Lenna’s Inception

Lenna’s Inception

Lenna’s inception, now as always I’m gonna but the short for people and say you should definitely get this game, it’s a legend of Zelda parody with a lot of “heart” chuckles but seriously, it does so much with what it is and has endless fun capabilities to it with the different SEED’s you can put in for multiple different worlds and dungeons and a story that will just, like wow I wasn’t expecting it at all dood.

Still with me? cool the longer version although without spoiling too much it shouldn’t be that much longer, so what you have here is a parody of LoZ as I said already, a lot of the items and the uses of those items are either straight rips of LoZ items, joke versions of those items or an actual unique item, even down to the potions you can get they end up having a variety of effects and uses, not all good by any means but all have their uses, they even have two unique types of sword to use dood.

Real player with 32.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiple Endings Singleplayer Games.

The game so far has been neat to explore, certainly an interesting gem to find; moreover, as the Legend of Zelda series is Nintindo exclusive, kinda locks PC gamers out of the series. Have always remembered how much fun I had playing A Link to the Past back in the day, and hope this game does well enough to inspire some more SNES Zelda style games. This game so far reminds me more of Link’s Awakening so far, as the map resembles more of that style. You do get some companions to tag along with you that is a neat spin, and while I may not get to enjoy it myself, the option for co-op gameplay which is neat. I haven’t played all that much so far, and aside from having my controller act up on me, haven’t ran into any major problems. I have noticed a bit of screen tearing when moving from one section of map to another, but it may be the fullscreen option that is causing problems. Overall it feels like jaming an old-school Zelda game, with a bit of a different story and theme to the game. Will update review at a later date, when I have had a chance to further explore the game’s content.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Lenna's Inception on Steam

Martial Law

Martial Law

Martial Law is a game about difficulties that came with Communism in Poland. Game is meant to visualize the realities of Polish families back then, their ways of thinking and understanding the world. The story is shown from the perspective of a man who is abandoned because of his low social status. He tries his best to be there for his daughter despite the difficulties. Game is also meant to be educational. There are many places you can stop to learn more about Polish culture from the communist era.

Martial Law features!

  • Many endings!

  • Visual Novel

  • Learn more about polish culture from the communist era

  • Solve family issue

  • Get beat up by a “comrade for debating”

  • Talk to a grumpy old man!

  • Make your kid happy. :)

  • Make right choices, or don’t. It’s up to you.

Game originally developed during GameJam Pokamedulski.PL 2021

Read More: Best Multiple Endings Atmospheric Games.

Martial Law on Steam

Welcome Back

Welcome Back

Loved this game! Pretty retro art style which grows in complexity as we “evolve” into more complex lifeforms. There’s so many details about it that show that the creator spent a lot of time polishing the game’s edges. Although it seems simple, Welcome Back surprises us as we accept its invite to search for secrets.

That many secrets to uncover make the game to feel magically alive, as we dialogue with it, asking questions of “what if” and receiving “yes"s as answer.

I strongly recommend that you play it to the very end, going after each of its nine trophies. The last one is so mindblowing (the challenge itself and the reward) ✨✨✨

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiple Endings Experimental Games.

Short game in which you play a recently deceased gamer who gets a second chance by god. However, after getting on god’s bad side, the gamer’s turned into an ameba and has to overcome five evolution stages to finally reincarnate as a human. Each stage is made out of 4-5 puzzles where you need to reach the golden star.

  • 1. Stage plays similar to Kirby. You need to swallow enemies and use them to break rocks or eliminate sparkling enemies.

  • 2. Stage has you controlling two snails (one with WASD, the other with arrow keys) that need to work together by pushing or turning a certain object.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Welcome Back on Steam

Your amazing T-Gotchi!

Your amazing T-Gotchi!

This game is AWSOME! If you are a gamer like me who loves games like Doki Doki Literature club and Danganronpa, (Basically games that have mature topics like death) then I definitely recommend this game for you! Its short but sweet, and its pretty cute. The Tamagotchi you are taking care of has a sweet personality and can be a little possessive (fine a lot but still who can blame her) To be honest, its not worth the 5 dollars, so try to get it on sale (I got it at 50% off). As I said above, it looks like a cute game so if you are looking for exactly that, I do not recommend you play it. Happy playing!

