Greed Corp

Greed Corp

It’s like a cooperatve turn-based board game like carcassonne but instead of helping each other build things, you:

  • Help yourself (or your opponents) destroy their natural resources

  • Build armies with said opponent’s resources and use them to kill said opponent

  • Tactically shape the land to your advantage by destroying all of it

  • Build structures (that desrtoy things)

Now for the actual gameplay.

The game features only a few things you can build/do, but the combination of them and the landscape has many tactical possibilities to offer.

Real player with 109.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer Singleplayer Games.

I bought this game during the 2014 holiday sale when I had a few bucks left over and nothing else on my wish list. I am very glad I got it now, as opposed to the other prospects I had lined up.

This game plays like Risk, but has some really awesome new mechanics that make the game worth getting. The biggest mechanic is the game’s titular use of greed to change the landscape: you can use harvesters to work the land and get money, but ever time you do, the land they stand on is slowly lowered until it collapses. This introduces some seriously awesome strategies in the game; one time I planted a harvester in the middle of an enemy island in order to collapse it and take out everyone on the island. I didn’t have to use any of my troops or engage in a time-consuming siege- all I had to do was attack an unprotected square my opponent had left neglected, plant a harvester there, and laugh as the ground literally crumbled under their troops.

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

Greed Corp on Steam



I felt instantly in LOVE with it, that is perfectly the kind of game I would have created myself! Mix CHESS with TACTICAL video game feature is A GREAT IDEA! That would be great to add a higher IA level! If possible, for news players. As the community is pretty low. ^^

I hope the server will never be down. It would mean that the game is close, and no more access to it. It would be too bad! From time to time, I like to play with 1-2 friends. My hours of play attest of it! :)

My fav Microgon is Garbage! Love Nucleon and Guardo too! :) What about you?

Real player with 64.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer Free to Play Games.

A simple to understand board game with an almost surprising amount of depth. It’s like chess with a randomly-generated (to a simple and fair degree) board, and it offers you a large roster of unique pieces to pick from (even if you haven’t bought the full roster) with their own strengths and abilities. I have yet to encounter a piece that I feel is truly useless or too situational; all of them appear to have the potential to be threatening in their own ways. It’s easy to learn but difficult to truly grasp, and even the slightest mistake can completely change the outcome of the game.

Real player with 23.7 hrs in game

Microgons on Steam

Worms Clan Wars

Worms Clan Wars


Clan Wars is as same as Revolution, but it’s better version - Steam Workshop, better customisation, more weapons, amusing Story mode, Worm Ops, Clan Wars mode… But this is not a game without its drawbacks. First one, the online seems is empty of lobbys. Second, A.I. is a laughter in the courtroom (I mean - they’re snipers or “moles”) There are only five worlds (even I was hoping about the worlds from Revolution), but this doesn’t change fact this game is medicore. Playing with friends (both online and locally) should be good, but playing solo after hour can just get bored. Overall, this is a game that makes me pleasure.

Real player with 329.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer Funny Games.

This game is basically a standalone expansion to Revolution. It’s a much better game overall, and the workshop support is very cool, but you can’t help but feel like a lot of this should have been in Revolution to begin with.

The problem with the game though, is that even though it’s better than both Revolution and Reloaded, it’s still a shadow of a game compared to Armageddon. Sure, it has the same number of weapons and even lets you use the Armageddon HUD for your weapons, but that’s really the only areas where it matches that old classic, and even then it replaces fun weapons from that game (such as the bow) with newer weapons that, honestly, just aren’t as fun.

Real player with 79.0 hrs in game

Worms Clan Wars on Steam

Mayan Death Robots

Mayan Death Robots

This is one of those games that are very easy to pick up but very hard to put down again.

It combines a Worm’ish vibe with Tetris-like terrain building tactics, and even a little Lemmings (talking about giving a huge salute to the Classics).

The game just lives and breaths the creator’s love of gameplay, indie artwork and good ol' fun-to-play.

Even my ‘only AAA games are cool’ children are super fans.

Mayan Death Robots is a game that just begs to be played on your game evenings with buddies. It’s a world of fun to

Real player with 23.1 hrs in game

Mayan Death Robots is a wonderful game to play with friends/family, it’s a lot of fun and laughing your ass of is pretty much guaranteed! It’s a lot of chaos, but in a good and entertaining way.

From time to time you have to bury the hatchet with your opponent to take on the mighty Mayan gods! Who (sometimes literally) really shake up the game! You can also destroy your opponent’s core in a lot of different and unique ways, and every robot is unique and has a certain playing style.

The game has a lot of character, the sounds/voices, the Mayans, the annoying Spanish mammals, the game play, graphics and let’s not forget about the humor in this game. All the little news reports in the main menu are definitely worth reading! The storyline itself is also really funny.

Real player with 22.4 hrs in game

Mayan Death Robots on Steam



This is not a TCG (trading card game) and that’s what makes it so great.

