Nancy Drew®: The Captive Curse

Nancy Drew®: The Captive Curse

This was my first ever Nancy Drew game and now I’m hooked! I thought this game was going to be really corny and the characters looked silly, but i was intrugued by the German castle setting and i love point and click puzzle games which are so hard to find! I wasn’t expecting much from the game and i was very pleased. Some of the puzzles i ended up looking up clues for online, but found if i would of just tried a little more i would of gotten them. But overall i found them challenging and fun. I liked many aspects of the game, which i think really sold it to me.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mouse only Great Soundtrack Games.

♥ Spooky spooky.

The first time I played Captive Curse, I was absolutely terrified.

Though the game firmly keeps with being family friendly, it does an excellent job of conveying the castle and its array of characters fear. From the dark atomsphere to the animal skull in the dungeon to the monster lurking outside the castle walls, replaying it gave me the shivers!

If you’d like to play a spookier Nancy Drew game, this one makes for a great choice.

♥ Love the mini games.

Usually I tend to skip the mini games unless they’re directly related to clearing a task or two. Playing Raid? Killing cows in search of the hidden monster? Loved them! The two mini games added a great amount of replay value to the game. Admittedly I wouldn’t mind if they made more of the mini games as fun as those two!

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Nancy Drew®: The Captive Curse on Steam

Angle Soccer

Angle Soccer

Funny and thought-provoking :)

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mouse only Logic Games.

Very cool game. The art is simple, but the levels are quite challenging.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Angle Soccer on Steam

Nancy Drew®: Message in a Haunted Mansion

Nancy Drew®: Message in a Haunted Mansion

I remember why I don’t like these early games. Between the weird characters, old graphics, and dull plot it does little to excite. Worst of all, I found myself having to call for help every other second because the gameplay is so arbitrary. It is mostly a guessing game, and I still have no idea if I did everything I was supposed to. I know I missed the seance, which caused me to worry that I was going to have to restart the whole game, but I managed to finish it. My interactions with Abby were just non-existent. Also, the dumbest second chance in the series has to be Louis realizing you snooped through his stuff simply by you saying you saw a phrase in a book. It could be any book Mr. Guilty. Overall, I wish I had just saved the $3 and ignored this game.

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Mouse only Classic Games.

The second Nancy Drew game I’m (re)playing and the third in the series, although I don’t think I ever played this one before.

It takes place in San Francisco, but you spend the whole time in a Victorian mansion that a friend of a the Drew family’s housekeeper is trying to renovate to turn into a B&B. Something I like about the Nancy Drew games is how they try to incorporate the history and culture of a place. This one features a bit of Wild West/Gold Rush history (with made-up characters for the game) along with the influence of Chinese immigrants. In fact, get a notebook out if you play this, because a game-long puzzle has you collecting Chinese characters (which the game told me are called hanzi) that you will need to be able to distinguish. My Chinese handwriting is way better than my handwriting with the latin alphabet, but I also spent like 10x the time and effort.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Nancy Drew®: Message in a Haunted Mansion on Steam

Super Welder

Super Welder

So bad it’s good

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Super Welder on Steam



I will NOT indulge this time into talking about the translations of this game - I think that every review of mine has a small section dedicated to my native tongue, when it’s available, and this game is translated into Italian too among dozens of other languages. Needless to say, the translation is horrible.

Some weird site told me “zhulik” stands for “rogue” in Russian but I won’t even spend too much time into this.

If you are looking for achievements, this game has 19 of them and they can be obtainable within 30-40 minutes: they require to farm money by clicking the correspondant button, and with that money you’ll have to buy some upgrades and few other things. I think it’s impossible not to 100% this game.

Real player with 187.2 hrs in game

this game should be enjoyed by all persons on this planet for its 60 minute playtime

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Zhulik.exe on Steam




Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Brilliant and fun game! Classic point and click with great humor, weird story, just the right kind of madness and entertaining puzzles to solve. I find it strange that this game hasn’t gotten more notice. I feel I stumbled upon a hidden gem and it made this rainy cold saturday pretty perfect.

Some of the translations are a bit off, but it doesn’t bother me. I recommend this to all that love point and click, quirky humor and solving nutty puzzles.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

3 GEEKS on Steam

Nancy Drew®: Alibi in Ashes

Nancy Drew®: Alibi in Ashes

♥ Steam overlay.

Thank you! I really appreciate the fact that Alibi in Ashes has an overlay that works, unlike some of the older titles. There’s nothing more annoying than when I want to reply to a message or

! look up a cheat and find myself locked in the game.

One bonus is when I encountered parts I found boring, such as having to listen to all the witness statements, I could open up the overlay and google something instead, all without pausing the game itself.