Real player with 15.9 hrs in game

well, this game was certainly an interesting mental test and an exercise to futility…


it was an emotional rollercoaster, and while at first i had hopes of giving her a happy or a better ending, all (early) attempts ended in disaster.

then, i tried to earn the other achievements, so i had to treat her badly in order to complete the games achievements.

it was a very thought provoking game, and it got into some very dark places.

its strange how you see a digital character, a character that doesnt exist, and yet it can cause you so much sadness when she suffers or when she is feeling hopeless and alone/depressed.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Your amazing T-Gotchi! on Steam

Darius Cozmic Collection Arcade

Darius Cozmic Collection Arcade

Great port with one glaring omission: the lack of 4:3 resolution support. Running the game in full screen on my 4:3 monitor results in letterboxed 16:9, which causes two significant issues:

  1. Darius Gaiden cannot be played in true fullscreen at its native aspect ratio. You can either play in stretched letterboxed 16:9, or in letterboxed-and-pillarboxed 4:3. No matter what, it won’t fill the screen.

  2. Multi-monitor mode for the games that support it cannot be correctly lined up and scaled, because the “seams” of the screens don’t correspond with the monitor resolutions. Stretching the game past the internal boundaries of the game resolution just results in the image being cropped, even though there is screen space there; said screen space is just black. I presume this is also an issue on multi-monitor 16:9 displays.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

EDIT: It’s been almost a week and nothing regarding possible issues is coming, kinda scared they aren’t saying anything about it, not recommending until they at least give words for the issues on the port (That is, if M2 stops reposting Senjin Aleste Fanart in their goddamn Twitter…)

The price is quite excessive if they don’t fix these issues (It’s 2021, these issues shouldn’t be there in the first place, no, “M2 is not experienced with PC, that’s why BASIC stuff happened” is not an excuse).

Not a perfect port, but it’s been less than 2 days since it was released.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Darius Cozmic Collection Arcade on Steam

Project Downfall

Project Downfall

Game is good in general, has correctly designed world that creates quite dense atmosphere, but still when it comes to fighting it gets veeery frustrating. Enemies are truly overpowered, the stamina level is annoying, pick-ups dont always work and you cant immediately crouch after performing a slide thus you cant take cover at the right time. Won battle is satisfying, but you can achieve satisfaction in different ways, than having many powerfull enemies (that can ignore wall collision and go through the wall LOL) just left for the player to be dealt with, i.e. with better balanced and well designed combat which for now is extremly annoying. Sad since it is the main part of the game. And there are goddamn holes in maps. Thus you can fall down just like that and die in the middle of for exmaple: COMBAT. Well, maybe that is why its called Project Downfall…

Real player with 37.7 hrs in game

Edit 2: I’m gonna be updating this soon, so take this with a grain of salt.

I’ve played this game a lot, and it has a lot of good things in it. It is also full of some of the worst game design choices I have ever seen. For example: after the level “Brain Freeze” the player is dropped into a shipping yard full of enemies. The problem is that this level takes place at night meaning that it is absurdly dark so the player can’t see enemy sprites. To make matters worse a third of the enemies have shotguns that can kill the player in one hit and have a reaction time of less than half of second (which is fine in the short indoor levels where trial and error is viable, but we’ll get to why that doesn’t work here) The level takes place outside in a massive shipping dock with multiple alleyways and probably about 15-25 enemies, which the player is forced to kill all of to proceed. This means that you’ll constantly slowly inching around trying to find the enemies your looking for on this bloated map, constantly getting one shot by an enemy in the dark that you literally could not see (at least in the millisecond you have before they shoot you) I would say that this level takes about 1-2 minutes to complete, which might not sound bad until you realize just what kind of game this is: this would be like a 2 minute long super meat boy course or a hotline Miami level where the enemies are all hidden where you somehow can’t see them. What makes this level completely unacceptable in my book is that once you finally, and I mean FINALLY manage to take out all the enemies on the dock (took me about 18 tries and 35 minutes) the level. is repopulated. with boss enemies. that take half a dozen sniper rounds. to down. and one shot the player. And if you die to this, (which you will) you are then forced to start the level ALL OVER AGAIN. this effectively makes the level infinitely longer and frustrating enough to burst a blood vessel, as you have to somehow take out all the enemies on the dock AGAIN only to get another shot at taking out multiple boss enemies at once without dying. I have yet to complete this level or the game because I can honestly only put up with so much. This is only one example, there are many more levels just like this one in the game (“Providence” comes to mind) which means that you’ll be frustrated and miserable throughout.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

