Best Plumber

Best Plumber

Plain and simple connecting tube.

In Best Plumber, you connect pipes from a pump to a container.

Do it quickly and get three stars.

You must be fast enough to get three stars in all levels.

Some levels I had to reload several times before the end.

There is nothing complicated and also super cheap.

The withdrawal game is well worth the money.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mouse only Family Friendly Games.

Wow. If you liked Pipe Dream in the 90s, you’ll enjoy the similarities.

My biggest complaint is that the pipes can be hard to click on and not always respond as you expect. This means that if you are trying to go for 3 stars on all levels, you’ll start having trouble in the mid-high 20s as the timer is much shorter if you don’t get the ideal path.

There IS a glitch that seems pretty bad. If you set up a line of pipes, the water might not go through all of them even if they are linked. To fix this, flip the problematic pipe and you’re good to go.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Best Plumber on Steam



I do not recommend this game. This is because firstly, it’s controls were created with mobile playing in mind, not computer. This causes trouble when you try to scroll with your mouse which will provide an infinitesimal amount of help. Secondly, the amount of work you have to do to earn money in the game is ridiculous. One click equals a ten thousandth of a bitcoin. At the beginning of your play session the value of one bitcoin (in the game) is ~$12,000. That means one click equals ~1.2 dollars at that time. The cheapest upgrade to buy is a GTX 1050ti for 750 in-game dollars. That graphics card in the game gives you 0.0005 bitcoin/minute. An approximate average click-speed per second is ~6. So for 625 clicks, you receive 5 free clicks per minute. If you apply that average 6 clicks per second without factoring fatigue for 625 clicks, it would take you 104 seconds. You can have about 10 graphics cards at one time, but their is yet another problem that happens with the GPU’s. Thirdly, the game is saturated with bugs. The biggest ones are when you TRY to replace a graphics card or processor. If you used up all of your GPU slots with crappy GTX 1050ti’s, you cannot swap them out for GTX 1080’s, or any graphics card for that matter. You are stuck with your 0.005 free bitcoin/minute with all of this GPUs combined. Also, the game lets you downgrade your CPU! Another bad thing about this game is that it is purely optimised for mobile gameplay, even though it is a desktop game! Although i am not even half empty with the salt this game has provided me with, i have decided to give up on criticising it because i don’t care enough about it. I cannot recommend this game.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mouse only 2D Games.

I’d advise to wait until this is further developed, there is so little choices I found it more fun using an autoclicker :-(

by limited (as of now, they will be added a lot more)

your selection

1 motherboard.. 2 cpu’s since the first you get automatically… 5 video cards.

by the way apperently these guys think amd cards are twice the price of Nvidea… hope the dont make asics cost so much

my auto clicker beats it.

looks to be fun but after 10 minutes its just too primitive as of right now, it will get better I have no doubt..

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Bitcoin on Steam

Lair Hockey

Lair Hockey

good fast paced gameplay with nice difficulty(key is to keep going at it) and varied environments

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mouse only Action Games.

This game really needs an infinite life option. The checkpoints are un-charitable enough that it’d still be a challenging experience, and one that’d be less frustrating. Also I have no idea how to get past level 2.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Lair Hockey on Steam

Tech Support: Error Unknown

Tech Support: Error Unknown

Hey, it’s either pay for repairs or get a better warranty.

In Tech Support: Error Unknown, you land a job in a phone company called Quasar Telecommunications. Becoming part of (you guessed it) the tech support team, you start out as a level one technician. After learning the ropes and reading up on the Quasar Wiki (or deciding to just wing it), you’ll be able to try and solve the customer’s problem. At first, you’ll only deal with giving out solutions the customer can do at home and if that doesn’t work or they’re not comfortable doing it themselves (like changing their screen which, yah, I get) or escalating it to a level 2 technician. You’ll only be able to interact with the customers with a pre-approved chat menu that will give out generic messages that correspond with the option you choose. This not only makes it easier on the player so you won’t get frustrated over the customers not recognizing what you’re saying and also shows how Quasar operates. They want their support to be fast and not able to speak out about anything else, especially if the customer is insulting them.

Real player with 29.4 hrs in game

So this game is sitting on both ends of the spectrum. On one hand, it’s a fun and hilariously too real sim for anyone who has worked customer service in general. Example:

Me: Hi! I’m with Quasar! What seems to be the problem?

Customer: My fone doesnt woek

Me: (Internally, yeah I figured that’s why you’re calling you idiot) Oh no! What happened?

Customer: I don’t know, these things happen! FIX IT.


The game lets you balance support tickets, figuring out what various issues are and solutions. Some customers are reasonable, others are incredibly obtuse. The game is hilarious in this regard and the game play offers different kinds of upgrades to keep things interesting and give you a sense of progression.

Real player with 22.2 hrs in game

Tech Support: Error Unknown on Steam

Gun Master

Gun Master

Gun Master is an independent game of strategic shooting type.There are many game levels, and it has a wealth of firearms.

How to play

Use the mouse to adjust the shooting angle on the screen, and then click the left mouse button to fire.


The number of game levels is very large, as the game progresses, there will be different weapons and scene props

Gun Master on Steam

Out of the Park Baseball 20

Out of the Park Baseball 20

UPDATE - 1/16/21 I guess after almost 2000 hours on just this version they don’t want me anymore. I had a game playing while walking my dog. When came back the game was uninstalled and no other games did that ever.

