Children of Morta

Children of Morta

I’m a little mixed on this game overall. But I like it.

Children of Morta is an atmospheric-story-driven-diablo-lite-with-rogue-elements. But action rogue-lite works, too.

Premise: You’ll control the Bergson family, residents of Mount Morta. A threat known simply as the “Corruption” needs to be thwarted.


You select a character and set off into a portal to fight the corruption. It has 3 main areas. Each harboring a spirit you need to free to aid you. Each area then has procedural levels within it.

! The last area is seems a bit inspired by the Dwemer Ruins of Elder Scrolls.. All the areas have a distinct feeling.

Real player with 36.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer Action Roguelike Games.

A hack-and-slash game with rogue-like elements, Children of Morta unfortunately didn’t provide me with any of the satisfaction associated with either genre.

I usually like to start with the positives but they’re scarce here. The pixel art looks excellent but even that is squandered in drab and uninspired levels, of which there are mainly only three types: a cave, a desert town and a volcanic industrial area.

The music, although competently made, sounded very unmemorable to me. None of the tracks were catchy or went beyond doing their job.

Real player with 36.0 hrs in game

Children of Morta on Steam

World Seed

World Seed


But I highly encourage purchasing on steam to support the developer.

This is probably the highest potential game I have seen in a while. The foundation is excellent and the developer consistently takes suggestions and feedback from the community. I highly suggest joining the Discord –


  • Active developer

  • Active discord and helpful community

  • Build variety

  • Build balance

  • Appropriate risk vs. reward

  • Simple yet meaningful progression

Real player with 255.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer Relaxing Games.

Before reading this, do understand that its being developed by 1 single person and that this game is available for free outside steam, buying it here is simply supporting the dev and unlocking access to it through steam.

The game is a very charming timesink, it looks rather simpistic/minimalistic yet offers a good amount of depth and complexity.

The developer is extremely active as of writing this review, you can easily get a hold of him directly to ask for help or give suggestions in discord and he’ll give you time to actually listen and respond.

Real player with 125.1 hrs in game

World Seed on Steam




PHEW wipes sweat from forehead I have now hit about 850+ hours as of this updated review from my last, most of my gameplay time was from me searching for bugs and reproducing them so I could have Sean fix them. I have posted my old review under this one; if you would like to read it, feel free to but it’s pretty much the same thing lol. Roguelands recently released as a full game and believe me when I say; the amount of content that was pumped into this game from day 1 is absolutely mind boggling. There is so much content that you could play for hours on end. I’ll through a couple of PROS and CONS below.

Real player with 1097.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer Action Roguelike Games.

Honestly, I can’t recommend this game at all. Yes I have a lot of time on it, yes the base game is enjoyable, but the developer is just such an idiot that it makes the game painful to try to enjoy.

  • The text box for characters is awful and despite a billion people crying out for him to fix it, he refuses to. The text doesn’t even make sense either once it’s repeated 10 times in a row.

  • Combat feels clunky. You want to chug those potions to save your ass, right? Well, you gotta get out of combat mode and mindlessly hop around to actually do that without being able to fight back.

Real player with 180.1 hrs in game

Roguelands on Steam



I like this game, but it has a ton of glaring issues. It’s not what it should be nor is it what it wants to be, yet.

This is a rogue-lite in its lightest form, providing hardly any differentiation between runs. The differences will be in the traits you obtain at levels 5/10/15, the items you get from chests (which are varied in usefulness, but are mostly similar and few) and of course mob drops/mob spawns. The layouts for each district follow a very strict pattern, involving massive sections next to each other as opposed to the standard 1x1 platform-style stage randomization. Each non-town district would blend into each other if it weren’t for the differing biomes, which serve as alternate mob spawn pools for easier access to certain resources often at the cost of an increased difficulty.

Real player with 177.1 hrs in game

Once upon a time there was a great civilization that ruled the surface of the planet that Deephaven resides in; how unfortunate that they all were driven to the depths by hordes of montrous Lovecraftian-esque beings so that we could play with their fates as they struggle from one level to the next with no clue how they will retake their formal realm.

However the player attracted the particular interest of these foul lifeforms so that they continually chase him or her through each district, promising death should they tarry, isn’t really important.

Real player with 147.4 hrs in game

Magicite on Steam

Tribes of Midgard

Tribes of Midgard

This is a challenging game, made fun with a group of friends.

Though even then it is a bit of a slog, as it implies 10 people need to online at the same time for hours on end to achieve a common goal. You find that perfect zone and boom, suddenly the entire time you are jamming with friends and working through the various quests.

I will say that the game is not without its faults. Like I said earlier its a bit of a slog especially if you are playing with complete randos. I must’ve lost count to going to sleep with a Day 50 or Day 80 game only to wake up the next day and the world is destroyed.

