Arc Wizards 3

Arc Wizards 3

My full S Rank play through here:

Game is a 7 out of 10 for me the creator definitely improved on it from naginata your sprite is still thicc compared to the enemies but I don’t believe your noggin in this game has near the girth of the geisha from naginata. I like that he added an upgrade system for your weapon in this one where when you get special move bar filling items your shot upgrades and if you take damage you lose it pretty nice reward for not taking damage. Bat form is so much better than jumping as well it can be irresponsive at times for reasons I couldn’t pinpoint but it’s a DEFINITE imrpovement to jumping in naginata. The special move in this SUCKS terribly compared to naginata. Stage 3 is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long and one thing that would take this game a long way is instead of focusing on making the game more difficult by making stages longer and adding a greater number of enemies would be adding different mechanics for enemy attacks quality quantity. Another change that would be super beneficial in this game but possibly a lot of work would be some kind of upgrade shop where you can unlock different attacks, special skills, etc. it would add replay value and just make the game a whole lot more entertaining. Definitely glad the creator made improvements though!

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mystery Dungeon Beat 'em up Games.

Update: So, I was able to play again, and was doing rather well now that I understand what to do and how to do it. It was nice after a certain stage that when I died I could reload and try again from the same point, and not have to completely start over. Unfortunately, the game froze again and the character stopped responding to the controls. This really needs to be fixed because the only thing to do at that point is to close down the game which just makes me not want to play again. So until this issue is fixed, I cannot change my rating. Once that issue is fixed, I will change my rating from “No, I do not recommend,” to, “Yes, I recommend this game.”

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Arc Wizards 3 on Steam

Endorfire Tower Defense

Endorfire Tower Defense

Fun little tower defence game! it’s already got different challenge levels and a good variety of maps, and is being updated with new functionality. The upgrade system is a little unbalanced (not enough upgrades per play time) but still good. I’ve got 32 hrs or so in and still quite a few challenge levels to go, I haven’t even gotten to hard yet.

Real player with 36.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mystery Dungeon Real Time Tactics Games.

Very impressed with Endorfire Tower Defense! The graphics are visually appealing, especially the towers.

My favorite was the Fireball Tower!

You have your choice of easy, medium and difficult levels. The difficult level was definitely challenging and extremely fast pace but fun!

You need to be quick to buy your towers and to upgrade them as soon as your Mana allows you to.

I can’t wait to play again!

Real player with 23.0 hrs in game

Endorfire Tower Defense on Steam

Overlord - RPG Online Battle

Overlord - RPG Online Battle


We already SOLD and TRANSFER the entire OVERLORD game to the owner of the website. For more information, please contact . Best regards,

Read More: Best Mystery Dungeon Battle Royale Games.

Overlord - RPG Online Battle on Steam

Smart Moves 2

Smart Moves 2

I loved the visuals, for a puzzle game, there sure was a lot! (over 30 levels!)

I’m not proud to say that I was stuck in the flower one, though. That one was pretty difficult to understand.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Smart Moves 2 on Steam

Rat Prison

Rat Prison

I got this game from a pack of keys, it is very bad. There is no goal is this game. You do the tasks and then you wait for 5 minutes until the day passes. The controls are super annoying, having to use the mouse, WASD and arrows. So in short: Do not buy this, I could honestly make a better game in 2 days.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Rat Prison is a 2D retro pixel side scrolling adventure game with an unusual premise and an unusual interface. You’re a guard in a dungeon and you have to juggle keeping the lights on, checking on the prisoners, and not being killed by rats.

It’s certainly an interesting premise for the game but the implementation is lacking. You have to use the mouse to play (well, just the mouse wheel, no other functions of the mouse do anything in the game, which is a bizarre and unfun decision), and the keyboard to move left and right. If that sounds like an awkward interface, well, it is.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Rat Prison on Steam

100 hidden gnomes

100 hidden gnomes

Worst in the series by far. Unless you are trying to teach a 2-3 year old how to use a mouse, simply pointless.

