Aura Kingdom 2

Aura Kingdom 2

First off bugs everywhere. From players getting stuck and becoming invisible after exiting a dungeon. Or becoming an eidolon or a monster from a dungeon. Lost or reduced EP. Countless bugs since day 1 or its release and until now not yet fixed.

And then the RNG. Jesus Christ the RNG in here is fudging brutal. If you dont love RNG or gachas then this game aint for you. RNG Gods will brutally beat the shit out of you here. Oh you have a fusion blueprint that is 80% success rate? Nah lets throw that and make it fail. I think success meant to be fail. 80% Fail. Gacha boxes have a horrible rate also. Everything is by chance in here and if youre unlucky then this game aint for you. Skill are nothing here. Money and luck is all you need in this Game.

โ€“ Real player with 28.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG PvP Games.

Buyer beware!!

No support of any kind, one click and the avatar plays the game without any interference of the player, auto-attack kicking in at unwanted moments, random removal of our account key making us lose our avatars and progress, no refunds possible, program-technical issues, i.e. downloading the game from scratch, each time we play it, gatcha system that doesn’t grant us any fun items. A quest localizing system that is broken; it only shows us the direction to the quests when we auto-track, so right when it is not relevant anymore to figure the direction out anymore.

โ€“ Real player with 26.7 hrs in game

Aura Kingdom 2 on Steam