

Easily one of my favorite games in recent memory. Rewards thoroughness, careful planning and knowledge of game systems (which some have quite a learning curve especially when starting out).

This game is a lovecraftian mesh of QWOP, SS13, FTL, and more combined. Easily moddable, and the Submarine editor could be an entirely separate game in and of itself and i’d be fun to build.

While the crews (AI) you can hire are generally OK, there is a lot you really do need other human players to do for exploration and combat outside of the submarine which hopefully gets rectified in the AI overhaul.

Real player with 255.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer Submarine Games.

the game has a bit of everything in it, can be amogus, sea of thieves and has terraria-like combat and is well designed for pve and pvp, and the micromanagement (for the lack of a better word) when operating a sub with a crew allows everyone of all roles in the sub to have an equal amount of engagement, normally i go bunga when making a review but this game is so well designed for what it intends to achieve and that it appeals alot to what i like to see in these sort of games that i just had to commend it here.

Real player with 54.4 hrs in game

Barotrauma on Steam



Put in more time than I’d like to admit as you can see above. I got a bit obsessive with the building which can be very tedious. But still, after playing this game earlier on when it was first released I fell in love with it. I’ts been a while since I’ve played, but without a doubt once the game is officially released with tons more content I’ll be back to put another few hundred hours into it.

Real player with 387.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer Exploration Games.

This game is an extremely immersive for a sandbox survival.

It’s like being in Honey I shrunk the kids but looks better.

Sound effects are on point, the chase/battle music is intense.

Night time is very dark until the moon comes out.

For a kid friendly looking game, it has a lot of fear induced adrenaline moments.

Great graphics, solid building interface for early access.

Game physics and atmosphere are impressive.

Fun game to play, I highly recommend it.

Real player with 372.5 hrs in game

Grounded on Steam

Half Dead

Half Dead

Fun game for the first 2 hours, after it is getting boring get the same trap over and over again and again.

I really want like this game but i don’t feel is fun to open 5,000 Rooms to reach 100% achievments, take a lot of time.

Best game mode in this game is “Non-Stop” Because every single room with a trap and you discover new room every room you open (that you doesn’t been there).

In other game mode there is a “Fatality” Area that avoid you to run away from the room and force you to die (by any mean of trap in there).

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer Puzzle Games.

Cube: The Game: The Multiplayer Minesweeper Experience

Behold the game of true value of 3 euro… sold for 2.


The game starts up as a pretty much survival horror puzzle game, with the atmposhere densing with each title card and opened doors. But - as there always is in this kind of situations - there is a very thin line between fun and half fun.

Greeting us with pretty flashy and not-eye-unpleasing graphics with lots of bloom and post-processing effects and slightly above mediocre animations, the game makes a very good first impression. User interface is rather clear and futuristically simple, making itself easy to read and easy to understand, without lots of popup windows explaining things on screen. Even in game, you don’t need any sort of tutorials to get in with the needed knowledge. There is not much story to it, not even clues from the horror movie Cube, which Half dead is clearly inspired by. And as much flavoured stuff there is, it lies upon walls and floors of the procedurally generated maze-maps with couple of modifiers set by general gametype rules. And there are plenty of them, fortunately.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Half Dead on Steam

Will To Live Online

Will To Live Online

It’s like DayZ mixed with Vanilla WoW. When a player dies, they don’t lose their character which is awesome, giving the game an RPG-feel which many survival games fail to give. Having different unique classes, experience points, skill points and talents also makes this game a bit different from other survival games that I’ve played. Still… bullets hurt and even the highest level players are not invincible gods.


  • The game is difficult to the point of frustration at times, making the game hardcore as hell.

Real player with 351.4 hrs in game

I’ve just picked this game up and I’d like to give it a honest review.

To be honest, when I first launched the game, I wasn’t expecting much, given it’s an indie with a very small $14.99 price tag. And boy was I wrong! Considering I am a big Metro / S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fan, from the first moments of gameplay, I felt right at home.

Firstl of all, as someone who’s been to the Ukraine before, I immediately admired the authenticity of post-Soviet era surroundings.

Gameplay felt good and graphics were pretty. Well, almost pretty. The character models and animations looked pretty crappy and unpolished and character creation seemed pretty bad. However, given this game is in its Alpha state, I have good hopes for the developers to introduce better models, animations and a more feature-rich character creator.

Real player with 327.1 hrs in game

Will To Live Online on Steam

Distrust: Polar Survival

Distrust: Polar Survival

TL;DR: I love arctic survival games - but Distrust: Polar Survival is a lesson in how NOT to make an arctic survival game. Distrust is supposed to be a game about surviving in arctic conditions - yet once you figure out how to manage your resources, you’ll find the biggest challenge is surviving the many bugs like dropped connections and lost inventory.


I love arctic survival games, where you are not just fighting to survive but where the harsh conditions of the environment itself is killing you. If this doesn’t describe what you enjoy playing, I’d advise you to stop right now and pass on this game.

Real player with 94.5 hrs in game


“Mayday. . . Can anyone hear us? . . . We need help. . . We’re losing people one after the other. . . HELLLP!” Then . . . silence. That’s when we decided to send a rescue team to our neighbouring Arctic base. But then, as the helicopter approached the base, screams were echoing all around. All we could decrypt on our end was “what is that light?” After that, all communication was cut and there was no sign of the chopper on our radar. I hope the rescue team survived the crash. That’s just the start of Distrust!

*– [Real player with 22.4 hrs in game](*


![BlackFaith]( "")

## BlackFaith

I played the game for a few hours, this game caught my eye because it reminded me of "the forest", and it was free so I enjoyed that.