Project Downfall on Steam




At the time of writing this, I have played Reventure for merely 85 minutes and have only unlocked 22 / 100 endings. Nevertheless, I felt the need to write this right now. I truly believe that my opinion of this game won’t change for the worse but I wanted you to know this fact going in.

### **Update #1:**

16 new and hilarious endings later, I still feel the same. Gonna keep you updated!

### **Update #2:**

51 / 100 endings unlocked. 

 ! I've had my shield melted into my face, my eyes torn out of their sockets and wobbling about after removing said shield, my bones removed from my body, becoming known as "disgusting creature" and I have actively killed the princess. No worries, though, the game told me there are more princesses and there were no witnesses around, so… let's just forget that ever happened. Still loving it so far! TTYL!

Real player with 137.6 hrs in game

This game is really fun, but I think it’s definitely for a certain type of person, and it’s one of those games that is definitely more fun to play with someone.

I played this with my boyfriend, streamed over Discord, seeing as we can’t see each other due to lockdown. I don’t think I would have gotten even half as far or played it anywhere near as long if I wasn’t playing it with someone and we both wanted to see how far we could get.

We managed to get to 71 endings before we had to start using the hints you can collect throughout the game as we both completely ran out of ideas by that point. The hints themselves can be a little cryptic so it isn’t even as if they always spell it out for you either.

Real player with 21.9 hrs in game

Reventure on Steam

Summoner’s Mess

Summoner’s Mess

Worth every cent (and much more) of its price, it’s very entertaining to discover the map and each unsuccessful run makes you go for another one to see how far can you go this time.

It has a really nice art direction, and the sound ambiance goes perfectly with the game. Just buy it, with that price it’s like a gift.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

This is a very nice and interesting game, the graphics, the music, the mood… everything fits perfectly.

I really enjoyed playing it and doing all the possible endings. It is cool to be able to easily remember the rooms and little by little knowing all the place like it was my own house.

If you enjoy games where the progression is based on your own knowledge instead of unlockable skills, then give it a try!

The game gives you a proper amount of hours of game time given the fact that is super cheap!

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Summoner's Mess on Steam



Absolutely amazing game! I loved every second of it. The game play is smooth and fun, and the characters as well as the story are very beautifully written. I highly recommend giving this game a try!

Real player with 19.7 hrs in game

Finishing Fleshport took me about 9 hours, but I’m very slow and check every detail twice. This game had me hooked from beginning to end. Even with the small RPG Maker window size, I had the feeling that I was traversing through some supernatural landscape with its own people and customs. The characters are both unsettling and charming.

The design in some parts of the game are confusing, with doors that are hard to notice and details that are easy to miss. There was one puzzle in particular I could only figure out after interacting with every object and smooshing my face against every wall. There are also some bugs, especially with the chase mechanics, but nothing game-breaking. I fully recommend this weird, weird game.

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

Fleshport on Steam

Nobunaga’s Shadow

Nobunaga’s Shadow

At first I thought this was going to be a great retro kind of game, however a lot of the time it is difficult to figure out what you’re supposed to do next. Some of the in game text can be misleading and make it virtually impossible to progress.

In the end, because of the difficulty moving forward in the game, it becomes very boring very fast. A waste of time and money.

Real player with 46.9 hrs in game

Only 1 hr play so far. It’s a real RPG Maker game - nothing fake. Unique story, unique environment, sounds, gots it all. Not amazing but worth it. I like variety more than deep complexity at the later hours.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Nobunaga's Shadow on Steam