Gothic Murder: Adventure That Changes Destiny

Gothic Murder: Adventure That Changes Destiny


Absolutely adored playing this, it’s the right mix of murder mystery and tropey silliness. I had a ton of fun and am glad I picked this up on a whim.

We play Ellie, an orphan girl in the 1920s who has found a job as a live-in maid in a Victorian mansion, at night she dreams a vision of a terrible murder featuring the lord of the house and he’s far too pretty to die so she must save him somehow! With a shady cast of relatives and strangers showing up for discussion of the late master’s inheritance, who could be behind it?

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mystery Singleplayer Games.

A fun, short mystery visual novel i would easily recommend to anyone who likes mystery and/or otome games as a genre. Quite enjoyable and worth the price imo. Since the developers decided to release an english version of this game on steam, i hope they will also consider releasing the DLC content that hasn’t been translated yet. I would love to be able to read it and see more interactions between the characters.

The only criticism i have, regarding something that left me a bit dissatisfied, is that i find the romance a little lacking, and the branching paths a little meaningless, as the only difference between them was one short scene and the epilogue, which changed according to the character you choose to pursue. (especially disappointing for me because i left my favorite boy for last, so i was a bit bummed out to see there was very little interaction with him)

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Gothic Murder: Adventure That Changes Destiny on Steam

Head AS Code

Head AS Code

I like it. This is an indie game styled after the Zero Escape franchise, so there are a lot of references and spirit you can feel throughout the game. Just so you know, Head AS Code is a remake of the original title and is somehow superior in every sense. The presentation is pretty simple and there’s a lot to think about in this plot-driven story. I wish I could say much about the characters and the plot, but a lot of this game relies on reveals, so the magic would happen best if you saw them yourself. Coming up with theories is great, and I like to think this game gave me many opportunities to guess at what’s going to happen next. One of my only real non-spoilery complaints about this game… I’d say it would be the serious lacking of puzzle difficulty. As in, there’s only one real head-scratcher and that’s it. All the “puzzles” are just clicking the next option and that’s it. I get why creator decided to remove the difficulty from the game and I understand that many puzzles in the original version alienated the player from ever solving them without outside help. Still, this beats out doing obscure mathematics anytime.

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mystery Thriller Games.

A refreshing swim during an absolute drought of mysterious multiple-route sci-fi visual novels, exploring esoteric concepts both originating from science and philosophy, and delving into matters of the mind and body.

Many game reviews I’ve read act redundant by repeating the plot summary and anything else you would find on public platforms, so I’ll try to refrain from doing so.

Written alone by one person, this visual novel features a strong and distinct cast whom you will interact with often, soaked in their own mysteries, to varying degrees of intimacy and personality across several routes. This is one of few VNs where, when given the option to talk with certain characters, I had wanted to talk to everybody right off the bat. What fuels the nuanced characters, their desires and motives? Hidden behind layers of facade and veil, YOU will quest to learn the reason for each member’s existence.

Real player with 25.3 hrs in game

Head AS Code on Steam

Cions of Vega

Cions of Vega

Another lovely walking simulator from Tonguc Bodur. In a departure from previous games, you have a companion on your journey to find your missing daughter. Your brother follows you, providing commentary (with a strong American accent that borders on a southern twang!) and a few inventory items. His dialog, coupled with notes found along the way, begin to alert you that all is not right in the world you are walking through.

The game is split into 7 sections, delimited by gates that each require a key. Keys are located by searching abandoned houses, a church, and some tunnels/caves for clues and solving some basic puzzles. There is one brief platforming sequence that is easy to navigate. Otherwise, you can run, walk, crouch and jump. For speedy gamers, there is a convenient ‘auto-run’ toggle.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mystery Atmospheric Games.

Finished it, finally. I say finally because I am a novice gamer and what might seem old hat to most players will give me fits! The puzzles are basic–this game is mostly about the story and the journey. I love Unreal Engine 4 games because the scenery is so neat and this game doesn’t disappoint. The cons for me were inside the houses it is very dark and made it hard to see, and I thought the brother was SUPER creepy, following like red light/green light, but I understand he is a necessary part of the game. The best part was at the end when you earn the right to make a choice (of 3 choices). I’m not going to spoil it but I’ll just say the choice I made was VERY satisfying lol.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Cions of Vega on Steam

House of Rules

House of Rules

This is the greatest rpg horror game I’ve ever played. English is not my first language, but I want as many people as possible to read my review so I’m writing in eng.

These are the factors of this game that I’ve fell in love with:

1. Puzzles were pretty hard to solve, though very interesting and unique. My favorite one was the one about ‘lambs’. It took me more than 30 min to solve, but I’m proud about it.;)

2. I loved every single dialogue . It’s not long nor evident, but it’s enough for the player to make an assumption about “the truth” of what’s really going on in the mansion, which I fail to guess because the unexpected twist at the end. (in a good way!)

