Empires of the Void II

Empires of the Void II

Conquer the galaxy - or befriend it! Empires of the Void II is a beloved board game with deep strategy and a compelling story that you write yourself. This is a digital recreation of that board game, allowing you to play with friends (or strangers) in the same room, or across the world. Choose a race and befriend the native species, or crush them under your merciless heel. The power card deck contains dozens of missions that connect to the deep story underpinning the galactic fringe. Save innocent lives from a gigantic rampaging beast, kidnap the leader of your enemies, or gamble with space pirates. Every playthrough feels unique and interesting. Minimalistic graphics and atmospheric music set the tone without getting in the way. Create your own adventure at the fringe of the galaxy!

Read More: Best Multiplayer Singleplayer Games.

Empires of the Void II on Steam

Pocket Bravery

Pocket Bravery

Pocket Bravery is inspired by classics from the 90s, such as Street Fighter, Fatal Fury and The King of Fighters. And its SD aesthetic had an influence on games like Pocket Fighter and other fighting games from Neo Geo Pocket Color.

But make no mistake, Pocket Bravery was created to be a new and unique fighting game, with original characters, vibrant colors and a combat system that will impress you, since the game was designed with the focus on high level players. Even so, it has features that will teach beginning players how to develop and evolve in the game.

The game uses the digital pad and four buttons, two for punches and two for kicks. You can execute the traditional commands from the fighting games using the directional pad plus the button to make special moves, super specials or even the final attack. Each character has an element that represents his strength, can be physical or supernatural. You can accumulate up to 2 attacks on the elemental bar. Through this system, it is possible to execute elemental attacks that have different characteristics from the others and bring new offensive or defensive possibilities for the player.

Read More: Best Multiplayer Competitive Games.

Pocket Bravery on Steam

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

I’ve played all the various Halos since ~2002, and have 3000+ hours on MCC. Despite all that, I can’t recommend it. Here’s why:

The Good

  • The ports of the games are reasonably solid. The games look great in 4k. Several longstanding H1 graphics bugs have been fixed. MCC is now the best-looking versions of any of the legacy Halos.

  • There is online co-op for all games - something that H1 & H2C historically lacked. However, H2 co-op can be very buggy. The others work well.

  • The achievements are varied, mostly fun, with some good challenging achievements also.

Real player with 3946.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer Great Soundtrack Games.

Worth A Buy. HOWEVER…

This is one of the best value purchases you would ever find. MCC is a steal even with no discount.

For 40$ you get 5 masterpieces… and Halo 4.

…MCC is packed with content. So if you’re wondering if it’s worth a buy, the answer is a resounding yes.

That said, as per 343i’s MO, this release has many hiccups that hold it back from being definitively great.

These issues are inconsequential to some, but I’ll list some of them and why I think they matter.

I was dreaming of the entire Halo franchise coming to PC ever since I played CE. Till finally MCC’s PC port was announced in 2019.

Real player with 442.3 hrs in game

Halo: The Master Chief Collection on Steam

Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak

Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak

How Homeworld Deserts of Kharak Solved Starcraft

It’s becoming more difficult to spot a really good game. Some studios have such sprawling resources and can afford to crank such incredible amounts of content into a game that it’s easy to overlook quality in the absense of quantity. I think this is abundantly the case with Homeworld: Deserts, which seems to get a bad wrap for a short campaign and a comparably thin assortment of units. I can’t say with any certainty that I would have given it a fair chance myself if not for the fact that Homeworld and I go way, way back. But I’ve enjoyed it immensely well after 100 hours in, and the best way I can think of to explain why is to compare the game with the analogue in RTS that I know the most about: Starcraft… or perhaps more specifically, Starcraft II.

Real player with 488.1 hrs in game

Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, the fourth game of the homeworld franchise and its first non-spacial RTS. In short words: Worth every single cent you put on it.

Warning: I never played any other homeworld game, I didn’t know its story nor had read about it before playing this game. But I’m an RTS Veteran, I’ve been playing RTSes since WarCraft 2, going through all games from the C&C Franchise, AoE and AoM Franchises, StarCraft 1, BW and 2, Company of Heroes 2, Grey Goo and many others.


Real player with 382.3 hrs in game

Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak on Steam

Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3

“Anyone can make what I have built

And better now

Anyone can find the same white pills

It takes my pain away” 🎶

~Jimmy Eat World, Pain

OMG, that’s not Max Payne! #NotMyMax” Remember such topics from back in 2012? It was pretty fun. Surprisingly, though, quite a lot of people (yours truly included) kinda… didn’t even feel like playing this game back then. And not because they were triggered or something like that, but because… you know. I mean, look at the screenshots. Another random bald guy shooting some generic gangsters. In Brazil. There’s literally nothing that screams “Play me right now!!!” in that. Especially since we already had one popular series that went down the drain since the moment the main character shaved his head (hello, Sam…). Even though I bought Max Payne 3 ages ago, I was like “meh…”. A lot of people I know felt the same. And that’s the funniest (saddest?) thing about this game. See, Max Payne 3? It was supposed to be a shiny big present to the old-school fans.

