No Cure

No Cure

Aladdin for the Super Nintendo is your basic run-of-the-mill videogame that was adapted for the movie

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mystery Dungeon Singleplayer Games.

No Cure on Steam

Radioactive dwarfs: evil from the sewers

Radioactive dwarfs: evil from the sewers

Really cool and interesting gaame.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mystery Dungeon Arcade Games.

An interesting game with its own plot, has 20 levels , many different enemies, you can have a good time in this game.

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Radioactive dwarfs: evil from the sewers on Steam



This game seems like something straight out of a course or class on Unreal Engine. The menu reminds me of a retro X-com game and the blank white starting screen in the beginning made me think the game was broken. There are too many complaints I have about this game that I cannot recommend it in its current state.

Starting out, you are just dropped into a dark cave with terrible lighting issues. So avoid if you have aversions to blinking lights. Any enemies that aggro on you growl a terribly leveled voice that’s overpowering all other noises despite distancing. They take nothing to kill and even the over-sized replicas of the same enemies take minimal bullets. The bullets are infinite. You can heal yourself infinitely and hurt yourself… why? Only useful in the event of getting stuck? Depending on where you lookin the first level, the game tries to use some kind of realistic lighting but it’s not well implemented and everything goes invisibly dark. After beating the first level, you are dropped into another place with no context and you and your character have no idea who you are or what you are doing or the direction you should go. It’s a project (as seen in task manager as the file name) vastly needing improvement, clearer direction and purpose. The only puzzle I solved was shooting some explosive barrels. It could be fun with the diversity of locations and portals to new areas, but there needs to be more direction, world building, and context. It just feels like you tried new meshes and textures in each specific setting. Maxed out my 3070 on epic settings unnecessarily. The settings menu is limited, you can’t even control audio. Nah.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mystery Dungeon Action-Adventure Games.

Sin-Cay on Steam

Accel Magician Mimi

Accel Magician Mimi

If you look at the rest of the developer’s games, it appears they either used a kit and reskinned it, or made one game and reskinned it, multiple times. Keep this and the fact I’m basing my recommendation on the sale price I obtained it at (59 cents).

Game only consists of 3 stages and bosses, which can easily be completed in under an hour. However, there is 2 player battle mode and co-op, adding to the replayability. Controls are responsive. No optimization issues noted. Difficulty progression is smooth and different enemies have varied enough attack patterns to keep the game interesting.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Accel Magician Mimi on Steam

Arc Wizards 2

Arc Wizards 2

The war of the wizards begins!

This is an exciting action game with a 16-bit taste!

←↑→↓: move

X: Attack (Keyboard “A”)

Y:Plasma shot (Need 1/3 Ppoint ) (Keyboard “D”)

B:Force shield (Need 1 Point ) (Keyboard “W”)

●We recommend the Special Ninja Pack!●

Click here for details ↓


Arc Wizards 2 on Steam

One More Dungeon 2

One More Dungeon 2

PRETTY FUN i play pixel dungeon a lot and this exceeds that game by far

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Really like the style of this game. It has a huge amount of potential and if the devs keep updating the game and add more content it will become a really really good game

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

One More Dungeon 2 on Steam

The Amethyst Stones

The Amethyst Stones

This is a open world single player game where the story begins with Zoe’s father who has failed his mission to save his daughter that has a special terminal blood illness. Various stones and clues have to be found in order to help save her sister. Find the AMETHYST STONES to help save her. To explore the intense island and caves while the story of Zoe unfolds to survive with only instincts and clues plus the ability to push beyond her limits of human endurance,. You can climb walls and go over obstacles and every level has puzzles to be solved to get to the next section. If you solve the puzzles you can continue to the next level. Every levels puzzles become more difficult. The game has a story line that you need to follow and understand. She must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold.

The Amethyst Stones on Steam

Rescue Operation

Rescue Operation

For the price I paid for this game? it is SO worth it!!

It’s a bit of a throwback to the days of Far Cry and FEAR… both of those wrapped up into one. It has elements that obviously feel like an indie game but that’s not always a bad thing :) It is on rails… yes… no open world. It uses health kits only for healing like in the days of Quake and Quake II. But the atmosphere is oppressive… the level design may not be quite to the level of “inspired” but it’s very creative and not at all repetitive. The music is excellent! Definitely sets the mood. The game was obviously written by not English speaking coders but the story is pretty much the same as usual… “we need you to go into the secret base and find out what happened.” Not important. Lots of different guns, and all feel VERY real with good animation and very realistic sound effects. The enemies are challenging without being bullet sponges… the game chooses tactics and execution over raw power or pre-scripted “run around and click all the switches” boss fights and I very much appreciate that.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Resque Operation


  • its short

  • some parts are ok

  • the sound and atmosphere is okay


  • bad graphics and view distance

  • extremely slow movement

  • you cant run and shoot at the same time

  • a lot of bugs, some almost game breaking

  • jumping height is to low and buggy

  • the monsters are bad

  • the last level is too hard

I didnt have the greatest expectations, even though a lot of people was positive to this game.

Unfortunately I have to say, it wasnt any good.

Sure the idea is okay, and some elements work.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Rescue Operation on Steam

Ghost blood

Ghost blood

You can do a lot worse than “Ghost Blood” as far as horror games go but on the whole I’d struggle to recommend it. The gameplay loop involves finding key items to open up new areas to find more key items to solve puzzles - rinse and repeat. It doesn’t do anything remarkably bad but it’s quite confusing and you will spend a good chunk of your time playing wondering aimlessly around trying to find the next item you need to progress. Although the game seemingly encourages exploration, if you wonder off the beaten path the game will spawn an insta-kill zombie on you and you will be forced back to a checkpoint. Do you want me to explore or not?

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Well what can I say, an excellent combination of shooter and horror, the game has an interesting plot, the graphics are good.

Yes, he is budgetary, but he works out his money

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Ghost blood on Steam

Arc Wizards

Arc Wizards

A simple, straightforward arcade game that makes for a fun playthrough. The controls are responsive (with shooting slowing down your movement, so it requires at least a touch of strategy), and the graphics are crisp 16-bit stile, with some animatino. Enemies appear when you advance beyond a certain point, meaning the best plan is to frequentl stop and deal with enemies before advancing. This causes a slower pacing than your average run-n-gun title, but not so much that the game isn’t fun. It’s entirely possible to trigger a few too many enemies and find yourself overwhelmed or having to do some tricky manneuvering.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game


Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Arc Wizards on Steam