Broken Arrow

Broken Arrow

Broken Arrow is a large-scale real-time modern warfare tactics game. The base game features both the American and Russian factions, more than 100 units and multiple deck specialisations per nation.

Broken Arrow brings the genre to a whole new level by combining the complexity of a joint-forces wargame with the typical real-time tactics action-packed gameplay.


Build your army deck by choosing from over 200 different units. Part of the battle is won by planning well: create the right combination of unit types and weapons to defeat your enemy, and don’t forget to consider the terrain when you choose.

Broken Arrow features a wide range of units, that are split into seven categories based on their characteristics: your army deck includes recon units, infantry, fighting vehicles, support units, logistical units, helicopters and airstrikes slots.

  • RECON UNITS: includes infantry, vehicles and drones specialized in the task of spotting and marking the enemy position.

  • INFANTRY: includes line infantry, shock troops, special forces, anti-tank teams, anti-aircraft teams.

  • FIGHTING VEHICLES: includes tanks, ATGM carriers and fire support vehicles.

  • SUPPORT: includes artillery and anti-aircraft vehicles that provide long range support on the battlefield.

  • LOGISTICS:, includes all the units designed to improve combat efficiency by providing ammunition, repairs, medical supplies and much more.

  • HELICOPTERS: includes multipurpose cavalry units best used far from the heatpoints.

  • AIRSTRIKES: includes many different weapons, swarms of tactical missiles and airdrops of troops, vehicles and supplies.


Modern vehicles and aircraft are generally compatible with different weapons and armor packages; Broken Arrow features a detailed customisation system that allows you to modify the specific components of your units, either individually or as a loadout.

  • Customize your aircraft by choosing weapons, fuel tanks, designation pods, countermeasure pods and decoys.

  • Add armor or defensive systems to your vehicles and upgrade their weaponry and sensors.

  • Special forces have access to a wide variety of equipment for you to choose: add suppressors, thermal optics, reconnaissance drones, explosive charges and much more.


Choose the right combination of units from your deck and deploy them to the battlefield, via land, the sea or from the air. Use paratroopers and helicopters to rapidly seize key locations, reinforce them with heavy tanks and break enemy counter attacks with artillery and tactical missiles.

Infiltrate special forces behind enemy lines to disrupt enemy logistics and provide laser designation for your planes. Use the terrain to your advantage to ambush, out flank and outsmart your enemy.

Read More: Best Modern Strategy Games.

Broken Arrow on Steam



Roll is original and engaging. You roll dice to collect points, and use those points to upgrade your dice. The goal is to get the highest score possible in 2500 rolls.

It is likely to be too ‘mathy’ for some - figuring out which upgrades will generate the most had me setting up spreadsheets. However, some players like that sort of thing and once I got my head around the upgrades (most of the upgrades, there are some I still don’t really understand), I found I could do pretty well playing from the gut - which is more fun for me.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Modern Strategy Games.

The man behind this game seems to be very passionate about the project. He has been putting out updates very frequently and even wiping leader boards with significant enough changes. he has also targeted and stopped (as far as I can tell) cheaters so the in game leader boards should be fairly accurate. On the limited youtube content available for this game he pops up time to time to interact with people in the comments section and answer questions or even just say hello, seems like a small thing but its kinda the reason I started playing. A random video about it popped up in my youtube feed and after seeing the dev in the comments seem so genuinely happy to talk to people about the game I figured id give it a shot. Im having a great time with this and id say its well worth the $4.99 I paid for it. I normally value my time as a gamer at roughly $1/hr of gameplay and Im only a few days into owning this game and I have already surpassed that mark. This deserves more attention and I think that if a community starts up around this it could really be a fun experience. Honestly my biggest gripe is that if I dont understand something or want to look something up about the game its simply not popular enough for google or youtube to understand what Im talking about and I havent come up with the right buzzword to have a more efficient search. “roll” and “roll game” paired with whatever Im trying to search or even by themselves usually yield either DND results or other games. but Im not even really sure thats any fault of the developer. If you have an extra $5 lying around you wont feel like you wasted it on this game

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Roll on Steam

Tanto Cuore

Tanto Cuore

I’m a mega fan of this franchise, owning every expansion to date, and a backer of the 10th anniversary kickstarter. This game was included in that campaign!

This “simulator” has a lot more than I was ever going to expect. There is a single player campaign with unlockables, including some of the promotional cards. There’s some light VA and other touches that ad a nice sense of flare for an already functional game.

I have some nitpicks about my experience with the single player campaign. The first couple of games ease you into some of the concepts, including the optional goals. Later, however, the CPUs reveal themselves to be rather… interesting. Their behaviors are not always consistent, and some of the decisions they make are nonsensical; often buying low cost cards when they’re able to afford high costs. This worsens in larger games with more players, and balloons when the game gives you the optional goals of doing “x amount of things” in games that often end much too quickly to achieve. Instead, 100% the single player campaign turns into something of a slot machine, playing game after game hoping that the CPUs strategy and behaviors aren’t going to end the game as you still need to employ five more cards for that last star.

Real player with 41.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Modern Strategy Games.

Tanto Cuore is one of my favorite games to play. Over the last year I’ve been very disappointed I couldn’t play with friends and that I couldn’t go to conventions to play Tanto Cuore. I can only beat my husband at this game so many times before he’s going to refuse to play with me. I was at my wits end because I own all of the table top games and I don’t want my ability to win to put him on the verge of insanity. I am delighted to see the game is out. I bought it and just played by myself for two hours. You may have saved my marriage.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

Tanto Cuore on Steam