
Real player with 27.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Music Colorful Games.

WEJAM brings the fun in making music by yourself, with a friend or even in a group. The tutorial is great and very easy to learn the game with ease and use any number of creative ways to Jam music together.

-it has a great variety of beats to choose & sounds

also great price with added feature incoming in the future

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

WEJAM on Steam



Simply o-r-g-a-s-m-i-c²


Yeah, I’m editing this because of Chime Sharp, the sequel. I prefer the first game because of For Silence that I discovered there.

Chime is a puzzle game where the music plays a role. Let me copy/paste what I’ve written for the sequel.

You have to cover a surface with blocks, so that a “quad” (generally when you have at least 3x3) can be formed and expanded. Once it’s over, the quad disappear during the next passage of the beat, letting parts of the blocks used on the grid. And after a moment, they’ll glow if unused and you’ll loose the multiplier and the unused stuff.

Real player with 64.0 hrs in game

in short: It’s good. Tetromino puzzler mixed with music mixed with a bit of Qix.

You place tetrominos on a grid to try and create quads, blobs that cover up part of the grid. Ideally, you want to cover as much of the level as possible, make as many quads as possible, etc. It works similarly in some ways to the old Atari classic Rampart–minus the whole Army/Castle minigame stuff, of course.

The neat variation is that there is a beatline sweeping left to right across the grid, which plays a basic music track (and they’re good–well known electronic artists like Moby and Philip Glass) but then layers elements into that track based on the position of your quads. So you might get an EDM track where vocal elements or percussion suddenly show up because you’ve created a quad in a new area. Pretty nifty.

Real player with 42.0 hrs in game

Chime on Steam

Roundabout 3

Roundabout 3

Very disappointed at this time. Currently there is NO infinity mode for ANY of the levels in the game. In R2 I could get lost in any level for half an hour or more, but now I feel sluggish. I know I only mastered (and near mastered) a few levels in this iteration, but soon I’ll have to put down the game because trying to high-score in this time trial mode is not my style. All I need is a button in practice mode to let me have it my way, but you decided to not implement it. Am I supposed to go back an iteration to NGs to have it my way?

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Music Electronic Music Games.

it´s okay

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Roundabout 3 on Steam

Retro Vision

Retro Vision

Had quite a bit fun playing this game, really like the take on theme and the relative ease you pick it up and put it down. Music and visuals compliment each other well and all round is enjoyable. Very glad that there are so many different takes on levels that make each experience customisable and unique. Would like a community leader board.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Picked this game up for cheap thinking it was going to be meh but was left pleasantly surprised. The music is great, the visuals are awesome and the control scheme is simple but intuitive. I can see myself revisiting this time to time whenever I need to unwind and relax.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Retro Vision on Steam



Audiosurf is a very, very unique game and is definitely a landmark in the music/rhythm game genre. Unlike other rhythm games, which limit you to specific in-game songs, Audiosurf is limitless - it allows you to play any - that’s right, any - MP3 of your choice, so you can suit your gameplay to your own music tastes. This freedom is rarely found, if at all, in music games, and it has set the stage for other music games in the vein of it, such as Beat Hazard and the more recent Melody’s Escape. In my opinion, Audiosurf has infinite replay value, as long as you have a large amount of songs to play.

Real player with 2822.5 hrs in game

I’ve played this game for a pretty long while and still play it, simply can’t stop oO

Basically I launch drum & bass tracks in such styles as darkstep, techstep, neurofunk, liquid funk. From time to time I launch heavy dubstep which’s mainly deathstep style and also, sometimes glitch-hop, neuro-hop styles of glitchy Electronic Dance Music - it’s an amazing experience and makes about 90% of my races nearly impossible to finish with a good score. Tho probs I’m just a noob, but I still love it very much! xD

Real player with 166.1 hrs in game

AudioSurf on Steam




🔲 My 90 year old grandma could play it

🔲 Easy

☑️ Normal

🔲 Hard

🔲 “Dark Souls”


🔲 “MS Paint”

🔲 Bad

🔲 Meh

🔲 Graphics don’t matter in this game

☑️ Good

🔲 Beautiful

🔲 Masterpiece

  • MUSIC -

🔲 Bad

🔲 Not special

☑️ Good

🔲 Beautiful

  • STORY -

☑️ This game has no story

🔲 Like playing “Temple Runners” for the story

🔲 It’s there for the people who want it

🔲 Well written

🔲 Epic story

  • PRICE -

🔲 Free

🔲 Underpriced

☑️ Perfect price

🔲 Could be cheaper

🔲 Overpriced

Real player with 1896.6 hrs in game

“if your looking for a game about popping pills, then you probably might need help, but this game is really fun arcade score attack and I’d advise considering this game.”

This game is intense, no doubt about it. Its a simple mechanic, of two coloured pills each level. You can switch colours between the two and match to maximise score. Although im not a big fan of dubstep, the music is still impressive and well done, I do like the way the colours compliment eachother and the way the levels ramp up makes the game really hard. The powerups are fun and interesting and overall the game is impressive.

Real player with 50.4 hrs in game

Intake on Steam

The Impossible Game

The Impossible Game

Probably my favourite game in the list of hyper-difficult platformers on Steam, The Impossible Game uses a simplistic art style with equally simple mechanics which work well together to create an enjoyable, addictive and challenging game, it also holds the “excellent soundtrack” trophy like many others of the same genre. The PC version also comes with a level editor which is a really nice addition and gives the game some more playability.

