Fit For a King

Fit For a King

Fit For a King is a relatively short game but is definitely an enjoyable experience. The whole game is centred around the summit that you will be throwing and your main goal is to outspend your rival.

Like the trailer says, you can pretty much do anything, from executing a foreign ambassador to marrying a literal piece of sh- ahem refuse.

At times it can seem a bit aimless and it can be hard to find the clues to get things you need but otherwise is quite fun and definitely worth a play.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiple Endings Open World Games.

The game has a weak and slow start, don’t let this dissuade you. The controls are dated and supposed to feel like a mid to late 80’s crpg, but are way more straight forward and easy to understand then those ever were back then without 200 page manuals. Once you can get a good grasp of the controls the game opens up and the gameplay starts. For the most part it’s a puzzle game with some loot hunting in it. The humor is pretty good and the mix of both serious and silly just strikes that perfect balance. It’s only really down fall and biggest selling point is that it’s short and sweet and complete. It left me wanting more, which is rare for most game these days. It made me want to give ultima another shot or some other Crpgs. I guess some minor things that made me sad was that while there was a ton of lines for the NPCs I wish there was more , and by extension more tasks or quests. (Spoiler) Another minor thing was that it’s never explained in game that some walls can be walked through as a sort of secret entrance.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Fit For a King on Steam

Take town

Take town

Urban Planning Simulator (puzzle) build and manage your city! You are the mayor of a small town develop it and earn money.

in the game you will need to:

build and hexagonal platforms to build a city and earn money as well as monitor the number of people because they make it possible to update the city hall buildings that will give more opportunities in the game

Read More: Best Multiple Endings Strategy Games.

Take town on Steam



Full Review Curator Site

Video Review:

Headliner caught my attention with a simple tagline “What if you control the national news?” Interesting premise and a question that made me wonder “What if I did control the national news?” Fact-based reporting? No slant? Spread the writings of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense… I could do so much. So what would Headliner allow me to do?

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiple Endings Dystopian Games.

I recently got this game for free from a curator connect offer. This 2D simulation game with 2D side-scrolling adventure game elements by Unbound Creations features a custom male/female protagonist Dianne Kalushky who is married to a custom male/female spouse Andrew or Sasha and has a daughter Amber(names of any character can be changed). Dianne has just started work as a Headliner at a news broadcaster Galmedia in the fictitious nation of Galixia.

Amidst the backdrop of a deep polarised divide between the genetically modified population and the non-modified minority known as Purists and an ongoing war in the neighbouring nation of Lerisia with a subsequent influx of refugees to Galixia, Dianne must manage his/her company’s expectations as a corporate entity which needs to rely on broadcasting the type of news to attract interest and subscribers, the conflicting interests from the pro-modified and the Purists as well as on whether to allow or control the number of Lerisian refugees into Galixia, Andrew/Sasha’s declining health, job security and concerns over Amber’s idea on having fun at a festival in a week’s time as well as Amber’s plans to enrol at a secondary and study biology which is beyond the family’s finances.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game


Do Not Feed the Monkeys

Do Not Feed the Monkeys

Websites like Insecam allow you to view feeds of cameras from around the world, which are on unsecured networks. A couple of days ago I was watching some Japanese guy ins his yard throwing away his trash, and couple of kitchen cooks making a meal. You get some weird cameras placed in odd angles that make you feel as if you’ll witness a crime at any second. The idea of gathering info and keeping watch over multiple lives is what prompted Spanish development house Fictiorama Studios to develop this game.

Real player with 35.0 hrs in game

The theme of surveillance and voyeurism is a popular one in Hollywood movies. Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window is a popular one that depicted the allure of, and obsessions with these acts. Now we have Fictiorama Studio tapping into these ideas in their video game, Do Not Feed the Monkeys.

Aside from surveillance and voyeurism, DNFTM also weaves in moral dilemmas and light resource management along the lines of Papers, Please, and presents opportunities for intervention like in Orwell. Yet, this game is by no means derivative. The developers deftly combined these elements to create an addictive, appealing, and unique gaming experience. While DNFTM is neither overly stressful, tense and dour like in Papers, Please, nor serious and political in Orwell, it is actually clever and intentionally self-referential.

Real player with 26.7 hrs in game

Do Not Feed the Monkeys on Steam



16.4.2018. Game #33

If this game was a woman, my wife would have left me

I didn’t just enjoy Beholder, I was obsessed with this game, in fact, obsessed is putting it mildly. As soon as I learned how to play the game I was infected. I couldn’t stop playing it. I played it till 4 am (I know that’s probably not so hardcore, but for me it’s quite late) for 3 days and whenever I wasn’t playing it I thought of playing it. I even dreamt of this game. I beat the game about 10 times, played it for 30 hours and got all the achievements and EVEN THAT WASN’T ENOUGH FOR ME, so I bought the DLC played it for another 10 hours (all achievements too) and only now am I finally satisfied.

