Supreme Commander

Supreme Commander

Imagine a 6 year old boy just learning how play video games being sat down and shown this game. giant robots, lasers, cannons, etc… It boggled my 6 year old mind. I spent much of my early childhood playing this game on my brothers steam account. of course as i got older i moved onto other things such as minecraft because i had no friends my age who played strategy games like i did. as time went on i eased back into strategy games such as Civ 5, hearts of iron, men of war, planetary anhilliation. Then i met a friend in 7th grade that had the same love of strategy games like i did. He had just moved from florida to wisconsin and i was the first friend he had at school. Him and i were sort of bullied and we grew very close. I later learnt that he loved the game supreme commander as i did. i bought the game for my own steam account and the game that fostered my love of video games and strategy was soon remembered. He and i spent hours going home after school and playing this game. unfortunetly as i graduated i moved to california and he moved to virginia. Me and my friend slowly stopped playing video games as my friend had started switching to consul games. by the time i was in california i had stopped playing supreme commander again and played other games. then about 1 month ago i saw my supreme commander game in the top left corner of the screen. i clicked on it and the nostalgia came flooding in. this game helped me evolve into what i am today. I sat there thinking back to playing this game when i was little but sucking at it, but i remember having a blast. then i remembered my friend from middle school, how we came so close, the drifted so far away. I will always cherish this game, i will always remember this game for the true joy it gave me. i dont know if anyone will read this review considering it is 2019 now, but if there is someone out there who reads this, just know that this game is special and i want you and everyone else to experience it. if you want to play against me sometime add me on steam and send me a message or on discord Bashar al-Assad#8760

Real player with 253.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer Singleplayer Games.

The spiritual successor to Total Annihilation. If you loved playing T.A. back in the day, then you’ll feel right at home.

9 out of 10 - A phenomenal RTS game that, in my opinion, is far better than other titans in the genre. It may not have the graphics or popularity that Starcraft does, but the overall mechanics, maps, economy, and general gameplay feel much more polished (please don’t @ me). Who wouldn’t want to watch 250+ tanks, submarines, gunships, bombers, assault bots, and warships obliterate each other in a tremendously satisfying fashion? Seriously, maybe check out a random ‘Let’s Play’ video on YouTube if you’re interested.

Real player with 80.7 hrs in game

Supreme Commander on Steam

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition

Can’t express enough, nor can I make this a full review as it would take far too long, how amazing this game is. Still survives more than 18 years after launch through the Enhanced Edition and I’ve been playing since that launch. Roleplaying online for over 15 years, as well. It continues to get amazing improvements as it goes along, and I’m excited to see how much more it can bring.

Real player with 7840.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer CRPG Games.

You know what you could be playing instead of a MMO?

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition.

Real player with 965.0 hrs in game

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition on Steam



One of those games that is both well programmed and well made to make nuclear war just another giddy joyride.

The game focuses on a world during the late 70’s and early 80’s, where nuclear war is taking place, and up to 6 nations can declare into it, the nations include The European union (and several other nations not currently in the EU) The USSR, (A and some parts of Kazakhstan) Asia (Not Ocenia, Australia, or Mongolia) Lain America (Not including Cuba) Africa, and North America including Canada and the United States.

Real player with 113.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Multiplayer Wargame Games.

This was my first game bought online on steam… years ago. It’s an an-and-off relationship, and recently I got back into it a little, and the old fever caught on again!


  • not much required in terms of specs (although it can blow the fan a lot in certain situations)

  • UI has a great visual design

  • soundtrack is fitting

  • game mechanics depend on other players to work out one way or another: good online games are common

  • interesting game modes, for example: diplomacy. Everyone sees everything at the beginning, being in one team. Who defects first? Lots of maneuvering and chit-chatting among parties and backstabbing! Oh the backstabbing! Boy did we have fun with that!

Real player with 90.3 hrs in game

DEFCON on Steam

Freedom Force

Freedom Force

A 2002 super hero game. It was near the time that I really hate EA for all the things they did to the game industry and decided to boycott the game and didn’t buy it.

From what I heard from other friends this is still a quite decently made game that drags long long time.

Despite the bad impression I got so many years ago I finnaly decided to give it a try since it’s a squad based RTS with all the different unit powers.

Yes.. it does drag on a long long time and I am finnaly near the end of it. The game itself was the way before all the super hero movies and strange heros that not native to DC or Marvel universe didn’t get much recognition.

Real player with 56.4 hrs in game

Awesome. What a fun ride. This is a very entertaining game. It’s tactics on real-time with superheroes. The graphics are totally like those you can see on comics made in the ’60s and the ’70s. Pause at any time and you will get a vignette. The developers capture the spirit of those days pretty well. The voice acting is great and sounds just like the old superhero T.V. Saturday cartoons like JLA. All here is right about the concept, the story is also good. The game itself is a top-down RPG with a lot of combat, real-time strategy with pause. Plenty of heroes with different powers that are fun to use. Varied and challenging enemies.

Real player with 45.1 hrs in game

Freedom Force on Steam

NEO Impossible Bosses

NEO Impossible Bosses

Fun game, especially if you have friends who also enjoy boss battle games. Game could use a bit more depth with character customization, but I have payed more for less of a game.

Real player with 23.2 hrs in game

Awesome game! Loved the WC3 version and this game doesn’t disappoint. Made the hotkeys super easy to use (Custom) which was a lot easier then the WC3 streching across the keyboard to cast spells. The scaling of the boss levels Normal - Hard - Impossible feels like a good step up each time. The Dev was also really helpful and responded quick to questions. Will definitely get my friends together to take on Ironman mode!

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

NEO Impossible Bosses on Steam

Original War

Original War

Brilliant game! Really well done RTS with RPG elements, with similarities to the Jagged Alliance or Commandos series. It felt a little slow paced and odd initially, but it quickly grew on me.

