Call of Duty®: WWII

Call of Duty®: WWII

Overall Score: 7.5 / 10

This rating is based on the single-player experience only!

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| Quality | 8/10 | Generic, but solid mainstream game |

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| Performance |

Real player with 10563.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer Zombies Games.

Definitely not worth full retail price.


  • Campaign levels are incredibly short. 60 minutes and I had already completed 5 stages on hardened

  • Enemies are all deadshot, even behind cover at any difficulty (difficulty only changes the rate at which they shoot you with 100% accuracy). Hell, they are even accurate when blindfiring from cover.

  • Because of how accurate enemies are at any range with any weapons, mounted weapons are really fustrating to use, especially madatory mounted weapon sections where you absolutely can’t dismount the weapon you are forced to use. There’s no cover, and you can’t take cover . Worse still, the gun requires a somewhat lengthy reload after just 50 bullets (some uses a cooldown system).

Real player with 31.9 hrs in game

Call of Duty®: WWII on Steam

Day of Infamy

Day of Infamy

Right now I’ve got 261 hours on Day of Infamy. The only class I have not played thoroughly is the sniper. I have only played cooperative against the AI.

Day of Infamy is a FPS that focuses on delivering the feel of WW2 combat. There are multiple classes to choose from: Officer, Radioman, Rifleman, Engineer, Assault, Support, Machinegunner, Flamethrower, Sniper… Each has its perks as far as carry capacity and gear options. The only comment I will make about DOI vs Insurgency is that in DOI it truly feels like there is a difference in ability between the classes. While playing Insurgency, there was liberal freedom to load up pretty much however I wanted regardless of class. In DOI, it can present an extra challenge if only 2 players carry TNT to blow up objectives. Not all players get automatic guns with 30 or more rounds. Important note: other classes can pick up dropped TNT, but you have to go searching for the dead engineers to find it. That aspect of the gameplay really stands out to me and adds to the challenge of some maps. If you end up one of the few left alive, then you need to creep around looking for the dropped rocket or TNT and make your way back to the objective.

Real player with 299.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer Singleplayer Games.

After logging almost 150 hours into this game I can honestly say that it’s my favorite WW2 FPS game on the market today. However, as I am writing this I am taking a break from this game as it has been annoying me lately. I’ll start with the good…

DoI is a tactical FPS game based on Insurgency. A lot of the gunshots, particularly rifles, will kill in one shot. You die fast in this game, and I like that. The teamwork needed is important, although one good player that knows what he is doing can really make the difference in a match, just as long as his team can follow up on his efforts.

Real player with 235.4 hrs in game

Day of Infamy on Steam



This game is not the kind of game you jump into. Most people jump in thinking it’s just a shooter, not noticing the loot system or how it works. Since there is no real tutorial, I can help with one. The starting guns are mediocre, go look for semi auto rifles and smg’s in nearby buildings. Observe the different ammo types and make sure to only carry ammo for your weapons. You start off with an axe, go chop down some trees, you get 50 xp for every tree you chop down. Wood is an important resource, but not the most important. After you have aquired enough wood for a tent and a box, find a nice out of the way spot to put it in, look on the map and avoid locations of importance (marked with white icons on the map). After finding a good spot to camp, make the tent (mobile repawn point) and box, put all of your important items like gas, oil, spare parts, and metal in the box, the tent can store objects but can be opened by anyone, friend and foe alike. The box is locked and can only be opened by you. If you have leveled up, go and hunt the enemy. If you die, you can now spawn as the assault class. Go take that pickaxe to a rock or 5 and get the next 2 most valuable resouces. Stone and mineral are extremely valuable. Stone can be turned into metal, you can turn metal into spare parts if you didn’t find any. Wood can be turned into oil, and mineral to ammo. You’ve almost got it. Now with your metal, spare parts and oil, you can make a tank! Tanks need lots of fuel and ammo. Ammo is made from mineral and metal, so start picking away. Pay attention to the ammo type of the tank you wish to make in the tab menu. Make the right ammo or you’ll be regretful. Make sure to never unlock your vehicles. NEVER. Take your tank over to the nearest gas station (white jerry can on map) and all you have to do is stay in the tank next to the pumps. You take your tank to the enemy base, have taken damage, and are low on ammo. Don’t die yet, drive back to your camp or the factory. A malet (“molot”) and repair box can fix the damage. And you already know how to get ammo. Now you are ready to die an national hero. Get out there and win!