I had a few problems,

1\. There really isn't much of a guide, outside the Guide picture which isn't all that helpful, I know its free roam but I had no clue what to do besides loot the village, then I had no clue how to place a fireplace/torch/furnace (i know now you have to equip it in your hotbar), or simply what tools gather what materials.

2\. when it comes to the objectives and notes, I wan't sure if my game was broken, I got to the radio room, with the objective, and nothing happened, I looted the axe and flashlight, looked at the letter, played with the radio, but nothing happened, also are letters supposed to be picked up, I couldn't find a way if so, because i find it hard to read them, also the english needs a little working on.

*– [Real player with 27.3 hrs in game](*

Black_faith used to be a survival gathering game, it reminded me of a early rust, you had to get rocks, wood and stuff to craft a stove and other stuff, then suddenly they remade that into this….Call of duty zombie like game

And while its still OK, it would be better as a gamemode not as the actual game

They really went in the wrong way by takeing out all the actual monsters they had and just replaceing them with the same basic zombie/ghoul model

It had a co-op mode somewhat before, now theres no co-op at all, theres no real true "survival" to it other then "STAY ALIVE" dureing the zombie waves

*– [Real player with 6.3 hrs in game](*


![HumanitZ]( "")

## HumanitZ

**HumanitZ is a top-down, open-world zombie survival shooter set 10 years after the outbreak. Survive, explore, scavenge, build, craft, hunt, farm, fish and more. Do all this alone or with other survivors. You can't change the past…. Live for today!**


**SURVIVE:** Survive as long as you can in the apocalypse, make your mark and leave your legacy

**EXPLORE:** Keep on the move to find new locations and increase your chances of survival

**SCAVENGE:** Search for food, weapons, and resources to assist you and your group in the fight to thrive

**BUILD:** Construct bases to keep Zeeks out, fortify abandoned buildings, or create safe houses

**CRAFT:** Use your items to craft better gear and make what you need to survive

**HUNT:** Urban areas may be too dangerous; take to the fields and woods to hunt for wild game

**FARM:** Grow your own crops

**FISH:** Catch what is left in the ponds to keep well fed


- Different Zombie Types

- 4 Player Co-op (demo is single-player only)

- Loads of Weapons

- Drivable Vehicles

- Huge World to Explore

- Dynamic Weather

- Character Selection

- Character Perks and Stats

- Permadeath (Hardcore Mode)

**About the Demo**

The demo is an alpha build that showcases some mechanics and gameplay. The full release will include many more mechanics and items that have been intentionally left out of this demo. As with anything alpha, expect to find the occasional bug and things that could use some polishing.


![The Last One]( "")

## The Last One


yes this game dose need improvements its like all game do but when it dose come down to it its an amazing game play it and you wont regreat it. Phoenix Interactive Studio cares about there people and this game they will do eveything they can to improve the game. I just finished a 2 hour live stream playing the campain 1st episode and played multiplayer and the people who where playing happened to be Phoenix Interactive Studio team i created a game mode they joined and played no not bots the real players thats dedications lets all show them support and play this game. im looking forward to speeking with the development team to improve this fantastic game. and thanks Phoenix Interactive Studio for the fun time playing multiplayer

*– [Real player with 14.8 hrs in game](*

Where to begin…

I got this game on a 95% sale, and I still think they charged way too much.

I've clocked in 8 hours on this game, and I did it, so that you guys don't have to!

During the game I discovered a few things; Ranks reset, so all ingame boosts are reset, if you close the game down and start it up again.

You can get stuck various locations with no option than to restart the entire chapter. (Reloading last checkpoint was also bugged for me)

AI spawns behind you at all times, sometimes walking through the walls as you have your back to your wall.

*– [Real player with 8.4 hrs in game](*


![The Menacing]( "")

## The Menacing

The Menacing is a 1-4 player online co-op survival experience where you have to sharpen your senses and work together with your team to survive. Embark on missions and search for different objectives that you will need to escape, while also looking after your friends, or yourself if you decide to go lone wolf, as the varying bloodthirsty creatures show no mercy.

Whether you prefer to be on the lookout, create distractions, stealth and hide, or just run and pray, there is only one thing that matters in the end - **survival**.


![What Happens in Space]( "")

## What Happens in Space

**What Do You Do When You Don't Know Who To Trust.**

**4 - 10 players**


The AI system has detected the presence of an alien life form and begun diverting the power to the self destruct system.

Take your place on board the station and fight to escape OR eliminate your enemies as the alien.

Crew Objective: Escape!

- Win by finding all 3 keys to access and launch the escape shuttle.

- Beware players infected by the alien parasites.

- Communicate with the security officer to kill the aliens.

- Use your Unique skill to help the other crew and escape.

Alien Objective: Kill!

- Take the shuttle leaving crew to die

- Kill all crew members. (except the security officer).

- Sabotage airlocks

- Use the security officer to kill the crew,


An Energy wave passed through the station causing some players to become crazed, many systems parts are fried and need replacing to restart them.

Join forces with the sane players to restore the stations systems and save the crazed players, Or take up your weapon and corrupt the sane players.

Sane player Objective: SURVIVE!

- Win by replacing all the damage parts.

- Avoid crazed and corrupted players.

Crazed player Objective: Corrupt!

- Corrupt all the sane players

- As corrupted players stun crew

- Prevent Installation of system parts.


- Start games with 4 to 10 players

- 6 Characters to choose from

- Filter Search for specific game modes

- Invite you friends to play via steam

- In game proximity voice chat.

- 2 Game modes.

- Invite only option for games