There is no card collection or deck building, each game you get a random selection of 12 basic cards out of the game’s pool of 48 basic cards and 4 special cards from the class of your choosing.

“So what if I get completely screwed over and only get bad cards?” - That doesn’t happen because a) the game is incredibly balanced, every card has its use and strength b) the selection isn’t totally random, the game makes sure that you have 2 healing cards every game and that it’s a fair mix of low and high cost cards ad that you always have board clear cards.

Real player with 309.3 hrs in game

Recommended ONLY for single-player mode’s interesting challenges. In multiplayer, those who buy the expansions and use the newer classes have massive advantages.

In SPECTROMANCER, you play as a magic caster that has access to 5 ‘elements’: Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and (whichever class you choose) and the play is similar to the combat between players in a trading card game like Magic The Gathering. Each of the two opposing characters take turns casting spells of different costs. You gain 1 point of energy in each element (plus your chosen class ‘element’ (such as Cleric, Mechanic, Illusion, etc), and you choose which spell to play or creature to summon. To me, the biggest draw to the game is that once the match starts and you see which spells you have, you can play the same spells over and over if you choose or save up for a more powerful spell.

Real player with 209.7 hrs in game

Spectromancer on Steam

Worms Armageddon

Worms Armageddon

You can snipe with the shotgun and kill people with a huge ass

Real player with 157.3 hrs in game

One of the best games of all time. So much fun for multiplayer

Real player with 41.3 hrs in game

Worms Armageddon on Steam

Worms Ultimate Mayhem

Worms Ultimate Mayhem

After hundreds of hours and over 10 years, I figured it’s about time I sit down and write a review for this masterpiece in gaming history. This gem holds a very special place in my heart, and it will forever be one of my all-time favorite games. To me, this is Team17’s magnum opus. It doesn’t get any better than this. It is the reason I first began to engage with the Steam community years ago when I created the Worms Ultimate Mayhem Militia with my brother, and it’s the reason I have hundreds of friends on Steam today. To put it quite simply, Worms Ultimate Mayhem isn’t just a game, it’s one of my passions. I know the new Rumble has beautiful graphics and a much larger playerbase, and the 2D games like Armageddon are beloved and often regarded as best, but in my humble opinion this is the greatest Worms game there is.

Real player with 362.6 hrs in game

Worms 3D + Worms 4 Mayhem together, with remastered graphics? Awesome!

All is good, good except the lack of effort put into it.

I almost feel like they were doing something good but quit half-way because deadlines or something, they didn’t even do much follow up after release besides patching game-breaking bugs that didn’t allow people to play at all. If I’m recalling correctly the beta correctly, they were trying to put the teleporter utility back in, but ended up not for who knows what reason (although I never got to play it at that time personally due to game launching bugs, so I watched someone else also in the beta who could).

Real player with 176.7 hrs in game

Worms Ultimate Mayhem on Steam

Legends of Callasia

Legends of Callasia

Hail lords and Ladies

This game is amazing and I encourage you all to install the demo play through the campaigns and then get in on some multiplayer fun.

At first glimse it looks and feels mostly like playing Risk with more depth. At first the learning curve may appear to be overwhelming but trust me if you take the time to play through the free demo you will soon get the jist of things fairly fast.

There is alot of really good things to say about this game and its definately a step forward for those strategy game lovers who are wanting something casual but competitive at the same time.

Real player with 545.4 hrs in game

With some games, we tend to concentrate on all sorts of factors that seem important, and overlook the one that’s the most important of all - fun! This game is just great fun to play! I kind of enjoyed the free version, and figured it was worth the punt at what’s a pretty reasonable price. I have quite a few digital board games in my library so I was just expecting this to be another to come back to from time to time, but I was pleasantly surprised that it immediately became my new favourite game.

Real player with 312.9 hrs in game

Legends of Callasia on Steam



This game is so much fun for the whole family! You get to roleplay as Mr. Monopoly man’s henchmen; people are saying that the game is glitchy and crashes a-lot, but I disagree! It only crashes when you SUCK at the game haha. Anyway, I totally recommend this game for any hard-core video gamers, but also casuals alike! Bots are really fun to play with because they make me feel adequate in my life.

I just don’t understand the hate for the game. Mr. Monopoly gave me this nice Kool-Aid and everytime I play the game I just have a blast… :) 10/10

Real player with 117.4 hrs in game

The game is great but there is one problem. The NAT type problem. For some reason this game has a weird system where most of the time you have a strict NAT type which means you can’t join online games with friends so it locks you out of the fun part of the game. Additionally Ubisoft have done nothing so far and you have to port forward whatever it is in your router in order to fix it. This is the only game that has this problem. No other game has this problem to what I believe. The main game is great but connecting is the biggest problem this game has.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game




This game is something truly special. It’s smart and sophisticated, with fabulous yet understated art and music. The gameplay is very satisfying, and it makes me feel like an evil mastermind even when I lose! Play this game, you won’t regret it.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Oversight on Steam