Real player with 99.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer Free to Play Games.

Love the game so far ive played for around a week now. slowly got the hang of the building which now i know how to do. few bugs that need to be sorted including:

GUI Mistakes : (Your Team)- You have spelt (yuor team) and (allies) - you have spelt (allieds)

Biome bugs: stone and trees these do not vanish when other people cut or mine. so when you go to mine or cut you do not get recources.

Buildings: you are easy trapped in by your team mates ive seen this on countless occassions.

lag: is understandable 100 players in a big map will cause this so is no the devs fault. its not to bad.

Real player with 47.5 hrs in game

BattleRush on Steam

CoH 2 - The Western Front Armies: Oberkommando West

CoH 2 - The Western Front Armies: Oberkommando West

The Oberkommando West are unique and fun to use, and the extra maps seem well balanced, but if you are looking for new single-player content or for something to get introduced to the world of Company of Heroes 2, you won’t find this here. The expansion lacks an ambitious single-player campaign. This expansion is recommended only to the experienced players.

The DLC is great in terms of the new faction. Oberkommando West do not build bases and are much like the British in COH 1. From what I’ve seen on the Oberkommando West have good troop variety and can even use one of their main base trucks as a powerful flak cannon. All in all, if you liked the first company of heroes this would probably be a must buy since they go back to their roots a bit.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

The OKW is an overpowered faction that makes the game almost pay to win.

At the beginning of the game the OKW start with the most powerful engineer unit and will win the first engagement if this unit is used to rush the enemy. With this early game advantage the OKW can secure key points on the map like bridges and critical resources like gas.

For much of the early game the OKW can overwhelm most factions with superior numbers. Their main infantry unit is the volksgrenadier. The volksgrenadier is cheap and has 5 soldiers that can be recruited, reinforced and healed by forward bases. The Soviets get 6 soldiers in their conscript unit, but they must be reinforced at the main base. The conscript can be specialized to be the best anti infantry units, but the volksgrenadier can be equipped with panzershreks that effectively counter all armor. This weakness is countered by some of the best anti-infantry vehicles in the game.

CoH 2 - The Western Front Armies: Oberkommando West on Steam

Day of Defeat: Source

Day of Defeat: Source

So my dad played this before is was born and listen i was born in 2009 and i don’t know when this game was released but this game is the only thing i have to remember him by so i played it and ngl its good so yeah thanks Valve for keeping this game up and helping me remember my dad

Real player with 71.4 hrs in game

loved it as a kid, theres still an active community

Real player with 55.3 hrs in game

Day of Defeat: Source on Steam

Day of Defeat

Day of Defeat

My Personal All-Time Favorite Game

Hello All :) Yeah ive played this game from Beta days as a Half-Life Mod on the old WON days. This game is like the grandfather of WW2 games , Before COD and all other WW2 games there was Day of Defeat. I have a major love for this game. I also made alot of good friends amongst my battles along the way :) {“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers”}

The game play is a bit older and slower then its predecessor of the day Counter-Strike.The Capture the Flag gameplay and Objective Play enforce strong team work and communication game play. The game has aged a bit of course but the key gameplay is still relevant today.

Real player with 3828.8 hrs in game

Day of Defeat for the PC is a World War Two multiplayer mod of Counter Strike, that is a lot of fun. There are lots of levels and even though the overall gameplay is just capture checkpoints just like in Battlefield 1942 this game has something that Battlefield does not, and that is a real sense of realism. It maybe the recoil that the weapons have or the envirmonets, this game just seems to work better than Battlefield.

The graphics are kind of bland, but they do a good job making them look somewhat like the envirmoents look like. There are tons of places to go and take cover and just like in counter strike after you play for a while you really get a hang of it. I will admit though, one thing that I did not like was that you really couldnt look down the sights of any weapon other than the sniper rifle that is about it though, well the British weapons suck, but this is a very fun multiplayer game that is free via steam and a must play if you like World War Two shooters or Counter Strike.

