Synthesis Universe -Episode 00-

Synthesis Universe -Episode 00-

Definitely more than 15mn contrary to some reviews!

(More content was added after initial release)

Some users don’t pay attention and miss most of the experience.

This is not fast food, this is not a game or a thing you have to try to speed run.

Why not taking some slow time in there, relax and enjoy the show?

Many interactions are hidden, delicate and add replay value, there is even a secret ending.

This is not for everyone:

If you are a gamer in a hurry: don’t buy it.

If you are looking to be fully immersed surrounded by music and FXs, enjoy every polygons, music notes and pay attention to the cues and the cryptic story… then go for it.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Music Experience Games.

A truly beautiful experience. The detail and the complexity of everything around you is so amazing, and the music makes it all come alive. Lots of genuine “wow” moments.

I can’t wait for what’s next in this universe.


One tip for players is to look up in the “menu” area. I think you need to view the main story part first to unlock them, but there are three pentagonal flower shapes above you to the left and right that open up and take you to other scenes/modes. I had no idea until I read the store page that mentioned the added scenes. Anyway, I was very happy to discover this.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Synthesis Universe -Episode 00- on Steam

Aerial_Knight’s Never Yield

Aerial_Knight’s Never Yield

Aerial_Knight’s Never Yield

Aerial is a brand-new 3D auto-runner, indie-platformer that features a colorful world in a sci-fi setting. Here you get to take on the role of the silent protagonist Wally, who is running as fast as possible to outrun those who are trying to catch up with him.

During the game, you will get to experience a stylish none-combative platformer that goes through very linear gameplay with the character having quite a few awesome semi-pro parkour tricks up his sleeve.

*– [Real player with 13.8 hrs in game](*




Read More: Best Music Runner Games.

--- So I just beat the game and the whole time I felt like I was playing a Jet Set Radio Future spin off. Which is a good thing for someone like me since that Sega classic is a top three favorite of mine. The stylistic cel-shaded aesthetic and the rhythmic jazzy hip-hop musicality feed into the rebellious atmosphere of the game and the protagonist perfectly. Especially as they attempt to escape from the clutches of a shady organization that attempts to capture or destroy them for reasons the game hopes you artistically interpret. *– [Real player with 5.8 hrs in game](* --- ![DEEMO -Reborn-]( "") ## DEEMO -Reborn- DEEMO -Reborn- is a musical, beautiful & charming experience, in which it combines rhythmic arcade-ish gameplay (hitting keys at the right time, in the same essence as OSU!mania/DJMax etc) & solving clever and semi-demanding riddles/puzzles, so that you can unlock more songs to play, more areas to explore & to progress the story further. The Story is quite mystical & very emotional, with many but short cutscenes and a few dialogues that explains what's going on. Voice over is only in Japanese (with english subtitles ofc) *– [Real player with 77.5 hrs in game](* ---

Read More: Best Music 3D Games.