Instead of “building” infantry units in barracks like most other RTS games you have to work with the units you have. You’re always outnumbered, and to make up for it you must focus on resource management (gathering crates and building oil and siberite refineries), research and upgrades, and of course you have to plan your attacks so that you don’t lose units. It makes the game more exciting, involving and harder, and for people like me it adds a ton of replay value, since I wanted to beat the game with no characters losses. They won’t “resurrect”, so if you lose an important character you will miss out of dialogue, and you have to pick a weaker generic character and train it.

Real player with 148.0 hrs in game

One of the most fun and conceptually interesting RTS games I’ve ever played. It’s an Original War in more than name.

The Good Things:

Good mix of RTS and RPG mechanics. Humans are a limited resource, they do not respawn and you do not receive more than you start with. Each character can gain experience in 4 classes and can change between classes at any time in the appropriate building, retaining his experience. Some things (construction, vehicles, turrets) can be automated, removing the need for a human pilot, but computer-controlled entities are slower, shabbier and do a lot less damage than those controlled by a skilled human operator. You must always find a balance between risking irrepleaceable human staff and wasting resources on suboptimal AI control.

Real player with 139.2 hrs in game

Original War on Steam

Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

This game…

Well, I can honestly say that it is not only one of the best games I’ve ever played, but I would also dare to state that -in my opinion- this is THE best RTS of all time (possibly excluding Total Annihilation, I’ve never played that.)

Attention: If you just want to see my rating of this game, skip right down ahead to the bottom of the review.

Okay, so assuming you didn’t just skip all this, here comes a more in-depth explanation.

This is an RTS, real-time strategy, but you’ve probably already figured that out. Firstly, I will go over the base story, which is told during the opening cutscene. (You’re totally free to skip the story part too, if you want to. Just scroll right down a bit, I will mark it off with a few —-)

Real player with 401.5 hrs in game

Just a heads up, this is my first review so I apologize in advance for any suckyness. Also I have played much more off of steam. Also this goes for both games.

The best game “ever” is a very hotly disputed subject. Most people say it’s WOW, or Halo, or CS go, or COD, or Shadow of the Collosus, or some other game with a big fandom. All things considered, I say this one, because I truly believe it has (almost) every aspect of the ideal, at least strategy, game.

Great Interface

Real player with 266.0 hrs in game

Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance on Steam

The Red Solstice

The Red Solstice

I’ll skip the stuff about it beeing 8 player coop and sooo on and start talking about the stuff that might not be mentioned as often in short reviews:

The game offers multiple difficulties.. however the base difficulty is intended to be rather challenging for Players.

Which is definitly a good thing since it’s all about improving your own skill and after many defeats rewarding yourself with your very first win… somewhat darksouls-esque..


So far there’s a total of 8 classes and depending on what the player wishes to accomplish every class has one or more distinctive roles.(Tank, Healer, DmgDealer,Scout….)

Real player with 2514.4 hrs in game

I played this game when it first came out and I immediately fell in love with it.

It’s a slick tactical shooter. With hordes of alien zombies trying to kill you. Meanwhile your team of husky voiced men attempt to complete your objectives.

Again it’s a great game. I stopped playing it for some time and decided to get back into it and immediately fell back in love.

Great set of classes

Assault-great all rounder very good beginner class. he’s great with light weapons and rifles and he even smokes a cigar. Do you want to live forever?

Real player with 1210.3 hrs in game

The Red Solstice on Steam

Europa Universalis III Complete

Europa Universalis III Complete

Whee. Europa 3, like its predecessors and its cousins Hearts of Iron and Victoria (Crusader Kings as well, but that isn’t as hard to learn), is an extremely complex game that is notoriously difficult to learn, not helped by crappy tutorials. I had an edge having been playing this series since its first installment, but it still took some time to get used to everything. So right from the start expect a significant time investment on learning how to play the game, and learning to do well at it. War, Diplomacy, Trade, Exploration, and more. It’s all here.

Real player with 535.5 hrs in game

As far as I’m concerned, this is the best game ever - especially in this version with the first two additions to the game.

To a certain extent, it is comparable to the Total War games, if they only included the map mode, which would here be simplified to armies only being able to move from province to province and not within a province. However, you have a more complicated diplomacy and domestic policy to deal with.

Another thing that makes it different, and, for my taste, better than the Total War games, is the greater realism and historical accuracy - in this game you can’t just conquer everything, and it remains challenging for the more than four centuries that its timespan covers.

Real player with 492.4 hrs in game

Europa Universalis III Complete on Steam

Galactic Ruler

Galactic Ruler

I love the way they take ground combat seriously in Galactic Ruler. In most 4x space games ground combat feels like a barely thought of after thought.In Galactic Ruler its the main focus. You can be fighting large scale invasions/wars on multiple planets/moons with thousands of units on each planet/moon all at the same time.

You can automate these wars, or manage them yourself .It really shines though, once you learn the combat and manage the wars on your own.Got a tough frontline your having trouble breaking thru ? Airdrop troops behind it and cut off its supply.Got a series of close together urban areas with garrisons you just cant manage to push thru ? Bring in the art and aircraft and bombard it ,heck level it if you have to .

Real player with 583.3 hrs in game

//Update - Oct 10, 2021

Nearly a year has passed since my original review. A lot has changed with this game, but not enough. I speculate that UI design problems are ones the company are not aware of because they got used to it, while the rest of us struggle to figure it out. In time and with patience, you will also figure it out, but it will break the immersion continuously still. Lots of clicks for little things like loading units into transports. It’s just kind of bad design so far. I do have to be pretty critical about that.

Real player with 42.3 hrs in game

Galactic Ruler on Steam