Real player with 31.9 hrs in game

I’ve downloaded a demo for this game at first not thinking too much about it, nor having any special expectations BUT when I saw how amazing the style , music and sound in general were I was ready to dive in. Then as the story started to unfold I was so drawn in by the mystery and the feeling of unease that it gave me at the same time. Then BOOM the demo was over and at that point I was so immersed into this game there was no way I wasn’t getting the full version. The puzzles are decent and the library one got me thinking for a minute there. But the main thing about it that keeps drawing me in is the mystery part of the story and I think this is an amazing work. I can’t wait to finish it and see what was it all about and most definitely can’t wait to see more games from dev team. 10/10 one of best games in this genre I’ve played. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FROM ME, AND IT IS VERY INEXPENSIVE! Just thrilled with the experience!!!

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

House of Rules on Steam



Game is a 1 out of 10 for the sheer fact it’s broken Video here (once it uploads) w/ time stamps to dialogue outside of the ending you can’t reach and the crashes:

Disclaimer Unlike the other reviewers so far I actually played the full game (that you can play BEFORE making my review)

The first part of the game has the most redundant mechanic and takes sooooooooo long literally like 5-6 minutes a person to max the juice and you’re literally just managing 2 things. The story is really hard to follow the grammar is a bit off and you’re thrust into the world told A B and C and the story doesn’t really give you enough information about the world to draw you in and feel involved in the plot to be honest. I did enjoy the flashback with the grandpa that was probably the highlight of the game and story. (the story is probably the best part of the game by far). THE WORST PART IS you get all the way to the end and the heart crashes your game. I literally tried so many different ways to beat it the mechanic for even playing the ending is terribly hard because your chain move and your single light up move are on the same key and with the BACK TO BACK TO BACK COMBOS it’s almost impossible to get them without erasing your moves plus the heart heals when you make a mistake, so imagine my surprise when the game crashes after I FINALLY brought him to probably his last phase. Hopefully the crash situation will get fixed for future players. The game would have been a 6 out of 10 if it worked the story was interesting even though it’s not told particularly well told and it tries to do some neat things but the first part of the game drags because of redundancy.

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

I wasn’t expecting a game like this at first, but it drew me in pretty much immediately. The story is really intriguing and well done, so are the characters and the ending was a nice twist. But the spearhead of this game is the atmosphere, the mood that transmits is really powerful, giving me different emotions, from distress to sadness. In a word: dark.

The only flaw, if you’re looking for a game with fast-paced gameplay, fun and dynamic, this game is not for you. In fact, it’s a bit repetitive, but once you understand that the gameplay is functional to the narrative, a simple device to tell a story, it’s something you can live with easily. In addition, there is also a fast game mode that shortens the timing and does not make you lose anything in terms of plot, a mode that I sincerely recommend to anyone who wants to approach the story giving up a little immersiveness. Basically, a game that you do not see every day and that I fully recommend.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game


Black Chapter

Black Chapter

I did like this game quite a bit. 7/10 if I had to put a number on it. 8/10 if it were longer. The game does a fair job of making you like most of the characters at least a bit. The story is interesting enough, and does a good job keeping you guessing as to what is going on in the big picture. I think the only real flaw I can think of is more of a game design pet peeve. The ending you get is largely, if not entirely dependent on your final decision. I like it a lot more when choices throughout the game determine the ending, rather that the final scene being the game changing moment for the whole story. Still though, it’s a good game, creepy enough, fun to play, good story. Would recommend.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Really fun game,clever puzzles without being frustrating or way too easy (looking at you skyrim) a whodunit kind of plot with Phoenix Wright/Danganroppa style interludes in between puzzle sections,did scare me quite a few times and the overwall plot of what happened in the monastery in the past and how it relates to what is happening now i really enjoyed.

Its Fairly short ate around 2:30ish hours depending on how well you do with the puzzles but its well made,no boring padding and barely any backtracking trough previous areas,maps feel cleverly designed with its connection to previously visited areas trough new entrances,it is a simple game but a very well made one,highly recommend

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Black Chapter on Steam

Death Becomes You - Mystery Visual Novel

Death Becomes You - Mystery Visual Novel

I am currently aiming for a complete playthrough with all endings before I write an extended review for another outlet. It’s an intriguing tale that dances in that moral grey area, at least that’s where I’m at right now.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

A very great game! It got me more and more hooked as I progressed through the story.

It’s a murder mystery that focus on the relationship of the characters and you can keep discovering their depths and how different they are. The routes have distinct vibes allowing me to get attached to each character’s personalities while also showing the different sides of Lyra, and how strong her presence is for better of for worse.

