Star Sonata 2

Star Sonata 2

I cautiously recommend this game only if you can look past its shortcomings. I have been playing since ~2008 when I was only 12yr old.

The Good:

There is something about this game that can get you addicted like no other. The player base is very close (admittedly also rather small) and everybody knows everyone else and that makes the community very strong. You can create your own team join a team (aka clan, faction, country) and take control of start systems and use the resources within them to build ships, weapons, space stations, and become an industrial powerhouse. But you better be prepared to defend what you own. Much like a country in real life, your team could become a true superpower with all the fame and infamy that comes with it. You can exercise your hard and soft power as you see fit. Politics are very real in this game and I love it. Likewise, if you upset too many players they may declare war against you. Every solar system you own and space station you build is at risk. In a worse case scenario you could lose all of your territory, all of your industry, and be forced to surrender which almost always results in the death of said team. This is something I really like about this game. You have a lot of freedom and the choices you make can make you insanely rich, respected, and powerful. But you could lose it all.

Real player with 4273.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Base Building Games.

TLDR - A decade+ after the game’s initial launch there is still nothing else quite like Star Sonata on the market today.

The game is heavily influenced by the Star Control series and combines 90’s style arcade action with MMO character development and an almost limitless item progression that rivals many modern MMOs. It has in-depth base building that is basically a whole different game unto itself where you can make money doing colonies, making gear, selling industrial commodities and more. The PvE content is typically fun and offers a variety of solo and group style engagements.. The PvP and team vs team combat probably needs the most improvement but the game doesn’t really revolve around those.

Real player with 3859.9 hrs in game

Star Sonata 2 on Steam

CSC | Space MMO

CSC | Space MMO

EDIT: 3/20/20 Since the time of this review, missions have been added, refineries have been added, crafting has been added with the ability to make modules and ships, and more. This is a ton of development in less than 6 months! There are tons of new things to do, and development is moving fast, both great signs. This is a game that takes patience and time, if you enjoy the factory/production type aspect of games, and if you like economics and space stuff, you will like this game. It is not for everyone but it is a gem for those who enjoy this type of game. A player economy on this scale is something special that really sets this apart from other games.

Real player with 1757.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Sci-fi Games.

UPDATE After 1500 hours played…

There now “gate campers” playing the game. These scumbags sit there and wait for players to travel through gates and then kill them when the come out the other side. Wouldn’t be such a big deal if the game developers didn’t purposely leave the players ship completely vulnerable to attack for about 10 seconds after coming out of a gate. Can’t equip shields, or counter attack. If you have hundreds of $$ worth of mods on your ship, you are shit out of luck, and you loose it all. Not only that, but you have to rebuy insurance for your ship, which can range from $5-$15 depending on your ship.

Real player with 1560.4 hrs in game

CSC | Space MMO on Steam

EVE Online

EVE Online

I can no longer in good faith recommend this game to anyone. It boasts of being a sandbox with ‘player-driven economy’ yet the devs keep putting their thumb on the scale with their artificial ‘resource shortages’ and contrived ‘loss mechanics’. I joined in 2015 during Citadel. They went from ‘we want you to own structures’ to ‘we want you to lose structures’ to ‘we want you to lose everything you own and be happy about it.’

EVE had been on my ‘to do’ list for years but I’d never gotten around to it before being busy with other games. I tried it, played the tutorial missions and, having done crafting for guildmates in previous mmos, almost immediately fell in love with industry. I’d dabble in pvp and missions from time to time but mining and building gave me the greatest enjoyment. I used to love building ships for friends. I’d GIVE friends ships. I started getting into reactions but stopped when every base I tried moving to kept getting blown up.

Real player with 11351.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Sci-fi Games.

Just recently uninstalled, and boy was it tough to do. Like many people have already said, this game is not for everyone. I feel this game could’ve been for me, (And boy did I love it while it lasted…) but the devs and I just have different ideas… Which is what leads me to give the negative vote on this.

