

I don’t recommend this game as it feels like the cheap version of “osu!” and “osu!” is superior to it in every way possible. For starters lets take a look at the description from store page “DotX is a ‘mouse only’ game, where you will challenge your ability to control the mouse, as well as verify your emotional resistance.” sure I can agree with mouse control ability and emotional resistance if You’re planing to 100% the game but whats the point of improving Your “mouse control ability” in this type of game especially when You can just play “osu!”. It’s a bit different than “osu!” because here You don’t click the buttons to the rhythm but You can just play “osu!” with relax mod and it’d be much better. First of all improving Your aim in this type of game won’t help You in FPS games that much. Second thing is that even if it improves Your aim for “osu!” types of games, most people play “osu!” with graphic tablets as it’s much easier so there’s no point of improving Your aim in this particular game. It doesn’t support graphical tablets in any way. I’ve tried setting up my tablet as mouse cursor and it didn’t work for me. There aren’t many mods that modify the gameplay and they act like mods in “osu!”. There aren’t many settings changes that You can do and it feels like cursor change is the most limited one. First of all developer couldn’t implement it so that after the cursor change it doesn’t change its position which makes changing the cursor a little longer. Second of all only the first default cursor has no such thing called as “cursor tail” in “osu!”. In “osu!” different skins have the cursor tail depending of the skin author preference which You can remove by simply removing file in skin folder. What’s the point of having 10 different cursors if there’s no option to turn off cursor tail. Sure its a personal preference but there could be at least option to switch it on and off. I don’t understand adding 10 different cursors and the only 1st default one having no cursor tail. I know its just a cheap indie game but it doesn’t feel like there was much effort put into it. I’ve seen many other games that were 2x cheaper and still were more polished than this. There are 100 levels and they aren’t sorted by difficulty also most of the levels are mirrored. I’m not saying “all” but “most” of them. Completing some of the levels with all the mods to get achievements are nearly impossible. “Approach rate” and “circle size” with mods on in some levels just feel like they weren’t tested. Overall I don’t recommend this game because there’s a much better and free alternative.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mouse only Difficult Games.

Really fun game. Level 100 is the real challenge.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

DotX on Steam

NCradle: An 80s Synth Adventure

NCradle: An 80s Synth Adventure

Very fun, if short game with a great soundtrack.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mouse only Hacking Games.

NCradle: An 80s Synth Adventure on Steam

Nancy Drew®: Labyrinth of Lies

Nancy Drew®: Labyrinth of Lies

it’s okay! i probably would’ve given it a thumbs down if i’d played it before midnight in salem, but it’s definitely better than midnight in salem.

my main complaint is the pacing and the amount of spoon-feeding. there are a lot of nd games where you are sort of led gently through the story, but this one feels less like you’re driving it and more like it’s being told to you with puzzles. most of the major breakthroughs don’t feel like things that you did yourself, but that might just be me. that being said, the sets are pretty, if a little immersion-breaking. the characters vary in quality imo.

Real player with 44.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mouse only Funny Games.

This morning I was fired from my job after 25 years of working there. My boss had retired and let this POS college grad with $200,000 in student debt and an ego the size of Texas take over, firing everyone over the age of 35 in order to “progress the company into the next century.” FCK YOU, CHAD! FCK YOU AND YOUR PORSCHE YOUR DAD BOUGHT YOU! Have fun looking for the huge sh*t I took in your wiper fluid container!!!

TlDr Nancy Drew 8/10 Would recommend

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

Nancy Drew®: Labyrinth of Lies on Steam

A Rite from the Stars

A Rite from the Stars

This is a very well designed exploratory adventure for all ages, with a nostalgic feel, but enough challenge to keep adults entertained for hours. It skirts the line between a point-and-click adventure and a platformer, and has plenty of collectibles and challenging achievements.

Also: The level of detail that has gone into the available DLC is simply incredible.

Real player with 89.2 hrs in game

[Note: Game completed with a walkthough]

The Game is good, minus the maze in wisdom, and that orbiting level in spirit.

The music is nice, I think I’ll buy the DLC thing. the art has this feeling of being from the early 2000’s but I like it.

The universe is cool, and I cannot wait for the eventual titles of “A Left from the Stars”, “A Straight from the Stars”, “A U-Turn from the Stars” and maybe “A Wrong from the Stars”

My money was well spent.

Real player with 29.6 hrs in game

A Rite from the Stars on Steam

Nancy Drew®: The Final Scene

Nancy Drew®: The Final Scene

ah, the theater! the stars! an audience’s anticipation! set designs! lights! positions! murder…? having only fully played 6 Nancy Drew games at ‘press time’ (quite fitting since Nancy’s friend is a reporter in “The Final Scene”), this one is among my top 2 favorites. (*note: i foresee the 7th i’m currently engaged in becoming my #1, although i’m not here to jump the gun… unless someone points it at me as Nancy, bwuahaha!) all jokes aside, the story line is immediately compelling, unlike any i have yet encountered in this game series. while each player’s preference differs, i found the puzzles less frustrating than in other releases. the characters/ suspects were most engaging, regardless of loving/ hating them. as a critic/ player, i extend rave reviews!