Real player with 41.0 hrs in game

Beholder is all about trying to be a decent person when the rules require foul play. You are Carl, a new government employee charged with running an apartment building. Of course this job is handed to you with strings attached. While you may occupy the landlord’s office, your primary occupation is collecting intelligence on your tenants.  Hide cameras in all the apartments, search people’s belongings and eavesdrop on their conversations; just don’t get caught. When I was given this warning I assumed the consequences would be severe. I could only imagine the outrage I would feel if I came home to find my landlord rifling through my personal possessions. However, the residents didn’t seem all that upset by it. Sure they would tell you to leave immediately but there were no fisticuffs, fines, or complaints lodged with the ministry.

Real player with 20.9 hrs in game

Beholder on Steam

Headliner: NoviNews

Headliner: NoviNews

Ironically, the people review-bombing this game over pronouns did it a huge favour. It seems I’m not alone among those who’d never have found it otherwise. On the whole, I’m glad I did.


It’s well-produced and easy to play, and it’s a very cool idea. I really enjoy the atmosphere of the streets of Novistan as you trudge home each day and see your decisions reflected in the conversations and events around you. The sound and visual design really sells moments of shock and crisis. I also quite like the vague (or not so vague) sense of meta awareness all the NPCs have of being in a new timeline when you start a new game. It’s a nice touch.

Real player with 28.1 hrs in game


The great fun that was Headliner has returned and is better than ever. First the player controlled the news in the nation of Galixia, but now in Headliner: NoviNews, the player controls the news in the nation of Novistan which receives a similar number of immigrants from Learis as Galixia, and where the issue of healthcare makes for as much of a debate as in Galixia. What’s different is that Novistan has issues with a new synthetic alcoholic beverage called BetterBuzz, and has a xenophobic Prime Minister who dislikes Learis and is easily alienated by dissent. Unlike in Galixia, the purists (people who haven’t been genetically modified) aren’t persecuted by Novistanian society.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

Headliner: NoviNews on Steam

川建国同志想要连任/Comrade Trump’s Re-election

川建国同志想要连任/Comrade Trump’s Re-election

Funny game, Trump who knows everything turns out to be a secret agent from China who wants to mess up the USA, i was thinking that he had some deal with Putin… but it seems this is true, USA is f**ked up by his term. But the question is should this be a huge secret to keep? Now the cat is out of the bag, everyone who played this game knows that, its bad for his mission haha. And BTW i quite like his twitter avatar in this game so can everyone plz send me a copy?))

But cant i skip the stories in 2nd or more round? Kinda annoying but still fine(Solved, hold the ctrl key, thx, the developer and a buddy who plays galgames X). And the questions appearances on the press conferences is kinda depended on luck, so i cant get all the trophy by now. Theres only 5 trophies left now, all about the questions, its getting soooo hard now haha.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

The number of questions and stalks is sufficient, but the game process is only three days a bit short, and it can be increased by a few days. Game elements can be richer.

It is a headache for reporters to randomly ask questions, and it is a waste of time for players who want to collect achievements.

It is recommended to add the skip story button or the option to close the story.

In addition, I hope this game will sell well in the United States.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

川建国同志想要连任/Comrade Trump's Re-election on Steam

I’m a King

I’m a King

There is a very interesting enigma wrapped in a mystery going on here. I really want to get into the game more, but the translation is rough. I feel certain that after a conversation we could work out some smoother edges to the translations. Thank you! Love the game! Keep: Doing It!

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

english translation need a hell of alot of work… very jarring…

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

I'm a King on Steam

Norman’s Great Illusion

Norman’s Great Illusion

Before reaching the first ending, I tried to explore the game as much as I could. However, almost the whole room is not related with the game. So why did the developer put the apartment structure draft here? Only the chairs and TV can be interacted with the character.

The mini-game sucks. The developer has explained, “…mini-game “On the work” reflects the stress that many people experience in their workplaces”. Excuse me, but games are not supposed to impress players by literally torturing people! Actually, the two mini games are the mandatory and indispensable parts of gameplay. From function point of view, they are not mini at all.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

I originally posted a negative review of this game, however I went back to play it some more and have changed my mind on it.

My main gripe when I first played was that the working mini-game was too unforgiving. The game entails solving advanced maths sums while under a strict time limit and I really struggled with it. Upon replaying, I’ve realised that the point of the mini-game is to basically be impossible. You’re supposed to barely be able to scrape by in it because that’s what it’s like working a gruelling job in a society that doesn’t value you. The only way to “beat” the mini-game is by cheating and pausing the game to work out the sum in your own time. Just like in real life, the only way to succeed in capitalism is by cheating. Looking at the game as something that is to be “won” will ensure that you don’t enjoy it. You’re not supposed to succeed in the mini-game, you’re supposed to lose continuously.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Norman's Great Illusion on Steam

Beholder 2

Beholder 2

I love this game. The dark setting, the artwork, the way the characters speak. If you are reading and wondering if you are going to buy it or not after watching the videos just go buy it already. Good value for the money.

Real player with 34.9 hrs in game

I really love this game!

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Beholder 2 on Steam