Starship Survivor

Starship Survivor

Starship Survivor is a thrilling cooperative first-person shooter set onboard the ISS Genesis Four. You and your team have been sent in to investigate lost communications from the orbiting starship when it becomes apparent that the ships AI systems created by the evil corporation Volkh have gone rogue. It’s down to you and your team to take the fight to the enemy, destroy the Volkh, and reclaim the ship.

It’s just you and your team. Can you survive the onslaught and restore peace?

• Intense Combat

Fight your way through hordes of enemies alone or with a team of up to 4 players. Level up your character and become stronger, faster and more dangerous.

• Ship Management

Repair, upgrade and maintain your ships life support system.

• RPG Gameplay

Aquire energy and upgrades your ships systems. Generate more power and upgrade your characters with a diverse range of upgrades and perks.

• Discover

Find interesting easter eggs, complete objectives and find out more about the ship’s crew.

Read More: Best Multiplayer Psychological Games.

Starship Survivor on Steam

Gear Up

Gear Up

Gear Up

Gear Up is a wonderful little FPS game with ongoing development.

The P2W Claims

I think I should probably get this out of the way first.

Some people apparently get the impression that the game is P2W. It’s really not.

Unlike games true to P2W where you can recklessly spam in-game premium upgrades or keep throwing money until you win, all buying the basic and premium packages does is give you the ability to save 3 vehicles, unlimited storage, and access to all parts. It does NOT have direct in-game premium currency purchases that give players an unfair advantage. The game does not even have an option for microtransactions. I don’t even know where these accusations come from.

Real player with 690.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer Free to Play Games.

I have been following Gear Up since I first saw it on Greenlight. It actually caught my eye because it looked like a fun, generic tank game. So I signed up for alpha, and months later the developers handed out keys for Premium to existing testers. That’s how I ended up with a paid copy of early access to a generic tank game, and have in the process found it to be substantially more.

To be honest, there’s really only so much you can expect from this type of game. It’s not going to have photo-realistic graphics, or perfect part-balancing; especially in its early stages. But for what it is, it really is quite fun. Even though it has a leveling/ranking system, I don’t really need incentive of any kind to keep playing it. You just sit down with your favorite build and blow things up.

Real player with 127.3 hrs in game

Gear Up on Steam



As you can see by my time with this game I have plenty of experience with it and have been playing for years now.

I have to say what was once an amazing game has now been turned into an aggravating, annoying, shell of what it once was. What could have been a groundbreaking game is now just bland and uninteresting due to the lack of effort by Freejam.

Many questionable decisions by freejam has turned this once amazing game into tedious grind with no payoff.

The CRF:

When I first started playing the only weapon was the smg. I have seen every major update and change come and go. The first and most prominent thing wrong with this game is the CRF, or the Robot shop. Before the shop was added, every player had to build their own bot. For better or worse. Thats why the tagline for this game is “Build Drive Fight” with build being first. Since the start of this game it wasnt just about how well you did in battle but how well you built your bot. They went hand in hand. Those who took the time and effort to build a good bot, were rewarded by doing well in the battles. Now that they have the CRF players can buy any OP bot of the moment and never have to build a thing. Essentially doing away with half of the game and arguably the most interesting aspect of it.

Real player with 2416.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer Free to Play Games.

TLDR I do not recommend this game, not even if you paid me to. Links in info, please look.

I recommended this game quite a while ago and honestly used to love it and support it. However, the game design has gone ways that are just unapealing, unchallanging and quite bothersome to me. I started playing this game because I like building robots, and at the time of me playing, it was the only game I knew about that was of this sort. However, as time went on, I saw other similar games, and I also saw good suggestions for robocraft, not get implemented in game, while bad suggestions and ideas did. Seb, one of the game devs seems to think our negative reviews are jokes, but this just shows you how seriously they take our criticism because its their game and they want to take it the way they want, the way that makes them the most money and scares off the most logical players and makes way for children who have fat wallets for GambleCraft 2.0 open your wallet addition. Well, now they are on damage control and posting fake apologies, but its a bit too little and a bit too late. Dont apologize, fix this game and revert far far back to when it was once a good game. I dont care about all the time you spent on it, you ruined it. You fix the game and you will fix the reviews by doing so. Until than, keep laughing freescam, but if you go out of buisness, dont expect me to not laugh because it was YOUR fault. I dont want you to fail, but you seem dead set on doing so. I could list all the things I hate about how the game went but seb will just say get used to it. #Game dev, FreeScam games oh and dont forget, they will ban you for talking about other games or having valid cricitism on bad updates. What other company do you know of that is that insecure? Hell I cant think of any. Whoops, I talked about how the update is horrible. BAN, Whoops I talked about a game thats better than robocraft, BAN. it also appears the company freejam that puts out robocraft is owned by a mobile gambling game company and freejam owes them over 1 million dollars of debt due in september.

