Project Green Beat

Project Green Beat













– Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

EDIT: Detailed bonus mechanic guide at the bottom of this review. (Thank you SeattleEgg)

I just picked it up today, but I can definitely say that the immersion is there. I went into my own little world pretty quickly and started to bounce with the beat as I tried to pull off perfect sections. There are lots of bonuses available for trick shots, recochets, accuracy etc. Additionally, right mouse button will charge objects providing a charge bonus when you shoot them. I can see that there’s more for me to learn about getting higher scores, but after half an hour it felt like my mouse hand was going to fall off from all the button mashing. One concern I do have is that the cursor seems to feel a little laggy at times. I’m not sure if it’s meant to be lofting shots (ie balistic arc) or if it’s a bug, but it can be a little confusing at times.

– Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Project Green Beat on Steam



DISCLOSURE: I checked product received for free because I received this game through a giveaway.

When I first started to play Aaero I was slightly disappointed initially due to my own misconceptions. I didn’t know much about it beforehand and had expected it to be a rhythm game. I even went back and read the Steam store description for the game, and in fact nowhere does it suggest Aaero is a rhythm game. Although the music plays a major role in Aaero, it’s first and foremost a twin-stick rail shooter.

– Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

A must-play for the rhythm game fan.


great wub wub soundtrack, fight a giant sand worm, tight controls, fun gameplay, fight a giant robot spider, worth buying

Trace ribbons of light with one stick, and shoot enemies with the other - all to the beat of an outstanding soundtrack - Aaero is an intensely exciting experience that is both accessible and has more than a bit of challenge to the dedicated player.

At the time of writing, I’m one of 5 people to have accessed and completed all difficulties in the game, having taken me 8 hours to achieve this.

– Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

Aaero on Steam

Pistol Whip

Pistol Whip

Perhaps my favorite rhythm VR game with the addition of the latest campaign

– Real player with 39.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Music Bullet Hell Games.

Great high paced party game.

– Real player with 34.6 hrs in game

Pistol Whip on Steam

Rez Infinite

Rez Infinite

Like another reviewer here, this is by far my favorite game of all time. I’ve bought it on the PS2, managed to snag a Dreamcast copy, rebought it on the Xbox 360, and now happily plunking down more money to buy it again on PC

I’ve sincerely been wanting a PS4 just to get Rez: Infinite. But I literally just found out minutes ago that it came out on PC, so here I am! Though to be honest, if I ever get a PS4, I would happily buy this game again. I’m that serious about it.

Where to even begin with this game? The depth, the beauty, the sound, my god. It’s all perfection, in my opinion.

– Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

If you reading this, you must be either of three persons

  • Those why played it on Dreamcast/PS2/Xbox360

  • Those who have seen other play and/or heard praises about it

  • Those who randomly stumbled upon it

If you are in the first category , you probably already bought it.

If you are in the second or third category … Well, this is one of those games that you can’t get the full experience just by seeing. You need to put your headphones on and play with a controller (with vibration) to ‘get’ it.

– Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Rez Infinite on Steam

Super Mega Zero

Super Mega Zero

Miss Undefined has been whisked away by the dastardly Kill Screen. Go from Zero to Hero in this fast-paced platformer, chasing time, the high score and eventually the Kill Screen itself.

Super Mega Zero is a tight precision and puzzle platformer with shoot ‘em up elements. Simply touch an upgrade and switch forms to go from classic, straight-forward platforming to the more puzzle-like action number system or Shoot’ Em Up gameplay. Stick to one or mix them together all in a single level!


  • Challenge hundreds of handcrafted levels with a mix of platforming, puzzles and shoot ‘em up gameplay.

  • Arcade esthetics that bring you back to the 80s

  • A banger chiptune soundtrack

  • Collectable Pi:s (aka the tastiest number)

Super Mega Zero on Steam



edit after the recent updates

Dragon ride is more incredible again the best dragon game we could wish and has a lot of new modes

rhytm and ride it is awesome ,we can use swords and a ot of others weapons in rythm with music

the free fly mode is wonderfull , we could not have more the feeling to be on a dragon on the air , on the ground , in the water ( with a lot of customisation to unlock)

and mini games modes amazing like using crossbow with power up or do treasure hunt to find the eggs of the dragon and where giant crossbows try to kill you

– Real player with 88.7 hrs in game

Full disclosure - I was involved in early testing for this game. I can tell you the lead developer is really respoinsive and a joy to work with. That’s the reason this game keeps getting better, and is well worth the $$. Aside from that, this is an honest review for a really fun, must-have in my opinion, VR game that’s for everyone. I love dragons myself, like just about everyone that’s faithfully watched Game of Thrones, or any other similar story, the dragons are the best part. I had been looking for a dragon-riding game and this is one of the best.

– Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

DragonRideVR on Steam