♥ Love the plot.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

I really liked this game. It was very unique with how you played as Ned, George and Bess to help Nancy while she was locked in the clink. I do wish that there were more places in River Heights that you could travel other than the few places that were allowed. I also did not like that fact that in order to change characters you had to call Nancy. It would have been an easier transition if you could have that options regardless of who you were talking to at the time. I didn’t like the journal feature as much as I remember from previous games. Instead of the journal having clues the Nancy was needing to remember, it was a lot of information that wasn’t necessary, which may have been the point. The puzzles were really fun to figure out and I liked the story.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Nancy Drew®: Alibi in Ashes on Steam

Nancy Drew®: Labyrinth of Lies

Nancy Drew®: Labyrinth of Lies

it’s okay! i probably would’ve given it a thumbs down if i’d played it before midnight in salem, but it’s definitely better than midnight in salem.

my main complaint is the pacing and the amount of spoon-feeding. there are a lot of nd games where you are sort of led gently through the story, but this one feels less like you’re driving it and more like it’s being told to you with puzzles. most of the major breakthroughs don’t feel like things that you did yourself, but that might just be me. that being said, the sets are pretty, if a little immersion-breaking. the characters vary in quality imo.

Real player with 44.3 hrs in game

This morning I was fired from my job after 25 years of working there. My boss had retired and let this POS college grad with $200,000 in student debt and an ego the size of Texas take over, firing everyone over the age of 35 in order to “progress the company into the next century.” FCK YOU, CHAD! FCK YOU AND YOUR PORSCHE YOUR DAD BOUGHT YOU! Have fun looking for the huge sh*t I took in your wiper fluid container!!!

TlDr Nancy Drew 8/10 Would recommend

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

Nancy Drew®: Labyrinth of Lies on Steam

Nancy Drew®: The Creature of Kapu Cave

Nancy Drew®: The Creature of Kapu Cave

This is the only nancy drew game i have played so far. Some puzzles in the game made no sense and others you had to die a million times to figure out. The Plot seems to lack a few things but it was okay..they couldve added more. sadly the villian characters stood out like a soar thumb. if it had built more into the story line and characters it wouldve been better. Making Characters more mysterious and harder to read, adding puzzles that acually had hints, better ways to buy/ find items (took forever to find certain things). what i hated the most was listeing to the characters lines, there is no skip option for that so everything i already read had to be spoken again and agian. The only reason i like this game is because its point and click. other than thats its a super easy game with stupid problem solving puzzles that are easy as fuck or just impossibe without a walkthrough. 2 outta 5. if you like point and click puzzle games try it out. it may have flaws but surprisingly out of all the stress it put me ethrough i still enjoyed playing.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

I really wish I hadn’t bought this. I absolutely love the Nancy Drew games, and I grew up on Maui, so I thought “Hey, I love Her Interactive, they haven’t let me down before, and I miss Maui and my family, it’d be nice to have a little reminder of home. This’ll be perfect for me, right?!”. But, no. I was wrong. So wrong.

I had actually bought a physical copy of this game when it first came out. However, I was still in Maui at that time, and I had a bunch of other ND titles I still hadn’t played yet, so it got put off. And eventually I moved, one of the discs got lost somewhere along the way, and I couldn’t play it. Recently, I got some birthday money, I found that the ND games were starting to be put on STEAM, and I thought “Oh, perfect! I’ll FINALLY be able to play it!!” But the hype was short-lived. The searching for shells, the fishing, making necklaces, etc. were nice and calming, but they got boring and tedious very fast. ND characters are usually all so vibrant, varied, and interesting, so at first I thought these ones would be the same, especially with the interesting concept introduced at the very beginning of doing stuff, getting novelty money, doing more stuff, and repeat. I mean, it wasn’t the most fun, but it was an interesting concept at least.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Nancy Drew®: The Creature of Kapu Cave on Steam

Otaku’s Adventure

Otaku’s Adventure

I thoroughly enjoyed myself playing this game. I loved the multiple girls you could try to date, and I especially loved the multiple endings this game has to offer. It does have a lot of references to Kio’s Adventure, so I found them funny and made the game a bit more enjoyable in my opinion. The art style was kinda simple but cute and I liked the comic book aspect. Some of the minigames was a pain in the butt for me (like trying to do the shooting or alien fighting ones without losing any health was hard). Just like Kio’s Adventure, this game does have a lot of typos, but it does add to the humor of the game. My biggest issue with the game is the lack of a skip button (even a skip for only seen text would have been nice). A lot of my time was spent trying to quickly go through text I’ve seen just to find all the endings. A skip feature for text would have been very, very appreciated (and not just a skip feature for already seen endings…).

Real player with 35.8 hrs in game

Love the plot twist after plot twists, 10/10. English translation were not on point, other than that is perfect.

A skip option would be nice too.

❤ Audience ❤

☑ Beginner

☑ Casual Gamer

☑ Normal Gamer

☑ Expert

☼ Graphics ☼

☐ Bad

☐ Alright

☐ Good

☑ Beautiful

☐ Fantastic

-Might want to install FAR mod to remove 60fps cap

♬ Music ♬

☐ Bad

☐ Alright

☐ Good

☐ Beautiful

☑ Fantastic

-Music are all master pieces

☠ Difficulty ☠

☑ Easy

☑ Average

☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master

☑ Hard

☐ Unfair

-Level gap is quite huge between the difficulties

Real player with 22.0 hrs in game

Otaku's Adventure on Steam