Real player with 1113.8 hrs in game

Robocraft on Steam



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Real player with 1000.1 hrs in game

before you read the review,be sure that i “might” have cursed a “little bit” in this review


This is Batla,a game,which at first looks completly stupid and then when you get into the main menu,turns out to be that stupid.

Now,what kind of game is this?

When you get into a game,it a game,where you start with a weapon and you can find different weapon,nothing wrong with that

BUT some of the weapons are really unbalanced,for example the shotgun,the sniper and the weapon that shoots these projectiles that have the color of you or your team when you are playing tdm

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

Batla on Steam

DRONE The Game

DRONE The Game

One hell of a game. Although still a prototype, I think you’ll enjoy the public release. I was a backer for this project and I can say that the money I spent was more than worth it. If you paid mind to the game’s info, you likely saw the 12 backer tiers. I started out at Tier 2 (“Traveler”) when I first heard of the game. When they released the multiplayer demos I couldn’t wait, so I bumped up to Tier 3 (“Explorer”) a few months later. Last year I decided to upgrade to Tier 4 (“Operator”), and as of 2 July 2019 I ended up upgrading to Tier 5 (“Engineer”) because this game really has turned out so well. If you needed proof for how much these guys delivered, here you go.

Real player with 51.3 hrs in game

This game showed significant promise in its early stages, and the main draw for me was being able to build and fly my own little fighting drones in the editor - with the hope of eventually being able to create land-based units with tank treads or mechanical legs.

However, development on this title unfortunately seems to have slowed to a complete halt: there hasn’t been an update, not even a bugfix, in over a year, and there’s been no word on how development is progressing in about 6 months.

They succeeded in their promise of delivering a functional drone editor, but even then a good portion of its features and place-able parts are unfinished, and at the moment users are restricted to basic cubes which they can cut into other shapes, as opposed to the totally freeform shapes seen in prebuilt designs. There’s also the slight issue of players being able to min-max their builds to obscene effectiveness by just putting a bunch of wings or something.

Real player with 37.9 hrs in game

DRONE The Game on Steam

Plain Sight

Plain Sight

OMG, after years the master-server is back up !!!

This was, when i remember correctly, the first game i bought (as a 4-pack) on steam after being forced to install and use steam because of Half Life 2. And it was a blast.

It takes a while to get behind this silly looking little thing and to understand the (3 times changes) mechanics. It looks sooooo simple but theres a lot more to it then just running around and hitting each other with a sword before comitting suicide in an esplosion to get the points. Its really fast, you need to get the timings right, know your movements to get rid of lock-ons, know how to repel, use the perks wisely … Its really easy to just play but hard to master.

Real player with 275.7 hrs in game

This game is AMAZING!

I know it sounds over enthusiastic, but seriously, it’s frigging awesome.

You’re playing as suicidal Ninja Robots that’s fighting in space over getting the most energy.

The way you go about getting energy is by killing other people, and then blowing yourself up. When you blow yourself up, you gain however many points you’ve accumulated so far.

Does it sound awesome? Thought so..

Aside from the TDM, DM, Conquest and CTF gamemodes there’s also stuff like: Botzilla. Where it’s 1 botzilla vs everyone else. Botzilla is this huge robot with a flaming sword, no charge up time and has a lot of HP.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

Plain Sight on Steam

War Robots

War Robots


The developer, Pixonic, has completely gone off the rails in their cash-grabbing scheme. This game is not a PTW game, it is a Pay2Play game at this point. The Steam/Facebook Gameroom clients are practically abandoned, as they are not being considered for the possible merging of the Android and iOS servers. Player count continues to plummet, and it is harder and harder for anyone to compete against the wallet warriors/hackers.

With the update introducing pilots, Pixonic has lost ALL integrity and proves to only care about those who are paying money. This game is now near impossible to play for free players once they reach Diamond League. You need to pay for gold, you need to pay for silver, and this game keeps getting kicked in its coffin by Pixonic. They lost all grip on reality, and are quite clearly riding this cash cow into the dirt.