The objective is simple, jump, clear and doge oncoming obstacles and reach the end of the levels without dying. Sounds easy enough, but the short time window which you have to make your decision on whether or when to jump or not makes things incredibly difficult, though sometimes equally frustating.

Real player with 18.4 hrs in game

After some time i had to change my mind about my vote…

i really looked forward to try that game myself and had to wait like 3 years or even more to finally arrive on my favorite plattform, the pc as i don’t like to play on my android phone or sit in front of my tv to play. i use my spare time after working on the pc and what did i get for my 5 bucks? a unfinished port it seems. the music and the game itself is visually the same beside the unecessary blure all over it with no option to turn it off.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

The Impossible Game on Steam

Beat Hazard

Beat Hazard

Before reading: this review is about Beat Hazard Ultra, meaning the basic game + dlc. While I still recommend Beat Hazard on its own, it is more simplistic and lacks online co-op that the Ultra version provides, so I strongly recommend this game to be played with DLC.

Beat Hazard Ultra is a fast paced space shoot’em up with bright colorful graphics. At first sight it does not look like much, however it has several features that have made it one of the most pleasant surprises in my library.

The graphics look amazing at first, they tend to tire out your eyes pretty easily however, so it is not recommended to play for long sessions. There is an option to scale them up (!) or down inside the game menu though.The battle is fluid despite the abundance of color, enemies and the genral chaos that takes place on your screen especially on the higher difficulties. I have even played this on a linux netbook -yes it plays on linux and mac as well- with minimal capabilities and I was honestly surprised at its smoothness. Gameplay is fluid as well, regardless if you are playing with a controller or a mouse and keyboard. In fact, I even find myself preferring the mouse and keyboard mostly because the mouse provides more precise aiming than thumbsticks. The difficulty curve is just right, meaning you can choose from 5 different difficulty settings (easy, normal, hardcore, insane, suicidal) and play in whatever mode you feel comfortable with. This makes the game equally enjoyable for both hardcore shmup players as well as people who are new to the genre, or not particularly skilled. There is also a nice “perk” system implemented, where you can buy upgrades, such as a few special attacks, more multipliers, etc.

Real player with 56.8 hrs in game

I have played Audiosurf for a long time and I was not sure if Beat Hazard was a game that could stand out for me as a music-based game. I finally decided to give Beat Hazard a try after it was available for several years on the market. It feels like a game inspired by the classic game Asteroids, but with songs from your music library playing while you control your spaceship. So the basic premise of the game is you maneuvering a spaceship while avoiding asteroids and many enemy spaceships of varying types and sizes. There are many games of this genre in a crowded market, but Beat Hazard carves out its own identity with its challenging action and allows you to take on numerous enemies and other hazards as you enjoy the rhythm of the songs of your favorite artists and built-in songs.

Real player with 46.3 hrs in game

Beat Hazard on Steam

Super Hexagon

Super Hexagon

Minimalist perfection.

You can only go left, go right, or do nothing at all. That’s all of the options you have.

This game pushes this minimalistic rendition of dodge to the utter maximum.

The game starts out hard and doesn’t get easier, but getting better at the game is incredibly rewarding. Your mistakes are always your own, your high score often just barely out of reach.

The game doesn’t ever let up in terms of ramping difficulty, but also doesn’t get tedious or boring.

You’ll first just have to dodge simple obstacles coming at you, then learn patterns to deal with complex obstacles, while the game just gets faster and faster.

Real player with 104.5 hrs in game

Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin. Game over. Begin.

Real player with 44.4 hrs in game

Super Hexagon on Steam

Undead Can Dance

Undead Can Dance

Undead Can Dance is a dancing battle game in virtual reality where you compete against other sorcerers in taking control of the dead through rhythm, power and accuracy. Once an undead is in your possession, it will start dancing for you, sweating and jostling on the dancefloor while boosting your score. You can’t dance? Just pretend! It’s light-hearted yet intense and fun.


Undead can Dance is built from the ground up to offer a tailored, solid and fun multiplayer experience along with a single-player mode. Never dance alone again.


The game ships with music, but it also works flawlessly with your own mp3. Adjust a couple of settings in the notes Detector, tweak the dancing style in the Choreographer, and you are ready to go. Easy but powerful.


Her (Latin Remix) by Electromatic

CC BY-SA 3.0

Basason by Basason

CC BY-SA 3.0

You are so the shit - Oilboy’s aftersun

CC BY-SA 3.0

Don’t mean a thing by TeknoAXE

CC BY 4.0

Memorias (M.A.L.A. Remix) by Galeria Disco

CC BY-SA 4.0

In control by Oilboy’s aftersun

CC BY-SA 3.0

From The Ocean by Lampé

CC BY-ND 4.0

Slide by Arcane

free copyright


CC BY-SA 3.0

This Party - stellar art wars 15

CC0 1.0

Lucifer Cannon by Wontolla

CC BY-SA 3.0

Wanna Make U Dance by Rave Raccoon


Filet Mignon by Bobby Marleni

CC BY-SA 4.0

Take On The Dancefloor by Redmann

CC BY-SA 3.0

Boiled Fantasies - Oilboy’s aftersun

CC BY-SA 3.0


Procedural dance animation and low-poly man model by Keijiro Takahashi

Undead Can Dance on Steam