Ballance: The Return

Ballance: The Return

This game is a disaster! Nothing like smooth experience of the original game. WHY do you need those stupid conversations?! And how do I exit the game? Please add exit and add an option to completely avoid all conversations.

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mouse only Action Games.

It does support keyboard control.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Ballance: The Return on Steam

Puzzle: Underwater World

Puzzle: Underwater World


Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mouse only Strategy Games.


Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Puzzle: Underwater World on Steam

SpelunKing: The Mine Match

SpelunKing: The Mine Match

Well-made Match-3 designed in a way that provides a purpose to actually playing.

You match resources to help improve buildings in town, shields to build up your puzzle solving ability, potions to refill your power-ups, and shovels to dig (warp) to different parts of the map.

It features all the standard match-3 elements, from creating bombs by matching 4 or more icons, breaking open sealed icons, eliminating all of a certain icon, ect. with the added inclusion of inventory bag upgrades to carry out loot, enhancing what you get from individual matches, treasure maps to secret areas, and such.

Real player with 53.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mouse only 2D Games.

In the end, I never met my grandma. I wonder how she looks like.

I wish that I will like this game. I like match 3 games but match 3 game is no longer fun if requires so much effort to play it. Maybe I’m lazy or maybe I’m not good in exploring places but every level took me almost or more than an hour to finish it. Also, it will be better if they allow the player to put in the number of resources to convert to coins. I have 8000++ woods and stones. If I have to convert them to coins, I have to keep clicking the ‘up’ arrow until it reaches the number.

Real player with 40.5 hrs in game

SpelunKing: The Mine Match on Steam

Count Dookie Fart

Count Dookie Fart


Real player with 36.9 hrs in game

Due to the many hours I have acquired whilst playing this modern day masterpiece. I can confidently confirm that this conglomeration of game play mechanics excellently blends together to form an experience worth sharing with the family.

The primary game play loop of shining the torch light onto the primary antagonist Count Malodorous Von Dookie-Fart has been a very addictive yet strangely satisfying experience. Seeing the count slow and drawn-out death animation provides me with a sense of euphoria due to the knowledge of the many war crimes he has committed against the state of Israel. However, one criticism I do have on this shining marble statue of a game is that we do not know about the lore behind the counts actions. Does the count have a deep yet tragic backstory detailing how he became the count we battle against in the final product? What is the backstory of our protagonist? What town is he a sheriff of? Simply so many questions that I hope will be answered in the sequel.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Count Dookie Fart on Steam



Is this game still being developed? Because it’s sooooooooooo good, if a little short (and lacking in multiplayer co-op, i’d love to go on a hunt with me and 2 other friends, swishing our better-than diamond swords around ;-;). The armoury is a huge assortment of mostly unique weapons each with a potentially unique fighting style.

The weapons are divided up in to 5 main categorys: swords, maces, flails, guns and axes, note: there are a few other things that don’t exactly fit in to any of the categories and also a fair few misc usables and things flails have chains and can deal a massive impact on a direct blow, the chains are normally a fair amount longer than the other weapons, and therefore have more reach, the swords seem to be a little weak as they can not deal a huge stunning crush like the axes and maces and flails, but still have a greater balance which makes it easier to aim when coupled with guns, oh and i forgot to mention, you can combine any 2 weapons together to make a combo weapon thing, quite fun! There are not too many guns (There are 5 guns to be precise) and it’s not easy to just use them as they are, they have an infinite amount of ammo, but the reloads are long and tend to have only 5-20 ammo cap. They are unfortunately over powered when in the AI’s hands as they seem to have aim-hacks and a much faster cooldown etc. The axes are sort of a combo between maces and swords, and can deal a crushing blow like the mace, whilst still capable of the alacrity contained by the sword. The maces are a great way to start of your learning, easy to handle and deal a crushing hit, but not so useful late-game.

Real player with 217.1 hrs in game

Criminally underappreciated! This game is packing more quality pound for pound than most others. It’s a real diamond in the rough, and it certainly is rough, but it offers so much that you can’t find in other games. I don’t think that there’s any other game that uses its thematic style, for one thing. It seems vaguely middle eastern but not really, vaguely steampunk but not really. It’s just endlessly interesting. The engine, too, is astounding considering how little it’s talked about. It’s so robust that it enables crazy things to occur. I once hit a guy so hard that, in the endlessly looping arena, he passed over my head multiple times before he hit the ground. It really is amazing. The game has so much replay value, too. You start out with only the ability to do your story missions as an almost nameless grunt, but you unlock the ability to buy weapons and go on hunts. Eventually you’re decked out in ornate armor and weaponry, with titles so long that they take half a minute to list. It never stops being satisfying. Definitely buy this game. 5 bucks is a steal.