Real player with 98.8 hrs in game

One of the best 3rd person shooters you’ll ever play. The story is amazing, I keep coming back to it time and time again and it never gets old. The multiplayer can be fun, if you can find anyone to play with. The action is amazing and gore is just the same. Recommend that you play on harder difficulties for a fun challenge, the only problem I have is that its a bit too hard and in the later levels you’ll be wielding 2 pistols while your enemies will have grenade launchers, machine guns and much more. Overall a great game.

Real player with 68.2 hrs in game

Max Payne 3 on Steam

Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2

Hold up right there mister, i don’t think i ever told you about that bank job in Tennessee

-an acrobat from Portugal

Real player with 1086.1 hrs in game

Best Western open world game!!!

Real player with 728.6 hrs in game

Red Dead Redemption 2 on Steam

Treasure Tomb VR

Treasure Tomb VR

Excellent game - played it two player - one of the best I’ve played - only thing was I tweaked my brightness up a little in my video card as it was hard to see in places - otherwise - superb game

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

I believe this game is off to a good start but needs a lot of work. First we need a place to store all the artifacts we find like a back pack since it’s so much like tomb raider. We should have a menu of our items we collect that we have to use in the game. I see a lot of glowing cubes in the game floating around. I so hope for the improvements because it’s a wonderful Start. I would pay more for improvements. I wouldn’t recommend at this point though. but it is very close.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Treasure Tomb VR on Steam

Digger Online

Digger Online

===[ ❤ Audience: ]===

☐ Kids (maybe?)

☐ Everyone

☑ Only the strong willed.

☐ Casual players

☐ Pro players

===[ ☼ Graphics: ]===

☑ Potato

☑ Really bad

☐ Bad

☐ OK

☐ Good

☐ Beautiful

☐ Masterpiece

===[ $ Price/quality: ]===

☐ Full price

☐ Wait for sale

☐ Average

☐ Refund it if you can

☐ Don’t do it

☑ Free

☐ Don’t play unless you are getting paid

===[ ☣ Requirments: ]===

☑ 90' PC

☐ Medium (Can but dont recommend)

☐ Fast

☐ High end

☐ NASA computer

===[ ☼ Difficulty: ]===

☑ You just need 2 arms

☐ Ez (Not hard to master, but practice helps)

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

7$ for Market-Simulator? Really? When this game was free - that was a King of Shit, so what is it now?? Better play Minecraft and don’t break your mind. Fck you, creators! Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you F*ck you!

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Digger Online on Steam

Attack on Titan / A.O.T. Wings of Freedom

Attack on Titan / A.O.T. Wings of Freedom

This will be my first review ever so it may not be what you expect, but here we go.

Having played 160+ hours, beaten every single mission in S-Rank with Dire Subjugation, completed the Gallery (have made every equipment), and gotten all achievements, I believe my review will be accurate.

The game follows the same story as the anime/manga, including short cutscenes for the highlights of the show. Starting with Attack Mode (which is considered “normal” mode). Beating that unlocks True Attack Mode (or “hard mode” - also “TAM”). PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE GAME DIFFICULTY SETTINGS ASIDE FROM THIS FOR EASY, NORMAL, AND HARD. On TAM, the titans have much more life on each body part and are much more aggressive, turning and grabbing much quicker. There is also Expedition Mode, in which you can play Survey Missions either online of offline. If playing online, you can have up to four people playing together.

Real player with 291.2 hrs in game

Now, I am a massive weeb, so I am probably very biased when it comes to anime games. I am also a big fan of the Warriors series games, so when I found out there was going to be an Attack on Titan game made by the same company, I was thrilled. Now for my review.



Now, as much as I enjoy flying around slaying titans, the game does have it’s bugs, and I’ve had more than my fair share of accidental wall hugging. Combat is VERY fast-paced on any substantial difficulty level, possibly too much for other people. Half the time, I’m just mashing buttons and hoping a titan doesn’t grab me. (Although I do play on extra hard mode, so that’s probably why.)

Real player with 210.9 hrs in game

Attack on Titan / A.O.T. Wings of Freedom on Steam

Battle Mage : Card Caster

Battle Mage : Card Caster

Written for 1561’s Thoughts - Honest reviews, for busy people.

Battle Mage : Card Caster is a card game that gives you the illusion of choice, but is actually entirely revolving around luck. There’s no strategy involved at all, and the “plot” is shallow. 3.5/10


Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Looking at a wall, watching paint dry has more content than this.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Battle Mage : Card Caster on Steam