Kiiroi Hana

Kiiroi Hana

rlly good time passeer

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Music 2D Games.

This game was cute. Pretty little jigsaws to put together if you’re a jigsaw enthusiast or just want to kill some time. Easy achievements. Recommend on sale.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Kiiroi Hana on Steam



[14/10/2019] The game itself is still fun but I would give this a neutral review now in its current state, would reccomend playing with friends as the community is mostly philippines/spanish and russian these days who tend to stick to their own groups so unless you speak one of those languages, you can’t make friends really, many of them can also be ill mannered on here (having had many issues with them myself) very few here who are ok now. Having played the game since 13 January 2016 (release date) can definitely say its not the same as it used to be which is a real shame as I have had many fun times on here and met friends that I was very glad to of met.

Real player with 3129.8 hrs in game

Long review incoming.

Lovebeat, affectionately known as LB, is a rhythm game where you use your arrow keys and space bar on your keyboard. It also has DDR mat support. (Dance Dance Revolution). The game as a style that people would call dated, but it doesn’t age badly and fits the game fairly well. This game is completely free to own and play, with payments for cosmetic items.

When you first start LB, in order to not be overwhelmed, I would recommend not going past 4 star difficulty, and starting on the lower BPM (Beats Per Minute). If you find the lower BPM is too easy, then you can raise it, but don’t start off at 4 stars+ with 200+BPM unless you are a veteran with rhythm games.

Real player with 1738.3 hrs in game

LoveBeat on Steam



Day 16:

My food supply is running low and I am beginning to wonder if it’s time to finally remove the VR headset that has become practically glued to my face from intensive use. But alas, how can I remove this wonderful device when it is providing me with such a graceful sight? I have watched the same dance over 10,000 times, however, I cannot bring myself to pull my lingering gaze away from it. It has ingrained itself into the deepest depths of my mind.

! When will this madness end…

Real player with 1604.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Music Mature Games.
















Real player with 83.2 hrs in game


My Furry Dictator 🐾

My Furry Dictator 🐾

Overall, this game was a 7/10. The art and amount of variety in both characters and scenery was greater than in My Furry Neighbor, and I appreciate that. However, this game was severely limited by it’s story, which was quite frankly terrible. It focused too heavily on the structure of Corissa’s Government, and what the main cast would be eating that day. also, it still lacked meaningful choices on the users end. I had hoped that you would be able to choose to stay in Corissa, or return to the US, or pick between the two girls. But, this game wasn’t necessarily bad, I would just recommend My Furry Neighbor over it. I mean, this game did still have tits in it.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

the furries are taking over me, I need a psychiatrist NOW, wait a minute, I regularly go to the psychiatrist, because… I’m… A… D… H… D…. ADHD , very sad times… just BUY NOW!!!!! Paloma drives me crazy sometimes, WE ARE NOT OUR BOYFRIENDS Okay? JUST FRIENDS

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

My Furry Dictator 🐾 on Steam

Muse Dash

Muse Dash

This is a temporary WARNING review as the game is currently unplayable for many users. The last update introduced many bugs which make the game literary unplayable for many players and unpleasant to play for others. It came out on Friday and there was no fix nor any sort of communication from the devs since. The least they could do is to rollback to a previous version and at least apologize, but there is nothing.

The biggest issue being that you can’t play ANY levels, you just get stuck on purple screen with music in the background while no inputs register, you must force close the game to get out.

Real player with 289.2 hrs in game

Great introduction to rhythm games, easy to start with but there’s a lot of challenge as well. Basically, just tap the keys to smash the enemies to the rhythm of the song.

At the base price, this game is a steal. If you like the basegame, get the DLC, you won’t be disappointed.

I definitely recommend unless the weeabooish graphics and music are totally not your thing. Personally I think the songs are mostly bangers and the girls are cute. And Rin is the best girl.

Real player with 173.6 hrs in game

Muse Dash on Steam

Waifus Smash

Waifus Smash

Waifus Smash

  • simple and straightforward interface

  • smooth and eye-catching game graphics and designs

  • realistic and detailed character designs

  • custom background designs

  • realistic rpg dungeon designs

  • a huge environment and map

  • variety of dungeons

  • the variety of enemies that can be fought

  • fun puzzles

  • the stories connected with each other in the game

  • immersive background music

  • realistic character animations

  • the levels of difficulty that are available in the game

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game


After about 3 hours of game play. It’s safe to say that I am having a great time here. A combination of rhythm-based combat, puzzles and let’s not forget Boobs!

The game keeps you on your toes with rock metal, techno and retro music to fight to the beat, all to save cute Waifu’s!

Here, you get to be the Hero, save the day, and get the Waifu’s! and I mean All of them!

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Waifus Smash on Steam

Detective Butler: Maiden Voyage Murder

Detective Butler: Maiden Voyage Murder

Nice detective kinetic novel for one or two afternoons I guess (yeah, there are actually no choices at all) and one that is completely FREE at that. It’s full of overused tropes and it doesn’t take itself seriously at times but I certainly wouldn’t call it bad either as it leaves some food for the thought in the end, so it’s probably somewhere in between.

So yeah - it was enjoyable yet also flawed experience for me. Women characters here are mostly likeable and detailed but all man except captain and protagonist father would benefited from more developement. The pacing was actually pretty good but the mystery was maybe way too easy for me as I guessed the culprit and how everything happend right after the murder happened. Which is good and bad at the same time but thankfully the rest of the story was interesting to follow at least. But the main flaws were probably both main characters - detective Butler and main character (Golder’s son) unfortunately.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Excellent! A free murder mystery visual novel. It’s apparently the first part of Misadventures of Detective Butler series. Originally released in 2013 and then got onto Steam in 2017 with some edits and improvements. I liked this a lot. Has a lot of personal moments and mystery itself is fairly interesting. Albeit I really would like to force detective to grow some beard first. You don’t get to choose anything in a game, which is shame, as I think they could at least test us with picking a suspect at the end of a game. But hey, at least it gives enough clues to solve it fairly before the murderer is revealed.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Detective Butler: Maiden Voyage Murder on Steam