Lords of the Shattered Kingdom

Lords of the Shattered Kingdom

I’m a PVE type player. I don’t enjoy playing against other players, because almost always there is someone better than me just around the corner. And I’d rather enjoy fighting the environment.

I’m 49 hours into this game, still happily grinding away. For those that played the Heroes of Might and Magic games, the base building games, this is close to it. Except more detailed in the army management/equiping. The graphics are rather basic, but I can see that being fixed easily as they go.

For the current $5 cost of the game, it’s well worth it. And as the special currency is currently set, that’s not an issue, though I understand that will change.

Real player with 63.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Base Building Games.

Lords of the Shattered Kingdom on Steam



Oh boy. This is weird to review. First off, this game is a niche Polish browser MMO. Lots of people on the original web Polish servers. Not so much here. As you can imagine, there’s not a lot of international players. Most people (who already played/still play the Polish version) are Polish. Not that it’s a bad thing, but the population is incredibly low.

For the game itself, it’s fun. It might be nostalgia speaking, as I played this game a lot when I was younger. Playing it now after so much time it’s still as it used to be, with some improvements in graphics and the UI.

Real player with 147.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Tactical RPG Games.

Plusses and minuses in equal measure I think. But for me personally more on the minus.

Some of the plusses:

  • Simple and neat graphics.

  • Sandbox nature of the map is evident, and this gives a positive ‘adventuresque’ feel, which I like

Some of the negatives:

  • Text too small. Waaay too small.

  • Every other thing you want to do in the open world requires you to pop over to the Premium Store and burn a hole in your wallet. Don’t tag it as ‘FREE’ when it clearly isn’t - there is definitely a ‘FREEMIUM’ tag available I’m sure.

Real player with 145.1 hrs in game

Margonem on Steam



Terrible. I’ve been playing it since the beta. Apart from the weird gamaplay and mechanic’s decisions which is another big (but subjective) minus, the app is completely bugged out. You see people complaining about bugs at beta and these bugs are still there at the 5th anniversary. Multiple times their database glitches out leaving you without gear, throphies, costumes, materials and other stuff which took weeks to acquire. Best you get - some silly gift from Ankama as a “compensation”, other times you’re just completely being ignored by support.

Real player with 1267.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Adventure Games.

Wakfu is a tactical MMORPG unlike any other MMO except for its prequel, Dofus. It has play style similar to Final Fantasy Tactics where combat takes place in a grid.

The character classes (15 of them) in Wakfu (and Dofus) have unique play styles and the classes themselves can be played many different ways.

The spells have a variety of rules, and positioning makes a big factor in damage dealt/recieved.

The art in this game is very charming. It’s very pleasing to just look at the content in the game.

Real player with 903.3 hrs in game

WAKFU on Steam



I recommend this game but there are some major things missing from it.

Missing from international diplomacy:


-Illegal annexations

-Proxy-wars (non-declared wars)

-Any international punishment system VIA the UN at all (that has been demonstrated)

-International court/UN positions that manage world politics

-smaller countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Ireland, Korea(s)) that don’t necessarily play a roll in world politics as heavily as the current nations

-secession (though that may be hard to do)

Real player with 3095.3 hrs in game

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying my time with this game so far. But I would NOT recommend it to anyone. Unless you have very specific interests in you game mostly involving chatting on Discord apparently. I’m having fun bumbling through and clicking around and being sort of a maverick. But honestly the community seems REALLY toxic (as you might expect) and overall this game is just not what I thought it would be. I’m just playing every free game I can get my hands on right now until Cyberpunk 2077 comes out, cause I’m SOOO bored of everything else I own right now. If you’re in a similar boat, or feel like toxic discord servers are where you thrive, give the game a try then.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

POWER on Steam

Atlantica Europe

Atlantica Europe

P2Win, overrun with Botters and Cheaters, No support

How not to run an MMO and bank on Nostalgia

Real player with 2177.1 hrs in game

Old game from long time a go. But still can spend a lot time :))))

Real player with 1461.5 hrs in game

Atlantica Europe on Steam

Wartune Reborn

Wartune Reborn

I was going to protect this game because of the nice memories, but I can’t at the moment.

There are only 5 servers shown 88-92 (I bet it will eventually get to hundreds, glad that doesn’t show them all and say “you can’t join this server”), in the old browser version, servers had different timezones, from those five, 3 have the same time and the other 2 has -1 hour… It would be cool if you could actually see the timezones before creating a character, I made one for all those servers just to get dissapointed… I know the rest is some grind and P2W stuff, but not sure if I should play with the time issue, should I wait for other servers?

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game















Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Wartune Reborn on Steam

Mighty Party

Mighty Party

So long story short: Stay as far away as you can. All the devs care for is quick ways to grab money. The recent “fixes” all did one thing- they made the game harder and impossible for anyone not spending a fortune (and I’m talking 5 digits here) in the long term. You will have some early success and than you will hit a brick wall, that gets higher and higher and higher.

