ODDADA is currently in developement. We are still adding and changing lots of stuff!


  • Put together your own musical construction kit from modules, little houses and unique sound colors

  • Create your own musical landscape while building up the village

Story Mode

  • Get to know the odd and magical world of ODDADA

  • Solve puzzles and experiment in little musical mini games

Read More: Best Music Colorful Games.

ODDADA on Steam



A musical and artistic journey in VR. Switch on the Cinematic mode and fly around its as trippy as hell but so much fun. The electro beat is repetitive but also soothing. I fell in love with this game.

If you like creating electronic beats this is the game for you i really hope they add a record mode so you can save your masterpieces for later.

For the price you will have fun it’s EA so i hope that more shape and sounds are added but its a good start a game with potential.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Music Colorful Games.

Experienced on Windows Mixed Reality

Please note: I got a free Steam key through the Steam Curator Connect program

You can view my gameplay & initial impressions review here: https://youtu.be/dX1CR02vjZg

This is not a bad VR painting program. It’s pretty chill & relaxing and it has some cool features. Unfortunately, it really does pale in comparison to Tilt Brush. It’s just not as robust. So even though ArtPulse is listed at a lower cost price point, the missing features just make it something not viable as an art tool. Therefore, you’re better off buying Tilt Brush instead.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

ArtPulse on Steam



I like it.. its something thats pretty cool to play with while listening to music.. do the tutorial and itll walk ya thru it.. pretty straight forward and easy to use.. more tools would be cool tho

Real player with 15.0 hrs in game

Pretty meditative physics sandbox, especially with audio reactivity enabled. Had a very relaxed time effectively making my own Windows Media Player visualisations.

Do wish there were more variety in the basic tools (like different collision shapes) but for the price and the simplicity of using it you can hardly go wrong. Hope it does get expanded out to steamVR in the future sometime so more people can enjoy, especially with the oculus facebook requirement ramping up soon. Would hate for this to be lost in the future.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Particulate on Steam



This is what other VR drumming apps should have been. I’ve tried a bunch of them and they all left me craving for a better option. This might me the one for me!

It is fully customizable:

  • You can add the drums you want in the virtual space, resize them how you want and place them where you want! If you’re an experienced drummer you can recreate your own kit accurately, and if you’re a beginner and don’t know where to start you can use one of the presets or recreate very quickly your favourite drummer’s kit.

Real player with 168.0 hrs in game

I just picked this up a couple days ago. Put in 3.4 hours so far and loving it. I’m a complete novice and while the game does not contain a tutorial itself it is still an amazing learning tool.

I used OVR Drop to bring in a youtube window to a show a beginner drum turorial to play along with - this works great! In a short amount of time I was able to learn a straight rock beat with high-hat, snare and base drum. It felt awesome.

Even though you don’t get the feedback of hitting a real surface, it still feels like you are playing the drums and certainly the timing and spacial aspects would transfer to real life. I’m looking forward to learning more and getting better.

Real player with 49.0 hrs in game

Paradiddle on Steam

EXA: The Infinite Instrument

EXA: The Infinite Instrument

English below !!!

Diese App ist absolut einzigartig und ich kann sie nur empfehlen! Es handelt sich um eine Mischung aus virtuellem Musikinstrument, Loop-Station und virtueller DAW. Der Name “Infinite instrument” passt, da man sich beliebig viele Formen frei platzieren und skallieren kann und diese mit Audio-Samples und Tonhöhen belegen kann. Hierzu können eigene verwendet werden oder es kann bequem ingame auf die Datenbank von EXA ( 1000 samples) zugegriffen werden. Wer Noten lesen kann, kann sich diese auch vor seinem Instrument schweben lassen. So hab ich zum Beispiel das hier gemacht: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnAuH1DJV-M

Real player with 79.0 hrs in game

I just want to say I love Exa. Great job to everyone who is developing this. I only played with this for a couple days and it is very easy to use and well designed. I will update my review the more I play around with Exa.

-When playing an instrument I hit a button on the controller and the Ringer menu pops up in front of the instrument while I’m playing. I would suggest to keep the Ringer menu outside of the play space so it is still accesible but out of the way.

-I would like a way to assign a sound to a controller button. So when playing the drums I can click a button for the bass drum so that the hand is free to still hit other pads. Also when hitting an open hi hat you pull the trigger while hitting and the same pad turns in to a closed hi hat. Pull the trigger to mute a cymbal crash. Think of using the trigger as a mute like the feeling of touching the strings of the guitar with your hand to mute it.

