STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II

STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II

Thank you EA for killing anohter game, they cant even buy more pop on server and fix bugs anymorre.-.-

you cant fucking have more then 400 pop on server and cant fucking fix options and chararters settings and card, weapon EVERY FUCKING DAY YOU FUCKING BRAIN DEAD EA

you cant fucking care of the game and make every one on the devs quit the game and make batlefield games instead

Real player with 674.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer Third Person Games.

Game was great till they discontinued support for it. You either get into lobbies with the 1hp console command hack that prevents death or just can’t connect at all because of the error 201. Regardless of what the EA support says its not the players fault or bad internet connection as this is exclusive to EA servers. If you play offline you forfeit all customization options regardless of actually paying for it as only being connected allows you to use them.

Real player with 92.6 hrs in game

STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II on Steam

Filthy Animals | Heist Simulator

Filthy Animals | Heist Simulator

Welcome to Filthy Animals | Heist Simulator

Join a gang of mutant animals and embark on a series of hilarious heists under the guidance of Tony, the mad scientist and getaway driver as he tries to pull off his master plan!

Play as one of 8 different Filthy Animals, each with their own unique special abilities! Unlock characters & variants throughout the levels by gaining experience points, releasing caged animals, and collecting special serums.

Orchestrate 8 unique heists across 22 individual levels. Raid a bank vault, take part in a nuclear-powered train robbery, plunder an ancient temple full of magic avocados, and launch into SPACE!

Solve puzzles, fight enemies, and unlock new playable characters, abilities, and weapons along the way! Find the hidden sugar skulls to unlock Remix Heists to replay completed heists with an entirely new twist!

Work alone or with your friends to overcome enemies and obstacles which scale to the number of players! Help your friends to their feet if they fall, decide for yourself whether to steal their loot bag first!


• Up to 4 players in Local and Online co-op!

• Physics-based puzzle/combat!

• Active-Ragdoll Player Characters and NPCs!

• Bonus levels / Minigames!

• The funkiest original soundtrack out there!

Read More: Best Multiplayer Funny Games.

Filthy Animals | Heist Simulator on Steam

Dungeon Defenders: Awakened

Dungeon Defenders: Awakened

Alright, this is going to be a lengthy review, but I feel like this is needed. As you might have guess from my amount of play time, I’m recommending this game and find it to be a very good game. However, more context is needed. I’m reviewing the game in its current stat (January 2021).

Let’s start up with the most important thing: my recommendation varies depending on who you are. If you’re the kind of gamer that likes playing through the game’s story once and then move on to the next game, then you’ll probably like this game in its current state. The first campaign playthrough is really enjoyable and, for the most part, well designed and well balanced. Boss might be a bit hard though, but I’m sure the devs will rebalance them. Either way, it’s not so terrible.

Real player with 867.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer Tower Defense Games.

TLDR: I recommend the game, it is fun, colorful and easy to jump into. Also, if you played DD1 you will get hit with a wave of nostalgia. However this statement from their Kickstarter page “Here at Chromatic Games, we all agree — let’s go back to the roots of what made the original Dungeon Defenders so amazing!”. They have not hit this mark, not even close yet. Additional info below.

I would recommend Dungeon Defenders: Awakened to anyone looking for a fun, simple (more on this later), highly addicting game. The game has enough for casual experiences and a bit of depth for the hardcore min/maxer in us all. Fighting waves and waves of enemies to get showered in loot is a lot of fun and never gets old. .

Real player with 281.3 hrs in game

Dungeon Defenders: Awakened on Steam

Dungeon Defenders

Dungeon Defenders

Updated Review

After more than 6,000 hours in this game the day has come to quit Dungeon Defenders. Easy to imagine that I’ve given a recommendation before. Unfortunately recent updates made by the Community Development Team (CDT) ruined the game - at least for me.

To my knowledge the CDT has been introduced to fix bugs, adding quality-of-life changes such as new content. Instead they also change core mechanics of the game such as RNG, towers and enemies. Things we were used for long 5 years are getting changed out of the sudden because certain individuals within the CDT are enforcing their changes more or less.

Real player with 6262.2 hrs in game

This game, despite being old, as stood the test of time. It’s a wonderful game from my childhood that still fun to play whenever I jump back onto it. It’s never a dull moment in this game, and will always hold a place in my hearts. That doesn’t mean I don’t know the bad stuff about it, because loving a game doesn’t mean you see only the good parts, but you know what the flaws are and you either love them or are able to look past them. Lets go naming some shall we?


The combination of RPG elements with Tower defence is smooth and feels natural.

Real player with 2998.9 hrs in game

Dungeon Defenders on Steam

Frame Game

Frame Game

So in case anyone was confused as to what kinda game this is, it’s like telephone, but with animation; first, everyone draws the first frame for their animation based on a prompt, and so eveeryone else has to try animating based on that frame, and than the next frame, etc (though if you don’t have any friends to play with, there’s also a free play mode where you can just animate based on a random prompt by yourself).

While I haven’t really been able to play with anyone yet, the freeplay mode was really fun on it’s own. Would recomend.