This is a formerly great game that I have nominated in prior years for Steam Awards. I got it many years from OOTP and the last few years on Steam. It was my favorite game. When OOTP started making what they call Perfect Team they took resources away from the game that made them famous to work on that part rather than the main games and thus OOTP began a decent in quality. All updates it seemed at the end of last year were for their new gimmick PT which I have no interest in. Bugs went unfixed. This year the release was in worse shape than last year and the vast majority of work appears to be on PT so the game is worse than it has been in years in my opinion. I really liked the guys on the OOTP team in the past. It looks like they got greedy though and trying to cash in on player decks and other garbage that has nothing to do with what made them great. I’ll play this version as long as possible and am done buying new versions. They lack the interest in the main game.

Real player with 2091.9 hrs in game

Purchased day one as I have with the last two iterations. Long story short I recommend 10/10

Pros over OOTP 19:

1. This version is SO MUCH more efficient when playing or really doing anything! Last years version completely bogged down my CPU and GPU so it was impossible to do anything else multi-media related while in-game. OOTP 20 is a dream to run. I think the developers took A LOT of time with optimizing the game for this update. Last years version was painfully slow by comparison.

2. Spray chart is excellent! I appreciated this addition to the game. When you play the same game for a while with ficticious players you learn about many of them. However the spray chart for batting is excellent regardless.

Real player with 690.8 hrs in game

Out of the Park Baseball 20 on Steam

Epic Adventures: La Jangada

Epic Adventures: La Jangada

The dialogue is written for those who prefer to turn off the volume and narrated by a woman whose voice was not irritating to me. I turned off the music though left the sounds on low - some of them made me take off my headphones to check if it was going on at home :D

There are lots of objects to find and make no mistake, some of them are so well hidden that I had to use hints here and there. Selecting objects could be very touchy and I would like to see a fix for that. The mini games are definitely varied and for the most part enjoyable. There were 2 that I skipped because I was too impatient. I finished the game and will probably play it again down the road just to see if I can finish without hints. Achievements being added would improve the experience (Hint to the devs) The graphics aren’t as polished as some, but I was okay with that.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Despite serious gameplay problems, this classic has enough charm to make it an enjoyable experience for fans of hidden-object games.

The story is an adaptation of Jules Verne’s lesser known novel, Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon. It is beautifully narrated, rather than acted, by a voice actor. The drawings, music, and sound selections for the most part fit the mood very well. You will be transported to the time and place.

The gameplay is almost entirely hidden-object scenes. There are puzzles, too, but they are very few and simple. Unfortunately the hidden-object scenes are often frustrating. They are difficult not because of cleverly chosen hiding locations, but because many of the objects are just very tiny. With the resolution being as low as it, it means that often you are looking for just a handful of pixels! Combine that with having to click very precisely on the object’s pixels and you can see this not being very fun. There is a “hint” button to make the frustration stop, but nobody who is dedicated to these kinds of games would appreciate having to use it.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Epic Adventures: La Jangada on Steam

Princess of Tavern Collector’s Edition

Princess of Tavern Collector’s Edition

I was fooled by good reviews and a decent sale price last winter. This isn’t that great of a game.

Also as someone who likes to top off 100% achievements, I’ve been dealing with a bugged achievement on my game that is supposed to be awarded upon completion of the main storyline. It wasn’t. Dev has not expressed any interest in addressing this or other bugs that occur during gameplay.

Can’t recommend this title in good faith.

Overall gaming experience: 4/10

But considering the bugs: 3/10

Real player with 15.2 hrs in game

Clunky, feels more like repeating similar structured levels rather than variations, and the levels seem obnoxiously long rather than hard at times. 2.5/5

Good concepts, mini games are a right amount of difficult for achievements and it’s a good game for achievement hunters who like casuals. Just know you will spend hours on it that it likely didn’t need to have.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Princess of Tavern Collector's Edition on Steam



I will NOT indulge this time into talking about the translations of this game - I think that every review of mine has a small section dedicated to my native tongue, when it’s available, and this game is translated into Italian too among dozens of other languages. Needless to say, the translation is horrible.

Some weird site told me “zhulik” stands for “rogue” in Russian but I won’t even spend too much time into this.

If you are looking for achievements, this game has 19 of them and they can be obtainable within 30-40 minutes: they require to farm money by clicking the correspondant button, and with that money you’ll have to buy some upgrades and few other things. I think it’s impossible not to 100% this game.

Real player with 187.2 hrs in game

this game should be enjoyed by all persons on this planet for its 60 minute playtime

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Zhulik.exe on Steam

Against the Gradient

Against the Gradient

This game annoys me. It covers only four real transporters, and the rest are “nanobots” (so they can transport chemicals in both directions). And these two-way transporters work ONLY from higher to lower concentrations, rather than evening the concentrations in an only statistical sense, like in real cells. In that sense, I’d consider it “educational” only in the barest sense, and it’s not super-fun as a game either – but it could be. The only reason I’m voting “yes” is that with so few reviews a negative one would be devastating, and I’d like to see this improved upon. Surely a more complicated (and more realistic) cell-management game could be a lot of fun AND very educational.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Interesting way of apllying learning to a game. The idea is reatively simiple and straight forward, get the germs from point A to point B. Of course luck will play a hug part in this game. Either way it is still woth the time for younger children as they can learn a thing or two while playing so for that reason I recommend the game!

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Against the Gradient on Steam