Welcome Back

Welcome Back

Loved this game! Pretty retro art style which grows in complexity as we “evolve” into more complex lifeforms. There’s so many details about it that show that the creator spent a lot of time polishing the game’s edges. Although it seems simple, Welcome Back surprises us as we accept its invite to search for secrets.

That many secrets to uncover make the game to feel magically alive, as we dialogue with it, asking questions of “what if” and receiving “yes"s as answer.

I strongly recommend that you play it to the very end, going after each of its nine trophies. The last one is so mindblowing (the challenge itself and the reward) ✨✨✨

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiple Endings Pixel Graphics Games.

Short game in which you play a recently deceased gamer who gets a second chance by god. However, after getting on god’s bad side, the gamer’s turned into an ameba and has to overcome five evolution stages to finally reincarnate as a human. Each stage is made out of 4-5 puzzles where you need to reach the golden star.

  • 1. Stage plays similar to Kirby. You need to swallow enemies and use them to break rocks or eliminate sparkling enemies.

  • 2. Stage has you controlling two snails (one with WASD, the other with arrow keys) that need to work together by pushing or turning a certain object.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Welcome Back on Steam



You’re playing as a small, orb like vessel that was pulled violently into this world by someone or something. As you find out that you are not the first one to arrive, it soon dawns on you that this isn’t a place, you want to stay. Many before you got lost. Will you escape?

  • Explore a dark and ominous world.

  • Find three lights, attached to three decisions.

  • Collect remnants of the poor souls that came before you.

You will have the option of either playing in native resolution or turning on “low-res” mode for bigger, crunchier pixels.

Read More: Best Multiple Endings Walking Simulator Games.


Sentenced VR

Sentenced VR

I gives it a thumbs up, but im going to be kinda neutral.

The stories trough the game where good and at some points you hesitated if you where doing the right thing or not.

The controllers are kinda clunky, it crashed ones for me, and one time the game frooze durring the beheading and the sword flew out of my hand and hitting one of the guardes.

I can have indulgence with that, as it is a indie game and all, it is not really for the gameplay / action you play this game ether. Maybe it can be pathed to work better, I dont know?

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiple Endings Drama Games.

Sentenced VR is a approx. 1 hour long VR Story experience where you step into the shoes of a public executioner in early times europe.

You get sworn in by the local beadle to do the bidding of the lords of the land just like your father had done.

“The lords prosecute, I execute.”

The game presents you with a variety of different executions of criminals that you’ll have to conduct. It will give you an insight into what was even punishable by death back then and will throw some moral dilemas compared to modern moral standards at you. Will you keep your oath or will you seek your own justice?

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Sentenced VR on Steam



Experienced on Windows Mixed Reality

You can view my review & gameplay here: https://youtu.be/9QuLYMyxLgM

The Steam store page description really got me hyped for this game. I was expecting that game, unfortunately, what I got was rather disappointing. It’s not a bad game, it just wasn’t really interesting for me either.

I did 4-5 playthroughs and I want to say the average was 5 minutes long. Each time I did get different results, but none of them were all that captivating. You can move around the AI creatures, you can rotate the sky around to get a better view, or you can plant plants that will change the rotation of the planet. You’ll get different results.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

I wasted 45 minutes looking for intelligence.

Didn’t find any, artificial or otherwise.

5 actors that do nothing but bully each other. Constantly. Trained or not. In the real world, you can watch mono-cellular organisms with more sophisticated behaviours under a microscope.

Storytelling is miserably ineffectual. In this movie with minimal external input, the camera regularly takes control to focus on… well, nothing but stupid cartoonish punches, really. And the actors have less evocative power than wooden door knobs.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Agence on Steam




Bishoujo characters change to various materials (freezing, petrification, waxing, golden, tree-making, soaping, etc …)

Erosion expands with each shot and animation slows down (attack avoidance difficulty also increases!)

Human bosses can also end the battle without defeating them by action (the ending branches accordingly)

Japanese anime style model

In order to express the speed of the enemy and ally while being based on RPG, I quote the battle system of a famous indie game

Since the emphasis is on viewing abnormal conditions, the play time will be around 1 hour when checking all routes. Please note.

More details

Root, a rare user of freezing magic, is suddenly kidnapped one day and throws himself into a battle called “consolidation death game”.

However, this game was a mysterious one that could proceed without defeating humans by solving the gimmick.

What kind of ending is waiting for the selection of the character and route that the player controls?

Press the button at the right time to attack!

Avoid enemy attacks like STG!

Be careful as the movement speed will slow down when attacked!

Even if you are not good at STG, you can ease the difficulty by selecting equipment and level!

Various options for abnormal condition production

Expression of erosion during state change (mottled, even, from top to bottom)

Change the expression for each material (4 to 10 types depending on the material)

Soapy foam expression (5 types including none)

Presence or absence of freezing cold air expression

Material when attacked by an enemy whose material is not specified

PetrifactionUnderRuin on Steam

Fit For a King

Fit For a King

Fit For a King is a relatively short game but is definitely an enjoyable experience. The whole game is centred around the summit that you will be throwing and your main goal is to outspend your rival.