Real player with 18.5 hrs in game

Fun animation party game with tons of potential.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Frame Game on Steam

Mayor of Defense

Mayor of Defense

  1. I love this game!

  2. It’s arcade Harvest Moon with some Tower Defense.

  3. Its multiplayer!

This game deserves much more attention and love.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Mayor of Defense on Steam

Mighty Goose

Mighty Goose

Mighty Goose is a godsend. The current epitome of love letters to Metal Slug with some other on the sleeve nods thrown in. Megaman X to name one & more. None of it feels forced though & I need to stress that. Inspirations are obvious but Mighty Goose is wholeheartedly it’s own thing. Familiar throwbacks are implemented in a fresh way that work for this game first & foremost & it certainly isn’t at all riding on nostalgia. It’s a great & original game because they’ve designed a great & original game. The references aren’t overbearing & are just welcomed gravy.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

It’s a titled goose game and they got guns for hands. Short and sweet, Mighty Goose knows exactly what it wants to be and that is an intergalactic arcade-like action romp with anthropomorphic friends causing a bunch of beautifully satisfying chaos. The particle effects and wonderfully detailed bombast recalls the aesthetic of Metal Slug, which is impressive for seemingly a team of 3 main developers (Richard Lems, Diane De Wilde, and Mathias Kaertev).

On top of the generous checkpointing, variety of Star Fox-like buddies that can tag along, breezy yet varied levels, the freedom to buy weapons and vehicles on the fly makes for some silly scenarios where I can be on a bike with my buddies taking down a whole boss. It reminds me of my favourite moments in Halo where I’m trying to squeeze the warthog into every space and the game respects my player agency. Is it overpowered? Who cares, I got the money for it! The movement options help you be very nimble such as crouch sprint jumps that fling you out of tough situations or being able to hover longer if you keep shooting downwards. It’s a very offensive game so even the defensive ability of honking giving you a shield didn’t seem necessary with how easily you can get out of a pickle. The weapons pack a punch and any game that has a good shotgun is a winner in my books. The game can automatically go into slow-mo when cool shit is popping off much like a Max Payne. When you get the ability to slow down time at your own will, you can enact a screen-filling ballet of carnage that’s as satisfying to carry out as it is to just watch.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Mighty Goose on Steam



4/5 stars

for the price this game is worth it

get a few friends and its 10 times more fun

all this game needs is a few more guns and this game would be 5/5

Real player with 15.2 hrs in game

It’s a nice game. Simple as that.

Simple, easy to get into, unassuming.

A very nice way to spend some time with friends.

It’s also pretty amazing to me that this is one of the first projects by a solo dev. :D

GG Sektan!

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Rangers on Steam

Dungeon Defenders II

Dungeon Defenders II

I tried. I really, really tried.

Ever since I bought this game in 2014, I continued to throw my time and genuine effort at it, hoping to get at the very least a decent sequel to DD1. I even ignored the very clear warning sign that was the release of DD Eternity (DD1 was abandoned to hackers, then repacked and…sold again under a new name, wham, bam, profit). Today, with the game about ready to leave yet another developement stage, instead of having hope and tons of fun playing the game, I am disgusted and bitterly dissapointed.

Real player with 1862.6 hrs in game

Don’t bother with Dungeon Defenders 2 or Trendy Entertainment. Their incessant greed has instilled levels of disgust in me that I scarcely could previously fathom.

For a bit of background, allow me to preface this by telling you that I hold no nostalgia for the original Dungeon Defenders. This is a combination of their lack of security leading to rampant hackers and my disdain for the original character styles. I played this game a bit when it first came out, and dropped in now and again to see how it was doing. My tenure here became permanent with the Terraria crossover content, and I’ve remained fairly steady to the game since. I’ve done some Mastery, climbed up Onslaught, and dabbled in Ancient Power Resets. I’ve seen a lot of what there is to see, and let me tell you, originally, the allure was the cartoony, bright graphics and enjoyable combat. However, beneath this veneer of vibrant paint lies a decrepit, hollow experience designed to consume your wallet.

Real player with 1216.2 hrs in game

Dungeon Defenders II on Steam

Escape Quest

Escape Quest

Very good game!

it’s short game but it’s super fun and worth the price.

recommended to play with friends..


☐ You forget what reality is

☑ Beautiful

☐ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it

☐ Paint.exe


☐ Very good

☑ Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Starring at walls is better

☐ Just don‘t


☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☑ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ Earrape


☐ Kids

☐ Teens

☐ Adults

☑ Human

☐ Lizards

—{PC Requirements}—

☐ Check if you can run paint

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Too short for a final release. Since nothing is randomized and there are only two rooms with puzzles, there’s nothing here for a second playthrough. You can get through the game in around 30 minutes and you’ve solved and seen everything. I’d forgive this if the developer put this in early access with promise of more features but as it stands it’s simply not worth it.

Tip for the developer: Iterate on this idea for an eventual sequel, use early access for what it’s worth and thus justify an increase in price for the promise of more content and features.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Escape Quest on Steam