Decide 4 God

Decide 4 God

Decide 4 God is the final entry of the Abime Series.

One hour.

The woman and her team of investigators had one hour to infiltrate a prison and cause a breakout. Her dearest hope was that, among the prisoners, there would be her brother who disappeared nearly twenty years ago.

She couldn’t shake the feeling that something sinister was waiting for her team.

One hour.

The man had been up for one hour, contemplating his past. Everything changed when breakfast was delivered and a box with clothing was slid through the opening in the door. He was told to put it on if he wanted to escape.

Something felt wrong but the prisoner obeyed. Someone was breaking him out… but why?

It is for the future when none may tread.

Key features:

  • The final chapter in the Abime Series. Decide 4 God contains the entire truth behind the events of both Head AS Code and Birth ME Code. Familiar faces return and new faces emerge to complete the unfortunate cast suffering through over a dozen endings due to the misdeeds of Empathy Systems.

  • Two sides of the story. You will be able to follow multiple characters as they live out their terrible tale. Side A and Side B have wildly different events making up opposite parts of a whole story.

  • Interactions are your choices. The companions you choose to explore with determine what you find, and what you find determines your fate. You can examine rooms alone or with others, and their involvement will change how the story unfolds.

  • Knowledge is a powerful curse. Everything you learn in your trip through Complex Twelve becomes a permanent part of your journey. The data transfers across playthroughs, but autosave means your information retention is permanent. Be careful of what you learn, as some of it may not be good for you…

  • A linear yet malleable flowchart. The game’s flowchart sorts your available paths and allows you to combine them in various ways to achieve new endings. Can you find your way out of this labyrinth of information and reach a Permanent Ending?

Note: Only 16:9 resolution ratio is fully supported.

Read More: Best Multiple Endings Investigation Games.

Decide 4 God on Steam

Head AS Code

Head AS Code

I like it. This is an indie game styled after the Zero Escape franchise, so there are a lot of references and spirit you can feel throughout the game. Just so you know, Head AS Code is a remake of the original title and is somehow superior in every sense. The presentation is pretty simple and there’s a lot to think about in this plot-driven story. I wish I could say much about the characters and the plot, but a lot of this game relies on reveals, so the magic would happen best if you saw them yourself. Coming up with theories is great, and I like to think this game gave me many opportunities to guess at what’s going to happen next. One of my only real non-spoilery complaints about this game… I’d say it would be the serious lacking of puzzle difficulty. As in, there’s only one real head-scratcher and that’s it. All the “puzzles” are just clicking the next option and that’s it. I get why creator decided to remove the difficulty from the game and I understand that many puzzles in the original version alienated the player from ever solving them without outside help. Still, this beats out doing obscure mathematics anytime.

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiple Endings Story Rich Games.

A refreshing swim during an absolute drought of mysterious multiple-route sci-fi visual novels, exploring esoteric concepts both originating from science and philosophy, and delving into matters of the mind and body.

Many game reviews I’ve read act redundant by repeating the plot summary and anything else you would find on public platforms, so I’ll try to refrain from doing so.

Written alone by one person, this visual novel features a strong and distinct cast whom you will interact with often, soaked in their own mysteries, to varying degrees of intimacy and personality across several routes. This is one of few VNs where, when given the option to talk with certain characters, I had wanted to talk to everybody right off the bat. What fuels the nuanced characters, their desires and motives? Hidden behind layers of facade and veil, YOU will quest to learn the reason for each member’s existence.

Real player with 25.3 hrs in game

Head AS Code on Steam

The Signifier Director’s Cut

The Signifier Director’s Cut

I was in love with this game at the start, but it went downhill for me as I played. I’m just BARELY not recommending it, but if you find yourself intrigued by the premise and gameplay, it might still be worth playing.

In The Signifier, you play as Frederick Russell, a scientist who is using AI technology to recreate memories (objective and subjective) from people’s minds, as well as dreams they’ve had. You’re tasked with helping to solve a murder (or was it a suicide?) by researching the victim’s last memories.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiple Endings Investigation Games.

Full review (including score):

Summarized review below!

The rundown:


  • First half of the story

  • Really cool visual direction


  • Latter half of the story

  • Game-breaking bugs.

  • Numerous technical issues

We get quite a few of these psychological thriller walking sims each year. A lot of them bank on their visuals while slacking on the story. Rarely though, do we get a game like The Signifier, which seems to have both of those aspects on lock. At least, that was my initial impression.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

The Signifier Director's Cut on Steam



One of the best pixel style, story driven, horror series I’ve played!

I’m Loving the Em-A-Li series!

Very creative, Good story, and keeps you interested.

Double the length of the previous. About 60 min.

Perfect for a YouTube video/series, a stream, or just a good experience.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Zurvival was a game that was promised to creep me out and it had kept it’s promise. It’s scares got me good my first play through.

Positive feedback:

*Crafting was introduced into the game, which help add a layer of difficulty toward completing the game.

*The game had me question my decisions and caused me to hesitate about what I should do and what to make or use, thinking I’ll hit a dead end. But was able to progress without issues.

*Character sprites are great for both the talking heads and the over world, a big improvement from the previous game.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Em-A-Zurvival on Steam

Inside Depth 6

Inside Depth 6

Pros and cons are down below) Don’t forget to drop a like if the comment will be useful to you so it can be useful to other people as well)

Check out the gameplay here:


1. It’s INSANELY SCARY! And the scares are not limited to jumpscares over and over again - the atmosphere gets under your skin. The sound design is soo good - makes you very alerted for the whole duration of the game. I don’t know how the dev does that but they have a way of getting into your head. If you’ve experienced Suite 776 then you know what I’m talking about and this game will NOT disappoint you!

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

What a terrifying experience this was!