Real player with 153.8 hrs in game

They should have lets us build our own base! Such a waste of waiting for all those years! Gameplay is fun at first but after a few games it get bored….. Just doing the same thing over and over again, and I don’t even bother with the building.

Real player with 71.2 hrs in game

Tribes of Midgard on Steam

Danger Scavenger

Danger Scavenger

Cautiously Recommend–Feels Very Much Unfinished

Stumbled upon this a few days back, wishlisted it and bought it today on a whim really digging the music and look the game has. Sometimes you strike out, sometimes you hit paydirt. This is paydirt, a diamond in the rough that after time can be awesome.

It’s VERY rough around the edges and definitely could use lots more polish but it’s highly addictive and the fun factor is very strong if you can get past the many nuances that hold this game back from being amazing.

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

I’ve written a fairly neutral preview for this game on Gamer Escape, which you can find here: . At that time, the game had just switched from being official release to Early Access to address the user feedback based on the mixed steam reivew score (At Gamer Escape we do not do scored reviews for Early Access games)

Within days, the devs for this game have already gone to work with their stated goal: Make the game more appealing to both the twin-stick shooter fans and the roguelike fans whom both had issues with how these mechanics were combined. They have added “Arcade Mode”, which removes the roguelike permadeath mechanics, but also in this mode, each character starts from a different tower, so you get more of a distinct experience with each character in this mode. While it kind of comes off as just a lowered difficulty setting, it does open the game up to a lot of people who find the punishing nature of the roguelike style more frustrating than fun.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Danger Scavenger on Steam

Conquer the Dungeon

Conquer the Dungeon

Team up with your friends in this top down dungeon crawler! Use teamwork to navigate through procedurally generated dungeons, slay bosses and collect their precious crystals. Keep your guard up and remember that these dungeons also have other players competing with you!

Explore Dungeons

Explore procedurally generated dungeons with unique layouts every playthrough. Master the dungeon’s layout before your enemies get the grip of the battle.

Slay Bosses

Defeat the bosses with or without your friends and get all the loot safely back to your team’s base

Defend Your Base

Your base is eventually going to attract opposing teammates who will target it in hopes of stealing your hard earned treasures. Don’t be salty about it though, instead try to steal everything your opponents have managed to gather in order to make it a bit more fair…


  • Procedurally generated dungeons

  • Up to 6 player multiplayer

  • Selection of weapons to dominate your enemies

  • A broad bestiary of hostile creatures that will make your dungeon exploring a bit more challenging

Conquer the Dungeon on Steam



I’m writing this review for everyone who is thinking about picking up this game, but isn’t exactly sure yet.

At first I want to give a rough overview about the game and talk about positives and negatives after. Darksburg is an isometric cooperative 4 player game, thats heavily influenced by Left 4 Dead, Warhammer Vermintide and your typical ARPG title or even MOBA.

At the point I’m writing this review we have 3 different gamemodes: coop survival, last stand and PvP.

In the coop survival mode you have to get from point A to point B while defending yourself against hordes of attacking zombies and special infected, finishing different tasks like finding wooden planks and nails to repair a church door.

Real player with 451.6 hrs in game


Updated based on ‘Going Rogue’ update.

This update is literally a game-changer! The new mode is a loooot of fun, with every single character receiving some great quality of life updates. It used to be ‘Varag is meant to be able to tear people apart’, well… you got what you asked for - now he can! Dolorosa has been an amazing addition (the 5th playable character), with some of the best CC in the game, which you need when there are now hordes of zombies coming for you.

In previous updates the hordes just kind of waited sometimes for you to come near, now they seek you out which feels much more zombie-horror-survival. There have been some minor art improvements which I love (though I am biased as I already love the setting) and oh so much more…

Real player with 289.1 hrs in game

Darksburg on Steam



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Real player with 29.6 hrs in game

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to play Muck. The gameplay is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the features will go over a typical gamer’s head. There’s also Gronk’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The gamers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these mechanics, to realize that they’re not just fun- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Muck truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Dani’s existential catchphrase “is it me or is (insert name) looking kinda THICC” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dani’s genius unfolds itself on their monitor screens. What fools… how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Muck tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Real player with 27.7 hrs in game

Muck on Steam

Pablo Let’s Go Bar

Pablo Let’s Go Bar

“Pablo Let’s Go Bar” is a online co-op/single-player roguelike first person shooter, join Pablo and his hermanos and hermanas in their journey to Vásquez’s fiesta, or will Pablo go it alone?

Pick your playstyle and go through unique levels to maybe get a sip of that rumored, groundbreaking, mouthwatering, mystery drink at the fiesta or succumb to the ghosts from Pablo’s past.

Punchy Gunplay

Fast gunplay is a usual for Pablo and his friends.

Aggressive Combat

Unleash your RAGE using powerful weapons.

Guns and Unlockable Content

The game offers you different weapons, therefore playstyles.


Pablo Let's Go Bar on Steam