Boltzmann Brain

Boltzmann Brain

Love those space-arts at the background, looks atmospheric :)

I was an indepented beta-tester, and after release I can say with my honor that I can recommend this game.

Single-player is pretty hard, but I get a nice feeling when finally understand how to solve puzzles, also they seem like well-designed and each of them is like small (or sometimes big) task. And ending… Yeah, nice one :)

Versus mode becomes INCREDIBLY fun when you achieve a full control under your movements and ball, also it’s a nice choice to spent time when there’s 4 of you.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Music Split Screen Games.

Nice little oldfag thing, really enjoyed it. No bugs so far, hope none will be in the future. The gameplay shows the guys have done a great job. Though I had to spend some time reapplying controls but it was worth. This game will be appreciated by those who like challenges because each level always requires a portion of thinking =)

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Boltzmann Brain on Steam



Grab a friend ASAP and go play this crazy space brawler! It’s a perfect game for those cozy saturday evenings with pizza and local multiplayer games. Insanely polished and highly recommended for everyone who’s into fun. 3

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Music Colorful Games.

ORBIT (by 4bit - see what they did there?) is a fantastic game to play with up to 3 friends. Highly polished mechanics, great visuals and an amazing soundtrack make it a wonderful party game.

Orbit is original, fun, and extremely well made. I cannot recommend this game enough!

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

ORBIT on Steam

AVICII Invector

AVICII Invector

AVICII Invector: a rhythm game and tribute to the late beloved Swedish DJ AVICII who belongs in anyone’s Music Hall of Fame.

Avicii Tops Shazam’s Most-Searched Songs Hall Of Fame

That honor befalls “Wake Me Up” by Swedish electronic dance music DJ and producer Avicii which, according to Shazam, the go-to app for figuring out what it is you’re listening to, is the most ‘Shazamed' song of all time. It has so far been checked 19.45 million times and counting.


Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Music Local Multiplayer Games.

AVICII Invector


We all know & love the man known as Tim Bergling, who Is no one but AVICII himself. Unfortunately, he died too young on 20th April 2018 which left all of his fans heartbroken. Although he is no more, he will still continue to live through his overly popular songs. AVICII Invector is a game made in the memory of AVICII which features a few of his songs. There aren’t a lot of Rhythm-action games out there & this surely stands out since this is purely AVICII music. Not only is it a wonderful game, most of the proceeds that the developer earns from this game go to the Tim Bergling Foundation which supports those with mental health problems, so you are also contributing to a charitable cause!

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

AVICII Invector on Steam

Tales of the Elements

Tales of the Elements

I have beaten chapter 1. I have chapter 2 on my system however after the finale of chapter 1 I spawn out of bounds and am unable to do anything. how can i start chapter 2???

Real player with 162.5 hrs in game

How much of this game I’ve played: 12 Hours, 35 minutes

How I’ve played so much: I had a pre-ordered non-steam copy.

Completed Main story, not the super secret boss area.

Here’s why you’d be interested in this game: Good rhymes, good story, old school gameplay.

Good rhymes: If you haven’t heard of BeNeVoLeNcE, you might have heard of Mega Ran - he’s known for clean nerdcore rhymes over chiptune beats and melodies. Hip Hop by both is featured in the game, and it’s not an “afterthought” like it might be in some games - the music is interwoven in with the story - it’s actually rewarding to gain access to the rhymes that go along with the instrumentals in different parts of the game.

Real player with 78.7 hrs in game

Tales of the Elements on Steam

Name The Song Quiz

Name The Song Quiz

Great game in its simplicity. For me ability to provide my own music is strongest point - we can customize quiz to suit all players. UI needs finishing touch tho:)

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Name the song quiz is a game where you name the song, but you have to load the songs in so whoever picks the tracks has an advantage. But you get more points if you wait a little to guess, so it’s fun

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Name The Song Quiz on Steam

Project Arrhythmia

Project Arrhythmia

It’s a cool game.

But you’re not here for a simple review like that, are you? You want me to tell you WHY it’s a cool game. A detailed review, yes. So here’s that:

-There are countless levels out there to play, and SO MANY are worth your time. The workshop is constantly updated with new levels from the community to check out. There really is infinite content.

-Bullet hell/music dodging type gameplay takes a focus here. If you’re into that, you’re in for a treat.

-The game’s menu aesthetic fits the vibe it’s going for - the whole computer terminal look fits the (upcoming) story, and is executed really well.

Real player with 2154.4 hrs in game

Since Project Arrhythmia is in early access, I’ll try to go easy on its work and design. After watching people PA levels on YouTube, I thought it would be nice if I could design some levels myself. Note that this review has been revise on 7/18/2020. I do not hate the game, but it has issue that I need to address.


When I install the game, the menu wasn’t presentable; there were 8 options (Story, Arcade, Editor, Config, Discord, Credits, News, and Exit) on the top left and a ton of blank space while music was played in the background. I’m not to sure if there was suppose to be a style theme to this game. I noticed anytime text appear, it comes out like a code. With a game that shows effects and colors, you wouldn’t expect the main menu to look dead. All that bank space, yet nothing to fill in.