--- I'm honestly so split with this port of the game. I feel like it's a lot easier to play with keyboard, which is both good and bad. I'm glad it makes it more accessible to others, but now this is just like the NS port all over again. If you play on this version people are more likely to think you aren't as skilled because now you can just hold SPACE and don't have to wiggle joysticks. Plus the fact that VK songs, Cytus 1 & 2, Egoist, AND Rayark 3 packs aren't available is extremely disappointing. Because of the loss of almost 20 songs, the game feels a lot more empty and I'm just more tempted to boot my PS4 up to play Alone with you or Parousia. *– [Real player with 55.1 hrs in game](* --- ![Once Upon a Jester]( "") ## Once Upon a Jester ![]( **Once Upon a Jester** is a story-driven, musical adventure about two best friends who decide to start their own theater show: Jester and Sok. When a visiting princess tells them about the Royal Theatrical Spectacle — a theater festival reserved for only the best shows in the realm — Jester knows he must do whatever it takes to qualify. Will a lonely jester and an anthropomorphic sock puppet take their hometown show from rags to riches? ![]( #### IMPROVISE YOUR OWN THEATER SHOW With branching choices and improvisational moments, no two performances will ever be the same! Whether you decide to draw your sword, talk about your feelings or just randomly play the flute — the choice is yours. #### DECIDE YOUR GENRE Should you tell a joke, turn on the waterworks or introduce a little love? Choose between Comedy, Drama, Romance, and more! #### IMPRESS A DYNAMIC, RESPONSIVE AUDIENCE Every audience has its preference. Feel the rush of a crowd that loves your every action and the deepest sorrow of one that ignores you completely. #### EXPLORE A VIBRANT FANTASY WORLD Travel to memorable, hand-crafted locations like the cozy Dorp Town, the dark mysterious Woudwoods, and the radio-obsessed Stad City. #### MAKE FRIENDS ALONG THE WAY Running a theater show is tough work, but what would life be without friends? Meet a cast of characters including an endearing sock puppet, a Wendigo who dreams of becoming a dancer and a rebel princess with a passion for theater art. #### A LOFI, INDIE-INFUSED SOUNDTRACK Catchy songs, emotional music numbers and improvised tunes are all standard fare for a game with the Bonte Avond name. ![]( Can't wait to start your very own theatre adventure? **Wishlist** here and we'll let you know when you can! []( --- ![Neo Art Space]( "") ## Neo Art Space ![]( Neo Art Space VR is a wow-inspiring immersive art experience. Traveling through space and time, you emerge in a new universe as an explorer of dazzling moving colorful light art, planets, stars and galaxies. You explore over 30 experiences orchestrated with gorgeous music to help you move from the everyday 3D experience to a transcendent 5D consciousness. ![]( You can create your own experience via teleporting wherever you want to go on pathways through glowing light caves, into planets, through vibrantly alive forests, inside zinging energy fields, or out into space observatory see an eclipse. The array of experience and the levels you can go are as boundless as the universe you are in. You can even create your very own interactive geometric art. ![]( Sharing the experience with others only amplifies its effect. You can meet family and friends inside and experience the sense of awe and wonder in the Neo Art Space VR together, making unforgettable memories that are as unique as the environment you are in. --- ![Metal: Hellsinger]( "") ## Metal: Hellsinger ![]( Part human, part demon, and obsessed with vengeance. Become The Unknown, and fight through the fiercest domains of Hell. Destroy the demon hordes and their leaders to set yourself up for an epic showdown with The Red Judge herself. ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( Metal: Hellsinger is a rhythm FPS, where your ability to shoot on the beat will enhance your gameplay experience. The more in sync you are with the rhythm, the more intense the music will become and the more destruction you will cause. ![]( Defeat the demon hordes with a skull-clad blade or a wide range of murderous guns. Each weapon has its own ultimate ability, such as Murder of Crows or The Big Goodbye. ![]( Play through an epic storyline, narrated by award-winning actor Troy Baker. Then conquer the leaderboards or challenge your friends to beat your score in Challenge Mode. ![]( Although commonly known as Hell, The Infernal Planes is in reality a union of a thousand Hells, all of which are terrifying and diabolical in their own way. In order to dethrone The Red Judge, you must fight your way through the fiercest corners, from the icy world of Voke to the maddening world of Stygia. ![]( Metal: Hellsinger is created by an experienced FPS team at The Outsiders and is the passion project of David Goldfarb, Game Director on Payday 2 and Lead Designer on Battlefield 3 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2. ![]( Every track is created specifically for the game with vocals by metal icons, such as Matt Heafy (Trivium), Mikael Stanne (Dark Tranquillity), Björn Strid (Soilwork), Alissa White-Gluz (Arch Enemy) and Tatiana Shmailyuk (Jinjer). ![]( #### Website []( #### Twitter []( #### Facebook []( --- ![Arrog]( "") ## Arrog _A cute interactive story where you have to solve puzzles to move the animation forward, similar to games like Mr.Shadow