Crush Depth: U-Boat Simulator

Crush Depth: U-Boat Simulator

Disclaimer 26.04.2021 the reviewed game is subject to heavy changes and will soon be outdated because Crush depth receives everyday small updates and every thursday a larger one.

The Crush Depth: Tech-Demo currently just a tech demonstration and exactly only that this tech demo is not for the mainstream user who expect to have instant action and a quick gameplay. The game is in its very early construction and lets you see how a game gets developed from the bare bone up and you will get all updates and the finished game if you buy it this demo.

Real player with 30.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best MMORPG Wargame Games.

“He who wants to be victorious on the sea must always attack!” - From The Submarine Commander’s Handbook, 1943.

Though there is much, much left to be done, and heavy optimization that needs to be done with what is already in play(the frames on modern hardware are not great), nonetheless what is already here should prove to be quite interesting for anyone who takes the risk and plunges in, as I did.

Crush Depth is not a game that holds your hand: It is a game that expects you to learn how to operate a U-boat, and to do so properly and effectively. I was under the false impression that the U-boat was not currently able to move–I was proven wrong a little while ago when a kind fellow of the community showed me how the engine worked in the museum exhibit that you can train on. I had to learn myself how to work the electric engine by looking at the valves that existed and doing what I thought was the way, and sure enough it was.

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

Crush Depth: U-Boat Simulator on Steam

God’s Domain

God’s Domain

God’s Domain is a massively multiplayer virtual reality open world game made to give people a separate reality to escape their lives to.The game is full of fantasy elements and it is a great place to go have fun with your friends and family while you level up your character, obtain new skills, discover new races and classes and explore the virtual world.


-Online PvP & Co-op gameplay-

Defeat other players for rewards or work together to slay enemies and bosses.

Read More: Best MMORPG Adventure Games.

God's Domain on Steam



Welcome to MASD!

The main goal is to survive at all costs!

Collect resources, make friends, fight, build shelters and craft weapons. All this and more is waiting for you here in MASD!

All activities in MASD will bring your character a valuable gaming experience. The higher level your character reach, the more game features and locations are available to you.

Don’t forget about trading with other players to earn valuable coins, which you can spend on resources or new equipment.

Read More: Best MMORPG Arena Shooter Games.

MASD on Steam



EDIT: Only a bit more than a week after i posted this review and i can tell you to STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS GAME.

It’s clear now that the ones running the game are the same old korean Kakao that don’t give two fucks about the games longevity, just this week we’ve had a feature that was highly requested, a second mana tree page added in to the game, but guess what? It’s paywalled on the ruby shop! A second mana tree gives a big advantage for people who have both a mana tree for PvE and PvP, but that’s not all!

Real player with 778.2 hrs in game

Despite having over 350 hours on the game and having even spent a bit of money on the game, I still have to say this game is terrible for players that are trying to progress but cannot due to “RNG” literally gating players from getting any farther than those who are just lucky to “one tap” everything and progress in a couple of hours. There are two types of gear you can equip which are normal and Breakthrough. Normal gear on failure depending on stone can either downgrade 1 or 2 enhancements or just stay the same as before the enhancement but consuming an enhancement slot. Meanwhile Breakthrough gear upon failure is just bye bye to the piece you’re enhancing. I have definitely tried to enhance about 30+ break through gear pieces in the time span I have been playing and I want to try to love this game as it does have some nice things about it, but this one thing is literally preventing me from doing so. It doesn’t help that a break through off hand piece is required to have an extra skill slot which gives those who have it an advantage over those who don’t ( like me). There isn’t even a pity system for a guaranteed like +8 after like 50 failures or anything so you’re literally just screwed or have to go about living without breakthrough gear which is stupid. This game will continue to lose their player-base and die as time goes by unless this gets addressed, but it won’t knowing how the company works. But let’s be real, no one here wants to spend a month or more of their time to only be gated by “RNG” and never progress compared to those who can spend like 10 hours, do the same enhancing as you and literally surpass you in gear. After about almost a month, I am only 495 Item level meanwhile I know a friend of mine and other randoms who will one tap two or three pieces and are all around 520-550+ item level in way less time (about 1-2 weeks and less for the randoms). This is the only thing I will say that truly ruins this game that could be an amazing piece out there despite being a game that runs on UE3 and looks older or whatever. It has variety of things to do but if you can’t even progress past the early end game point cause of “RNG” then why even bother playing this game. In it’s current state I cannot recommend it to anyone at all unless you’re prepared to face disappointment with countless hours being poured into the game and only to realize your efforts were in vain as you watch it all disappear upon failures. Also doesn’t help that you don’t have many options to get purple breakthrough pieces so makes it even worse.

