Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online

By all means play this game so long as you don’t spend money on it.

For those that don’t know, Star Trek Online (STO) is an MMORPG loosely based on the Star Trek universe. Canon is not followed that heavily however there are facilities to create your own story, involving roleplay communities and the foundry which is a tool to design your own missions. If you are a Trek fan I would personally leave your Trek canon feelings at the door as you might find they get challenged at regular intervals.

That said it is a personal thing, and so work through the story because that is one thing that STO has done reasonably well for. The art in STO has always been very good and so that combined with the story missions has always made good time spent.

Real player with 6260.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Space Games.

Hey, you!

Star Trek Online is a game I have sunk many hours into, I have played the game (sometimes intermittently, sometimes continuously) over the course of almost a decade. The amount of hours I have in this game is, suffice to say, embarrassing. So embarrassing that I have stopped running the game through the Steam client despite still actively playing it, there’s a bit of sad trivia for you. No, approaching this without a bit of bias might be as impossible as quitting this game for good is, but let’s try! I think I can explain. I enjoy it, really. But I don’t think you will.

Real player with 3744.6 hrs in game

Star Trek Online on Steam

Anarchy Online

Anarchy Online

I would definitely recomended this game, i used to play AO back in the days when it was freshly out etc i ended up playing for a lot longer than anticipated and have recently returned.

Over the years gaming has changed an awful lot, i have played almost all of the MMOs out there both old and new, but i have to say that AO is my favourite, i like the complexity the time it takes to do things and the mathematics to working out how i’m going to get those high level imps on at low level in order to equip my new belts, ncus, armour/weapons and ofcourse imps, the thing most people don’t seem to be aware of with AO is that the twinking aspect of it is extremely complex. Unlike other MMOs most bits you will find in AO are not level locked, like in WOW for example say your twinking at level 30 you can only equip “from level 30” items, however on AO you do not have this limit so all depending how good you are at maths and how willing you are to devote time to your toons you can make extraordinary twinks (which i love!).

Real player with 97.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Adventure Games.

Review Notes:

I played on the Steam client for 37.4 hrs, until I downloaded the New Engine from the Anarchy Online website. The New Engine is now my primary engine but it doesn’t count toward my steam hours. That said, I have about 100 hours in this game as of writing this review.

General Game Review:

I’ve never played an MMO that was so complex. If I had known of this game when it came out, I would have been playing it all along. However, I only learned about this game this year (2019).

Real player with 41.1 hrs in game

Anarchy Online on Steam

CSC | Space MMO

CSC | Space MMO

EDIT: 3/20/20 Since the time of this review, missions have been added, refineries have been added, crafting has been added with the ability to make modules and ships, and more. This is a ton of development in less than 6 months! There are tons of new things to do, and development is moving fast, both great signs. This is a game that takes patience and time, if you enjoy the factory/production type aspect of games, and if you like economics and space stuff, you will like this game. It is not for everyone but it is a gem for those who enjoy this type of game. A player economy on this scale is something special that really sets this apart from other games.

Real player with 1757.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Space Games.

UPDATE After 1500 hours played…

There now “gate campers” playing the game. These scumbags sit there and wait for players to travel through gates and then kill them when the come out the other side. Wouldn’t be such a big deal if the game developers didn’t purposely leave the players ship completely vulnerable to attack for about 10 seconds after coming out of a gate. Can’t equip shields, or counter attack. If you have hundreds of $$ worth of mods on your ship, you are shit out of luck, and you loose it all. Not only that, but you have to rebuy insurance for your ship, which can range from $5-$15 depending on your ship.

Real player with 1560.4 hrs in game

CSC | Space MMO on Steam

EVE Online

EVE Online

I can no longer in good faith recommend this game to anyone. It boasts of being a sandbox with ‘player-driven economy’ yet the devs keep putting their thumb on the scale with their artificial ‘resource shortages’ and contrived ‘loss mechanics’. I joined in 2015 during Citadel. They went from ‘we want you to own structures’ to ‘we want you to lose structures’ to ‘we want you to lose everything you own and be happy about it.’

EVE had been on my ‘to do’ list for years but I’d never gotten around to it before being busy with other games. I tried it, played the tutorial missions and, having done crafting for guildmates in previous mmos, almost immediately fell in love with industry. I’d dabble in pvp and missions from time to time but mining and building gave me the greatest enjoyment. I used to love building ships for friends. I’d GIVE friends ships. I started getting into reactions but stopped when every base I tried moving to kept getting blown up.

Real player with 11351.0 hrs in game

Just recently uninstalled, and boy was it tough to do. Like many people have already said, this game is not for everyone. I feel this game could’ve been for me, (And boy did I love it while it lasted…) but the devs and I just have different ideas… Which is what leads me to give the negative vote on this.