and Reverie. On my first run, I finished the game in about 30 minutes, not a lot of content but the price is only around $3 so it's reasonable. While I enjoyed the visuals and immersive soundtrack, I didn't feel the emotional impact mainly because something sad happens and the game didn't give me a reason to care about the character. If anything the game has a melancholic tone to it with a sense of hope. I wish there was a bit more build-up before the story happens, more background for the individual so we could sympathize with him. There are no difficult puzzles, just some basic pattern matching and memorization, and a few sound-based sequences. Overall it's a worthwhile experience for those that can appreciate hand-drawn animation, but with so many games doing the same thing on a bigger scale, it's not going to be very memorable for me._ *– [Real player with 1.6 hrs in game](* #### **Short and sweet** Arrog is the tale of a man coming to terms with his own death. It’s the story of a life ending rather than one beginning. It’s a simple one, with little dialogue to express what the characters feel, phrases such as _“remember”_ (if they can even be considered phrases) being all you’ll get. This is a game that tells its story through art and sound, not word and sentence. It does a great job at it too, with striking visuals that marry simplistic drawings with a binary-color art style. One scene is almost oppressive, featuring terrifying lightning strikes and wistful rain, whereas another is calm and dreamy, perfectly manifesting the emotions our protagonist goes through on his journey to the afterlife. The music is soothing and calm, sometimes even sad, as if it’s conveying the confusion and longing the man experiences during his last venture. It’s an experience driven by pathos, one that relies on the player’s ability to empathize with the poor man. And in my case, the game succeeded in investing me emotionally in this story about an individual I know so little about. I don’t know who this man was in life, what drove him and what he feared. All I know is that he’s dying, and here I was, helping him on his journey. I think there’s something powerful about that. *– [Real player with 0.7 hrs in game](* --- ![Fire Escape]( "") ## Fire Escape I really liked this game and I thought it had a few strong points. Primarily, the voice actors and the motives for the characters were well thought out and added a layer of depth to the game which many AAA games lack. The concept of the game, the different windows and selectively learning information, was something that I had never seen before. My one improvement would be to add a function that (when not in VR) allows you to put the phone down when you are on a phone call. Past that I had a great experience! *– [Real player with 5.1 hrs in game](* Played it in standard mode as I don't have a VR headset, but I'm not sure if having the latter would make a much of a difference. I was drawn in by the comparisons to Rear Window but the concept wears thin after a while because, as others have pointed out, there's actually not much to do. Ultimately, there are only two endings to the story, with replay value heavily depending on how badly you want to collect all the achievements (meaning endless grinding and reloading of chapters). Also, it made my computer crash a couple of times and once even made it inexplicably power off mid-game. I gave up trying to get 100% achievements after that. If you do really want this game, I can only recommend getting it when it's on sale. *– [Real player with 2.9 hrs in game](* --- ![Prisoner 518]( "") ## Prisoner 518 Overall, a fantastic game/story. Play time for me was 14.5 hours. When I purchased this game I was expecting an average VR game…boy, was I wrong. This Developer (by the way, it is a one person team) is very creative and has developed a game that is fun, has a great story, and is well worth the price. The audio and music is exceptional throughout the entire game. Some comedy, some scares, some surprises, fun puzzles, and tension as you proceed through the prison complex. Without spoilers I have to say the ending was excellent; and I can't wait for more. *– [Real player with 14.5 hrs in game](* Really pleasantly surprised by this game. Developed by a single developer, and his first game at that, this is a really well crafted game. Set on a remote prison station in orbit around a planet it's essentially a Sci-Fi based escape game with a horror/mystery background. The story telling is really well executed and unfolds as you progress through the game. The music, sound effects and voice overs are all top quality and the exploration is mixed with puzzles which are always logical although not always obvious, so a little thought, careful observation and lateral thinking required in places. *– [Real player with 14.1 hrs in game](* --- ![epic maze]( "") ## epic maze *informational review Procedural 3D maze TPS - needs polishing + interesting concept = A unique TPS maze with several customizations per game mode. Play quick 4x4x1 to large 15x15x15 mazes. I liked the options to play, but they were a bit confusing at first since you just jump into it without much explanation. Could use more enemy types for variation. Pricing is the same as AAA games with 25+ hours of content, so there either needs to be much more content or a more reasonable price. ### [Follow our curator for similar games]( *– [Real player with 1.2 hrs in game](* ---