Here’s what’s been going on these past few updates:

If you’re not aware already, ganking is the art of attacking and killing unsuspecting people. So, EVE’s developers really like gankers. I don’t think they have ever made an official statement about it. Still, their updates and practices appear to reflect the theory. (Someone, please correct me if I’m wrong btw)

Real player with 2705.5 hrs in game

EVE Online on Steam

Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online

By all means play this game so long as you don’t spend money on it.

For those that don’t know, Star Trek Online (STO) is an MMORPG loosely based on the Star Trek universe. Canon is not followed that heavily however there are facilities to create your own story, involving roleplay communities and the foundry which is a tool to design your own missions. If you are a Trek fan I would personally leave your Trek canon feelings at the door as you might find they get challenged at regular intervals.

That said it is a personal thing, and so work through the story because that is one thing that STO has done reasonably well for. The art in STO has always been very good and so that combined with the story missions has always made good time spent.

Real player with 6260.5 hrs in game

Hey, you!

Star Trek Online is a game I have sunk many hours into, I have played the game (sometimes intermittently, sometimes continuously) over the course of almost a decade. The amount of hours I have in this game is, suffice to say, embarrassing. So embarrassing that I have stopped running the game through the Steam client despite still actively playing it, there’s a bit of sad trivia for you. No, approaching this without a bit of bias might be as impossible as quitting this game for good is, but let’s try! I think I can explain. I enjoy it, really. But I don’t think you will.

Real player with 3744.6 hrs in game

Star Trek Online on Steam

Gangs of Space

Gangs of Space

[Will edit this in the future if I ever see problems with the game arising.]

Solid game; one of the two games I’m playing on a regular basis & don’t see myself stopping anytime soon.

It’s a lot of fun if you’re into challenging games, you might think that you’ve got it on lock and you won’t die anymore but it only takes one mistake to ruin your run and lose all them rare items that you had. It gets quite emotional.

What I want to shed light on the most is that only two people made this game & they’re doing a splendid job communicating with their players; logging in regularly and talking in global chat, often answering a lot of the questions that the players have. They’re even on Discord answering questions there and making announcements so that you’re always kept up to date. I’m worried that in the future they may start succumbing to the demands of noobs but we shall see. It is permadeath so they’re bound to get loads of negativity from those who can’t git gud.

Real player with 410.1 hrs in game

A really nice addicting game, but you have to check your ping.

Currently a #8 ladder, solo T6 boss and farming in T6.

A really nice addicting game, but you have to check your ping.

Currently a #8 ladder, solo T6 boss and farming in T6.

But its bad when lag strikes and skills dont register properly and cause you to lose your ship.

Yes it is a perma death game, once you lose your ship, it is gone forever. After the new patch, pings get very high to almost unplayable

Naturally i will recommend this game, but make sure you have good pings before investing more time into this game.

Real player with 193.4 hrs in game

Gangs of Space on Steam

STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™

STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™

Having played this game for nearly 1000 hours now, here’s what I can say.

The good :

  • An incredible amount of content. Even if you’re not planning to subscribe, you still get access to 8 class stories, who take anywhere from 15 to 100 hours each depending on how fast you go through them and if you do side missions. Then there’s the usual MMORPG content, 4 man dungeons (called flashpoints), 16 man raids (operations) and world bosses all with different difficulty levels.

  • Quality of writing / storytelling. The story in this game is amazing and stands far above any other MMO I’ve played. It’s essentially high quality Bioware single player writing, but in an MMO. Some class stories stand out, like the Bond-esque Agent story, or the classic overpowered sith story of the warrior. Whoever you are, you’ll find a story that suits your style.

Real player with 1620.3 hrs in game

Here are 5 reasons why it is worth playing SWTOR in 2021!