Real player with 1332.9 hrs in game

Disgusting the amount of money and advertising of “sales” thrown in your face!

Its a good game but the pay to win is ridiculous. $99.99 “sale” for a gun and bot components??? not even A gun or A bot, no no no, components to build one when you get 10,000. I wish this wasnt sucha greed based game because it would be amazing. Its still one of my go to games but I refuse to spend $100 to buy parts so I lose a lot but I guess it helps with strategy? If I find a similar game that isnt so money grubbing Im bailing on war robots, until then, it passes the time until you get frustrated with a super meched out $1000 bot kills your 4 bots.

Real player with 697.6 hrs in game

War Robots on Steam

Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball

Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball

Easily game of the year. This game has so much more to it than meets the eye. I began playing this game in beta, and it was amazing! It has easy mechanics, easy objectives, and unfathomable entertainment. There are so many things that I love about this game.

First off, unlike most other fps games, it’s balanced. All players are equal, and when you die, there’s no excuses. The other player was either better than you, or was able to use the map and powerups better than you. It’s straight forward hit or miss gameplay. Also, the powerups are balanced. The big balls will help you hit more robots, but they are so much easier to see, and unlike the homing and laser, you can’t hide having the powerup. When you’re holding a ball, it’s always big and noticable. The homing is amazing against bots at long range, but is so much harder to use close up. Also, when you lose it, you’re so used to seeing the tracker that it disorientates you for a moment. Laser is fast and great for ricochets, but it messes up the way you’re used to playing, being the ball has no drop. Jetpack is great for capturing points or swooping in like an eagle, but you can lose vertical momentum, making yourself an easy target. Pogo is good for navigation, but if you fumble, you’re an easy midair target. Super boost is great for hit and runs, but really hurts your finger pressing shift. I find that when you use superboost, you start going in a lap pattern, which makes you a predictable target. You also get disorientated in close combat. The balance in this game makes it such a more entertaining game because you’re just as capable as the rest of your team to achieve the objectives.

Real player with 176.7 hrs in game

Flashy Arcade-Style Fun!

An Early Access game that graduated with flying colours.

Let me start this review off by saying I’ve got 97 games on Steam and this is my most played game. If that doesn’t peak your interest, feel free to read on.


This game is special. When I say “special” I don’t mean mentally handicapped, I mean it’s genuinely unique and a real diamond in the rough. For the price, this may be the best value you can find on Steam. It may be pretty simple in concept but trust me when I say that this game can entertain for hundreds of hours. Did I mention it’s one of the (very) few games that’s done Early Access right and actually seen a solid release?

Real player with 175.7 hrs in game

Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball on Steam

Clone Drone in the Danger Zone

Clone Drone in the Danger Zone

This game is amazing no other words needed.

Real player with 109.8 hrs in game

A very fun experience, it is a fun challenge to see how far you can get in endless

Real player with 81.0 hrs in game

Clone Drone in the Danger Zone on Steam

MechWarrior Online™ Solaris 7

MechWarrior Online™ Solaris 7

It’s a shame when adults must be treated like children but I think we all saw this coming.

The fact that I’m writing this hear does not mean you will read it but I am not alone. Many are growing sick of anti consumerism’s and there is a price you will pay for it. A price you will pay for your actions. This won’t hurt me near as much as it’s going to hurt you.

No more money.

831 Hours, 60 FPS, 110ms ping in game. 24ms by my ISP

Trashy hit scanning (Damaging front of mech from behind and Vis Versa) not even close. Biggest issue and still current. Side look out your cockpit and watch things miss you and still do damage.

Real player with 1059.2 hrs in game

Quick rundown;

If you like stompy mech vs mech combat, get this game. If you like customising things to fit your own playstyle, get this game.

If you like fast battles where you can just jump in and play, don’t get this game. If you are a die-hard fan of the Battletech Universe and think the best Mechwarrior title is MW:2 or MW:4 Mercs, then you probably don’t want to play this game.

While still being loyal to its predecesors, the gameplay is vastly different. If you wan’t to try something different from other free games out there, then do try this game. You don’t have to have hundreds of hours put into the game to have a decent selection of mechs to play with.

Real player with 802.6 hrs in game

MechWarrior Online™ Solaris 7 on Steam