Real player with 682.1 hrs in game

ELYON on Steam

Gloria Victis: Medieval MMORPG

Gloria Victis: Medieval MMORPG


Don’t let yourself be fooled by “the average steam review” rating, a lot of positive reviews come from players with 60 hours or even less (surely not enough to really see all the mechanics of the game, let alone fully understand them and see all the flaws), I’ve also seen a lot of negative reviews “mysteriously disappear”.

I’m fairly convinced that the right “average steam review” rating for this game should be “Mixed” or even lower.


-It has (HAD imho) a huge potential, could have been a gaming milestone in the hands of a better development team

Real player with 2981.0 hrs in game

Basic Review

  1. The devs seem competent, as proven by the fact that they made a game in Unity that could have smooth large battles of ~200 players at the same battle site, even if the battle site is a castle!

  2. The devs either lack experience at managing an MMO or they want to manage their MMO the way they do. Specifically; a) the game is borderline pay2win and may become more so in the future, b) when a studio is making money from a cash shop and not the content of the game, we end up with an MMO that lacks content. Unless future expansions are also buy2play (GW2 model), then Gloria Victis will end up like SWTOR. That said, the game for the time period I played it (December 18 - August 19) received multiple content additions, c) some items at the cash shop (specifically the nation transfers) create problems for the community and balancing between nations.

Real player with 1905.1 hrs in game

Gloria Victis: Medieval MMORPG on Steam

Ancient Siberia

Ancient Siberia

EDITED (3.21.2018) Wonder why the reviews are Mixed? Should I say “told you so”, or is it too soon?

This failed project they call a game has SO many bugs because the frauds, I mean “developers”, have almost no time testing their own products. The game has been out for a month and a half and 2 of the devs ONLY have a combined of 20 hours on the actual game.

As an Android and Facebook app developer, I spend insane amounts of time testing my products. The only way I can figure out how to fix my products are by spending time testing them out.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

This game says it’s in Beta… How did it make it through Alpha? I cant play more then 5 minutes it seems before Im stuck on a horse that wont move with no way to dismount, or bugged in a way to all my character will do is run around (no jumping or action such as weapon swings or gathering attempts). This is, or course, the few times where the main menu doesnt give an unknown error and the menu itself disappear leaving only the background showing with no option but to force the game closed. Early Access sure. but when you cant even walk around and click things without it breaking… it shouldnt have even been released to anyone. It only takes 5 mins to play your own game outside of Unity to know its not close enough.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Ancient Siberia on Steam



I stumbled upon this game while taking a look through early access titles. The first thing that caught my eye was that it is survival. The second thing that really peaked my curiosity was spiri animals. What, are you kidding me?! Who does that?! How could that work?! Well, let me tell you, I was immediately engrossed in the visually pleasing artistry and placement of all the points of interest giving it a realistic feel which we all try to find in these MMO’s. You can roam this huge map for hours and you’ll see something new every time. There is always something to do as in any survival game, it’s hard not to get distracted! Weather you like solo play or group play, pvp or pve, exploring or building, this is the game for you! The Developers are always interactive and enjoy playing right along side even the newbies so you don’t need to be a high lvl to be noticed! Now, with that said, I won’t go into obvious details which every new game, especially early access, about what I don’t like about Spirit Animal Survival because negatives are to be expected and my likes, or loves rather, outweigh the things that are still being worked on. It is, after all, a work in progress. Look, all I’m trying to say is, stop reading this already and come in, enjoy some great company with friendly people and have some fun! If you’re waiting for the invite, well, this is it! Don’t hesitate, I hear the sale price will be ending soon! Also wanted to add, if you’re concerned with the minimum requirements, I know it says min i5, I’m running an i3 with the only real issues being in the loading and shutting down, the game play is practically flawless! Don’t let that be what scared you away, let it be that big bad T-Rex that one shot you!

Real player with 85.4 hrs in game

Before I write my thoughts, I saw someone post false information that I’d like to correct. You actually CAN report bugs without having to use a 3rd party chat software called Discord. There is a big box in the main menu (as seen in one of the videos above) that clearly states you can report bugs by contacting them via their email at - if the forum or Discord is not your way to go, there is always that solution for you.