Real player with 64.3 hrs in game

Hammerfight on Steam



I thoroughly enjoyed this game. between the cute enemies, the neat little story line, and the seemingly simple puzzle mechanic of mimicking the limitations of a Chess Knight - I was quite satisfied. My brain got an excellent work out from it. Took me almost 4 hours to beat, but i missed out on whatever happens if you beat it with all the coins - lost them dying in the last level (facepalm) so I have to play again. (not complaining) –- the soundtrack is a good bop too.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Knightmare on Steam

Mind Games

Mind Games

Mind Games is a puzzle game that states that it will exercise your mind, but to the point where you want to pull your hair out.


The graphics remind me of the nostalgia 90s pc games. Some are crisp and some are cheap. Not much detail going on.


This is a mixed subject, as some people have said that they ripped music from other pc games. Reviewing it standalone, it is basically Midi-style music. The problem is, when you minimize and maximize the game, the music changes and/or repeats itself, which is annoying.

Real player with 32.3 hrs in game

Игра представляет из себя сборник головоломок, некоторые из которых я даже ни разу не видел в бесплатных браузерках.

Список всего напиханного очень обширен и проходить это все можно очень долго.

Здесь и пятнашки, и двухмерный кубик рубика, и задачки с расстановкой шахмат, и судоку, и т.д., но проблема в том, что почти каждый тип задач встречается в игре около десяти раз без значительного отличия одной задачи от другой.

Приходится десять раз отыгрывать мадагаскарские шашки, десять раз собирать магические квадраты из домино (причем, если не сильно вдаваться в математику и возможные комбинации, то каждый раз придется сидеть по полчаса-час над одинаковой задачей…), и так далее.

Real player with 23.8 hrs in game

Mind Games on Steam

Mining Empire: Earth Resources

Mining Empire: Earth Resources

Honestly, the thought process for the game is there but the execution was horrible.

It is also not optimized for widescreen, text, sliders, and buttons will be missing and unavailable.

total scam of $9

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

This is a day 1 review, and the question I am answering is on day 1, in it’s current state, do I recommend purchasing this game? Since this game is day 1, in early access, I will come back in a later time to review it again. This review is not final.


An interesting premise

I really can’t think of much else


No sound, no music. Just absolute silence.

Visuals are just a map and some stock pictures. If you are expecting more, ou won’t find it here.

I can’t even see where the fun will be at. (Will discuss further down below)

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Mining Empire: Earth Resources on Steam

Mountain Trap: The Manor of Memories

Mountain Trap: The Manor of Memories

I rather nice casual point-and-click adventure, with lovely music and graphics, and a pleasant, slow pace. There are hidden-object scenes and puzzle mini-games, but the bulk of the gameplay is in the point-and-click adventure.

Unfortunately, though there is a lot to do in this game, it all takes place in a rather limited number of scenes. Another deficiency is the stilted English text and poor voice acting.

The story is not very interesting, although it does have surprises. It’s also unfinished, though note that the sequel, Mountain Trap 2, seems to have been made by a different team and is quite a different game. It also only indirectly provides closure for the story here.

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

The only thing that was good about this game was the ending.

after almost 3 hours of boredom i finally get to the ending and lookie here… it was a cliff hanger preparing for the second part….


ok art work

ok game play time (almost 3 hours for the main story)


very very boring…. i almost fell to sleep

no bonus chapter

very bland and boring voice acting… the voice is sooo low.. and with russian accent… it sounded like the women were recording while hiding in a room and trying not to wake someone up…. very annoying -.-"

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Mountain Trap: The Manor of Memories on Steam

Super Turbo Demon Busters!

Super Turbo Demon Busters!

Get Dead Shell on Android

Honestly the game itself is pretty addicting, i just don’t see why anyone would buy the version with less content.

Dead shell, fits the “games as a service” model, it got updates and with them more content.

while STD Busters gets 125 levels from whatever version they added on steam.

The only thing extra you might want to check out of curiosity are the two endings, as opposed to the mobile endless mode.

In any case both version work the same, a simplified rogue-lite almost converted to a clicker game.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game


  • A rogue-like inspired by Doom and ALIEN that pokes fun at some of the tropes

  • Play through and collect marine, weapon, and demon cards to add variety to your session


– Costly upgrade system over the more convenient level promotion from previous game

– You may end up fighting uphill battles by the moment you enter a map

– Poor exframe engineering

”Super Turbo Demon Busters!” may not have the conveniences from its predecessor, but there sure is some entertainment to be had here with no doubt. Because ”Super Turbo Demon Busters!” is a good rogue-like/Doom-satire to lose track of time with when you want to go blasting away demons methodically. So even if you end up fighting cybered up monsters who can tear your medic apart, you will still have a blast while doing so.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Super Turbo Demon Busters! on Steam