Princess Maker 2 Refine

Princess Maker 2 Refine

I’ve played the original DOS version and this new version - Refine.

What I liked about Refine:

  • New Japanese voiceovers.

  • The music sounds much better.

  • New text makes it easier to understand some of the courses/work easier. I first played this game as a child and had a difficult time understanding the terminology in the DOS version. As a result, a child may have an easier time understanding this.

  • The Art is less grainy and more refined; somewhat brighter. The flowers in the vase change by the season – which I thought was a nice touch.

Real player with 133.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiple Endings Anime Games.

Princess Maker 2 Refine can make a lot of princesses but not much of a game.


The story of PM2R is near non-existent, but on purpose. You are a wandering swordsman who saves a kingdom from a demonic siege by defeating the demon lord. Ever thankful for your rescue, the king gives you a home, a butler, and a yearly stipend. The heavens bestow a child of their own upon you. Already age ten, you are tasked with raising her for the next eight years of her life. The story is wildly open-ended from here, as there are dozens upon dozens of endings, but none are particularly impressive; amounting to nothing more than a few short blurbs about the kind of person your adopted daughter became when she left your home. The sheer number of possible endings and permutations of those endings are far more impressive than the quality of them.

Real player with 123.2 hrs in game

Princess Maker 2 Refine on Steam

Clean Slate

Clean Slate

This game has an incredibly compelling plot and puzzles that can be genuinely hard that are mostly satisfying when completed. It is a great homage to the Zero Escape series and you should absolutely play it if you are a fan.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiple Endings Investigation Games.

Loved the plot, pacing and writing. Its a nice homage to other games like the 999 series. Totally recommended if you like the genre.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Clean Slate on Steam

Imagine Lifetimes

Imagine Lifetimes

I personally really enjoyed this game. I first played it from before it’s Steam release (thanks to GrayStillPlays) so I somewhat knew what to do. The Steam release added a few features that I was glad to see like achievements and scene skips.

I love games like this one. Simple, but deep. Deep, but also doesn’t take itself too seriously. It makes you think about things but never shoves it in your face. I quite enjoyed all the references too. Some of the endings were a bit out there, but that’s part of the fun.

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiple Endings Point & Click Games.

There are certain cruelties this game that presents you with that prevent me from classifying it as fun.

Within the game there are advertisements for the developers other games, and I had to reset the game (the intro sequence is waaay too long.) to escape them. The options for this game are super limited. I get there’s only so much you can do with a game like this. It just feels dull and monotonous. Playing through multiple times is not rewarding at all, and this game does NOT respect your time or intellect.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Imagine Lifetimes on Steam

Princess Maker ~Faery Tales Come True~ (HD Remake)

Princess Maker ~Faery Tales Come True~ (HD Remake)

Amazing game! With so many endings you’ll play it for hours without realizing.

Real player with 53.3 hrs in game

Started the game.

Allowed her to do NOTHING but have free time for 8 years straight.

Got an achievement for it.


My only regret is that I did not name her Luigi…

Real player with 36.1 hrs in game

Princess Maker ~Faery Tales Come True~ (HD Remake) on Steam

Princess Maker Go!Go! Princess

Princess Maker Go!Go! Princess

Game is pretty epic if you have friends who aren’t bloodthirsty.

Real player with 30.5 hrs in game

it cuts out many many events from it’s original version. rather disappointing

Real player with 25.4 hrs in game

Princess Maker Go!Go! Princess on Steam

The Test

The Test

Before I go into the rest of my review, this is my final word: Love.

Wow. This game did a lot of things well and successfully elevated my heartrate purely through artfully placed simple questions and atmosphere. Even the positioning of the question-asker and his design were unnerving.

You can see pretty quickly what the game is trying to accomplish, but it still throws you off guard. It is exactly what it says it is– a series of yes-or-no questions that range from “Do you prefer cats over dogs?” to “Do you feel like I know you yet?”

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

This game does not and cannot deliver what it promises.

Anyone who takes this quiz should familiarize themselves with the Forer effect, where people give high accuracy ratings to personality descriptions that are supposedly tailored to them. Such personality descriptions are vague enough that they could really apply to almost anyone, and people interpret the information to be more personal that it actually is. This test is an example of this effect.

I’ll use my own example to illustrate. After you answer all of the questions, the game will assign you a secret word, which supposedly represents something fundamental to your personality. The secret word it gave me was “love.” The game goes on to explain what that word means; for example, according to the game, I’m insecure: I don’t trust others and I don’t trust myself. That’s true, by the way; however, the game goes on to make a number of claims that could apply to just about anyone. In my case, it said:

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

The Test on Steam

Eternal Destinies ~The World of Possibilities~

Eternal Destinies ~The World of Possibilities~

In an age of barbarian invasions and bad harvests, with the gods and demons too entangled in their own conflicts to pay much heed to humanity…

A girl was born to an elderly childless couple in a small village far from the capital.