Real player with 2489.7 hrs in game

Day of Defeat on Steam

Fog Of War - Free Edition

Fog Of War - Free Edition

Fog of war has an interesting battlefield type of view for the free play player to enjoy.

it has a variety of vehicles and weapons for a player to chose between the red army and the german army.

it has some potential to become a great steam game but as it stands right now I cannot recommend this game to a user if they are looking for a game to invest alot of time into.

the game suffers from the following below.

No true how-to-play:

players who jion this game are force to learn the controls on the fly while in battle this is very unpopular with new players who often rage quit due to not being able to do simple things like throwing a grenade or looking down the sights of a gun, switching ammo types in a tank .etc

Real player with 37.8 hrs in game

–second review–

Clearly this game is offering some more now that the kids left for new games and you can now play with occasional players on a free to play fps.

Cleary the game development is still dead since the first days, but at least this game still give some fun.

City maps in this game are what games like heroes&generals and other free to plays should have been. True city combat scenarios, where it’s no more ranging and camouflage on a 2d plain terrain, but in a 3d environment, where a sniper could come out of a terrace from a 5th floor of a 7 storeys building while you are running on the streets.

Real player with 36.9 hrs in game

Fog Of War - Free Edition on Steam

RAID: World War II

RAID: World War II



WHAT TO EXPECT: Payday meets World War 2. Solo and coop stealth or combat gameplay. Objective oriented maps. Immersive WW2 atmosphere. Authetic looking setting and locations. Steam inventory mission cards. Good range of maps, weapons and playable characters. Good character customization. Very good writing and voiceovers. Minor base and cosmetic upgrades. Average AI. Fairly balanced gameplay. More enemy types would have been nice. An almost dead community. Long endgame grind. Very limited healing mechanics. Needs good players for hardest difficulty.

Real player with 867.0 hrs in game

First off all: I did not buy this game, but I won it during a giveaway on a stream where people were playing it. I’ve had it for quite some time, but I only decided to pick it up recently. In hindsight I should’ve played it right away when the game was still actively being developed, but unfortunately I can’t change the past. Or fortunately? I don’t know. They tend to mess things up in the movies. Anyway, time for the actual review.

RAID: World War II is one of those games you go in with low expectations: bad overall reviews and a low active player count. But the game actually surprised me. Sure, it’s nowhere near perfect, but there is potential. The biggest issue however is this player count. It’s designed to be a co-operative game, but you’re lucky to find even a single lobby to play in. Your chances are slightly higher when you think the “normal” difficulty is acceptable, but you’re usually out of luck despite the recent influx of players. I’m afraid that even if the developers would unexpectedly fix many of the issues the game has, it still wouldn’t get the players it so desperately needs. It is very much playable when you’re alone, but more on that later.

Real player with 472.1 hrs in game

RAID: World War II on Steam

War Thunder

War Thunder

Oh how I wish i could call an arty strike on Gaijin’s head office.

Let me list the most frustrating aspects of this game:

A bit of a lengthy review but if you are really interested in this game then you should at least skim this review to get an idea of what you’re signing up for. Also the first serious review I’ve done of a game but I have been playing this for 4 years now and it’s about time I told (warned) people about it.

The devs:

Has never listened to it’s community’s suggestions or bug reports. The closest we ever got was when everyone, including the largest Youtuber Phlydaily was pushing to have parts and fire extinguishers to come for free with every vehicle, instead of making it a module to research (or spend money on). So if you get shot in the transmission, yup you cant move the rest of the match, or get shot in the barrel? Yup, you are completely useless unless you can make it to a cap point which sometimes there is only 1. Guess what… they said “no” and have since never acknowledged community suggestions since then due to the horrible PR fallout. They balance the game based off players stats in that particular vehicle. Leaving some vehicles completely broken or overpowered for months while data comes in for them to actually do something about it. Easily the most frustrating of these cases was the fact that the battle rating spread is so compressed from power creep that they couldn’t figure out what level to put the Maus at to make it competitive and balanced so they just removed it from the game. LOL yeah they barred new players from being able to research it cause they were too lazy to fix their game. They also will gladly make up stats or armor values about tanks to fit their view of what they think it should be capable of.

