Occult Crime Police

Occult Crime Police

Personally I don’t know the “Phoenix Wright” game(s) that many reviewers are referring to.

I just think that this game was fun. It has amusing animations, some good dialogue and funny moments.

This game’s basically a visual novel-type with a few “puzzles” that involve presenting evidence to contradict vitness statements.

Playing time’s around 5 hours.

It’s a free game, try it!

Thanks devs!

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mystery Sci-fi Games.

It’s criminal that this game is free. It’s basically an indie take on Phoenix Wright, done really well. It took me 5 hours to play (and I was streaming and reading the dialogue aloud, so a normal play would probably be shorter), but it was a memorable experience. Great writing, interesting characters, notable plot twists, and great animation and sound.

It’s clearly the setup for a full-length series, so I am eager to see that manifest. I’ll happily toss a few dollars to the devs via their optional cosmetic DLC too; they earned it with this.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Occult Crime Police on Steam

Puzzle Chambers

Puzzle Chambers

math and I don’t get along, so as much as I love puzzle games, I try to avoid ones with too many numbers, though there are a few exceptions (nonograms, hexcells and its spinoffs, etc.). puzzle chambers actually plays a bit like crosscells, as in you get a bunch of numbers and operators and you have to make sure everything adds up on the board. or in the room in this case, because it’s not just a puzzle game, it’s also a story about some people who wake up and can’t remember anything, but they have to solve puzzles to escape. as they point out at the beginning, it’s kinda like saw or the cube.

Real player with 21.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mystery Indie Games.

Nice Puzzle game with a quirky background that’s revealed bit by bit.


As you can see, good window and sound options, as well as plenty options to remove stuff that lets you wait.

I don’t really know what penalty you get when you fail while not using unlimited solutions, I tried and could just continue to guess. Maybe you might want to have free solutions later on for tough stuff, but I want to solve them myself anyway. :)


Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Puzzle Chambers on Steam

Chicken Holmes - The Mystery of Bartolomeu

Chicken Holmes - The Mystery of Bartolomeu

I liked the idea of the little chicken, with a humor, just stay tuned to the details and look for clues, in the classic point-click style.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mystery Crime Games.


Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Chicken Holmes - The Mystery of Bartolomeu on Steam

Adventures of Bertram Fiddle 2: A Bleaker Predicklement

Adventures of Bertram Fiddle 2: A Bleaker Predicklement

Oh dear. An incomplete, buggy mess.

I enjoyed the first episode. It was a glorious dig at Victorian Explorer cliches, complete with comically large moustaches, photomographs, stuffed animals and endless pomposity.

This one though….well, the story is as enjoyable, but it has major MAJOR problems. There are several sections in the game where if you don’t perform a sequence of events in the exact correct order, an item can vanish from the game leading to an unwinnable situation. Pathfinding is broken, with characters walking through each other yet unable to cross an empty space. Animation is glitchy and buggy, with characters miming actions and the end result taking place some seconds later (like tea drinking), sometimes they’ll jump around the screen or vanish entirely (the lady with the dog did this to me). Sound is glitchy, with the volume very unbalanced and lines of dialogue often being clipped before the end. Sometimes there are subtitles but no voice acting. Sometimes there is voice acting but no subtitles. Quite often the character will speak but the animation doesn’t play of them speaking, making it look like a voiceover. Large chunks of the game have no animation at all, appearing like a very cheap flash animation from 20 years ago, with characters snapping from “start” to “end” with nothing in between.

Real player with 50.3 hrs in game

–On a repeated playthrough with the most recent patch, there are lots of ways for the game to crash or have progress halting bugs. It was working better before the patch to correct Steam achievements. I would recommend delaying playing until these issues are worked out with a patch. Overall, I still loved where the game was going, just the bugs are serious at the moment.—

Bertram and his Peruvian cyclops manservant, Gavin, are back to catch the nefarious Geoff the Murderer in the second installment of the Bertram Fiddle Adventuring series. The game is made with lots of love and it shows. It’s full of British comedy, wacky characters, and puns, oh the puns!

Real player with 29.3 hrs in game

Adventures of Bertram Fiddle 2: A Bleaker Predicklement on Steam

Apopia: Prologue

Apopia: Prologue

Great game! Seen how it’s been the works for awhile, being fed bits of juicy new content on my instagram feed and now it’s finally out! SO you know when you’re reading a reaally good book and can’t put it down, or watch a great movie and walk out feeling like a new person? Well, THIS IS THE SAME, but game format.