Here’s what’s been going on these past few updates:

If you’re not aware already, ganking is the art of attacking and killing unsuspecting people. So, EVE’s developers really like gankers. I don’t think they have ever made an official statement about it. Still, their updates and practices appear to reflect the theory. (Someone, please correct me if I’m wrong btw)

Real player with 2705.5 hrs in game

EVE Online on Steam

STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™

STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™

Having played this game for nearly 1000 hours now, here’s what I can say.

The good :

  • An incredible amount of content. Even if you’re not planning to subscribe, you still get access to 8 class stories, who take anywhere from 15 to 100 hours each depending on how fast you go through them and if you do side missions. Then there’s the usual MMORPG content, 4 man dungeons (called flashpoints), 16 man raids (operations) and world bosses all with different difficulty levels.

  • Quality of writing / storytelling. The story in this game is amazing and stands far above any other MMO I’ve played. It’s essentially high quality Bioware single player writing, but in an MMO. Some class stories stand out, like the Bond-esque Agent story, or the classic overpowered sith story of the warrior. Whoever you are, you’ll find a story that suits your style.

Real player with 1620.3 hrs in game

Here are 5 reasons why it is worth playing SWTOR in 2021!

1. Story Content

The best story content in the game are the 8 class stories from the original vanilla content. There is nothing like putting yourself in the shoes of a Sith or a Jedi or an Imperial Agent or a Smuggler.

If you haven’t played some of them or haven’t played them with a different gender or dark/light side combination or you haven’t tried to romance a particular companion, you should try (you can even now skip planetary arcs, as levels are irrelevant in single player content)

Real player with 650.0 hrs in game

STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ on Steam

Otherland MMO

Otherland MMO

I don’t often write reviews on steam, but there’s such a sea of Negative reviews for Otherland, I figure it’s worth putting in my two cents for people who are deciding whether to pick it up or not.

To begin, yes, there are absolutely issues with Otherland. The game still has a lot of bugs and some issues with combat and it’s unclear whether it’s going to get any further development. This review is of the game as it stands right now (though the game has a massive amount of potential with some more resources and work put into it).

Real player with 339.0 hrs in game

It’s true there are some problems with this game, such as some bugs and accuracy issues with combat. But what really does redeem the game is its extraordinary environment design. It’s surreal, atmospheric and unique, and definitely the most visually striking and memorable I have seen in any MMO. Given the very low player numbers it’s not going to be the best MMO gaming experience. But if you try the game with that expectation, there is still a lot to enjoy. Try exploring the neon lit Lambda Mall, with its flying cars and numerous theme bars (like the “Love Nurse Clinic”) buzzing with NPCs dancing in total silence, or the menacing cityscape of the “Bad Sector”. The open world areas are big, varied and full of interesting detail, like the jungle with its aggressive ladybirds the size of small cars, or the mountainous “8squared” area with its frequent blizzards, holographic grim reapers and giant chess pieces hovering ominously in the sky. It all feels weird and unsettling, like a 1960s film set in a nightmarish future. From what I’ve experienced so far, the gameplay feels almost secondary to the strange and haunting world in which it takes place. There may not be enough potential players left to make fixing the game’s remaining problems viable, which is a shame. In slightly better shape, it would provide a refreshing alternative to the tired medieval fantasy cliches of many MMOs. Even as it is, give me Otherland over any of the awful cookie cutter cash grab games that clutter the genre. If you are looking for another WoW you are going to be disappointed, but playing Otherland is still engaging and memorable because of its bizarre and visually stunning environment. It may have it’s flaws, but overall it’s a way better experience than the bad reviews here would suggest.

Real player with 259.0 hrs in game

Otherland MMO on Steam



(Just a note, Steam has the dates messed up because I had a previous review that I deleted. This review was actually posted on March 23 and has no relation to the previous review from January.)

Ryzom is a frustrating game for me.

This game is very, very flawed even just with its game design. There are bugs all over that need to be fixed, new player experience is atrocious with almost none of the game’s mechanics explained properly, the game’s engine is archaic, and a lot of its design is of questionable merit. There’s even some serious problems with racism and ableism in this game, plus the most absurdly sexualized costumes I’ve ever seen for female medium armor. Yet, in spite of all that, it really can be a very, very enjoyable game once you slog through learning all the mechanics. I genuinely like the core gameplay, as you can clearly see from my play time, which is actually at least a couple hundred hours less than my actual play time. I’ve had a lot of fun with this game.

Real player with 484.7 hrs in game

Ryzom is 12 years old and it shows. The game is beyond stable. (I don’t know if Steam supports it, but the game works great on Mac and Linux in addition to Windows.) I haven’t had any crashes in over 250 hours of play. The character/mob models look clunky and the landscape polygons seem over large by 2016 standards, but the game is colorful and vibrant. My 6 year old computer handles the highest settings just fine with FPS to spare. The community is the most mature, helpful and pleasant I’ve ever seen (and I’ve played 30+ MMOs in the last 20 years).