While others in the series have charming and sometimes quite clever artwork (100 birds still manages to hide the last few birds from me even after a few play throughs) this has neither.

2 minutes and 1 pan through the scenery and it’s done. (I had to leave it running and go cook some breakfast just to be able to write this review.)

TLDR: TSDB. (Too Short, Don’t Buy.)

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Alas, I, your humble scribe of this here review, find myself unable and unwilling to give this game either laurels, or medals.

“Why?” asks thou, most saucily.

“Because,” respond I, tired of the fake Shakespeare talk, “it blows like a hurricane and sucks like a vacuum cleaner.”

Nothing is hidden in this hidden object game …and that sort of defeats the purpose of the danged thing.

! Unless the goal was a quick cash grab, in which case- kudos!

Previous efforts by the devs were not brain twisting by any means, but at least provided a well priced, mild and fun challenge with small images well integrated in the black and white line art.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

100 hidden gnomes on Steam

Dungeons and Kingdoms

Dungeons and Kingdoms

The Dwarven Sons of Ivaldi have reclaimed the mountain and begun their quest to forge masterpieces for the Gods.

When you learned of this, you struck out with your family, leaving the safety of the human kingdom to venture into the wilds to settle and establish trade with the Dwarves.

There you begin to grow your community from a tiny village into your own mighty Kingdom.

Assemble a party of heroes and begin your adventure into the unknown seeking treasure, fortune, and fame.

Dungeons and Kingdoms is a combination of city building and small party questing adventures.


  • Modular building - Hundreds of modular building pieces available, build entirely custom structures and layouts piece by piece

  • Build Plans - You act as the build planner by placing all the pieces and build up modular buildings, then begin construction. Those build plans pass to the job system to be constructed by your workers. You can have many build plans in construction at the same time.

  • Full Preview - Build plans allow you to see what your buildings will look like fully connected and rendered in game. Your workers will only act on them when you start construction. You can cancel construction at no cost, so you can attempt endless Build Plans until you like what you see.

  • Edit buildings - Once placed and built, all building pieces can be removed or added allowing no end to how you customize and evolve your world

  • Assign Builder - Assign anyone for basic construction (fire pits, wood fencing etc) up to master builders for epic monuments and castles

  • Decorate - Hundreds of items available to decorate and furnish your kingdom


  • Save Build Plan as Blueprint - Start placing items as a build plan. When you have a collection of pieces you want to re-use (like a small house, or a smith) you can save the current build plan as a Blueprint. This allows you to place the entire Blueprint as a single building piece later, over and over.

  • Everything with Blueprints - You can use the Build Plan feature simply as a way to make many different Blueprints. Make a Build Plan, save as a new Blueprint, then Cancel the original Build Plan.

Tera forming

  • Excavate - Dig trenches and moats

  • Tunnel - Mine deep underground, building networks of mining cart tracks setting up functional production lines

  • Landscaping - Lower, raise or flatten the ground to customize the terrain for your kingdom

Grow Your Kingdom

  • Attract People - Either through increased wealth and prosperity, or great deeds by your heroes

  • Hire Specialists - Send word back to the neighboring kingdoms about specialty positions you need to hire

  • Trading - Negotiate trade with the local Dwarven city. Focus your early growth on what they need, trade for what you need, or what you can trade with other Kingdoms.

Manage Your Kingdom

  • Production - From peasants gathering mushrooms and berries to master masons sculpting great statues, assign your population to jobs to increase their skill.

  • Training - People will learn and improve at whatever job you assign them to, or send them off to other Kingdoms to learn special skills to bring back to your city.

  • Smart AI - While some of your people may not be geniuses, they are smart enough to go to work when something needs to be done. In other words, you don’t have to worry about getting bogged down micro managing everyone. You can be as involved as you want to be, but the more work you put in to managing your Kingdom, the more effective your population will be.