Gameplay - Apopia’s gameplay is super fun - puzzles and mini games are a refreshing break from all the shoot-em-ups/build-your-adventure/brainless time wasters out there nowadays.

Art - the setting of Yogurt, and the Castle are gorgeous to look at with its soothing colour scheme and lighting.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Ok, so I have been advertised this game so many times on my Instagram and decided after the 5th time to actually play the game. Initially, the game seemed like it was going to follow in the footsteps of Undertale where you fall down and meet unusual characters when you fall below. However, playing further into it I can appreciate the amount of effort put into the character and level designs, and I love the point and click aspect with a simple and slightly rough art-syle. The music is absolutely banger, I would definitely listen to the soundtrack if it was put onto Spotify. Although the ending for the prologue was rushed in a way that I did not understand what was happening because too many concepts and events were happening at once, I like the route that the game took. I look very forward to playing it when it is finished. If you are interested in playing this game, I really suggest sitting back and just listening to the unique and fun songs and gander at the character designs because frankly, they’re so distinct and wonderful!

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Apopia: Prologue on Steam

The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game

The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game

Words can’t describe how much of a masterpiece this “game” is, but I’ll give it shot.

I put game in quotes, because you can’t really call this a game, its more of a vivid memory of your distant self who is a frog detective. The instant I clicked on the “New Game” button I became Frog Detective.

Thanks to the innovative key bindings my keyboard and mouse could truly become an extension of my body, which only resulted in letting this experience become more real. Even though I only have 50 min in this “game” it felt like I went through an entire life of pure joy.

Real player with 83.0 hrs in game

Short game and with childish art style but somehow unique and charming!

Developed by Grace Bruxner and Thomas Bowke, The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game is a short (~1h) by enjoyable adventure that puts you in the role of a lovely froggy detective, who is phoned by his supervisor to investigate a strange case. On an island ruled by Martin, a sloth who crowned himself king, unexplained noises can be heard from crevices. The sloth’s first reaction is to call in a group of ghost scientists, who spend the next two weeks trying to figure out what is going on. Trying, but certainly not succeeding. That is where the Frog Detective, come in.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game on Steam

Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard

Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard


First Impressions

Having recently played and reviewed the first game, which really disappointed me, I’m not at all looking forward to Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard (FD2). Considering how well received the first game was, I don’t see the developers changing up what they did the first time, as there’s no reason to fix something that’s not broken. Knowing I’d knock it out quickly enough, I decided to play it sooner than later to find out whether I was right or wrong. To spare any potential mystery, I wasn’t off the mark in my prediction.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Frog Detective is back! A delightful sequel to the original game

Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard picks up right after the events of the original game, The Haunted Island: A Frog Detective Game. In a lot of ways, the games are very similar, both are a short and easy point & click adventure game, where you play as the titular Frog Detective, who need to gather clues and figure out who the culprit is within the case. This time, you are aimed to solve a new mystery. You need to figure out who wrecked the parade the townsfolk of Warlock Woods were preparing to surprise their new neighbor, an invisible wizard?!

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard on Steam

Later Alligator

Later Alligator

(WARNING: Massive amount of spoilers in this review)

About 3 to 4 years ago when I bought Night In The Woods it followed a particular progression. I saw the game advertised on Steam, looked at the page and it slowly caught my attention. I then chucked it into my wishlist and there it stayed for a long time. Finally months later, I caved in and bought it on sale. The game proceeded to become one of my all time favorite modern video games and won my heart minutes into the game.

Later Alligator very much followed that same flow. The art style, the characters, it all looked so obscenely adorable that I knew I needed to try this game. Sure enough, in this fateful autumn sale I fell for it. Starting at 1 AM in the morning (Since what better way to enjoy a goofy vibrant day in Alligator New York City than in the dead of the night) I dived into the game and it wasn’t until 5 AM that I finally made myself put it down. Just minutes into it I immediately fell in love with the art direction and the fluent animation. And Pat. Once you meet Pat, never let go. You’ll learn very quickly in Later Alligator what kind of a world it is. It’s a dark, gritty, grey world full of loving parents, overachieving bodybuilders, people relaxing on the streets, and old folks playing card games. And ghosts. If nothing else to be said about the game let it be known that Alligator New York City needs Alligator Ghostbusters because the entire city is crawling with ghosts. It takes some time getting used to the grey filter on everything. At first I wasn’t sure if I liked it but there’s an odd aesthetic to it. It draws your attention to the already colorful and scaley denizens of the world. However from an gameplay aspect it can get cumbersome, more on that later.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Early review right now after a quick hour of play.

