The Broken Seal: Arena

The Broken Seal: Arena

“Arena,” I have yet to see anyone else play the game and the game-integrated opponents are the same enemies from the original game. There are virtually only two new spells to the Arena version vs. the original game which is overwhelmingly disappointing. The weapons are all the same–nothing original. Truly, the developers should have focused their time on improving the original game and not even wasted the time creating the “Arena” version. It is not worth even the mere $5 dollar price tag.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best MOBA Action Games.

The Broken Seal: Arena on Steam



Full stop, this game is D..E..D Dead. You can find some random games every now and then but there should be no expectation to join random lobbies as the game died off years ago. You should only aim to purchase this title if you have friends that will be playing with you. I do check randomly for games but they are typically locked or just a 10 wave.

That being said you should add this game to your Wishlist and grab the 5 pack bundle when it goes on Sale. I think this game is worth 25 bucks for the 5 pack and it is a steal if your group of friends like these survival wave based games. This game is best enjoyed in groups of 4 or 5 in my opinion. Three is a decent time but you won’t be pushing as hard as it is harder to cover map objectives on the harder difficulties.

Real player with 137.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best MOBA Action Games.

A year or so back I purchased the Fatshark Bundle for myself and a friend. At first glance all the games looked entertaining and the reviews were good. Letting the game run for cards it unlocked one achievement and in doing so dropped my overall percentage score, it is because of this that I have played this game a lot sooner than I was planning.

Before I get into the details of why you shouldn’t purchase this game let me tell you what’s good about it first. The game itself looks good and runs smoothly at 60fps. The gladiators/arena remind me of Borderlands with it’s wise cracking commentator and post apocalyptic atmosphere. It shares the same universe as Krater, so if you wish to find out more details about this world you can do so if you please. Your character’s upgrade system although improperly balanced is fairly fleshed out, allowing for a wide variety of customisation. It’s got achievements, trading cards, a cloud save, and cooperative play, all of which work perfectly.

Real player with 123.1 hrs in game

Bloodsports.TV on Steam



My review has long been overdue. I am just overwhelmed with how much I LOVE this game, the Discord community, and developers. The game has grown so much since I first met them at PAX East 2018 with the addition of many, many new features: SKINS, Ranked 1v1, game modes, stages, spells/elements, practice range, etc.

Not only do I feel like it’s a great game to play with your friends, it also has great depth with the amount of spell combos you can create, spell drafting, curving, skillshots, and endless number of funny spell interactions. MageQuit is unlike other games I played before because the wizards are a bit gumpy :) and slower, so you have to somewhat plan your spells beforehand by anticipating your opponents moves rather than being reactionary.

Real player with 1087.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best MOBA Action Games.

Mage Quit has quickly become one of my favorite games. I stumbled upon it by accident and haven’t really looked back. It’s easily the game I’ve put the most hours into in the ~45 days I’ve owned it. I’ll list what i see as the pros and cons of the game below for ease of reading, but my favorite part of this game is how fresh it feels. It combines a lot of what I like across many games (drafting, high skill cap, fun tactical and strategic gameplay) into one package. I would recommend this game over many others 3x the price.

Real player with 635.5 hrs in game

MageQuit on Steam

NEO Impossible Bosses

NEO Impossible Bosses

Fun game, especially if you have friends who also enjoy boss battle games. Game could use a bit more depth with character customization, but I have payed more for less of a game.

Real player with 23.2 hrs in game

Awesome game! Loved the WC3 version and this game doesn’t disappoint. Made the hotkeys super easy to use (Custom) which was a lot easier then the WC3 streching across the keyboard to cast spells. The scaling of the boss levels Normal - Hard - Impossible feels like a good step up each time. The Dev was also really helpful and responded quick to questions. Will definitely get my friends together to take on Ironman mode!

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

NEO Impossible Bosses on Steam

Stellar Impact

Stellar Impact

A brilliant game although it is multiplayer only and the playerbase is small. Don’t expect to buy this game and jump straight into a competitive game. If you do get a game right away then you’re lucky but more often than not you’ll need to wait a while or return another day/night when it’s busier. When you do get into a game it’s totally worth it and you should be able to get a few games in a row once you’re in with the rest of the players who are also online at the time.

You play in two teams trying to destroy your opponents base. To help you achieve this there are creep ships which you need to protect as well as each other and planets etc. to capture for upgrades and team benefits. After each round you also get experience and can upgrade your ship. There is a nice varied selection ships to choose from such as frigates, cruisers etc. You can also upgrade skills etc. during a battle.