Like the trailer says, you can pretty much do anything, from executing a foreign ambassador to marrying a literal piece of sh- ahem refuse.

At times it can seem a bit aimless and it can be hard to find the clues to get things you need but otherwise is quite fun and definitely worth a play.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

The game has a weak and slow start, don’t let this dissuade you. The controls are dated and supposed to feel like a mid to late 80’s crpg, but are way more straight forward and easy to understand then those ever were back then without 200 page manuals. Once you can get a good grasp of the controls the game opens up and the gameplay starts. For the most part it’s a puzzle game with some loot hunting in it. The humor is pretty good and the mix of both serious and silly just strikes that perfect balance. It’s only really down fall and biggest selling point is that it’s short and sweet and complete. It left me wanting more, which is rare for most game these days. It made me want to give ultima another shot or some other Crpgs. I guess some minor things that made me sad was that while there was a ton of lines for the NPCs I wish there was more , and by extension more tasks or quests. (Spoiler) Another minor thing was that it’s never explained in game that some walls can be walked through as a sort of secret entrance.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Fit For a King on Steam

Without my arms

Without my arms

Very frustrating, but insanely fun to play!!!

Although when closing the game, keep in mind it doesnt save progress.

Had a lot of fun playing and will definitely play it again, might even try to beat nr. on leaderboard ;)

Real player with 33.0 hrs in game

Game is pretty fun, you can do quest to gain bonus(like the grappling hook on the tongue)/malus which in return, will affect the ending you get (6 ending, with cutscene coming up in the future) Gameplay is solid with or without the grappling hook and theres a baby mode with checkpoints for people who don’t handle rage well

Map design is really well done although simple, you have a basic design, and you have a harder path once you’ve become better at then game, that skip thing but is, well, harder.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Without my arms on Steam



I love this game, probably the best store of all time. No other game and match up to this game. I love gag. short and will bring you on a journey as you play as a sexually abused co host for a sit com. Paul is the best character in the game.

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Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

I would recommend playing this game blind… because not knowing what will happen is one of the most terrifying things I’ve experienced in a game.

This game was genuinely interesting and unsettling… I’m not sure how well the topic mattered. It could’ve been about choosing the flavor of ice-cream and it would just be as gross and horrific. If you just let yourself become immersed in these short experiences, there’s a real sense of danger and unease between all of these ‘games’. I would say if Gag was a ‘short story’, I would make the other ‘games’ out to be poems. They’re excellent experiences, definitely worth it for me.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

GAG on Steam



Welcome to the world of CREEPSLORE, where text shown in all caps means someone is SHOUTING!

Take part in a surreal, interactive arthouse adventure inspired by older Adventure Games mixed with Choose Your Own Adventure books and RPGs. Supported by it’s massive list of (112+!) characters, heartfelt story, and uniquely weird art style, Creepslore is here to make you laugh, cry, and question it’s creators' sanity and overall well being.

The game takes place sometime during the 1970’s, and is told from the point of view of a sarcastic character who gets suckered into an adventure after arriving on a monster filled island. Realizing there’s no way back, he now has to deal with a bunch of intoxicated creatures with idiosyncratic tendencies (ergo: they’re also stupid) who think humans are the de-facto best gourmet food option.

What this game offers:

  • surreal & tongue in cheek humor

  • a story with 5 completely different scenarios (no forced repeats of dialogues to unlock ‘extra’ content!)

  • 18 explorable locations, ranging from cities to swamps

  • more than 110 individual characters

  • pre-rendered backgrounds created in Quake

  • even MORE NUMBERS to grab your attention

  • text, text and some more text

  • a sad fish

What this game DOESN’T offer:

  • saving the world

  • cute anime girls

  • fan-service

  • a happy fish

PS: if you’ve ever wondered why the Giant Spider in Skyrim carries coins, and where the hell it puts them, we’ll, let’s just say we have the answer to that.

Creepslore on Steam

Destinata RED

Destinata RED

Destinata FULL RED Edition is the finally long waited version of Destinata Red, implosioning from “colors”!

Destinata is a pixel art platformer (in case the imagery didn’t tell) with branches dividing the game in a dynamic and mysterious fast-paced platformer, you meet Ladia, a young girl with special encounters and terrible experiences over and over again which suddenly makes her more colorful than ever before.

Destinata Full Red edition contains:

  • cute Pixel Art and Characters!

  • Hand made animations and unique 2d indie pixel art metroidvania art stlye!

  • Different branches and elections throughout the game!

  • Hand drew HD full 4k images (sometimes pixeled due to system necessities)!

  • A false and grotesque sensation of thinking about a future with happiness that will never be reached not matter any decision, constrained by destiny we will not escape.

  • weird People!

And Most Importantly……….

Destinata RED on Steam