The signs were vague and sometimes contradictory.

The village priestess and a travelling fortune-teller could not agree on what her future holds.

In the end, a Sage from a nearby mountain suggested:

“Let the girl seek and fulfill her own destiny.”

The village elders agreed.

As soon as she reached the age of maturity, she was sent to the capital to seek her fortune… whatever it might be.

Form friendships and rivalries with the town’s inhabitants, or face the many enemies outside.


It is possible to talk to almost anybody or anything with the right skill(s).


Choose the right activities to reach one of the numerous possible destinies.


Town Square

The townspeople gather here to gossip and share information.

You might hear some interesting rumors!


In addition to the armorer and the tailor, several small stalls offer their wares on the town market. Their contents change seasonally.


Are the gods actually listening? In any case, you can pray for luck.


The biggest bookstore in town. It carries many unusual titles and the selection keeps changing. The owner likes to participate in the writing contest during festivals….


Rumor has it that some unspoken misfortune has befallen the royal family.

Magic shop

Buy potions or chat with the owner’s apprentice.

The Big House on the Hill

What secrets does it hide?

Adventure Mode

Explore the areas around the capital and beyond!


An invisible force that influences everything from the outcome of battles to how likely one is to stumble upon useful items.

Luck can be improved (or ruined) in many different ways.

Special Events

Festivals are held twice per year. Observe the competitions or participate in them… or even rent a stall and try to sell the festival goers some snacks!

Barbarian invasions might occur during the raiding season.

It’s best to pay attention to the Town News!


Many different outcomes are possible depending on your choices.

Eternal Destinies ~The World of Possibilities~ on Steam

Gobby McGobblenutz Presents: The Art of the Dad Joke: Chapter 1

Gobby McGobblenutz Presents: The Art of the Dad Joke: Chapter 1

I love Dad Jokes and this did not disappoint!! This was a great distraction from what is going on in our world right now!! Thanks to the developers of this silly game!! Totally worth the small amount I paid. 3

BTw My secret word was WTF and I got 186 points!!

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Okay, this was amazing LMAO

I’m a big fan of stupid humor and there were a few jokes I’ve heard before, but even one or two new ones is well worth the low pricetag. I’ve already sent a few of these jokes to my sister and best friend and they were dying. lol

And there’s like, hundreds of jokes here. Really can’t complain at all, thoroughly satisfied with this one! :)

Woops forgot to put my word in my review, haha.

The word it gave me was Ridiculous.

I love it!

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Gobby McGobblenutz Presents: The Art of the Dad Joke: Chapter 1 on Steam

Nijikoi no Houkakou

Nijikoi no Houkakou

If you can get past the terrible english its not a bad game the the character are fun and easy its a good game to pass the time. It takes a least a few hours to get to the end of one of the routes and even then theirs a lot of endings so I do recommend this game… But do keep in mind its not translated to well.

Real player with 17.3 hrs in game

Thanks for the TokiMemo nostalgia ^^

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Nijikoi no Houkakou on Steam

The Test: Final Revelation

The Test: Final Revelation

1st - Fairness

2nd - Reveal

3rd - Loved

My problem: I don’t see the point you make 3 tests delivering 3 secret words separately. I said “not recommended” but I don’t really feel that way. If you just want a test but don’t feel interested of the team’s future project, get whichever, getting all 3 is not necessary.

I had a great time in the first test, but felt less immersed in the second, even less in the third. While this 3rd test featured some pictures, there’s really not much differences between these three tests, questions or outcomes. I think the reason the first test feels more enjoyable is that it was a new experience for me. And when I play the second and the third, I was prepared.(mentally, somehow, in some way, that I didn’t even aware of) I guess that’s why I’m not impressed by the second and the third test: you didn’t caught me off guard. I still answered my questions honestly and spent time thinking, of course.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Pros and cons are down below)

Secret Word: Outsider, Twin Words.

Secret word from “the Test” - Order; Secret Word from “the Test: Hypothesis Rising” - Stranger; Secret word from the “Horrorscope” - Bloodthirst.

Check out my vid here (likes and subs are highly appreciated)):


1. The revelation is very cool! I am so glad I participated in this and I can’t wait till that RPG!! I think the bigger picture behind these games are just amazing! Great job, developers!

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

The Test: Final Revelation on Steam