Combat Mission Cold War

Combat Mission Cold War

I’ll quoted part from one of review in Shock force 2

Real player with 89.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Modern Strategy Games.

New Combat Mission convert here. 8/10 would get my tank platoon massacred again, and again. This is a very good tactical wargame, if a dated engine at a steep price-point. The game is unforgiving though. Ironicly the NTC “training” campaign is the most unforgiving IMO. Forces you to learn the hard way I guess. If you want great graphics look elsewhere, and be prepared to deal with some buggy input lag too. But if you can get over that, and the (realistic) poor pathing choices your tank commanders sometimes make, the gameplay is really good. Now it just needs the rest of NATO and the Pact to be great.

Real player with 63.2 hrs in game

Combat Mission Cold War on Steam

[International] Absented Age: Squarebound

[International] Absented Age: Squarebound

Surprised this game didn’t get more reviews.

This game plays somewhat like a Mystery Dungeon game, but at the same time an action RPG.

First of all, when you start the game you are greeted with an extensive options menu. You are able to optimize the game’s screen and sound by quite a bit, which feels really neat. Once you start in the game, it immediately brings you to it’s gameplay. The gameplay consists on moving around the field, when encountering enemies, you have the options of attacking head-front or performing counter attacks when they turn yellow, which happens when they attack you and miss.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Modern Grid-Based Movement Games.

When I heard vgperson translated it, I figured I’d give it a chance. (He translated a bunch of horror games like Ib, The Witch’s House, Mad Father…). And this is pretty good so far! Maybe a “One Way Heroics” meets “Card Captor Sakura” meets RPGmaker? No? Well, others will describe it better. I’ll just say check out the demo if it sounds curious to you. Maybe a proper review after I finish the game.

PS: the developers have been silently and quickly patching every issue I’ve encountered. They must be ninjas.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

[International] Absented Age: Squarebound on Steam

Legend of Homebody

Legend of Homebody

Game is addictive. Simple interface, but the game itself is challenging on some modes (Shen has a mental breakdown every time. I’ve gotten close to beating it, maybe another 20 hours…) If you enjoy having to actually pay attention to what you are doing and work for a win then this is a great game. I wish there were more characters, because I can honestly see myself playing this game on and off for years.

Real player with 182.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Modern Indie Games.

The game is more challenging than any other life sims I have played. Each character have their own story and 2 years of game play. The hardest to play was the female. Always died cause of pressure.

Could have options when interacting with the others and different scenarios…

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Legend of Homebody on Steam



  • smooth and fun gaming experience

  • unique commentary system which gives player various benefit through battles

  • commentary goes way too fast which is actually impossible to keep track on it

  • decent graphic and music

  • game too short around 3 hours playtime at most

  • high quality english localization. surprising especially from japanese indie game

i have a mixed feeling for this game mainly because the game just a bit too short.

i really hope this company can bring a more improved version of this game with more content

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Takahiro did a amazing job with this title and i want to purchase dlc! when you fall down into the pit, losing connection for the first time really makes you appreciate the chat.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game


Combat Mission Black Sea

Combat Mission Black Sea

Combat Mission is a unique wargame that offers solid presentation while giving you granular detail to allow for interesting solutions to tactical problems. It fairly accurately allows you to simulate anything from Platoon to Battalion sized engagements at a high level of detail.


While the animations and graphics do look a bit dated they get the job done. Where Combat Mission really excels at though is in the we-go mode that allows you to review a turn from multiple angles. This means that you can watch every engagement that is happening on the field and catch all of those cool moments. Where in other games if you aren’t looking then you’ll be left wondering “how did this tank get knocked out”.

Real player with 166.4 hrs in game

Conditional recommendation only.

Black Sea in certain cases seem to be more unstable than Shock Force 2. I think it’s important for newcomers or potential buyers to take note of the fact that while the game itself is much better than it looks in terms of gameplay and depth, in certain instances it can either wind up unstable (crashes) or become very problematic performance-wise. It’s a toss-up whether you’d have to tinker with the game, i.e. setting up antivirus exceptions, overriding application settings for your GPU, or some other tweaks to not only get the game running, but also get the game to a stable point where crashes are few and far between. A zero-crash experience may or may not be achievable, and the factors that play into said crashes can vary so wildly from system to system as far as I’ve both experienced and researched.

Real player with 97.2 hrs in game

Combat Mission Black Sea on Steam

Lock ‘n Load Tactical Digital: Core Game

Lock ‘n Load Tactical Digital: Core Game

TL:DR - LnLT is amazingly flexible, easy and cheap to try out, and really fun. The only reason NOT to try it is that you already know you don’t like hex-map war games.


If you’re one those people who have been waiting forever for a computer version of Advance Squad Leader, or if you’re someone who just appreciates a solid tactical war game, Lock ‘n Load Tactical Digital is for you. It is certainly not as complicated as ASL, but the LnLT system is amazingly flexible and quickly translates into a fun and repayable experience.

Real player with 331.9 hrs in game

This is an excellent digital version of a great squad level wargame, played with counters,chits and hex boards and dice.

If you pine for the days of Squad Leader fun, this might scratch your itch.

The mechanics are slightly different to most other tactical games - basically you and your opponent take it in turns activating a squad/vehicle/hex/stack. This makes for interesting decision making, because you can’t move everything forward at once while your opponent just watches.

