

amazing art style, addictive mini games, super cool character designs. overall a very fun game! it even became my most favorite comfort distraction 🥺💚

Real player with 58.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mystery 4 Player Local Games.

Do you want to play a party game without breaking friendships? Then mealmates is for you. This sequel is a direct upgrade from the first game, where you can do more than just spoil your mealmate, play minigames and give him away to be eaten. You can customize your mealmate with clothes you can find in the “neighbourhood”, cook recipes which can later be bought in the shops and unlock things by completing achievements.

The replayability is GOLD, the music is GOLD, the game itself is just GOLD.

Worth the money. Some day I will invite my friends to give this a try.

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

Mealmates on Steam



Absolutely adored this game.

There were a few minigames that I either had difficultly figuring out what I was doing wrong (and still to some degree don’t know what I was doing incorrectly) or the controls right when you start a new one. They aren’t always clear cut, at least to me, on what you were supposed to do. However, that’s something that’s easy to overlook as you can retry them over and over; through that point in the story by restarting that minigame marathon or talking to the person again and given another chance.

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mystery Dark Humor Games.

Average ice cream fan

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Typical milk enjoyer

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Real player with 8.2 hrs in game


Halloween Trouble 3: Collector’s Edition

Halloween Trouble 3: Collector’s Edition

Just like the others in this series–same music, same game play. I like them for a mindless time passer.

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mystery Singleplayer Games.

Halloween Trouble 3: Collector's Edition on Steam

Later Alligator

Later Alligator

(WARNING: Massive amount of spoilers in this review)

About 3 to 4 years ago when I bought Night In The Woods it followed a particular progression. I saw the game advertised on Steam, looked at the page and it slowly caught my attention. I then chucked it into my wishlist and there it stayed for a long time. Finally months later, I caved in and bought it on sale. The game proceeded to become one of my all time favorite modern video games and won my heart minutes into the game.

Later Alligator very much followed that same flow. The art style, the characters, it all looked so obscenely adorable that I knew I needed to try this game. Sure enough, in this fateful autumn sale I fell for it. Starting at 1 AM in the morning (Since what better way to enjoy a goofy vibrant day in Alligator New York City than in the dead of the night) I dived into the game and it wasn’t until 5 AM that I finally made myself put it down. Just minutes into it I immediately fell in love with the art direction and the fluent animation. And Pat. Once you meet Pat, never let go. You’ll learn very quickly in Later Alligator what kind of a world it is. It’s a dark, gritty, grey world full of loving parents, overachieving bodybuilders, people relaxing on the streets, and old folks playing card games. And ghosts. If nothing else to be said about the game let it be known that Alligator New York City needs Alligator Ghostbusters because the entire city is crawling with ghosts. It takes some time getting used to the grey filter on everything. At first I wasn’t sure if I liked it but there’s an odd aesthetic to it. It draws your attention to the already colorful and scaley denizens of the world. However from an gameplay aspect it can get cumbersome, more on that later.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Early review right now after a quick hour of play.

Later Alligator (and I swear I’m not biased towards this game at all) is a gorgeously 2d-animated, primarily point-and-click, cartoony romp through Alligator New York City. Everyone’s alligators. The gameplay itself is simplistic; unlike normal point-and-click games of this style that you might have come to expect, there’s no picking up items, there’s no real big decision making. It crosses over more with Professor Layton-style gameplay, wandering around the city and picking up little collectibles by clicking on various pieces of the environment.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Later Alligator on Steam

Slap Village: Reality Slap

Slap Village: Reality Slap

I’m giving this game an unenthusiastic thumbs up - it’s an ok game that could be pretty good with just a little more effort from the developers. I hope they take that effort in the later games so I can give the next chapters a more enthusiastic thumbs up.

I really liked the artwork and animation. Very appealing! The story was a bit jumbled up but overall interesting enough for me to continue playing through the game. I thought the characters were rather interesting. The puzzles for the most part were ok - nothing I couldn’t have eventually figured out with the standard “try everything with everything” approach. That said, I did resort to a walkthrough to get past a few areas.

