Loom is a fun and charming game with an interesting world and unique way of interacting it. Unfortunately, while this version does have voiced characters, some dialogue and scenes have been cut. I’d recommend the FM-Towns version run through ScummVM, which one can find with a quick google search if one wants a fuller experience. The EGA version is also the creator’s preferred version, which completely uncensored, so that version is recommended as well. Finally, listening to the audio drama, which is on YouTube, is also recommended to provide a bit more background on the world of Loom.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Music 1990's Games.



| Peaceful |


| Beautiful |



| Moderate |


| Nostalgia |



| Mystique |


| Sometimes |

PROS: Mysterious and alluring world that is rich with lore. Interesting musical system, no hand-holding. Nice voice-acting.

CONS: First game of a planned trilogy that never came to fruition. Starting the first game to a project that’s been unfinished for around 25 years now may sound completely absurd to people who have never played Loom. Understandably so. Many different versions of Loom were released, and I’m disappointed to see that this was not a version cobbled together for the most content available.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

LOOM™ on Steam

Rez Infinite

Rez Infinite

Like another reviewer here, this is by far my favorite game of all time. I’ve bought it on the PS2, managed to snag a Dreamcast copy, rebought it on the Xbox 360, and now happily plunking down more money to buy it again on PC

I’ve sincerely been wanting a PS4 just to get Rez: Infinite. But I literally just found out minutes ago that it came out on PC, so here I am! Though to be honest, if I ever get a PS4, I would happily buy this game again. I’m that serious about it.

Where to even begin with this game? The depth, the beauty, the sound, my god. It’s all perfection, in my opinion.

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Music On-Rails Shooter Games.

If you reading this, you must be either of three persons

  • Those why played it on Dreamcast/PS2/Xbox360

  • Those who have seen other play and/or heard praises about it

  • Those who randomly stumbled upon it

If you are in the first category , you probably already bought it.

If you are in the second or third category … Well, this is one of those games that you can’t get the full experience just by seeing. You need to put your headphones on and play with a controller (with vibration) to ‘get’ it.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Rez Infinite on Steam

Jet Set Radio

Jet Set Radio

Have you ever wanted to be a rollar-blading punk, rollin' around the city tagging walls, and stickin' it to the man?

No? Maaaan fuck you get out of here yes you have. This game is known far across the land for it’s kickin' soundtrack, beats so thick you could bounce a coin off ‘em. Also, it’s so old GBA could run it, so don’t sweat the specs. Only worry is the keyboard controls suck harder than your EX girlfriend, so grab an Xbox 360 controller and get going.

Now the objective of the game is simple, roll around the city, tag some walls, and keep away from the fuzz. However, this is all done to the sweet sonic sound that will be oozing out of the audio device of your choosing. It also helps that this game has graphically dated better than you could ever dream of. (Oh snap son.) You might get one Jet rank on your first playthrough. Might. If you wanna get Jet on every mission you must first study the anicent urban staking gurus.

Real player with 48.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Music Colorful Games.

“Who are you! What’s your name? Super Brothers!”

Jet Set Radio is one of those games you most likely saw a demo of at a Target or Best Buy back in the early 2000s but never really got to play because you were too cool for a Dreamcast. Luckily, this PC port exists. This game is the perfect mix of skating and graffiti with a soundtrack to match and graphics that are considerably better than those of today’s games. The added danger of being tackled by street guards, being shot at by a crazed police captain, having missiles fired from helicopters, and run over by motorcycle riding police makes it more fun

Real player with 47.6 hrs in game

Jet Set Radio on Steam



Please buy this game its so cheap and regularly goes on sale, its a great value and the Dev is super helpful on steam and twitter.

Fun game. I’m so glad it came to Steam I loved it when it was on Xbox Indie Arcade back in the day. Has a lot of replayability.

The price is great.

The game play is great.

The sound design is great.

Cannot go wrong with this game. If I were rich I would gift this game to everyone on my friends list.

EDIT: After this review they added a bunch of online Leaderboards so it got even better!

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Remember Geometry Wars? It’s similar to that but with Music at its core instead of bright explosions. I kept my 360 solely for this game, thats how great it is. Years ago, I’d get home around twenty after four from work and fire this game up. It was easily one of my favorite ways to chill and wind down after a long day. The game isn’t deep, but it has a lot of depth. 3 basic modes, the last 2 being locked until you beat the first mode.


The game takes place in a 2d box. Your a little spaceship(that always reminded me of The Last Starfighter) and every enemy is a musical instrument. Some enemies only need 1 shot to kill(or trigger their instrument) while others, aka The Romulan looking ship (the rapper) requires numerous hits to kill. There’s numerous waves which are all different. Each wave presents more difficulties than the last. There’s changes in your weapons, rate of fire, enemy population and variety, and a lot more. Later in the game, some pretty crazy things happen, which are pretty exciting to encounter and play through. You only get 3 lives. Theres no restart from checkpoint. So getting to the end is an amazing feeling. Its very reminiscent experience to playing old games at the arcade. Theres definitely a lot of strategy and you’ll learn through your play though how to attack each wave. However, I always called them Shells(guitar), can and will ruin your day. They can go out of the play zone, and come back in. They only take one shot, but when youve been backed into a corner or running a wall and your trying to get out, having a shell sneak in behind you is frustrating. Especially when you seconds to the next wave.. It is very easy to get swarmed and overwhelmed so here’s a couple of beginner’s tips.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Groov on Steam