Rules are not super-complex, but they’re not dead simple either. There’s enough complexity to keep grogs happy, while being streamlined enough to not get into having to read or understand multiple sub-clauses. In any case the game handles all the rules and results of fire/assault etc for you. You get to just have FUN.

Real player with 232.5 hrs in game

Lock 'n Load Tactical Digital: Core Game on Steam

Miasma: Citizens of Free Thought

Miasma: Citizens of Free Thought

A great classic strategy game…

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

I’m really enjoying my time with this game!

It’s hard to believe it came out so many years ago and yet holds up so well today!

I’m still making my way through but can’t wait to see where the story goes!

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Miasma: Citizens of Free Thought on Steam

Tanto Cuore

Tanto Cuore

I’m a mega fan of this franchise, owning every expansion to date, and a backer of the 10th anniversary kickstarter. This game was included in that campaign!

This “simulator” has a lot more than I was ever going to expect. There is a single player campaign with unlockables, including some of the promotional cards. There’s some light VA and other touches that ad a nice sense of flare for an already functional game.

I have some nitpicks about my experience with the single player campaign. The first couple of games ease you into some of the concepts, including the optional goals. Later, however, the CPUs reveal themselves to be rather… interesting. Their behaviors are not always consistent, and some of the decisions they make are nonsensical; often buying low cost cards when they’re able to afford high costs. This worsens in larger games with more players, and balloons when the game gives you the optional goals of doing “x amount of things” in games that often end much too quickly to achieve. Instead, 100% the single player campaign turns into something of a slot machine, playing game after game hoping that the CPUs strategy and behaviors aren’t going to end the game as you still need to employ five more cards for that last star.

Real player with 41.4 hrs in game

Tanto Cuore is one of my favorite games to play. Over the last year I’ve been very disappointed I couldn’t play with friends and that I couldn’t go to conventions to play Tanto Cuore. I can only beat my husband at this game so many times before he’s going to refuse to play with me. I was at my wits end because I own all of the table top games and I don’t want my ability to win to put him on the verge of insanity. I am delighted to see the game is out. I bought it and just played by myself for two hours. You may have saved my marriage.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

Tanto Cuore on Steam

Atlas Rogues

Atlas Rogues

I was a big fan of Atlas Reactor and plugged in almost 2000 hours into it having only played it between 2016 and 2019. I have nothing but fond memories of grouping up with my friends and if not achieving a consistent streak of victories, we always at least experienced some epic moments and mostly respectful and respectable opponents we could congratulate in the general chat after a match. The world, mechanics, and the vibe was so unique and I couldn’t get enough of it.

And then the servers were shutdown and I was left feeling a huge void in my gaming life not having a team based game to play with others. Nothing against Overwatch or Awesomenauts, as I played those to fill the void for a year, but they could never compare to this brilliant and unique experience. All of mid 2019 and mid 2020, I was wishing and hoping Atlas Reactor could somehow come back. Maybe Gamigo could give the former Trions staff another chance to revitalize the game with new content and a paid for model to afford the servers required to run it. Or maybe a group of dedicated fans can make a spiritual successor with similar mechanics but with a whole new set of characters in a brand new world.

Real player with 433.0 hrs in game

Atlas Rogues, like most rogueish games of its kind, aims to have a solid mix of RNG, strategy, and skill all bundled together to create an experience that can prove reliably challenging while allowing to new flavours to spark up throughout each and every run as you unlock new characters, new abilities, and new questlines throughout your gameplay. It should be noted, that those seeking the time limited phase by phase PVP chess like arena experience of Atlas Reactor will likely not find it here as this game sits in a different genre using the same universe.

Real player with 90.7 hrs in game

Atlas Rogues on Steam

Armoured Commander

Armoured Commander

Game is highly addicting. Makes me think of the movie Fury as a game with some retro graphics. Your choice determines the life of your crew and your tank. The game has much and much replay ability(If I spelled this correctly). Its a game that makes you think and at the same time reminds me of this older game named Across The Rhine.

I highly suggest this game if you think you can keep your crew alive during WW2.

Only a few cons:

It only plays in windowed mode but if youre okay with that than theres no problem

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

I booted up Armoured Commander, briefly mistook its application for a virus, and then realized, with delight and amazement, that this game is essentially the 1987 Avalon Hill solitaire war-gaming classic “Patton’s Best” remade on a nearly 1-1 basis. Which is great because the board game version is incredibly finnicky and unplayable, so to have essentially the same game available on our modern gaming rigs is pretty swell! The resolution mechanics are slightly altered (the original board game was all done on a percentile basis using 100-sided die rolls, whereas here the game uses 2d6 rolls, creating a bell-curve that replicates the essential odds but in a way more accessible way). The UI is pretty bad, but you get used to it. There are no graphics other than muddy terrain-zones on the world-map. That said, this game is basically DCS for US medium armor in WW2. The experience is very narrow, but it’s also very deep. One thing I appreciated about the original board game, and that I think is replicated here, is that if you engaged enemy units, they’d be much more likely to take notice of you and lob some shells back your way. So if you’re bouncing AP rounds off the frontal sloping armor of a Panther tank, that is a lovely, beautiful way to get yourself murdered. “Brew up” here has a different meaning than it does at your local brewery. World of Tanks this is not. If you are interested in historical tanking, give it a spin!

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Armoured Commander on Steam