Later Alligator (and I swear I’m not biased towards this game at all) is a gorgeously 2d-animated, primarily point-and-click, cartoony romp through Alligator New York City. Everyone’s alligators. The gameplay itself is simplistic; unlike normal point-and-click games of this style that you might have come to expect, there’s no picking up items, there’s no real big decision making. It crosses over more with Professor Layton-style gameplay, wandering around the city and picking up little collectibles by clicking on various pieces of the environment.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Later Alligator on Steam

Methods: The Detective Competition

Methods: The Detective Competition

This game is so charming and wonderful, it’s quickly become one of my favourite games ever! If you like mystery stories and fun characters, I highly recommend you pick it up. And if anything seems interesting, don’t be afraid to try out the demo!

On to the (spoiler free) review! (I’ve never written a review before, so apologies if it reads oddly at all.)

The gist of the story is that, 100 of America’s greatest detectives and 100 of its worst criminals are pit in a battle royale against each other to win a million dollars. (And parole, if they’re a criminal.) You play through the stories of several participants as they advance through the competition, meeting new faces at every turn. The game is split into 100 chapters, and it took me personally about 7.5 hours to play through them all on my first playthrough.

Real player with 51.6 hrs in game

This is probably one of my top ten games I have ever played, in part because I love solving locked room mysteries so much. I do realize it will not be everyone’s cup of tea, however. Here are (in my opinion) the main downsides of this game: 1. character art is a little lackluster, but you can see that for yourself on the steam page. You do get used to it though, and the character designs do have a lot of personality. 2. The pacing is a little weird. Sometimes you will go through long-ish periods of cutscenes back to back or mysteries back to back. 3. Finally, the ending does leave some loose ends, which could maybe have been intended to pave the way for a sequel (or maybe the game designers just couldn’t decide how to wrap them up, I don’t know). With those downsides out of the way, here are the things I love: 1. mysteries upon mysteries upon mysteries. Both little murder scenes you have to solve and some big over-arching mysteries within the game. 2. The characters are really fun. Both detectives and criminals all have a special method they use to do what they do, and it is very fun to see all of the varieties of detectives and murderers they came up with. You also get to play as different detectives and use their methods of solving mysteries, which is cool. You also get to briefly step into playing as a criminal as well. Again, I’ve never met a game with so many mysteries to solve, so this game was lots of fun for me. To me this game is very worth the $20 it normally costs (so I’d say to definitely get it if it sounds interesting, especially if it goes on sale).

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

Methods: The Detective Competition on Steam

Runaway, A Road Adventure

Runaway, A Road Adventure

“Runaway” is one of those games people love to argue about. It’s featured in multitude of “favorite” and “best adventure” lists with many players considering it one of the best; yet there are always complaints from the other side of the fence – about puzzles, characters, story… Such division in opinions isn’t undeserved, as the game has some kinks and won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but it has undeniably become a famous title in adventure gaming.

One thing almost no one disagrees on when it comes to “Runaway: Road Adventure” is how gorgeous it is. A mix of 3D and 2D characters and environments creates vivid, rich visuals with some epic backgrounds you’d want to pause and take in for a minute before moving on (some 3D cutscenes, on the other hand, can be eyebrow-raising). The looks of the game became so popular that referring to something being “in a style of Runaway” is, in a way, synonymous with cartoon-styled, intensely colored, and detailed graphics - a large part of an overall attraction for this adventure.

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

Runaway: A Road Adventure is a point-and-click (P&C) adventure game which, by design, it is no more than your typical P&C game from the ‘90s.

The story centres around Brian Basco, an initially shy and nerdy Physics graduate from New York whose life totally changes the moment he almost runs over an admittedly hot chick, Gina Timmins, with his car. Could this be faith? Taking her quickly to the hospital, Brian soon finds out that the mafia gang is after her as a result of possessing an enigmatic crucifix given by her father which she pledged to protect. From here on out, it is knowable what is about to happen and is already hinted in the title itself: become runaways chased by the mafia whilst trying to decipher the mystery behind the crucifix.

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

Runaway, A Road Adventure on Steam