Holdfast: Nations At War

Holdfast: Nations At War


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Real player with 809.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer Massively Multiplayer Games.

Absolutely fantastic game. Nothing beats the feeling of charging into battle with your brothers in arms while blasting jazz through the mic. 10/10.

Real player with 117.6 hrs in game

Holdfast: Nations At War on Steam

Iron Conflict

Iron Conflict

Iron Conflict is a Real Time Strategy game which is solely focused on multiplayer. Fighting in 10 vs 10 battles, you and your teammates each take 3 types of units with you and battle it out. Either wipe the enemy out, or win Victory Points by holding points.

With Wargame / Steel Division vibes, with a hint of Men of War, wrapped up in an XP / Gold grind of War Thunder, you start with a limited selection of units to choose from, but eventually upgrade and unlock new units for your pleasure. You can spend in game currency earned from battles to equip your units to make them stronger, faster or more lethal.

Real player with 47.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer MOBA Games.

Ok let it be said, at the time of writeing this review this game is in a early access Beta test you buy into for 15 bucks in exchange for a founders pack of goodies. However dont let that put you off. This game combinds elements from several games, World of Tanks, War Thunder, Total War Arena, iv seen people make comparisons to men of conflict.

Iron Conflict is a Real Time Tactics game where you control 3 units on a team of 30 untis with 9 other people on your team. At the time of writeing the game currently has 2 maps and 2 game modes and will most likely have more in the future. The 2 game modes are capture the enemy base, and for those that play world of warships or war thunder, capture flag points on the map, first 1000 points wins. Matches are Quick and getting back into the actions quickly is as simple as spending a small fee on repairing you vehicles after the match (yes this game has repair times like war thunder, but they are cheep and quick if you dont want to pay.)

Real player with 38.8 hrs in game

Iron Conflict on Steam

War of Rights

War of Rights

One of the most fun games I have ever played.

This game is one that I would definitely recommend. Some of the these reviews will say:

1. “The playerbase is dead”

It’s definitely true that this game’s servers aren’t as packed full of people as games such as Squad, but they are far from dead. The community is alive and well. There’s is always a server full of at least 40+ people at the dead hours, and during active hours the populated server reaches up to 200 people. There aren’t countless, full-pop servers all the time, but there’ll always be someone to play with. I have over 1,000 hours on this game, and I have NEVER had the problem of having a server with people to play in.

Real player with 1082.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer Massively Multiplayer Games.

Talked my friend into getting this game. We were forced to fight on separate sides for balance. Found him on the battlefield and had no choice but to kill him with my bayonet. Now I get to live with the guilt of knowing I’ve slain my best friend in cold blood all because he wore a different uniform. 10/10 realism, no more brother wars

Real player with 226.2 hrs in game

War of Rights on Steam

Battlefield 1 ™

Battlefield 1 ™

-Feels like WW1!

-You can blow a whistle and charge, how cool is that!

-No cringe customizations or character lines

-10/10 atmosphere

-10/10 Sound Design

-Great maps


-Makes you feel like the enemy is formidable

-Elite classes and Behemoths are badass

Real player with 258.8 hrs in game

Best battlefield game up to date. Immersion is top of the roof with some decent campaigns.

If you want to play multiplayer, make sure you dont use “quick match” and try server browser instead. In there, don’t use official DICE servers as they’re often filled with hackers. Try out community servers where admins are active and players are good and u get close, fun games.

Real player with 210.3 hrs in game

Battlefield 1 ™ on Steam

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam

It’s not just any random Vietnam battleground. No, it’s groups of people that have been in Vietnam way too damn long to realize what they are doing, shooting at each other with rusty-ass guns held together with bandages and duct tape. Squads are forced to stay close together lest the loners and stragglers are descended upon like starving guard dogs leaping upon a man made out of delicious smoked ham. Rock n' roll blared from radios attached to all vehicles will ensure that, at least once in your life, Creedence Clearwater Revival is the last thing you hear as your body is crushed underneath the tank treads. Every fucking reference to a Vietnam war movie IS IN HERE - AND YES, THIS MEANS YOU TOO CAN BLARE RIDE OF THE VALKYRIES AS YOU GUN DOWN THE VIETNAMESE FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR HUEY HELICOPTER, MARTIN SHEEN, YOU CAN BE MARTIN SHEEN YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE, IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?

The Vietnam War was a Cold War military conflict that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1 November 1955 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. This war followed the First Indochina War and was fought between North Vietnam, and the government of South Vietnam.With the assistance of the US and other anti-commie contries. The Viet Cong, a lightly armed South Vietnamese communist-controlled common front, largely fought a guerrilla war against anti-communist forces in the region.

Battlefield Vietnam is an addon to the award winning Battlefield Bad Company 2. The game takes place during the Vietnam Conflict and is a spin off the the original Battlefield Vietnam. The gameplay is the same as BC2 but its still very good. They have improved helicopter controls and BC2:V has of the era weapons. Over all its a very good expansion and I give it a 9/10

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam on Steam

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Best Vietnam game ever … The Smell of Napalm in the Morning!

Great balance between military simulator and arcade === Great Hardcore FPS game

PTSD guarantied.