  • Risk - Outside the safety of city walls, the world is dangerous. From wild animals and other creatures, to bandits, and tribes of Orcs… or worse!

  • Economy and Production - Starting small, balance your growth with the available resources and trading partners to ensure your people survive

  • Defend - The more you have, the more others will want to take it. Building and maintaining defenses may make the difference between life and death.


  • Heroes - While most of your population will be regular people with jobs, you may attract, hire, or train up legendary heroes. Take your party of heroes on adventures and quests while leaving your kingdom to be run by the local council, or send your heroes out on their own.

  • Encounter Areas - The main map is for building your sprawling kingdom. Learn through rumors about quests where you assemble a party of heroes to adventure out into the wild including dungeons, over-world swamps and forests, crypts and other deadly lairs.

Play as Anyone

  • Perspective - All play modes are in either First or Third person

  • Variety - Your main character is the leader of your town, with the goal of eventually becoming a great ruler. You can also switch between any character in your Kingdom. Each character has their own unique skills and traits, training level, and inventory.

  • Skill - When you directly control a character, you may be able to increase that character’s production beyond their automated skill level by doing jobs manually

  • Automation - Perhaps you leave control of your city to your people and focus on adventures as one of your Kingdoms great heroes.


  • Weapons - Many different weapons to craft, buy, or loot, including swords, maces, hammers, axes, bows, crossbows, and several specialized weapons with many custom animations and sounds.

  • Custom Smithing - Either attract or train a smith of high enough skill, and build your own custom weapons with unique stats

  • Enemies - From neighboring enemy tribes of Orcs, to many different creatures and monsters ensures a diverse range of combat tactics and experience.

Sandbox Mode

Sandbox mode available - build anything you want without restriction or having to worry about resources, money, or dangers.

Dungeons and Kingdoms on Steam

The Cryptologist Room

The Cryptologist Room

Terrible controls, clunky movement, unclear objective ( objective says enter answer in the book, but what are we answering?) I spent 3 hours in first room and hours of research on LOTR and cannot figure out what the question is much less an answer. I like puzzle games and cryptograms but the first puzzle has no clear direction. not fun.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

I tried the first puzzle and it racked my brain! An excellent switch from the horror games I’ve been playing. The graphics are excellent and the puzzles are really challenging!

The only downfall I see is that there are many spelling errors (i.e. asnwer, rigns). It’s a small thing, but it’s noticeable when you have to analyze practically everything in order to progress. Otherwise, highly recommend so far!

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

The Cryptologist Room on Steam

Farm Dungeons

Farm Dungeons

Farm Dungeons was a fun experience. At a glance, it appears to be another piece of rpgmaker shovelware, but it further investigation will show that this game has time and effort put into it.

For years, I thought that a dungeon-crawling farm simulator would be amazing! The closest I have found to such a game is the Rune Factory series, which is really fantastic, but not quite what I have searched for. When I found this game, I decided to give it a shot.


  • The Dungeon is well balanced and fun to explore.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Short and sweet Indie made with RPG Maker MV -

There’s farming, cooking, pets, and item crafting (through merchants) and repeatable bosses which is a nice spin on the traditional JRPG fare.

Bonus points for allowing The Dog to not only join the party, but lead it (if you put them first in the roster). You will gain multiple party members and can swap them at the beginning of a round without sacrificing an action; combined with auto battle (basic attacks only) this meant a minimal grind while also making the back benchers relevant to buff or debuff.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Farm Dungeons on Steam

Hunter Girls

Hunter Girls

### Run, girls, run!

A good runner in which we control three characters at once. Each character has their own abilities, so you will have to choose tactics depending on the enemies.

Hardcore is present - it is necessary to get into timings, and this is sometimes very difficult.

Overall, a pretty good timekiller

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

The game is great, reminded of platformers on Nintendo.

It’s rare when a platformer has a plot, but here it’s interesting.

I advise everyone

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Hunter Girls on Steam