Real player with 2618.4 hrs in game

Okay listen.

I’ve got 2,222 hours in this game while I’m writing this. I get that it’s confusing that I’m making a negative review.

Tl;dr: This is a good game, but one of the worst, most scummy products I’ve ever seen. One that preys on people with addictive personalities in a wide spectrum of ways.

All I really need to do is explain the monetization tbh:

-Silver Lions: Silver lions are the non-premium currency for War Thunder. They are achieved passively just by played, and playing well gives a nice bonus. Winning matches massively multiplies silver lion gains (ie, if you kill 1 person in a match you lose in the planes mode you’ll get a small amount of silver lions, but even just one kill in a match you win is worth a fair amount, and to a degree this gets better the better you play). But here’s the… well… “but”. Silver lions are precisely designed so that when you first start playing the game, no matter what (ie, whether you are completely free to play, just have a premium vehicle, or have premium vehicles and a premium account) you will be getting enough silver lions to more than cover the silver lion costs of the vehicles you will have access too. Low tier vehicles cost basically nothing to repair, as do almost all premiums (and premium accounts and vehicles both massively boost silver lion income while using them). You might be seeing the problem already, but if not stick with me here. As you progress through the game, if you’re free to play you will at first quickly unlock cheap vehicles before reaching more expensive ones, then things will be slower and slower to unlock and more expensive. To be clear, all of this so far isn’t a big deal. The issue comes when you reach about 7.0 (battle rating, which is basically just a “level” for matchmaking balance) for ground forces or about 8.0 for air forces, in my experience. At this point vehicles are sluggish to unlock and extremely expensive. Buying them, training a crew slot to play them, and every modification all costs SL, but also repairing and rearming the aircraft after the battle. At the lower tiers you might not even notice this. By about 6.0 you’ll almost certainly notice this but unless you play very poorly it won’t be a major issue. You might have to take it easy right after buying a newly unlocked vehicle, but other than that you’re fine. But beyond that, certain vehicles (seemingly arbitrarily, though there’s always a long winded explanation that boils down to “balance”) cost bafflingly, ridiculously, hilariously high amounts of silver lions. If you have about 2-3 million silver lions at lower tiers, you’re golden. You can lose some of it if you have some rough matches, but you’ll be fine. At the higher tiers, you could burn through that in a day just by being unlucky. Half the time you unlock a new jet or main battle tank it’s so expensive you either can’t buy it, or can but then can’t play it because if you die before getting a kill you lose massive amounts.

Real player with 2313.7 hrs in game

War Thunder on Steam



I picked up Battalion 1944 when it first dropped out of early access. I’d seen clips all over the place of Shroud and Team Optic (who I actually got to run into in game once or twice! :3 They said I was ‘nuts’ even though I was kinda shitting the bed lmao, such nice and friendly guys) and was really excited to get into some retro CoD/early 2000’s military arcade shooter nonsense. However, there are some problems I’d like to warn ya’ll about while telling you about reasons you might enjoy this just in case. :3

Real player with 237.8 hrs in game

Battalion 1944 is a game that captured my interest during its Kickstarter campaign so I decided to get it when it got launched into Early Access but if I only would have known what I know now I would not have wasted time or money on this game.

Battalion 1944 is often compared to my all time favourite fps game Call of Duty 2 but I have a hard time seeing the resemblance. I can agree that the WW2 theme is present in both games and the weapon arsenal is comparable but at the same time that resemblance is also lost when you see players running around with neon-coloured weapons. I am fully aware that this game is not aiming for realism but to destroy the art style and kill the feeling of the era by adding weapon skins that have no connection to the WW2 theme is ridiculous in my opinion. In the same vein I also don’t understand what the skins have to do with a game that tries to recapture the feel of old fps games. If they for some reason have to be a part of the game (as an extra income source for the development) couldn’t they at least be true to the chosen setting of the game?

Real player with 158.1 hrs in game

BATTALION 1944 on Steam