Inside Depth 6 has incredible ambience, superb sound design and a really unique and refreshing approach for the setting which makes for a truly horrifying and scary game.

Everything felt well crafted, there were no cheap jump scares, just dreadful sorrow and fear from the unknown as you trascend deeper and deeper into the mine. You can feel the uneasiness with each elevator ride that takes you further into the mine, and this is something that was not very often tackled by horror games and it felt really refreshing for a change. The setting really got to me.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Inside Depth 6 on Steam

Eldritch Academy

Eldritch Academy

A nice mild magical girl (without the flashy change scenes or clothes change)

type horror with mild yuri romance. This is the prelude of the Eldritch University VN which is The Girl who got Badly hurt and her girlfriend..

You have the 3 girl endings and a harem and a secret ending, I have the secret and harem to find.

It is a good VN so give it a go.

Real player with 68.3 hrs in game

  • cute yuri game

  • interesting mystic concept

  • a few fun conversations

  • this is NOT a horror or a thriller. there are definitely no scary or tense moments in the game

  • the game is short, but terribly repetitive

  • I expected more from Akomi, almost all her innuendo are dull

This is a cute short game with misleading tags in the annotation. The characters and the story itself lack depth. Even so I enjoy this game. You should give it a chance

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

Eldritch Academy on Steam



A bit of background : I have played both acts of Shadows on the Vatican to the end. And I am also old enough to have played every Infocom text adventure when they first came out. So I was really looking forward to Nightingale.

Alarm bells rang when I found I couldn’t save whenever I wanted but I must say the branching system works well whenever you wish to change any earlier decision. I have managed to get a few different endings in one playthrough – and not a save file in sight.

I found the pacing of the text worked well, introducing a sense of tension that might not have been there otherwise.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game


This was a very interesting read; I was intrigued!

  • Clean crisp user Interface

  • Story: Not one I have seen covered

  • Excellent music that reflects the tone and pacing in the scene.

    The protagonist in this Text Adventure has a special talent. The Nightingale has been helping people for years with their paranormal gift. One person that the Nightingale helped is a professional assassin. That creates a dilemma.

    This is a short-story set in the “Shadows on the Vatican” universe, but you need not have played them.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Nightingale on Steam

Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐅𝐚𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐆𝐨 𝐓𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐧?

I can’t believe it’s been almost 11 years since this game’s been released. I love this game from the bottom of my heart. I always had interest in story driven games, the moment I saw this game’s trailer I knew it was meant for me. It’s one of those games that defined my personality through my teenage years. How can you not love a game like this. It’s the game that took motion capture to the next level back in those days. Tragic drama thriller movie like game where your choices do actually MATTER. Main characters can die or get injured during their encounters. Every choice you make feels like it will have an impact on your experience. It offers a lot of content and replayability. The action scenes are very intense and gets you locked onto the screen. You can listen to your character’s thoughts that gives you more insight and adds depth about the situation the person’s going through. Which I have missed a lot of them when I was playing 10 years ago even though I’ve played this game more than like 500 hours now I’m discovering new things. To me, Quantic Dream games are really good in terms of creating and establishing scenes as well as writing story with characters and multiple different possibilities. And not to mention the unforgettable magnificent score. It sends shivers down my spine when I hear that Ethan Mars' Theme. Lastly, I believe Quantic Dream company really cares about the content that they’re making at least as I’ve seen from the behind the scenes and artworks.

Real player with 72.8 hrs in game

-How many cliches do you want mr. Cage?


I love narrative games so my opinion in this might be a little biased and I obviously recommend this game. It doesn’t come without flaws but we get so little of such games that i’m happy even if it’s not perfect.

Heavy Rain is an interactive-drama thriller. The Origami killer is kidnapping children and drowning them. One of the main character’s son disappears and father who’s name is Ethan gets a message from killer demanding him to take tasks in order to save his son. Killer is testing Ethan’s courage and Ethan must decide how far he will go in order to save his son.

Real player with 30.2 hrs in game

Heavy Rain on Steam

Eldritch University

Eldritch University

Eldritch University is a fun visual novel. I didn’t like it as much as Eldritch Academy, but I still thought it was a super good read overall. This game also sets up the possibility of a sequel. Eldritch Investigations anyone? :D

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

This is an interesting VN that has one massive thing going for it – while it stylizes itself as a supernatural thriller, the best part about it is without any doubt the relationship between the protagonist, Kasumi, and Misaki, the girlfriend she was recently reconnected with after three years. Their story was rather briefly established in this game’s prequel, Eldritch Academy (mostly in bonus content, as they were secondary characters in that game), but here it developed into really satisfying, well-paced love drama about overcoming the baggage of the long years of separation forced by Misaki’s conservative mother, and the social stigma of being openly gay in Japan. Of course, this kind of story is nothing new, but here it was executed in such a natural-feeling and emotionally gratifying way that it think it genuinely stands out from your average yuri drama in a very positive way.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Eldritch University on Steam



EDIT: Alright so I just replayed this game TWICE and have to say the majority of all my problems were completely fixed.

I found about 2 new bugs, neither of which were game breaking and I don’t doubt the Dev will fix it as he does really care about this game.

Give this game a shot, it’s well worth it and if I can beat it before the update and twice after so can you.

LOVE THIS GAME, Try it now! I’ll add a link to my new playthrough when I get it uploaded soon.

New Playthrough as promised:

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

I love this game although at moments it touched a rage nerve lol. But it is great! Good atmosphere but the one thing I will touch on is the fact when you die it sends you back to the start which is really frustrating for me and probably others. But all in all a great game:) Check my playthrough and I got the bad ending so must get the good ending now:) Well doen Dev..I look forward to your next game:)

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Krakatoa on Steam