Real player with 30.9 hrs in game

EXA: The Infinite Instrument on Steam

Musical Balls

Musical Balls

Make music, sounds, and light shows in this sandbox creation game using physics and time to produce the sounds and music you’d like, or put your mind to the challenge of taking on twenty seven different challenges in our handmade puzzle levels.

Musical Balls on Steam

Robo Maestro

Robo Maestro

Robo Maestro is a procedural music toy. It’s a revolutionary new way of creating and experiencing music! You tell it what you want, and then the Maestro automatically generates music that fits that. Playing Robo Maestro requires no music knowledge at all: just have fun and hear what happens! Guide the Maestro and create awesome music together with it!

Maestro Mode

Maestro Mode is the main attraction: a fun, relaxing experience where the music constantly evolves based on your choices. The Maestro generates random options that you can choose from to alter the music. Hear something you like? Store it as a chorus to come back to later, or save it for usage in the editors.

Loop Editor

Build your own loops and define details like instruments, layers, intensity and random seeds. Whatever you do, Robo Maestro makes sure it always fits with the rest of the music!

Song Editor

Combine your loops to create complete songs!

Export your creations

Share your music with friends, or open it in any other music software to continue editing there. What you create with Robo Maestro is yours to use in any way you like!

Optional deep tweaks

You can also dive deeper and define the chords and time signatures yourself. You don’t have to though: Robo Maestro can figure everything out itself, so you don’t need to know any music theory to use it. But if you want, you can get more detailed control.

Jam companion

Jam along to Robo Maestro on your favourite instrument or vocals! This automatic mode will let Robo Maestro endlessly evolve the music, fully automatically, as a backing for your own improvisation. Or enable the full features and just sit back and be surprised by what Robo Maestro can generate!

Advanced automatic composition

Robo Maestro is powered by an advanced procedural music generator. Dozens of algorithms work together to create each aspect of a song: drums, bass, melody, chords, rhythm, notes and much, much more. You can control each step individually, or just let Robo Maestro generate a complete loop and make tweaks from there.

Robo Maestro on Steam



What an absolute treat of a game showing how every little thing matters and how important the people around you are and you should cherish every moment you can. Wattam starts off with a little mayor being lonely and soon off to making new friends and more on the way. The little sandbox you start out in continues to expand as you progress through the 4 seasons. The music once again never fails to amuse me, and the atmosphere gives the katamari damacy series vibes which gives a lot of childhood memories. Each character you unlock feels very unique and adorable to interact with. The story has a lot of meaning towards life and the world itself. The game roughly takes 3-4 hours long to beat but there is after game content if you haven’t unlocked all the visitors/achievements just to mess around in the sandbox. Can’t believe this adorable but absurd game managed to tear me up in the end truly a fantastic game. Will recommend this game if you are looking for a happy/peaceful time.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

All my days used to feel the same, just playing a waiting game, dining at a table set for one, stuck in an endless rerun. Then one day you walked into my life, it was you I needed. I can’t wait to be comin' home to you, can’t wait to be comin' home to you, can’t wait to be comin' home to it all… Walking alone makes the world a lonely shade of blue, walking alone was a bore, until the moment I met you. All that it took was a single glance to change my point of view, with our hands tightly together, let us set off on an adventure. Along the way, things take a turn… not in a way… like we planned it. Now both of us are trav’ling all alone again, but our journey led us on two different paths, before the end. Please, don’t you leave me, without you it won’t be easy… oh no. I cannot go on alone, I’m not brave enough on my own, so… we won’t be comin', no we won’t be comin'. We won’t be comin', no we won’t be comin'. We won’t be comin', no we won’t be comin'…

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Wattam on Steam



As Robin Sharma said - ‘The very nature of being a human is we are built to progress, we are built to want. Our brain craves novelty and we are most alive when we are progressing towards our mighty mission.’ The modern society embraces this same idea and it applies to every known medium, including video games. You all are familiar with this - achievements, quests, invisible pointers, to, well, point us to do something to keep occupied. Q is, how the one can play & enjoy the game with ‘no enemies, no combat, no threats’ and basically, without any goal? The answer is - you get away from the familiar.

Real player with 423.7 hrs in game

Feather is not particularly entertaining. It’s not traditionally fun, or thought-provoking, or complex. You’ve seen most of it within an hour. There’s not much to do and you don’t walk away thinking about it, or eagerly awaiting the next time you can play it.

And it’s worth every cent.

Feather may not be my favourite game in my library, but it is undoubtedly one of the most important. I have plenty of games that are relaxing, and yet, whenever I’m feeling sad, or stressed, or anxious, or whenever I’m so bored that absolutely nothing seems appealing, or so deep in depression I don’t feel much, or even just when I want a break- I always turn to Feather.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Feather on Steam



I got this game, was fun for a good 5 minutes.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game