Real player with 5232.4 hrs in game

The most uderrated hidden gem of a game you will ever have the fortune to discover.

This game has by far some of the most tactical gameplay that you will encounter in a MOBA. Think 19th century pre-dreadnaught naval tactics meets sci-fi. That means momentum, fire arcs, crossing-the-T, manouvers, formations! Combine this with the level of customization available to each ship means that there is a depth to this game that will make the game very rewarding for tactically minded players, throw in some fleet composition in the pre-combat phase and you have grand strategy too.

Real player with 2008.1 hrs in game

Stellar Impact on Steam

Awesomenauts - the 2D moba

Awesomenauts - the 2D moba

Full disclosure here, I’m really involved with Awesomenauts. I’ve met the developers, Ronimo, in person more than twice and have been contracted to do work for them. I’ve cast tournament events in a professional capacity, wrote and recorded an in-game announcer, earned a “Golden Duck” (the Ronimo community award), and attribute any real success of my YouTube channel to Awesomenauts and the community that surrounds it. Awesomenauts is my single most played game of all time, sitting at 2800+ hours at the time of this writing, and has been a core part of my life for over 5 years. I’ve bought the game and the old expansions for myself and several friends, and contributed to their Starstorm Kickstarter for $162, and have bought most of the cosmetic skins available. With that said, let’s continue.

Real player with 3421.5 hrs in game

After two-three long years of Awesomenauts, I thought I might give you my full thoughts about this game, now that we are getting close to the end of the Starstorm DLC development and the new Matchmaking server.

First of all, my feelings toward this game are mostly positive. I love the general gameplay style, it’s like Smash Bros meeting MOBAs like Dota and LoL, 2D and stuff.

Music, oh boy, Sonic Picnic has really given their best with the game’s soundtrack.

Visuals, they’re great, I love the 1980’s cartoon style Ronimo has been going for, same goes for the characters and lore in general.

Real player with 2835.8 hrs in game

Awesomenauts - the 2D moba on Steam

This is a multiplayer online action game.

You start the game as a tiny ball in a black world. You must try to survive by avoiding attacks by bigger players. Simultaneously, you eat food and become a bigger and bigger ball, you can shoot other players who are bigger than you .Don’t be afraid, even though he’s bigger than you,you can still kill him with your skills。

no room and no time limit,everyone play in one map. allows you to:

  • Equipment system

  • Custom skins

  • Eat smaller cells to gain mass and become larger on Steam



I’ve been playing Bierzerkers off and on since early Alpha - I bought into early access all the way back in July. Adding features to what was almost a perfect vanilla game has been a struggle for the devs, and it looks like they may have had some internal setbacks and personnel changes. BUT it’s still a very very fun game (think TF2 with drunk vikings).

If/when they bring back the “Domination” (cap and hold) mode back, I can easily see myself playing this a lot. The current flagship mode, which is basically a slightly more entertaining version of American football, is especially hard to balance and features some ridiculously small maps.

Real player with 53.8 hrs in game

Ok so you’ve looked at the game and think it looks fun, but you also notice the mixed reviews. You look down and see people saying it’s pay to win and that it’s not optimized well. These arguments do not hold weight. Here is the truth about the game, while it does have one major problem that’s being worked on as we speak, I would like to show you how this is a good game that is worth your time.

First we’ll start with what the game is. It is essentially a a mix of Medieval Team Fortress 2 and rugby, and yes that sounds weird. You have a team of five, with different classes, carry and throw sheep into the other teams goal. It sounds strange, but it’s a fucking blast. This is a game where good team work really counts. The game also ran really well for me, it did crash once but I was right back in in under a minute.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Bierzerkers on Steam




☐ You forget what reality is

☑ Beautiful

☐ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it

☐ Paint.exe


☑ It doesn’t have

☐ Bad

☐ Average

☐ Good

☐ Fantastic

☐ Make your own story

☐ Its multiplayer what did you expect


☐ Very good

☐ Good

☑ It‘s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Staring at walls is better

☐ Just don‘t


☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☑ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ Earrape