It deals with magic in a interesting way, in a dark tone that shows the multiple possibilities and the dangers of magic in thsi world.

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Death Becomes You - Mystery Visual Novel on Steam



Embark on an undercover mission in a medieval kingdom hovering on the brink of a civil war. Become part of a vile conspiracy or choose to act against your orders. Stand by your unlikely allies or ruin them for personal gain. The fate of the divided realm rests in your hands.

  • The captivating atmosphere of medieval decadence

  • Thrilling story heavily focused on characters and character development

  • Branching narrative shaped by the choices you make

  • A wide cast of morally grey allies and foes to interact with

  • Three slow-burn romantic routes with an impact on the story

  • Multiple ways to approach your mission: use your wits, sleight of hands, magic, or cold steel to achieve your goal

  • Immersive mini-games and puzzles, complementing the narrative

  • Pumpkin, a horse companion with her own outlook on your actions

Half a century has passed since the Kingdom of Tyrnia repelled the Imperial Invasion, but now the once victorious kingdom finds itself on the brink of a civil war.

The Queen rests with the Four now and the young King’s ascension to power is overshadowed by his suspicions towards his younger brother, Prince Bryden, who, as many think, could become a better king.

It is rumoured to be the sole reason for His Highness Prince Bryden to be entrusted with the administration of the most remote and decadent city in the kingdom.

The city of Kastra, or the Widow, was once the capital of Tyrnia. Now she is a pale shadow of her former self. Abandoned and almost of no interest to the Crown, she has fallen into the hands of local criminals who call themselves the Thieves Underground. Under their leadership, the corrupt city guards and the mysterious Church of Anar-Nehit, pilgrims from the far-southern deserts, control nearly every aspect of the city life.

Yet, even if the war has been over for half a century now, the patient and vile Ontorian Empire, just like a serpent that it bears on its banners, has prepared an even more cunning plan to seize neighbouring lands.

Under the guise of a relative of a local impoverished nobleman, Eiren, one of the Imperial spies sent to Tyrnia, will become part of a dastardly conspiracy to take over the unaware kingdom.

In order to successfully execute her orders, Agent Eiren joins the Prince’s people and will have to play her part in the liberation of the city. Together with Gieden, a crafty captain of Bryden’s forces, she begins the investigation of a daring crime that has shaken an already fragile balance in Kastra.

Eiren must act behind the backs of her unlikely allies, maintain their trust, and protect her true identity and motives at all costs.

But, perhaps, the hardest challenge for her to face will lie in the battle with her conscience and in the necessity for coming to terms with her own tragic past.

Dissension on Steam

Phantom Path

Phantom Path

I’ve recently started trying to make video games. As such, I can say that I get the impression that the developer is trying to convey to the player a condensed version of what it feels like to make the game.

  • You have a bunch of sometimes fiendish problems on your hands

  • It’s somewhat of a dark storyline

  • You spend (or at least I spent) a lot of time running in circles, sometimes in a “grindy” way and other times in a “Jesus Christ wtf do I do?” way

  • You go to others for help when you need it (the developer is good about answering questions in the “discussions” section)

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Phantom Path is a neat little puzzle game. Having finished the game in about ten hours, there’s a lot that I liked but also some stuff that took away from a very good experience.

The game is separated into separate levels, each containing one and sometimes two puzzles to open the exit to the next level. Each exit requires yellow or blue fire in particular pillars around the level. In the beginning it is pretty straight forward to find a fire of the required color and bring it to specific pillars. The further you progress it becomes more challenging, especially with the introduction of more puzzle elements. There are teleporters and bridges which also require a source of power that you have to find and provide. Furthermore there are so-called arcane walls that only let you pass if you have transformed into a floaty phantom thingy. Problem is that you can only do that transformation in certain positions of the map and as long as you are transformed you cannot interact with anything or exit the level, so you have to transform back first.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Phantom Path on Steam

Aeon on Mosaic: Anemone 时间碎片:奇迹

Aeon on Mosaic: Anemone 时间碎片:奇迹

Such An Incredible story i would reccomend this loving it

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Probably one of the best galgames I had ever play, the story was really deep and rich of plot twist. The only problem that I had ever encountered in this game was the script was not really sincere to me it doesn’t capture the full meaning of the story and a little bit of grammar mistake in my opinion, P.S: it was also very short XD and dramatic. But overall the game was very fun and catchy.

~Gameplay hours: 2-3 hours

~Graphic: Beautiful 9/10

~Bug/Glitch: No Bug & Glitch

~Story: Very Rich 8/10

~Script: Not bad 6/10

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Aeon on Mosaic: Anemone 时间碎片:奇迹 on Steam