Real player with 467.5 hrs in game

Ryzom on Steam

The Repopulation

The Repopulation

Alright, I figured an vet player should prolly write a legit review so new players coming can see what good there is in this game.

I have been following Repop for 5 years now. A very long time. Next to SWG that is prolly the longest I have followed any other game. Obviously play time hasnt been that long because the game hasnt been up and playable that long. But I have over 700 hours played on steam and I played for longer than that on the old standalone client. So Im def a vet player. :D

The down and dirty: This game is in Alpha. It is not perfect. There are a lot of bugs and issues that need to be fixed still. A lot of that was due to lazy coding or even inexperienced coding and whatnot from the old team. The new team seems leagues above experience wise and it is their engine so I have faith a lot of these issues will be fixed. Before I touch into that lets touch base on a couple things to clear up some stuff with a bunch of the negative reviews and posts.

Real player with 805.8 hrs in game

over 500hrs on record, so I’m not a paid hyper. wish I was one though…hint hint

The game is in alpha, if you gripe about buggy stuff in betas, or full releases, stay away from this game in it’s current state. The game needs a lot of polish, and can, at times, rattle a nerve or two. However, the game is fully playable, has a great community, great staff, and great development team. You will almost certainly never see anything about thievery in the game. Arguments are generally quick, and allowed to vent themselves out. The whole atmosphere of the game is very helpful.

Real player with 603.1 hrs in game

The Repopulation on Steam

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis


After thousands of hours playing on JP since 2014 as a Solo Player, and already a thousands hours on NA (sadly once again as a Solo Player), I have come to give you this advice that you will desperately need:

Don’t feed your MAG till you do research

Don’t go to block 69 if you’re streaming Block 69 has been removed. RIP hentai lovers. (I think they are migrating to block 34 because you know…rule 34…)

Real player with 5841.5 hrs in game

The Review has been edited to an extent, I am only playing the game at this rate to collect game-time because this is the game with my highest playtime on steam. I have not done any content for weeks infact. I am even slowly losing interest in this aspect.

Edit 5: I am tired.

SEGA sent mmoloda C&D to tell them to take down all pictures they had that was taken INGAME, with INGAME fashion and INGAME poses.

Y-yeah, sell us fashion that you end up wanting us to take down, more $90 scratch rewards please!!!!

Real player with 3787.5 hrs in game

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis on Steam



EDIT: Only a bit more than a week after i posted this review and i can tell you to STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS GAME.

It’s clear now that the ones running the game are the same old korean Kakao that don’t give two fucks about the games longevity, just this week we’ve had a feature that was highly requested, a second mana tree page added in to the game, but guess what? It’s paywalled on the ruby shop! A second mana tree gives a big advantage for people who have both a mana tree for PvE and PvP, but that’s not all!

Real player with 778.2 hrs in game

Despite having over 350 hours on the game and having even spent a bit of money on the game, I still have to say this game is terrible for players that are trying to progress but cannot due to “RNG” literally gating players from getting any farther than those who are just lucky to “one tap” everything and progress in a couple of hours. There are two types of gear you can equip which are normal and Breakthrough. Normal gear on failure depending on stone can either downgrade 1 or 2 enhancements or just stay the same as before the enhancement but consuming an enhancement slot. Meanwhile Breakthrough gear upon failure is just bye bye to the piece you’re enhancing. I have definitely tried to enhance about 30+ break through gear pieces in the time span I have been playing and I want to try to love this game as it does have some nice things about it, but this one thing is literally preventing me from doing so. It doesn’t help that a break through off hand piece is required to have an extra skill slot which gives those who have it an advantage over those who don’t ( like me). There isn’t even a pity system for a guaranteed like +8 after like 50 failures or anything so you’re literally just screwed or have to go about living without breakthrough gear which is stupid. This game will continue to lose their player-base and die as time goes by unless this gets addressed, but it won’t knowing how the company works. But let’s be real, no one here wants to spend a month or more of their time to only be gated by “RNG” and never progress compared to those who can spend like 10 hours, do the same enhancing as you and literally surpass you in gear. After about almost a month, I am only 495 Item level meanwhile I know a friend of mine and other randoms who will one tap two or three pieces and are all around 520-550+ item level in way less time (about 1-2 weeks and less for the randoms). This is the only thing I will say that truly ruins this game that could be an amazing piece out there despite being a game that runs on UE3 and looks older or whatever. It has variety of things to do but if you can’t even progress past the early end game point cause of “RNG” then why even bother playing this game. In it’s current state I cannot recommend it to anyone at all unless you’re prepared to face disappointment with countless hours being poured into the game and only to realize your efforts were in vain as you watch it all disappear upon failures. Also doesn’t help that you don’t have many options to get purple breakthrough pieces so makes it even worse.

Real player with 682.1 hrs in game

ELYON on Steam