be the only information about the story you can get. However, this game does not need any, and I did not miss it.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

What’s a blob gotta do to get some service around here?

If you want to see Henosis in action, watch my video. It’s a blob’s life and your goal is to find water to survive. Jumping from platform to platform is satisfying and a bit surreal, and timing your jumps and movement is both joyful and rage-inducing. To assist you, you’ve got a time slowing effect that is required in some parts and makes others easier. Henosis isn’t difficult, per se, except when it is.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Henosis™ on Steam



I’ve spent a long time debating my feelings on this game. When I first saw the demo and some of the artwork, I really thought this would be an amazingly fun game. But, instead, it mostly fell flat. While the visuals are pretty chef’s kiss beautiful… the gameplay and actual storyline (if you can call it a storyline?) was unfortunate. So many points were boring and beyond the few “EEP” moments in the beginning, once you recognize the sounds or enemies it’s just dull and repetitive. The game doesn’t do well to guide you in some points, like the water “level”, so you spend too much time watching the same death scene over and over again. Let us not forget the very strange hit boxes sometimes. I definitely do not recommend this game and I greatly wish I could’ve gotten a refund. Weaveractive, if you’re reading this… I hope you use that money to make a better storyline and overall game. Please and thanks.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

This game is so bad. The controls make know sense. Arrow keys and space bar?? I don’t have arrow keys so i had to hold FN the entire time. TERRIBLE. I think this is the worst 20 dollars i have ever spent in my life. Dont play this game unless its on sale.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

KEEP OUT on Steam



Everything happened so fast… And even if people could have seen it coming, what could they have actually done? David was one of the ‘lucky’ ones. Far from the chaos, yet he felt the impact all the same. Now, trying to understand everything that happened, he found himself returning to a place that called to him.

A place that offered the best possible chance for his survival… The Woods.

In spite of everything, David is determined to survive.

So with his trusty ax he spends his days chopping and preparing wood -

Keeping the fire stocked to stay warm and fend off from the creatures of the night -

And to help clear his mind and relax, even play his guitar -

However, don’t get too comfortable. When Winter ends he will find himself having to fend for himself all the more with fishing, trapping, and hunting.

But in the end, will this be enough?

Welcome to the Woods. In the first Part of Woods you have the seemingly easy task of simply keeping a fire going, and protecting yourself from the cold in winter. Chop wood, feed the fire, and survive. A simple task at first, but once Winter wanes, the challenge is increased as David will have to learn to fish, make traps to catch small animals, and eventually learn to hunt to survive. Along the way, learn about Davids story from his past and why he must survive.

In the Woods there are no heroes. Just you, the elements, and the will to survive.

WOODS Part I on Steam

Zardy’s Maze

Zardy’s Maze

This game is pretty much the concept Baldi’s Basics created, but enhanced to a sharp point. It does have a small amount of RNG dependence, but most games do. The people you see complaining about RNG just don’t know about how the enemies act, which, to be fair, is not taught by the game, due to it trying to be a cryptic, trial and error experience.

This game is a really good time killer, especially with the challenge mode, since it changes up how the game functions, i’ve already almost wasted a day of my one life on this earth on it, and with it being free, you can’t really go wrong with it. You can support the creator on the page for Zardy’s Maze or at their merch store. I’d give it a 8.25 out of 10.

Real player with 38.7 hrs in game

((Full disclosure; I am friends with the developer of this game, so that will no doubt affect my review. Also, the vast majority of my playtime was not through steam.))

Still, I enjoy Zardy’s Maze, and would definitely recommend it.

The game was definitely made with past survival horror games in mind like Baldi’s Basics & Slenderman: The Eight Pages. I think this helps it.

Zardy’s Maze, at least initially, is spooky, unsettling, and deadly. However, once the confused panic from your first few attempts begins to wane, you realize the game is relatively straightforward.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Zardy's Maze on Steam