Skate City

Skate City

The game is great, for someone like me who has always been addicted to skateboarding.. If you are a skater you will play this game all day. If you are a gamer who wants a challenge this game wont last long. I think its the best skate game on PC even with how basic it is. My only problem is that the game is lacking some basic tricks such as board slides, lip slides, feebles. The game is new and cheap so lets hop they keep up with updates so ones day the game will have more but I see endless opportunity especially with the PC community, if they could add a way the community can make levels it would be great. Some flip tricks are missing as well, laserflips are missing and 360 shuvits. overall Id say for the price its a must have.

Real player with 56.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Modern Singleplayer Games.

this is such a good game the style is clean and visually pleasing and all the tricks have such nice flow along with really nice smooth animations however this is probably just me cuss my laptop is a potato but if i do anything else besides free skate i get like 2 frames a second not even this happens when i do any challenges and if i try and record a video idk why this would be but ya my only suggestion is abit of optimisation with that but once again its probably cuz i have a potato computer i highly recommend you download this game

Real player with 26.0 hrs in game

Skate City on Steam

Hockey VR

Hockey VR

It is what it says it is. I did not want to KO my daughter so I did not try my actual stick. The VR stick works like you would expect it to. The puck is a little too light imo making fancy dribbling impossible but shooting feels good. I day dream about a fully fleshed VR hockey game every day of my life. I really hope this is a step in that direction. If EA is the roadblock let me know and I will get a petition signed and harass the NHL every day until they give up exclusivity.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Modern Singleplayer Games.

Well, so far its been pretty unfortunate. I was really hyped after finding it, ordered the stick attachment, and for now have gaff taped it to my stick, calibration was weird as apparently the floor of boundary zone is not as low as humanly possible (had to face it circle facing flat on the floor to get it low enough) or the puck was just under my stick. After firing it up, theres seemingly no way to reset your starting point so it was putting my shooting circle right at the edge of my space, okay, whatever. The shooting mechanic just doesn’t quite work properly, the puck is pretty awkward to move and it is seemingly impossible to shoot the puck hard or lift it, or at least in the motion that you would do it in real life. Maybe a fun gimmick for someone who has literally never played hockey but thus far its seemingly not much more than that. I’ll certainly update my review if by some circumstance the attachment that i’ve prematurely ordered improves anything, but that baby is on that stick snug and exactly in the format of the setup/video.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Hockey VR on Steam