Comedy Night

Comedy Night

Get it on sale.

It will be 2 pm. You are ready to do your stand up. And then be called every racist slur in the book. You will try for what seems like days to perfect your approach; and fail. You will hear people read some lines off the web, and they will get burnt. You will take part in burning them off stage.

It will be 10 pm on a thursday and hear some chick crying about how she just cain’t become a thot and she will try to get you to go to her host. You will see her kicked and every one will rejoice. You will most likely show up in the wrong room and hear conversations that are insane.

Real player with 69.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Music Dark Humor Games.

Fantastic game.

It’s got a decent set of features and types of performace options which is appreciable

but at the meat of it (ground beef of it: this game is only as good as it’s playerbase.

There are plenty of funny people on here that naturally gravitate towards what this game is all about (roleplaying, having fun, laughs) but they have to be dug up through the racist trolls and children that you can expect to find on a game priced at $4. I’m thankful there are ways to quality control your rooms via kicks and vote offs, but the options are very limited in handling your club.

Real player with 56.7 hrs in game

Comedy Night on Steam

DEEMO -Reborn-

DEEMO -Reborn-

DEEMO -Reborn- is a musical, beautiful & charming experience, in which it combines

rhythmic arcade-ish gameplay (hitting keys at the right time, in the same essence as OSU!mania/DJMax etc)

& solving clever and semi-demanding riddles/puzzles, so that you can unlock more songs to play, more areas to explore

& to progress the story further.

The Story is quite mystical & very emotional, with many but short cutscenes and a few dialogues that explains what’s going on. Voice over is only in Japanese (with english subtitles ofc)

Real player with 77.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Music 3D Games.

I’m honestly so split with this port of the game. I feel like it’s a lot easier to play with keyboard, which is both good and bad. I’m glad it makes it more accessible to others, but now this is just like the NS port all over again. If you play on this version people are more likely to think you aren’t as skilled because now you can just hold SPACE and don’t have to wiggle joysticks.

Plus the fact that VK songs, Cytus 1 & 2, Egoist, AND Rayark 3 packs aren’t available is extremely disappointing. Because of the loss of almost 20 songs, the game feels a lot more empty and I’m just more tempted to boot my PS4 up to play Alone with you or Parousia.

Real player with 55.1 hrs in game

DEEMO -Reborn- on Steam



This is what other VR drumming apps should have been. I’ve tried a bunch of them and they all left me craving for a better option. This might me the one for me!

It is fully customizable:

  • You can add the drums you want in the virtual space, resize them how you want and place them where you want! If you’re an experienced drummer you can recreate your own kit accurately, and if you’re a beginner and don’t know where to start you can use one of the presets or recreate very quickly your favourite drummer’s kit.

Real player with 168.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Music Audio Production Games.

I just picked this up a couple days ago. Put in 3.4 hours so far and loving it. I’m a complete novice and while the game does not contain a tutorial itself it is still an amazing learning tool.

I used OVR Drop to bring in a youtube window to a show a beginner drum turorial to play along with - this works great! In a short amount of time I was able to learn a straight rock beat with high-hat, snare and base drum. It felt awesome.

Even though you don’t get the feedback of hitting a real surface, it still feels like you are playing the drums and certainly the timing and spacial aspects would transfer to real life. I’m looking forward to learning more and getting better.

Real player with 49.0 hrs in game

Paradiddle on Steam

Overture Music Visualization

Overture Music Visualization

I love this! The whole concept works well for using as a “stream starting” screen. I would love to be able to upload my own images and have the music visualizer over the image as well as use the existing backgrounds. I’m hoping for something to use in October, or for holidays, specific themes for different games, etc.

Edit: It’s been a while, and there hasn’t been many updates. I’ve since stopped using this for a stream opening. The scenes just got a bit stale. It’s fun for a bit, and it works well for it I intended it for. Just would’ve loved to see some fresh scenes, maybe even ones for holidays.

Real player with 98.0 hrs in game

I am writing this review from the standpoint of private use, not say to visualize my music on social media (although the developer has indictated they welcome such usage). And from that angle it’s quite the neat tool. In comparison to the few programs that allow music visualization (including music players themselves) it has a bunch of options to modify and adjust the visualization itself and a bunch of scenes/visualization styles.

What was important for me - and what I found nowhere else - is that it works with the general sound output of your OS, instead of being dependant on the user selecting songs to play within the program interface. So if you want to have something nice to look at while you listen to sound from Youtube, Spotify or your private music collection, you can have that. Additionally to that, one of the latest updates also added the mic input as potential source.

Real player with 36.4 hrs in game

Overture Music Visualization on Steam

FyreXR Festival

FyreXR Festival

I guess no one else saw this and paid for it. I think the idea is amazing however i hope that i can use the game in the future because none of the dates and times for the events were correct. Also i did not see a single person who wasnt an npc. Basically it is just a recreation of an insland festival in VR. Some of the scenery and music was great and some of it wasnt. Giving this a bad review only because i paid for this and the description of the events was innacurate so basically a waste of money unless they redo it.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

FyreXR Festival on Steam



The game is fun when you are constantly moving from lane to lane. I highly insist to you listening to the Initial D soundtrack while driving.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

ok cool epic

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

SpeedingRoad on Steam



I believe this to be a work in progress at this time.

Played with the HTC Vive and XBox Controller,

Vive controllers are useless at this point in time.

Very Relaxing and Meditative Journey through a beautiful landscape.

Options to turn off and on the dialog and I recommend the dialog, I did love the sounds of the running water and the animals. The movement of the plants in the wind is very well done. Make sure to look around so you do not miss any of the animals. Selections for time of day are very nice and my preference was morning which I really enjoyed.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Runs at 30fps without locomotion and looks awful.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

ZendoVR on Steam

Titan Chaser

Titan Chaser

A mechanically rough Early Access with a great concept and surreal mood about finding and rescuing giant titans roaming the land using all kinds of bright lights.

Your only two companions are a run down, beige coloured Chrysler K platform car that’s held together by glue, droplets of constant fog and the sheer enthusiasm of the main protagonist and a mysterious, freakishly tall hotel manager named Jasper. He’s also your main contact when your car decides to bunny hop down a hill and gets stuck on the train tracks or you decide to test how far into the water you can drive.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

This modestly priced Early Access walking sim has some great ideas at its core and even though I am not huge on buying in before the product is complete, I feel like I have already got my money’s worth and could quite happily recommend this to a walking sim fan who wants something a little bit different.


  • unexpected. You can almost count the versions of a walking sim on 1 or maybe 2 hands. Angsty teen, space station, psychological horror, but never have I played a walking sim where I basically have to drive around and shoo-away monsters.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Titan Chaser on Steam