Mushroom rain

Mushroom rain

Fun game, great relaxing, great graphic design.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Music Clicker Games.

A fun and point and clicker game. Very relaxing and if you like Steam Achivements this is for you. Thanks for all the hard work on this guys.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Mushroom rain on Steam



I do not recommend this game. This is because firstly, it’s controls were created with mobile playing in mind, not computer. This causes trouble when you try to scroll with your mouse which will provide an infinitesimal amount of help. Secondly, the amount of work you have to do to earn money in the game is ridiculous. One click equals a ten thousandth of a bitcoin. At the beginning of your play session the value of one bitcoin (in the game) is ~$12,000. That means one click equals ~1.2 dollars at that time. The cheapest upgrade to buy is a GTX 1050ti for 750 in-game dollars. That graphics card in the game gives you 0.0005 bitcoin/minute. An approximate average click-speed per second is ~6. So for 625 clicks, you receive 5 free clicks per minute. If you apply that average 6 clicks per second without factoring fatigue for 625 clicks, it would take you 104 seconds. You can have about 10 graphics cards at one time, but their is yet another problem that happens with the GPU’s. Thirdly, the game is saturated with bugs. The biggest ones are when you TRY to replace a graphics card or processor. If you used up all of your GPU slots with crappy GTX 1050ti’s, you cannot swap them out for GTX 1080’s, or any graphics card for that matter. You are stuck with your 0.005 free bitcoin/minute with all of this GPUs combined. Also, the game lets you downgrade your CPU! Another bad thing about this game is that it is purely optimised for mobile gameplay, even though it is a desktop game! Although i am not even half empty with the salt this game has provided me with, i have decided to give up on criticising it because i don’t care enough about it. I cannot recommend this game.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Music Clicker Games.

I’d advise to wait until this is further developed, there is so little choices I found it more fun using an autoclicker :-(

by limited (as of now, they will be added a lot more)

your selection

1 motherboard.. 2 cpu’s since the first you get automatically… 5 video cards.

by the way apperently these guys think amd cards are twice the price of Nvidea… hope the dont make asics cost so much

my auto clicker beats it.

looks to be fun but after 10 minutes its just too primitive as of right now, it will get better I have no doubt..

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Bitcoin on Steam

Hi-Score Boi

Hi-Score Boi

It’s nice to look at…while you click the space bar (or have a script running to auto click the space bar), but zero depth. You seriously just click the space bar. I foolishly expected more with the fun graphics…that you soon realize never change.

There’s no fun to be had, or reason to ever come back to the game after the last achievement pops, and it very unfulfilling…but I got the achievements. I guess, if I want more, I can just play an actual “game.”

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Music Clicker Games.

I absolutely love how fun this game is. From the sounds to the colors and the sheer competition of acquiring all 50 achievements. It is definitely worth the download!

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Hi-Score Boi on Steam