1. Story Content

The best story content in the game are the 8 class stories from the original vanilla content. There is nothing like putting yourself in the shoes of a Sith or a Jedi or an Imperial Agent or a Smuggler.

If you haven’t played some of them or haven’t played them with a different gender or dark/light side combination or you haven’t tried to romance a particular companion, you should try (you can even now skip planetary arcs, as levels are irrelevant in single player content)

Real player with 650.0 hrs in game

STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ on Steam

Eslander Alpha

Eslander Alpha

It’s all good for now but need more work! Keep going and this can be very nice game after few months… I hate that i need to wait but i think it’s a going well!

Supported from me!

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

Needs a lot of work but looking really good right now and looking forward for all updates

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Eslander Alpha on Steam

Sigma World Online

Sigma World Online

Sigma World Online - is an online sandbox with a huge world from many star systems. Choose who to be: space explorer, miner, merchant, farmer, culinary specialist, scientist, builder or hunter, or build your empire.

Features of the project:

  • Full interaction of players in the same game universe

  • Generated star system: planets, satellites and asteroids

  • Automatic creation of a starter star system for beginners every 3 in-game years (36 real days)

  • Ecology of planets and satellites, pollution and contamination of planets

  • Large tech tree and drawing table to speed up research

  • Space flights, moving between different worlds

  • Meteorites and gathering resources in space

  • The construction of space stations with warp engine

  • Primitive, solid propellant, ion and nuclear rocket engines

  • Generation of properties of races of animals, development and life of animals in the environment, silicon life

  • Character skills, genetics and abilities

  • Combined cooking, product compatibility studies when creating dishes

  • Crafting and various resources

  • Various equipment: furnaces, crushers, refrigerators, etc.

  • Research potions on the laboratory table. Buffs and debuffs

  • Building

  • Terraforming the map

  • Farming and hydroponics

  • Private territories

  • Fully destructible environment

  • Transport: cars, boats, amphibians and tanks

  • Trading stations for offline trading between players

  • Ratings

  • Clans and friends

  • Robotics

In the plans:

  • New types of planets and space bodies

  • New star clusters

  • Construction of a collider to obtain antimatter

  • Antimatter Quantum Engines

Sigma World Online on Steam

Distant Dials

Distant Dials

Distant Dials is a science-fiction MUSH (multi-user shared hallucination). It’s a multiplayer game requiring the player to create parts of the experience with others.

 Distant Dials is a game relying on dialogues taking place in 2875. The player is a human who shall through discussions with others or with an IA, understand his current state and the state of mankind in this era. He will maybe reach another level of understanding allowing dialogues with 9 other players on issues of the past leading to where humanity is right now.

Distant Dials on Steam

Hamlet or the Last Game without MMORPG Features, Shaders …

Hamlet or the Last Game without MMORPG Features, Shaders …

Hamlet or [insert words here] certainly lives up to its satire laden title. The game lampoons not only its Shakespearean source material, but also the expected conventions of adventure gaming. Reading scraps of paper will only provide false leads. Multiple interactable objects… sometimes whole areas of the screen… are useless in these lateral thinking-esque exercises. There are some “normal” puzzles, sure, appearing just frequently enough to lull you into believing that the zaniness has stopped, right before you run smack into the next inane situation. But, unfortunately, none of that is actually enjoyable.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

What a cute game! First of all the name made me giggle and was the first thing I’ve noticed before the cute artwork. I’ve enjoyed this puzzle Point & Click game which is based on William Shakespeare’s Hamlet with a twist. The story starts off when Claudius killed the king and took the crown, not only that but he forced Ophelia, Hamlet’s girlfriend to marry him. But of course Prince Hamlet will not let the evil man take everything from him, he will avenge the death of his parents and save his girlfriend, however, something fell from the sky and changed the whole story. A new hero appeared and accidentally landed on Hamlet, so he had to take the job instead and save the princess.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Hamlet or the Last Game without MMORPG Features, Shaders ... on Steam