Real player with 783.7 hrs in game

Project Arrhythmia on Steam

Hexagroove: Tactical DJ

Hexagroove: Tactical DJ

Hexagroove is probably the most interesting and exciting music game I’ve ever played. It’s a rhythm game made by people with a deep and obvious love of electronic music and the culture around it. It plays in a unique and intuitive way that makes it simple to make some kick ass music. Honestly, I never knew how much I needed something like this in my life.

Unlike other rhythm games which rely on quick reflexes and tapping along to the beat, most of Hexagroove’s gameplay centers around layering different instrumental loops. If you’re the kind of person who likes to play a game for the challenge, then it might not be for you. Most of the fun comes from putting together the different pieces and finding a solid groove, then adjusting it and playing with it on the fly. There’s room for a lot more experimentation and playfulness than in games that emphasize skill mastery, like Beatmania or Audiosurf. It offers some mini-games and an obligatory campaign, but you won’t find anything too taxing except on the highest difficulty. I’ve made my way through the whole game on each difficulty level, but most of my time is spent in free mode just jamming out. I’d hesitate to even call Hexagroove a game. It controls like a game, and it’s got levels, achievements and tricks to perform for style points, but it plays more like an instrument, something you can play to make cool music, without any of the hassle of having to learn to beatmatch or how to use an MPC.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

Even with my short time in the game thus far I think it’s incredibly cool. I’ve not seen or played anything else like it. From the viewpoint of someone who doesn’t (yet) make music, it’s about the closest you can get to actually mixing and producing your own tracks while still also technically being a game.

It’s a lot of fun just to play around in, and I love that the game encourages that. More than once I’d be vibing with all the loops and samples in the practice mode, finding out my favorites and which ones work well together before remembering, oh yeah, I have a set to go play, maybe I should do that. It’s double cool that incorporating real life mixing and songwriting techniques and theory affect your performance and score. Also you can have a Psytrance rave deep in the forest.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Hexagroove: Tactical DJ on Steam

Just Shapes & Beats

Just Shapes & Beats

When I first played this game it was just to impress my big brother on a like $500 vacation but now iv’e gotten pretty addicted. The games really good amazing story line and a very hard set of songs. And now that iv’e played the lost chapter the story makes a lot more sense. The ending blew my mind not giving any spoilers but some people may know what I mean. Also Annihilation is insane. But when it comes to making a game using square as the main character I was not expecting this much work and progress put into this. If you haven’t played this game yet and are just reviewing it play it know you won’t be disappointed. Well that’s all I have to say can’t wait for the next update!

Real player with 76.4 hrs in game


Real player with 72.0 hrs in game

Just Shapes & Beats on Steam

Rayman® Legends

Rayman® Legends

Rayman Legends is quite possibly the best 2d platformer released in the past 10 years.

It’s the follow up title to Rayman Origins (also a great game) and if you missed it, 40 of the stages from Origins have been included in Legends as additional re-mastered content.

It features over 120 different stages each with varying atmosphere, amazing music, and plenty of hidden collectibles. Each of the levels are hand drawn and beautiful to look at. Despite not being overly impressive on a technical level, Rayman uses a timeless style. While games like Crysis 3 probably won’t look that great 10 years from now, Rayman Legends will no doubt retain its charm.

Real player with 34.0 hrs in game

Rayman Legends is absolutely legendary. However, if you plan on playing single player, you are missing out on one of THE best co-op games of all time. I’m not even sure what the storyline nor do I care, because the gameplay is reason enough to play through this side scrolling platformer.

The graphics are gorgeous with what looks like handdrawn sprites in 3D worlds. The animation is smooth, fluid, and the control of the characters are on point. At times the game moves really fast where you have to run constantly or face death, and other times you can explore the level at your own pace. It is fun to watch, and even more fun to play.

Real player with 29.6 hrs in game

Rayman® Legends on Steam

Metal Heads

Metal Heads

I’ve been helping out with testing the game (the online multiplayer) for well over a year now and i have seen a lot of improvements with it so far and it has come a long way since Pax Aus 2019.

The game itself is great fun online (yes there are issues but it is early access and what early access game doesn’t have issues) and even better when playing locally with friends. There are plenty of mini-games to play as well as a bored game mode that allows you to place items on the map to hinder others or yourself if you aren’t careful. The game has a solo Dev and Andy Gillion working on the music for the game.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

The game was for a year on my steam-wishlist, and now it’s released. Yeah, it is buggy … but what else do you expect for a Early Access game? The minigames are really funny, and the game has many potential to be the next big party game. So buy it and support the developer behind the game, so that he can fulfill his vision of the game.

Furthermore he is active on Discord, in contrast to another game in this genre on steam, where the devs are lost, lol.

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

Metal Heads on Steam