☐ Kids

☑ Teens

☑ Adults

☐ Humans

Real player with 1121.8 hrs in game

This game is a joke, and the devs are even bigger jokes. It is literally a group of kids that wanted to revive another game, but are embarrassingly inept and unqualified to do so. They treat the players that support them in a condescending way, act like spiteful little cunts when you give any kind of negative feedback, refuse to fix obvious issues like balance and game mechanics, and make promises that either never come or take months for them to make happen, and just plainly do not have the resources it takes to do what needs to be done with this game. They charge you for an extremely broken, unbalanced, and unpolished product. They Patronize people when they give suggestions to make it better, and when they do anything at all to the game it breaks everything else. This game is a waste of money, wait for Predecessor. Even though Pred has problems of it’s own it is still in my opinion a better game. Plus Omeda Studios actually has the resources to make their game and do it right. Strange Matter just stole money from like minded people like them that missed another game and made a sad copy and just barely feels the void that Paragon left. The game itself is full of crap. No balance with heroes at all, tanks are way too tanky but still capable of dishing out just as much if not more damage than a carry, Carries are too weak unless fed early, too many troll players that play heroes in roles they were not meant for, an extremely toxic community filled with shit talkers, trolls, bullies, and little kids that want to act tough through a chat box. The matchmaking is a joke. They have like 2500 maybe 3000 or so players, but you end up facing or playing with the same people every time, and when you do see new names they are most likely smurfs. So the numbers they have of players isn’t accurate at all, because there are multiple players that have several accounts for this game. The devs have a discord server where they want you to post “feedback” but if the feedback you give is not to their liking they ban you or time you out for no reason. Then they have a support staff that stay in that discord that come in and patronize people for their opinions and suggestions. Most of which are teenagers or young adults that are probably not old enough to buy alcohol yet. This company came together with the sole purpose of bringing Paragon back to the people that loved it, but instead they have shit on the memory of Paragon with this shit copy. Trust me only get this game if you want and endless amount of frustration, arguments with your friends, stressful attempts at fair matches, broken heroes that are more exploitable than skill based, and minuscule and pointless updates that fix absolutely nothing at all. They will update the game every week, but most times it is to change how certain cards work, or to nerf certain heroes and buff others no of which actually changes anything in the game, because the whole base of the game is broken with the heroes having their own unique but broken passives which can be and are exploited in every match. Also these developers really love stupid and annoying things like stuns that last for 1 minute or so, heroes with multiple stuns that each last that long that can be exploited, casters that can one shot you from across the map without even actually hitting you, and some heroes able to spam abilities without draining mana at all. If any of this intrigues you then go ahead and waste the $20 or $60 dollars to get it. Take my advice and the loads of others on here and get another MOBA. Get Smite, Overprime, DOTA 2, League of Legends or any others you may find. This game is on it’s death bed and unless Strange Matter actually learns how to fix the issues, lose their arrogance, and actually start listening to the players it will be another DEAD PARAGON. These other people that have put positive reviews in here are either partners with Strange Matter, friends of the developers, are on the staff in some way, were paid to say something to counter the negatives, or have recently stopped playing the game themselves because they posted the reviews months ago, before it got this bad. All in all you want a game that is fun, balanced and fair right? This game is none of those things anymore. It is just a huge waste of time, money, and effort to try to learn to play and make sense of. I have put in 518 hours and 80 seconds in this game and in my brutally honest opinion I regret ever laying eyes on this game and supporting these half ass game developers. Forgive me for the long review, but I am trying to stress just how bad this game is so people do not waste their time or money on it. Wait for Predecessor or download OverPrime. I promise either one will be better than this game.

Real player with 522.9 hrs in game

Fault on Steam

XGun-Weapon Evolution

XGun-Weapon Evolution

A interesting game indeed. A MMORPG (?) in which you fight as a Vehicle against other players or bots. Every Vehicle plays differently. It got missions to play if there are no people to play with and seems pretty plain. The floor,walls,sounds and generally the menu seem pretty EARLY ACCESS!, some levels dont even have graphics and are just plain black with white strips. The Idea of using “skills” in a fight seems like a neat feature and changes the way you play this game, even the bots use those on you.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

i’m going to say yes… kind of.

Started playing this in the facebook gameroom app. I liked the concept, the upgrading mechanics, the fact it’s quick to jump in a game. It’s a nice quick simple game. Good to chill for a bit after work. So i decided to buy it here. It’s pretty cheap.

Then i got suspiscious. I am not a super skilled uber gamer that dominates in games like this and yet when ever i play, i totally obliterate the competition. I noticed the other players never seem to upgrade their tanks. And what ever time of day i connect, its always the same player names. Now reading other comments, it seem i’v been playing against bots and there are no actual real players anymore.

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

XGun-Weapon Evolution on Steam