Real player with 355.6 hrs in game

This is probably one of my favorite “realistic” shooters. Unlike Day of infamy which loses it’s charm quick and can become mindless, This game retains it’s charm with cheesy voice lines and a stunning ability to keep you immersed in combat. Where Insurgency fails with it’s customization bieing far to expansive for it’s own good and having too many variables to a loadout, This game hits a middle ground.

It’s the 60s,You don’t get any damn attachments, you choose between a bayonet AK, or a mosin nagant. Sights and specialized attachments are for specialist soldiers, which have limited slots.

Real player with 245.2 hrs in game

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam on Steam

Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2

Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2

good for nostalgia trip but also to enjoy a game that isn’t riddled with bugs or design flaws. if you are not accustomed or even never experienced this era of gaming then it isn’t for you most likely.

otherwise have at it, still populated at the time of this review and plenty of fun to be had

Real player with 1115.4 hrs in game

best Multiplayer combat Shooter style game to date

Real player with 465.0 hrs in game

Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2 on Steam

Call of Duty®: WWII

Call of Duty®: WWII

Overall Score: 7.5 / 10

This rating is based on the single-player experience only!

| ########## | ####### | ############################### |

| Quality | 8/10 | Generic, but solid mainstream game |

| ======== | ===== | ============================= |

| Performance |

Real player with 10563.5 hrs in game

Definitely not worth full retail price.


  • Campaign levels are incredibly short. 60 minutes and I had already completed 5 stages on hardened

  • Enemies are all deadshot, even behind cover at any difficulty (difficulty only changes the rate at which they shoot you with 100% accuracy). Hell, they are even accurate when blindfiring from cover.

  • Because of how accurate enemies are at any range with any weapons, mounted weapons are really fustrating to use, especially madatory mounted weapon sections where you absolutely can’t dismount the weapon you are forced to use. There’s no cover, and you can’t take cover . Worse still, the gun requires a somewhat lengthy reload after just 50 bullets (some uses a cooldown system).

Real player with 31.9 hrs in game

Call of Duty®: WWII on Steam

Cossacks 3

Cossacks 3

Before anything, let me tell you a bit about GSC’s history.

This Ukrainian game developper, founded in 1995, was reputed for RTS (Cossacks) and FPS (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.) games. In 2004, they opened up a branch company named “GSC World Publisher”, allowing them to publish games without being EA’d, I believe…

In 2007, they made S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, which was followed by 2 brilliant sequels in 2008 and 2009 respectively. They tried to port it into consol. However, due to a lack of manpower, they instead decided to make S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, but that game was cancelled since they were then on a financial problem. December 9 2011 would mark their official disclosure. Vostok Games was created not long after by the GSC staff members with their F2P game Survarium. On december 22 2014, after a controversy with another game developper that I won’t name, GSC re-opened and announced what will become Cossacks 3.

Real player with 239.9 hrs in game

Cossacks 3 The game we can say one of the Legend Strategy games ;

*Game mechanics almost same as old legend cossack game’s.

*Same game engine as old cossack game’s.

*Battlefield is fun and better with line ! (you better get tactic and prepare before attack)

*Game had improve!

*Has some texure issues that makes gameplay a bit bad.

*Developers give updates slowly.(mean real slowly)

*Improved upgrade.

*Campaign to play storyline in battlefield !

Graphic 7/10 well done ! graphics just like old games of cossack but better version of it could be better ? -yes.

Real player with 105.6 hrs in game

Cossacks 3 on Steam

Day of Infamy

Day of Infamy

Right now I’ve got 261 hours on Day of Infamy. The only class I have not played thoroughly is the sniper. I have only played cooperative against the AI.

Day of Infamy is a FPS that focuses on delivering the feel of WW2 combat. There are multiple classes to choose from: Officer, Radioman, Rifleman, Engineer, Assault, Support, Machinegunner, Flamethrower, Sniper… Each has its perks as far as carry capacity and gear options. The only comment I will make about DOI vs Insurgency is that in DOI it truly feels like there is a difference in ability between the classes. While playing Insurgency, there was liberal freedom to load up pretty much however I wanted regardless of class. In DOI, it can present an extra challenge if only 2 players carry TNT to blow up objectives. Not all players get automatic guns with 30 or more rounds. Important note: other classes can pick up dropped TNT, but you have to go searching for the dead engineers to find it. That aspect of the gameplay really stands out to me and adds to the challenge of some maps. If you end up one of the few left alive, then you need to creep around looking for the dropped rocket or TNT and make your way back to the objective.

Real player with 299.2 hrs in game

After logging almost 150 hours into this game I can honestly say that it’s my favorite WW2 FPS game on the market today. However, as I am writing this I am taking a break from this game as it has been annoying me lately. I’ll start with the good…

DoI is a tactical FPS game based on Insurgency. A lot of the gunshots, particularly rifles, will kill in one shot. You die fast in this game, and I like that. The teamwork needed is important, although one good player that knows what he is doing can really make the difference in a match, just as long as his team can follow up on his efforts.

Real player with 235.4 hrs in game

Day of Infamy on Steam