Now on to my actual thoughts of this game in its current state! Spirit Animal Survival (SAS) is another survival game with some unique elements in it. The features you expect in a survival game are there, you need to go get resources, craft and build, while trying to stay alive by eating, drinking and not letting others/animals kill you. You got to do a bit of grinding but that’s part of the games in this genre. The most unique feature of the game is that you can transform/morph into a spirit animal. There is a bunch of them and all of them have their own attacks/features. This does set the game apart from other survival games that I have played. You can see how this work in the videos above.

Real player with 84.0 hrs in game

SAS on Steam

Engine Evolution 2021

Engine Evolution 2021

This game is very nice. Despite there are some bugs and glitches (as it is an Early-Access-Game) is is nicely made. There is an functional Multiplayer Mode, an Practice mode where you can train your times, multiple Techtrees from different countries to research and buy bikes, and an custom race room where you can (when you are the owner of the room) decide, on which track you can play, which mode you want to play (Race or qualifying) and how long you want to play. There are multiple Events a week and is easy to play.

Real player with 204.3 hrs in game

TLDR 7/10 (if ther’s nice group of players 10/10)

Super fun if u find 2-3 decent players in lobby.

AI drivers suck but is of no too big issue for grinding upgrades, learning tracks etc.

Don’t give up before T5 as bikes get less twitchy some like BMW even before.

If u have controller use it as analog controls make big difference(keys still work fine though).

Most tracks are nice and fluid.

Bikes look like their real counterparts but driving characteristics are imaginary and its perfectly ok for an arcade racer(germany-fast but hevy slow turners, japan-allrounders, italy-very manuverable but slower etc.)

Real player with 73.6 hrs in game

Engine Evolution 2021 on Steam

Naval Action

I have almost 6k hours and belong to a wonderful and very successful community in the game. I actively played and tested almost all content in the game. You can assume that I might know what I am talking about.

I am fan of historical simulation war games. Enjoying Totalwar series for years and particularly attracted to age of sail games thanks to Pirate of Burning Sea. Naval Action is the only successor in the market for this genre now. That is the main reason I had big hopes and enthusiasm toward the game and still playing till another come, mainly sticking with my friends.

Real player with 6996.5 hrs in game

As much as I would love to see a game like this succeed, I must recommend that you avoid spending money on this game right now. If you are interested, I suggest you wait till it releases and watch the reviews then. Let me explain why.

I have many more hours in this game then is posted in my steam information. I was a closed alpha, pre steam, tester. At the time their was a small group of Russian or Euro testers that numbered, less than 50 as far as I can tell. The second batch of testers, another 50ish, included many Americans. I was one of those testers. I believe that was in early 2014 or 2015. Either way, I have been involved in this game from closed alpha, to early access, to sea trials, to open world going on years now.

Real player with 2762.1 hrs in game

Naval Action on Steam



(Just a note, Steam has the dates messed up because I had a previous review that I deleted. This review was actually posted on March 23 and has no relation to the previous review from January.)

Ryzom is a frustrating game for me.

This game is very, very flawed even just with its game design. There are bugs all over that need to be fixed, new player experience is atrocious with almost none of the game’s mechanics explained properly, the game’s engine is archaic, and a lot of its design is of questionable merit. There’s even some serious problems with racism and ableism in this game, plus the most absurdly sexualized costumes I’ve ever seen for female medium armor. Yet, in spite of all that, it really can be a very, very enjoyable game once you slog through learning all the mechanics. I genuinely like the core gameplay, as you can clearly see from my play time, which is actually at least a couple hundred hours less than my actual play time. I’ve had a lot of fun with this game.

Real player with 484.7 hrs in game

Ryzom is 12 years old and it shows. The game is beyond stable. (I don’t know if Steam supports it, but the game works great on Mac and Linux in addition to Windows.) I haven’t had any crashes in over 250 hours of play. The character/mob models look clunky and the landscape polygons seem over large by 2016 standards, but the game is colorful and vibrant. My 6 year old computer handles the highest settings just fine with FPS to spare. The community is the most mature, helpful and pleasant I’ve ever seen (and I’ve played 30+ MMOs in the last 20 years).

Real player with 467.5 hrs in game

Ryzom on Steam