When I started the game, it was already pay to win, but in a fair kind of way. You had lots of activities to participate in- sure without spending reaching the top is nearly impossible, but you could enjoy the game.

Real player with 5408.6 hrs in game


If you want to play the game, do so on the Kongregate website. (I am not discussing the P2W aspect here).

I have 2 accounts, Steam and Kongregate, I started both on the same day, both are Rank 45 and League 13, I have spent equal ammount of money on both. The ammount of rewards, events and deals the Kongregate account gets compared to the Steam account is ridiculous!

The Kongregate Account got 4 days ago the “incredible summon” event, buy 10 chests and you get a legendary chest (containing best cards in game) for free, today again the same event. The Steam account didn’t get such an event at all.

Real player with 3438.9 hrs in game

Mighty Party on Steam

Darkwind: War on Wheels

Darkwind: War on Wheels

So much time wasted on this game.

I regret most of it.

I remember installing this game for the first time years ago. I didn’t know about Mad Max, nor did I even try to get informations on Car Wars. I have now played a couple of single-player campaigns of Car Wars, mostly for getting the hang of the game. I’m an Interceptor/Road Warrior/Fury Road fangirl, so I thought this game would be cool.

The only way I can describe this is: it will get worse the more you play it, in every literal way possible. I take breaks, but I end up returning here, mostly because there is no other Wasteland RPG about car combat worth of playing (they’re mostly all about stupid trashy races and senseless pewpew, nothing near Interstate 82, and we all know that game is old and hard to get working on today’s systems) and so I come back here from time to time.

Real player with 734.5 hrs in game

All in all, Darkwind can be very fun to play but without any future content or bug fixes, I can’t recommend the time investment or to invest any money into the game. Don’t expect to just hop into the game and understand the lobby or interface without asking questions in lobby chat or researching. Most of the veteran players are very friendly and helpful so don’t be afraid to chat them up if you do decide to give it a shot.

If you just want to play for free, you have nothing to lose. Only real limitation on free to play is you are stuck in Somerset, the beginning town. My guess is you will find this game entertaining for about a month or two of daily gaming if it is your cup of tea. If it isn’t, you won’t make it much farther than the tutorial before you uninstall.

Real player with 351.0 hrs in game

Darkwind: War on Wheels on Steam

CasinoLife Poker - #1 Free Texas Holdem 3D

CasinoLife Poker - #1 Free Texas Holdem 3D

This game allows people to cheat , multiple accounts by certain players. I have seen a player have 2 if not 3 avatars at the table at once , and they keep getting away with it . People passing chips and getting paid on face book for it for instance, people selling 500 billion for like 100 dollars , but in game purchase you get 11 billion for 100 , people using in game hacks etc….. on and on . Do not waste your time or money on this scum bag Doo Doo game.

Real player with 83.1 hrs in game

It’s an online poker game. If you like poker, then give it a shot.

Customizeable avatars, weekly events, career rankings, poker tour challenges, and a couple other features that other poker games don’t have.

Purchasing chips is optional, you can make due if you play safe, and you can get free chip gifts from friends, hourly from the main menu, and by completing different challenges.

Real player with 39.2 hrs in game

CasinoLife Poker - #1 Free Texas Holdem 3D on Steam

Random Raiders

Random Raiders

Random Raiders is a Guild Manager Simulator that puts you in charge of a newly-started raiding guild in the fictional MMORPG ‘World of Guild Quest’. Recruit the best players you can find - balance their classes, volatile personalities and overcome the inevitable drama in order to become the best guild on the server.

Create a Guild

Design a bitchin' banner by choosing a shape, icon, and colors in our banner editor. Name your guild Backstreet Boys. Change the name to something sensible. Hit the random button by mistake while letting out an audible puff of air in frustration. These are all features we provide.

Recruit your Members

Sift through the applications to find what you need to take your guild to the next level. Need a patient priest that can dispel, played by some guy named Alejandro who lives in Burgos in Spain? We got you covered. Maybe recruit that loot-hungry tank, played by some girl named Frida from Svendborg in Denmark? Whatever floats your boat.

Go Raid!

Send your team on raids to improve their skills and gear. Watch in horror as your team brutally fails against an obviously inferior boss because the main tanks' potato PC gave out in a critical moment.

Compete against the NPC Guilds

Improve your standing on the leaderboards by killing more raid bosses. Kill enough bosses and you may even find yourself at the top, beating legendary guilds like Agitation Later, Aragon and Swahilum.


Random Raiders created by Max Kvelland and Benny Samuelsson, Solid Core.

Icons made by Lorc, http://lorcblog.blogspot.com . Available on https://game-icons.net

Random Raiders on Steam