Real player with 24.4 hrs in game

Wow this one is a shining star among the early Nancy Drew games. You are thrown right into the action; no introductory dialogue that bores you to sleep, no obnoxiously long cut-scenes or menial tasks. Instead, the most exciting missing persons case in any Nancy Drew game I’ve played begins and from the first second to the final moments you are viciously tracking a kidnapper that always seems one step ahead, always taunting you with their stupid, low voice. The game is short but I will take a short and intuitive Nancy game over a long, frustrating and drawn-out one any day. There is a three-day time limit that puts the game nicely into a three-act structure. As you uncover new clues and puzzles, the time is always running out. The last day even has an actual timer that counts down to destruction ominously. I liked the characters, they weren’t the strongest I’ve encountered but how can you beat Henrik am I right? The thing that sets a good Nancy game apart from the rabble for me is whether or not you need a game guide to find your way around it. This is a classic example of a game that doesn’t require one, and is honestly a lot more fun because of it. 9/10

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Nancy Drew®: The Final Scene on Steam

Nancy Drew®: Ransom of the Seven Ships

Nancy Drew®: Ransom of the Seven Ships

The game itself is cool, with a great story, extremely pretty locations, and you can even go scuba diving! Awesome! :D

Even though I’ve recommended this game, though, there are still a lot of disappointments in this one. The worst being the puzzles. As far as the puzzles go, it’s a 1/10 for me. The majority of the puzzles in this game are AWFUL. Like decoding a journal, the solution to it just makes no sense whatsoever. And there’s too many numbers and math puzzles in this game. There were so many, it almost makes the game too boring and frustrating to play. If the actual game had been as bad as the puzzles, I definitely would not have recommended this. But the story was absolutely brilliant, 10/10, and, for me, is what won me over. There was gorgeous scenery, exciting scuba diving, you can dig for treasure and use a metal detector to find stuff, and you can even play as Georgia Fayne at one point! I love it when you get to switch and play as different characters, and this game comes with actual steam achievements! :) You actually even get to see a little bit of what Nancy looks like, too! You don’t see her face, or anything, but you do see her hair, when you’re digging in the sand, or rock climbing, it’s the same thing for Georgia. I wish Her Interactive would actually let us see what Nancy looks like. Would be nice to see the face of the person we are playing as :D

Real player with 32.1 hrs in game

tl;dr: Like with Sudoku, if you’ve played any Nancy Drew game, you’ve played all of them. Recommend if that’s your bag, pass if it isn’t.

The draw of Nancy Drew is, even though the series isn’t wildly imaginative or groundbreaking in terms of point-and-click adventure games, there’s a comfortable consistency to each installment. The art style has been identical across all 35-or-whatever-they’re-up-to-now games, such that it feels like they were all made in the early 2000s and are just slowly getting released for marketing reasons. Only one or two episodes I’ve played so far have deviated drastically from the core gameplay, one being a Nintendo DS release (aimed toward very young players and not nearly on the same level as the main series).

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

Nancy Drew®: Ransom of the Seven Ships on Steam

Nancy Drew®: Secret of the Scarlet Hand

Nancy Drew®: Secret of the Scarlet Hand

Not one of my favourites. i' say the characters are better than they are in the average Nancy Drew game and the story itself unfolds really well with some great twists in it, but in the end the setting and the atmosphere were a bit of a let-down. The puzzles were too easy and I never once got that feeling of accomplishment when you crack a difficult challenge. There’s also a lot of studying to do in this one. The puzzles require you to track back and forth through the museum reading the displays and taking plenty of notes which might put some people off. Personally I don’t mind the studying, but you’re pretty much required to have some interest in Mayan culture if you’re going to enjoy this one.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

I’ve heard a wide variety of different opinions concerning Secret of the Scarlet Hand as I’ve made my way through the Nancy Drew series. Some people seem to really enjoy it. Others seem to hate it. Me…I end up leaning more towards the latter. This is not a terrible game by any standards, but I definitely think it’s one of the weakest entries in the entire franchise. I would still recommend it to anyone who enjoys ND games, but it’s definitely one that you don’t need to rush into playing.

There will be Spoilers, you’ve been warned:

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Nancy Drew®: Secret of the Scarlet Hand on Steam

Nancy Drew®: The Captive Curse

Nancy Drew®: The Captive Curse

This was my first ever Nancy Drew game and now I’m hooked! I thought this game was going to be really corny and the characters looked silly, but i was intrugued by the German castle setting and i love point and click puzzle games which are so hard to find! I wasn’t expecting much from the game and i was very pleased. Some of the puzzles i ended up looking up clues for online, but found if i would of just tried a little more i would of gotten them. But overall i found them challenging and fun. I liked many aspects of the game, which i think really sold it to me.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

♥ Spooky spooky.