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Slap Village is a Wild West point-and-click adventure game where you play a young girl named Luriditas. Even though it uses a cartoon art style, it is very distinct with very detailed areas. The various characters you come across are unique, to the point where you can recognize them by the outline (and most likely their voice and how they speak). Slap Village has a very fluid and consistent animation. This game may be colourful, but it balances it well enough to where it doesn’t strain your eyes after long periods of time.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Slap Village: Reality Slap on Steam

Who is the Liar?

Who is the Liar?

I loved the art direction chosen for this game. It combines pieces that look like they came out of the board game Clue with beautiful, more realistic 3D scenarios and comics iconographies. The game also has an engaging story and charming characters.

With all of these elements at the developer’s disposal, the game practically begs for more content. Since it is still in early access, it is sure to develop into a great game.

Very promising!

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

A fun game, very well produced. The visuals are incredible, combining cartoon 2D and stunning 3D. A humorous narrative, it reminds me of the movie Knives Out with its crazy eccentric family. Looking forward to play the next stories in the final version.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Who is the Liar? on Steam

Human Origin

Human Origin

What is this game? It’s you watching and listening to a guy ramble on and on incoherently about subjects.

How to get achievements? Just load up the game and minimize. Chill out on the web for a couple of hours while achievements slowly roll in.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

I dont even know, what the purpose of this game is but seems funny :D mol

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Human Origin on Steam

The Office Quest

The Office Quest

It´s my first quest game. I don´t know how bad or good other ones are, so I can´t say The Office Quest is better or worse or the same.

The game confused me. Everything starts with a guy sitting in office, doing boring job and being annoyed. Then suddenly in a second (in a second for us, for the character it was infinity) a flower appears. It flys away and the character decides to follow it.

Basically he keeps following it all the plot. This flower is fire, dream, freedom, love, happiness, life, everything. Character meets ugly, disgusting and blind people. Most of them are addicted to their phones, food, work etc. But Character finds the one, who is still here in real life. They becomes friends and follows the same dream - the same flower. After all Character has to leave the friend, but it doesn´t mean the end of friendship. Mentally they are still close.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Another “light” Point & Click game, but with an emphasis on mini-games and puzzles that require logic and critical thinking.

Divided into 4 chapters, it’s basically about an employee bored with his work and tries looking for color to add in his work-life. You can probably finish this in probably 2-4 hours (it took me almost 5, but that included a lunch break as well). Some of the mini-games were frustrating to do (yeah, am looking at you star puzzle, memory game and platformer) and there were one or two points which were annoying to figure out, but nothing was really difficult enough to make you bang your keyboard (although i came close to it in chapter 2). Probably falls in between the games Gomo and Machinarium in terms of difficulty.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

The Office Quest on Steam



SideTracked! is a low-poly, casual action RPG where any group of friends can group together and side with good or evil while becoming superhuman in strength, power, or magic!

Players take on the role of “assistants” stolen from their home dimensions by a hugely powerful but disorganized entity. Complete quests in the entity’s pocket dimension to help them restore order or go against the commands issued to you and take vengeance for being forcefully abducted.


  • Hack, Slash, Blast, and Cast hundreds of enemies away in hundreds of unique locations.

  • Extensive and immersive story and quest lines.

  • Full online co-op and pvp gameplay.

  • Over a hundred (and rising) craftable and collectable items to help you on your adventure.

  • Regular updates bringing tons of content and shaped according to player input.

  • Extensive modding support and tools offered to help you create any form of content you want!

SideTracked! on Steam

Faircroft’s Antiques: Home for Christmas

Faircroft’s Antiques: Home for Christmas

The HOP scenes are interesting and clever. As in all the Faircroft Antique games there is a story to follow–the conversations can get long-winded but you can click through them. The mini puzzles are good…so all in all an enjoyable game if you like this genre.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

very relax game

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Faircroft’s Antiques: Home for Christmas on Steam