The first time I played Captive Curse, I was absolutely terrified.

Though the game firmly keeps with being family friendly, it does an excellent job of conveying the castle and its array of characters fear. From the dark atomsphere to the animal skull in the dungeon to the monster lurking outside the castle walls, replaying it gave me the shivers!

If you’d like to play a spookier Nancy Drew game, this one makes for a great choice.

♥ Love the mini games.

Usually I tend to skip the mini games unless they’re directly related to clearing a task or two. Playing Raid? Killing cows in search of the hidden monster? Loved them! The two mini games added a great amount of replay value to the game. Admittedly I wouldn’t mind if they made more of the mini games as fun as those two!

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Nancy Drew®: The Captive Curse on Steam

Nancy Drew®: The Creature of Kapu Cave

Nancy Drew®: The Creature of Kapu Cave

This is the only nancy drew game i have played so far. Some puzzles in the game made no sense and others you had to die a million times to figure out. The Plot seems to lack a few things but it was okay..they couldve added more. sadly the villian characters stood out like a soar thumb. if it had built more into the story line and characters it wouldve been better. Making Characters more mysterious and harder to read, adding puzzles that acually had hints, better ways to buy/ find items (took forever to find certain things). what i hated the most was listeing to the characters lines, there is no skip option for that so everything i already read had to be spoken again and agian. The only reason i like this game is because its point and click. other than thats its a super easy game with stupid problem solving puzzles that are easy as fuck or just impossibe without a walkthrough. 2 outta 5. if you like point and click puzzle games try it out. it may have flaws but surprisingly out of all the stress it put me ethrough i still enjoyed playing.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

I really wish I hadn’t bought this. I absolutely love the Nancy Drew games, and I grew up on Maui, so I thought “Hey, I love Her Interactive, they haven’t let me down before, and I miss Maui and my family, it’d be nice to have a little reminder of home. This’ll be perfect for me, right?!”. But, no. I was wrong. So wrong.

I had actually bought a physical copy of this game when it first came out. However, I was still in Maui at that time, and I had a bunch of other ND titles I still hadn’t played yet, so it got put off. And eventually I moved, one of the discs got lost somewhere along the way, and I couldn’t play it. Recently, I got some birthday money, I found that the ND games were starting to be put on STEAM, and I thought “Oh, perfect! I’ll FINALLY be able to play it!!” But the hype was short-lived. The searching for shells, the fishing, making necklaces, etc. were nice and calming, but they got boring and tedious very fast. ND characters are usually all so vibrant, varied, and interesting, so at first I thought these ones would be the same, especially with the interesting concept introduced at the very beginning of doing stuff, getting novelty money, doing more stuff, and repeat. I mean, it wasn’t the most fun, but it was an interesting concept at least.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Nancy Drew®: The Creature of Kapu Cave on Steam

Nancy Drew®: The Haunted Carousel

Nothing really haunting - but a lot of riddles to solve.

In this episode of Nancy drew you have to find out why an old carousel is going bump in the night. Since there was a piece of it stolen it start’s to run on it’s own will - or so it seems.

Again the game uses the standard routines of interviewing people, talking with friends and try to solve riddles in the amusement park. All to soon it comes clear that all of the people you can interview might have a motive.

Technically this game is a point and click adventure, the game is aimed for younger female audiences, but again it’s playable for all who like adventure and puzzle games. This series is famous for the sometimes creepy stories that are involved. Oh… have I told you that you can have serious accidents during the adventure? No… well… Now you know! Have fun bashing in your head. Don’t worry since there is a cute replay option, something we urgently need in real life.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Replaying this was an unexpectedly pleasant surprise, because this was the game that caused my Nancy Drew burnout ~10 years ago. It seemed boring to me, probably because there wasn’t as much of a history focus outside of the history of carousels and is set in a lame, drab amusement park. This time around, I thought it was a pretty strong entry to the series.

I remember having some trouble with the puzzles before, which I breezed through this time. As you need full access to the park to carry out an investigation, you receive a handbook that covers various topics relevant to puzzles throughout the game, including use of a lathe, Ohm’s law, soldering, and more. I think the handbook seemed overwhelming the first time, but it’s really not. There was a small programming-related puzzle, too. I learned a bit of programming since the my first play, so I wasn’t confused by that puzzle except that it didn’t actually make much sense (you had to write a game update into the code, which was done by making the update name the parameter of the gameover function). It was a nice thought, but that could have been a better puzzle that taught more than it did.

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

Nancy Drew®: The Haunted Carousel on Steam